M. - ebooki
Tytuły autora: M. dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Raspberry Pi 3 is a tiny affordable chip used to learn and program through interactive projects. It has gained a lot of traction as the first choice in single-board computers due to its versatility. It extends a wide range of support to Python programming. This recipe-based guide will allow you to showcase the capabilities of Raspberry Pi 3.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
React 16 Tooling covers the most important tools, utilities, and libraries that every React developer needs to know — in detail. These will make your development life simpler and happier, enabling you to create better and more performant apps.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Niniejsza książka przyda się zarówno użytkownikom, jak i administratorom systemów uniksowych. Znalazły się tu receptury opisujące wykonywanie prostych czynności, takich jak wyszukiwanie plików, a także złożonych zadań administracyjnych, w tym monitorowania i dostosowywania systemu, obsługi sieci, bezpieczeństwa i korzystania z chmury. Nie zabrakło- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 44 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
44.50 zł
89.00 zł (-50%) -
Nowe technologie / Biznes Zastanawiasz się jak i dlaczego technologie mobilne mogą wesprzeć prowadzenie biznesu? Jakie są najnowsze trendy? Jak wymyślić aplikację odpowiadającą na potrzeby użytkownika i dlaczego warto tworzyć makiety funkcjonalne? Idealnie trafiłeś trzymasz w rękach książkę, która odpowie na wszystkie te pytania!- ePub + Mobi 31 pkt
(24,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
31.92 zł
39.90 zł (-20%) -
Python comes with many libraries and tools that help you work on geoprocessing tasks without investing in expensive tools. This book introduces you to new libraries that perform geospatial and statistical analysis and data management. It uses examples that explain how Python v3 differs from v2, and solve age-old problems in geospatial analysis.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book helps machine learning professionals in developing AutoML systems that can be utilized to build ML solutions. This book covers the necessary foundations and shows the most practical ways possible to get to speed with regards to creating AutoML modules.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Developing, deploying, and operating cloud applications should be as easy as local applications. This should be the governing principle behind any cloud platform, library, or tool. Spring Cloud makes it easy to develop JVM applications for the cloud. In this book, we introduce you to Spring Cloud and help you master its features.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Python is an easy-to-learn and cross-platform programming language which has unlimited third-party libraries. Plenty of open source hacking tools are written in Python and can be easily integrated within your script. This book is divided into clear bite-size chunks so you can learn at your own pace and focus on the areas of most interest to you. Yo- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Performance tuning for real-world applications often involves activities geared towards finding bottlenecks, however this alone cannot solve the dreaded problem of slow code. If you want to improve the speed of your code and optimize the performance of your apps, then this book is for you.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book is a useful resource to perform data visualization with Python using the latest version of Matplotlib (2.1.x). You will create a variety of graphs and charts, and embed your plots within different third party tools. By the end of the book, you will build attractive, insightful and powerful visualizations to make better sense of your data.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
JSON is an established and standard format used to exchange data. This book shows how JSON plays different roles in full web development through examples. By the end of this book, you'll have a new perspective on providing solutions for your applications and handling their complexities.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Serverless architectures allow you to build and run applications and services without having to manage the infrastructure. Many companies have adopted this architecture to save cost and improve scalability. This book will help you design serverless architectures for your applications with AWS and Python.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Organizations have started to adapt to hybrid cloud solutions in order to leverage advantages such as untested workloads, cloud-bursting, cloud service brokering, and more. The major goal of this book is to help developers maximize their existing skills and overcome the complexities of developing flexible and unified apps on the cloud.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Solidity is a new contract-oriented programming language popular for creating smart contracts and distributed applications. Writing smart contracts targeting Ethereum and other blockchain platforms is an emerging skill. This book will enable you to write robust, secure, object-oriented contracts that extend blockchain with business functionality.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Data structures allow organizing data efficiently. Their suitable implementation can provide a complete solution that acts like reusable code. In this book, you will learn how to use various data structures while developing in the C# language as well as how to implement some of the most common algorithms used with such data structures.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Shell scripting is a quick method to prototype a complex application or a problem by automating tasks when working on Linux-based systems. This book will make use of both simple one-line commands and command sequences and complex problems can be solved with ease, from text processing to backing up sysadmin tools.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Immerse yourself in the fundamentals of game design. Are you are looking to take the creative lead and make better game designs faster? Then you have come to the right place. The book builds up the basics of game design one simple piece at a time. Written by two highly experienced industry professionals, this book will give real insights and valuab- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Jak geometria kształtuje linię pomocy FC Barcelony? Co łączy kolonię mrówek i holenderski futbol totalny? Na ile wynik meczu zależy od przypadku? Jak teoria prawdopodobieństwa może ci pomóc u bukmachera? Piłka nożna to najbardziej matematyczny ze sportów. Od statystyk strzałów i ligowych tabel do geometrii p- ePub + Mobi 35 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
