M. - ebooki
Tytuły autora: M. dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Azure for Architects. Create secure, scalable, high-availability applications on the cloud - Third Edition
Miejsce przy stole. Przywództwo w IT w czasach Agile
Hands-On Natural Language Processing with PyTorch 1.x. Build smart, AI-driven linguistic applications using deep learning and NLP techniques
Building Event-Driven Microservices
Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch
Hands-On Python Natural Language Processing. Explore tools and techniques to analyze and process text with a view to building real-world NLP applications
Migrating to AWS: A Manager's Guide. How to Foster Agility, Reduce Costs, and Bring a Competitive Edge to Your Business
Od monolitu do mikrousług. Ewolucyjne wzorce przekształcania systemów monolitycznych
Czysty Agile. Powrót do podstaw
Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook. Build and monitor Azure applications hosted on serverless architecture using Azure functions - Third Edition
Creative Projects for Rust Programmers. Build exciting projects on domains such as web apps, WebAssembly, games, and parsing
Practical Data Analysis Using Jupyter Notebook. Learn how to speak the language of data by extracting useful and actionable insights using Python
Amazon Web Services. Podstawy korzystania z chmury AWS
Uczenie maszynowe w Pythonie. Leksykon kieszonkowy
Rozwój oprogramowania w praktyce. Projektowy przewodnik po podstawach w języku Java
40 Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know. Hone your problem-solving skills by learning different algorithms and their implementation in Python
Implementing Azure DevOps Solutions. Learn about Azure DevOps Services to successfully apply DevOps strategies
Azure Strategy and Implementation Guide. Up-to-date information for organizations new to Azure - Third Edition
Practical Ansible 2. Automate infrastructure, manage configuration, and deploy applications with Ansible 2.9
SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines. A hands-on guide to provisioning Microsoft SQL Server on Azure VMs
Python. Instrukcje dla programisty. Wydanie II
Jakarta EE Cookbook. Practical recipes for enterprise Java developers to deliver large scale applications with Jakarta EE - Second Edition
Python Automation Cookbook. 75 Python automation recipes for web scraping; data wrangling; and Excel, report, and email processing - Second Edition
Kubernetes. Tworzenie natywnych aplikacji działających w chmurze
Uczenie głębokie od zera. Podstawy implementacji w Pythonie
Hands-On Web Penetration Testing with Metasploit. The subtle art of using Metasploit 5.0 for web application exploitation
Amazon Web Services w akcji. Wydanie II
Kubernetes. Wzorce projektowe. Komponenty wielokrotnego użycia do projektowania natywnych aplikacji chmurowych
React 16. Framework dla profesjonalistów
Mastering AWS CloudFormation. Plan, develop, and deploy your cloud infrastructure effectively using AWS CloudFormation
High Performance Python. 2nd Edition
Learn C# Programming. A guide to building a solid foundation in C# language for writing efficient programs
React and React Native. A complete hands-on guide to modern web and mobile development with React.js - Third Edition
The AI Ladder. Accelerate Your Journey to AI
TypeScript: Skuteczne programowanie
Jakość oprogramowania. Podręcznik dla profesjonalistów
Kompletny przewodnik po DAX, wyd. 2 rozszerzone. Analiza biznesowa przy użyciu Microsoft Power BI, SQL Server Analysis Services i Excel
Full-Stack React Projects. Learn MERN stack development by building modern web apps using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js - Second Edition
Network Automation Cookbook. Proven and actionable recipes to automate and manage network devices using Ansible
Go. Rusz głową!
Interactive Data Visualization with Python. Present your data as an effective and compelling story - Second Edition
Distributed Tracing in Practice. Instrumenting, Analyzing, and Debugging Microservices
Knative Cookbook. Building Effective Serverless Applications with Kubernetes and OpenShift
Modelowanie systemów informatycznych w języku UML 2.1
C#. Zacznij programować!
Mobile Deep Learning with TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit and Flutter. Build scalable real-world projects to implement end-to-end neural networks on Android and iOS
Django 3 By Example. Build powerful and reliable Python web applications from scratch - Third Edition
Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business. Exploring the applications, challenges, and collision of quantum computing and blockchain
Hands-On Exploratory Data Analysis with Python. Perform EDA techniques to understand, summarize, and investigate your data
Hands-On Machine Learning with ML.NET. Getting started with Microsoft ML.NET to implement popular machine learning algorithms in C#
OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints. Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3 - Second Edition
Programming AWS Lambda. Build and Deploy Serverless Applications with Java
Flask. Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych w Pythonie. Wydanie II
Programowanie funkcyjne
Skuteczny nowoczesny C++
Artificial Intelligence By Example. Acquire advanced AI, machine learning, and deep learning design skills - Second Edition
Learning RxJava. Build concurrent applications using reactive programming with the latest features of RxJava 3 - Second Edition
Software Engineering at Google. Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time
The Supervised Learning Workshop. Predict outcomes from data by building your own powerful predictive models with machine learning in Python - Second Edition
Wzorce projektowe w .NET. Projektowanie zorientowane obiektowo z wykorzystaniem C# i F#
Java. Techniki zaawansowane. Wydanie XI
Myślenie obiektowe w programowaniu. Wydanie V
SAP on Azure Implementation Guide. Move your business data to the cloud
Learning OpenCV 4 Computer Vision with Python 3. Get to grips with tools, techniques, and algorithms for computer vision and machine learning - Third Edition
Practical C Programming. Solutions for modern C developers to create efficient and well-structured programs
F#. Zadania z funkcyjnego i imperatywnego programowania z przykładowymi rozwiązaniami
The C++ Workshop. Learn to write clean, maintainable code in C++ and advance your career in software engineering
Programowanie w Pythonie dla bystrzaków. Wydanie II
Algorytmy dla bystrzaków
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On. Apply modern RL methods to practical problems of chatbots, robotics, discrete optimization, web automation, and more - Second Edition
Mastering Python Networking. Your one-stop solution to using Python for network automation, programmability, and DevOps - Third Edition
The Data Science Workshop. A New, Interactive Approach to Learning Data Science
Fundamentals of Software Architecture. An Engineering Approach
iOS 13 Programming for Beginners. Get started with building iOS apps with Swift 5 and Xcode 11 - Fourth Edition
Full Stack Development with JHipster. Build full stack applications and microservices with Spring Boot and modern JavaScript frameworks - Second Edition
Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia. Proven solutions to common problems in software design for Julia 1.x
Docker. Wydajność i optymalizacja pracy aplikacji. Wydanie II
Język ANSI C. Programowanie. Wydanie II
Hands-On Reinforcement Learning for Games. Implementing self-learning agents in games using artificial intelligence techniques
Excel tylko dla księgowych Zeszyt 1
Excel tylko dla księgowych Zeszyt 2
C# 8 and .NET Core 3 Projects Using Azure. Build professional desktop, mobile, and web applications that meet modern software requirements - Second Edition
Concurrency with Modern C++. What every professional C++ programmer should know about concurrency
The C++ Standard Library. What every professional C++ programmer should know about the C++ standard library. - Second Edition
The Go Workshop. Learn to write clean, efficient code and build high-performance applications with Go
Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras. Regression, ConvNets, GANs, RNNs, NLP, and more with TensorFlow 2 and the Keras API - Second Edition
Hands-On RESTful Web Services with ASP.NET Core 3. Design production-ready, testable, and flexible RESTful APIs for web applications and microservices
The Complete Edition - Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems. A software engineering perspective toward designing real-time systems
Hands-On Neuroevolution with Python. Build high-performing artificial neural network architectures using neuroevolution-based algorithms
ROS Robotics Projects. Build and control robots powered by the Robot Operating System, machine learning, and virtual reality - Second Edition
Język C++ i przetwarzanie współbieżne w akcji. Wydanie II
Hands-On Cloud-Native Applications with Java and Quarkus. Build high performance, Kubernetes-native Java serverless applications
Python for DevOps. Learn Ruthlessly Effective Automation
Python Machine Learning. Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2 - Third Edition
Migrating Applications to the Cloud with Azure. Re-architect and rebuild your applications using cloud-native technologies
Data Science. Programowanie, analiza i wizualizacja danych z wykorzystaniem języka R
Cloud Native Transformation. Practical Patterns for Innovation
Zostań architektem oprogramowania
Real-World Software Development. A Project-Driven Guide to Fundamentals in Java
Learn Microsoft PowerApps. Build customized business applications without writing any code
Think Java. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. 2nd Edition
Java. Podstawy. Wydanie XI
Mastering Delphi Programming: A Complete Reference Guide. Learn all about building fast, scalable, and high performing applications with Delphi
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook. Over 80 recipes on how to implement machine learning algorithms for building security systems using Python
Przyspieszenie. Lean i DevOps w rozwoju firm technologicznych
Zrozumieć Excela. VBA - makra i funkcje
Hands-On Docker for Microservices with Python. Design, deploy, and operate a complex system with multiple microservices using Docker and Kubernetes
Mastering Azure Serverless Computing. A practical guide to building and deploying enterprise-grade serverless applications using Azure Functions
C# 7.0. Kompletny przewodnik dla praktyków. Wydanie VI
Monolith to Microservices. Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith
The Python Workshop. Learn to code in Python and kickstart your career in software development or data science
Programowanie w języku Rust. Wydajność i bezpieczeństwo
Advanced C++. Master the technique of confidently writing robust C++ code
C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 - Modern Cross-Platform Development. Build applications with C#, .NET Core, Entity Framework Core, ASP.NET Core, and ML.NET using Visual Studio Code - Fourth Edition
Learn Odoo. A beginner's guide to designing, configuring, and customizing business applications with Odoo
Programming in C#: Exam 70-483 (MCSD) Guide. Learn basic to advanced concepts of C#, including C# 8, to pass Microsoft MCSD 70-483 exam
Digital Transformation Game Plan. 34 Tenets for Masterfully Merging Technology and Business
Programista na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej
Learning DevOps. The complete guide to accelerate collaboration with Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform and Azure DevOps
Mastering pandas. A complete guide to pandas, from installation to advanced data analysis techniques - Second Edition