35.93 zł
49.90 zł (-28%) -
Zarządzanie konfiguracją oprogramowania w systemach sieciowych jest niebanalnym zadaniem. Nawet zwykła aktualizacja czy wdrożenie nowego oprogramowania mogą się skończyć katastrofą, zwłaszcza w przypadku serwerów pracujących pod kontrolą systemów Linux czy Unix. Konieczność pilnowania ustawień w wielu różnych plikach konfiguracyjnych, z których każ- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 29 pkt
(19,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
29.49 zł
59.00 zł (-50%) -
Wśród wielu obiektowych języków programowania C# zajmuje miejsce szczególne. Ma przejrzystą strukturę, jasne zasady i jest wciąż rozwijany. Nie znajdziesz wygodniejszego narzędzia programistycznego dla platformy .NET. C# sprawdza się w najróżniejszych projektach, a jego zalety sprawiają, że jest to język niezwykle popularny. Jeśli znasz podstawy te- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 24 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.50 zł
49.00 zł (-50%) -
I właśnie ta książka Ci to ułatwi. Dzięki niej zaczniesz orientować się w świecie szybko zmieniających się technologii przetwarzania i przechowywania danych. Znajdziesz tu przykłady skutecznych systemów spełniających wymogi skalowalności, wydajności i niezawodności. Zapoznasz się z wewnętrznymi mechanizmami tych systemów, analizami najważniejszych- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 59 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
59.50 zł
119.00 zł (-50%) -
Serverless applications and architectures are gaining momentum and are increasingly being used by companies of all sizes. For good reason, serverless-based applications handle many of the problems developers face when running systems and servers such as fault-tolerance, centralized logging, horizontal scalability, and deployments, to name a few. Ad- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Książka poświęcona jest rozważaniom nad możliwością szerszego zastosowania praktycznych równań transportowych Kedem-Katchalskyego (K-K) w przypadku, gdy transport rozpuszczalnika i substancji rozpuszczonej odbywa się przez membranę jednorodną pod wpływem działania dwóch bodźców termodynamicznych: różnicy ciśnienia osmotycznego i różnicy ciśnienia(23,02 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.92 zł
29.90 zł (-20%) -
React and Firebase are just the right match to build real-time applications. This book covers essentials for React, Redux, and Firebase. You’ll learn to design, create and maintain professional apps, as well as share practical insights that include basic to advanced examples; from hello world to real-time seat booking and location tracking a- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Java EE is a collection of technologies and APIs to support Enterprise Application development. The choice of what to use and when can be dauntingly complex for any developer. This book will help you master this. Packed with easy to follow recipes, this is your guide to becoming productive with Java EE 8.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 is a robotics platform that allows enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels to prototype their own smart robots. This book will walk you through six EV3 projects that demonstrate engineering concepts used in real world smart robots, which will help you master the EV3 and develop the skills necessary to build your own smart EV3 r- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Jednak nie wystarczy być po prostu obecnym w social mediach. Dziś trzeba się w nich poruszać bardzo świadomie, zdawać sobie sprawę z tego, jakie cele chce się za ich pośrednictwem osiągać — zwiększyć sprzedaż, budować wizerunek (i jaki), co i jak komunikować, by osiągnąć oczekiwany efekt, w jaki sposób reagować na ewentualne kryzysy.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3
- Druk 21 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.95 zł
39.90 zł (-45%) -
When you’re working with CSS and need an answer now, this concise yet comprehensive quick reference provides the essential information you need. Revised and updated for CSS3, this fifth edition is ideal for intermediate to advanced web designers and developers.You’ll find a short introduction to the key concepts of CSS and alphabetical- ePub + Mobi 55 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
55.24 zł
69.90 zł (-21%) -
Trudno dziś poważnie myśleć o programowaniu bez porządnej znajomości języka Java. Aplikacje pisane w Javie są wykorzystywane w najróżniejszych okolicznościach, a sam język doskonale nadaje się także do zastosowań sieciowych. Jeśli zetknąłeś się już z tym językiem, znasz jego podstawowe elementy i nie jest Ci całkiem obce środowisko programistyczne- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 12 pkt
(9,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
12.45 zł
24.90 zł (-50%) -
Advanced Node.js Development takes your Node.js skills to the next level. The book is based on the latest release of Node (9.x) and covers advanced topics, such as building real-time web apps with Socket.IO, and reactive, asyncronous apps with Async and Await. You don't need to have read the first book in the series; any developer who knows the bas- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
This book introduces the core concepts of deep learning. Get implementation and research details on cutting-edge architectures and apply advanced concepts to your own projects. Develop your knowledge of deep neural networks through hands-on model building and examples of real-world data collection.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
If you want to develop faster and smarter cloud application, then WildFly is at your rescue. The book will teach you how to use WildFly Swarm and OpenShift to develop and deploy your applications in cloud environment emphasizing the benefits of those solutions: right-sizing the application, easy development and release process, on-demand scaling, e- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Are you a mobile developer or a web developer who is looking to create immersive and cool Augmented Reality apps with the latest Google ARCore platform? This book will help you to jump right into developing with ARCore and help you create a step by step AR app with it easily. This book will teach you to implement the core features of ARCore startin- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Blockchain is a distributed database that enables permanent, transparent, and secure storage of data. The blockchain technology is the backbone of cryptocurrency and it is gaining popularity with people who work in the finance, government, and arts sectors. This book is an up-to-date, one-stop guide to this leading technology and its implementation- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book presents unique techniques to conquer different Big Data processing and analytics challenges using Hadoop. Practical examples are provided to boost your understanding of Big Data concepts and their implementation. By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge and skills you need to become a true Big Data expert.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
This book contains practical recipes on troubleshooting a data communications network. This second version of the book focuses on Wireshark 2, which has already gained a lot of traction due to the enhanced features that it offers to users. By the end of this book, you’ll know how to analyze the traffic, find patterns of various offending tra- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
IT Asset Management (ITAM) supports life cycle management and strategic decision making for an IT environment.This book is a detailed IT Asset Management (ITAM) guidebook with real-world templates that can be converted into working ITAM documents. It is a step-by-step IT asset management manual for the newbies as well as the seasoned ITAM veterans,- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Continuous deployment and Agile methodology have enabled huge advances in modern applications. This book will enable the reader to make use of this rapidly evolving technology to build highly scalable applications within AWS using different architectures.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book will help you implement Splunk 7's new services and will show you how to utilize them to quickly and efficiently process machine-generated big data. You will explore Splunk Cloud and the Machine Learning Toolkit and use them with ease throughout your organization. By the end of the book, you will have learned to implement these services i- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Oto Franek Runtime skompromitowany eks-komisarz, bezduszny detektyw, ekspert poszukiwań. Gdy komenda główna policji zostaje obrabowana, to Franek Runtime i jego niezwykłe umiejętności pozwolą schwytać winnych. W tym opowiadaniu kryminalnym dowiesz się jak korzystać z narzędzi algorytmicznych, aby rozwiązać sprawę. Franek Runtime binarnie prz- ePub + Mobi 51 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
51.20 zł
64.00 zł (-20%) -
Today's world is all about perfection, and there are hundreds of applications that are released each day out of which only a few succeed. Making sure that the app looks, performs, and behaves as expected is one of the biggest challenge developers face today.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Mozilla’s Rust is gaining much attention with amazing features and a powerful library. This book will take you through varied recipes to teach you how to leverage the Standard library to implement effective solutions.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book will help you understand the fundamentals of seven of the most popular NoSQL databases. You will see how the functionalities of each of them differ, while still giving you the same result - a database solution with speed, high performance, and accuracy.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week. Get up and running with the fundamentals and functionalities of seven of the most popular NoSQL databases
Aaron Ploetz, Devram Kandhare, Sudarshan Kadambi, Xun (Brian) Wu
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
This book will uncover the new features in Splunk 7 along with the best practices. You will learn to build navigable search operations, perform intuitive statistical analysis and design visually appealing dashboards for your IT infrastructure. With practical scenarios, you'll be able to design cohesive Splunk apps and deploy it to Splunk cloud.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
Splunk 7 Essentials. Demystify machine data by leveraging datasets, building reports, and sharing powerful insights - Third Edition
J-P Contreras, Steven Koelpin, Erickson Delgado, Betsy Page Sigman
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
.NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platform and open source implementation of .NET. With the latest release of .NET Core, more APIs are expected to show up, which will make APIs consistent across .NET Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin. This guide will teach you the essential .NET Core and C# concepts with the help of real-world projects- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
In the current market, enterprise organizations are moving rapidly towards the cloud infrastructure because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness. Hence, it has become extremely important to have a security framework in place. Automating security functions will play a key role when it comes to cloud governance. This book supplies best security- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) helps in automating business processes using software robots. This book explores how robotic processes and intelligent automation tools can help businesses improve the effectiveness of services faster and at a lower cost than current methods. You’ll even cover one of the most popular RPA tools, UiPath.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
PostGIS is a spatial database that integrates the advanced storage and analysis of vector and raster data, and is remarkably flexible and powerful. If you want to explore the complete range of PostGIS techniques and expose the related extensions, then this book is for you.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
PostGIS Cookbook. Store, organize, manipulate, and analyze spatial data - Second Edition
Pedro Wightman, Bborie Park, Stephen Vincent Mather, Thomas Kraft, Mayra Zurbarán
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Sometimes it's difficult to get the best performance out of Rust. This book teaches you how to optimize the speed of your Rust code to the level of languages such as C/C++. You'll understand and fix common pitfalls, learn how to improve your productivity by using metaprogramming, and speed up your code by concurrently executing parts of it safely a- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book is your guide to master deep learning with TensorFlow, with the help of 10 real-world projects. You will train high-performance models in TensorFlow to generate captions for images automatically, predict stocks' performance, create intelligent chatbots, perform large-scale text classification, develop recommendation systems, and more.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
TensorFlow Deep Learning Projects. 10 real-world projects on computer vision, machine translation, chatbots, and reinforcement learning
Abhishek Thakur, Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron, Alexey Grigorev, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Odoo is an all-in-one management software that offers a range of business applications that form a complete suite of enterprise management applications. Odoo 11 comes with advances made on Usability, Speed, Design, and Mobile.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Get valuable hands-on experience with Swift, the open source programming language developed by Apple. With this practical guide, skilled programmers with little or no knowledge of Apple development will learn how to code with the latest version of Swift by developing a working iOS app from start to finish.You’ll begin with Swift programming b- ePub + Mobi 160 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
160.65 zł
189.00 zł (-15%) -
Feature engineering is a crucial step in the machine-learning pipeline, yet this topic is rarely examined on its own. With this practical book, you’ll learn techniques for extracting and transforming features—the numeric representations of raw data—into formats for machine-learning models. Each chapter guides you through a single- ePub + Mobi 186 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
186.15 zł
229.00 zł (-19%) -
JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop, and deploy Spring Boot and Angular/React applications and Spring microservices. It provides you with a variety of tools that will help you quickly build modern web applications. This book will be your guide to building full stack applications with Spring and Angular using the JHipster toolset- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Today we have the ability to connect speech, touch, haptic, and gestural interfaces into products that engage several human senses at once. This practical book explores examples from current designers and devices to describe how these products blend multiple interface modes together into a cohesive user experience.Authors Christine Park and John Al- ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.65 zł
179.00 zł (-20%) -
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for finance and operations is a rapidly growing application and is widely used in enterprise organizations. Because of its ability to maximize business productivity, it is a fast-growing business application package in the ERP market.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
With the rise in the number of tools and technologies available today, developers and architects are always exploring ways to create better and smarter solutions. Before, the differences between target platforms was a major roadblock, but that's not the case now. .NET Core 2.0 By Example will take you on an exciting journey to building better softw- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Ta książka przeprowadzi Cię przez dobór bezpłatnego oprogramowania przeznaczonego na Linuksa. Zamieszczone tu informacje są przydatne dla systemów bazujących na takich dystrybucjach, jak Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian i CentOS. Poszczególne otwarte systemy biznesowe są przedstawiane zgodnie ze strategią warstwowego opisu poszczególnych składników infrastr- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 94 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
94.50 zł
189.00 zł (-50%) -
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś osobą kierującą dużym zespołem, początkującym menedżerem, czy inżynierem czuwającym nad pracą stażysty, znajdziesz w tej książce sporo praktycznych rad, które pomogą Ci w przezwyciężeniu problemów typowych dla zespołów inżynierskich. Znalazły się tu informacje dotyczące mentoringu, wdrażania nowych pracowników, pracy- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 34 pkt
(24,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
34.50 zł
69.00 zł (-50%) -
This book is your one-stop guide to mastering Qlik Sense, catering for all your organizational BI needs. You'll see how you can seamlessly navigate through tons of organizational data from multiple sources and create smart visualizations that meet your unique business needs.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book is your guide to exploring the various developer capabilities offered by SQL Server 2017. Model your data and the complex relationships within it, and integrate SQL Server with R and Python for efficient analytics. The book also covers the performance and troubleshooting aspects to help you develop efficient database applications.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
Microservices helps in dissolving applications into small services and helps in building systems that are scalable, flexible, and resilient. Spring Boot helps in building REST-oriented, production-grade microservices. This book will help on how to build, monitor, and deploy microservices with Spring Boot.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Predictive analytics discovers hidden patterns from structured and unstructured data for automated decision making in business intelligence. Predictive decisions are becoming a huge trend worldwide, catering to wide industry sectors by predicting which decisions are more likely to give maximum results. TensorFlow, Google’s brainchild, is imm- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Java 9 is one of the most popular application development languages. The latest released version Java 9 comes with a host of new features and new APIs with lots of ready to use components to build efficient and scalable applications. Streams, parallel and asynchronous processing, multithreading, JSON support, reactive programming, and microservice- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
With React Native, you can build native mobile apps that are much more powerful, interactive, and faster by using JavaScript. React Native helps web and mobile developers to build cross-platform apps at a high level. This book takes you through four projects to help understand of the framework and build mobile apps with native user experience.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Building and programming a robot can be cumbersome and time-consuming, but not when you have the right collection of tools, libraries, and more importantly expert collaboration. ROS enables collaborative software development and offers an unmatched simulated environment that simplifies the entire robot building process.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 305 pkt
ROS Programming: Building Powerful Robots. Design, build and simulate complex robots using the Robot Operating System
Anil Mahtani, Aaron Martinez, Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Luis Sánchez, Lentin Joseph
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
305.10 zł
339.00 zł (-10%) -
If you’re new to software product management or just want to learn more about it, there’s plenty of advice available—but most of it is geared toward consumer products. Creating high-quality software for the enterprise involves a much different set of challenges. In this practical book, two expert product managers provide straightf- ePub + Mobi 126 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
126.65 zł
149.00 zł (-15%) -
This book is a practical guide to applying deep neural networks including MLPs, CNNs, LSTMs, and more in Keras and TensorFlow. Packed with useful hacks to solve real-world challenges along with the supported math and theory around each topic, this book will be a quick reference for training and optimize your deep neural networks.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Customizing networks and controlling the traffic flow is becoming a must for all the modern solutions, even if these solutions exist on Azure, on-premises or a combination of both.In this book, you will learn all Azure networking solutions and spanning them across Azure and On-premises, and how to build a highly available environment by them.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
ArcGIS Pro is a geographic information system for working with maps and geographic information. Mapping with ArcGIS Pro will help readers create visually stunning maps that increase the legibility of the stories being mapped and introduce visual and design concepts into a traditionally scientific, data-driven process.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Take full creative control of your web applications with Flask, the Python-based microframework. With the second edition of this hands-on book, you’ll learn the framework from the ground up by developing, step-by-step, a real-world project created by author Miguel Grinberg. This refreshed edition accounts for important technology changes that- ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.65 zł
179.00 zł (-20%) -
Learn how to solve challenging machine learning problems with TensorFlow, Google’s revolutionary new software library for deep learning. If you have some background in basic linear algebra and calculus, this practical book introduces machine-learning fundamentals by showing you how to design systems capable of detecting objects in images, und- ePub + Mobi 220 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
220.15 zł
269.00 zł (-18%) -
Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning and has gained a lot of popularity recently. This book introduces you to the fundamentals of deep learning in a hands-on manner. You will use Tensorflow to train different types of neural networks for tasks related to computer vision, language processing, and other real-world problems.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Each of these twenty Python Interviews can inspire and refresh your relationship with Python and the people who make Python what it is today. This book invites you to immerse in the Python landscape, and let these remarkable programmers show you how you too can connect and share with Python programmers around the world.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Reactive programming is a better, scalable, and faster way to build applications, and one that helps us write code that is concise, clear, and readable. It can be used for many purposes such as GUIs, robotics, music, and more, and is central to many concurrent systems. This book will be your guide to getting started with Reactive programming in Sca- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Are you new to virtual reality? Do you want to create exciting interactive VR applications? There's no need to be daunted by the thought of creating interactive VR applications, it's much easier than you think with this hands-on, project-based guide that will take you through VR development essentials for desktop, mobile, and web-based games and ap- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
This book covers everything you need to set up a Kali Linux lab, the latest generation of the BackTrack Linux penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. Learn how to use the hundred tools Kali Linux has so you can manage security tasks such as penetration testing, forensics, and reverse engineering.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Jeśli masz wrażenie, że dni biegną jak szalone, że za dużo pracujesz, za mało śpisz i nie masz szansy poświęcić się swoim pasjom, to musisz koniecznie znaleźć parę godzin na przeczytanie tej książki! Dzięki niej zdiagnozujesz, co kradnie Twój cenny czas, nauczysz się ustalać priorytety i w mądry sposób planować codzienne obowiązki. Prędko się przek- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 21 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.95 zł
39.90 zł (-45%) -
With the rise of drone utility, the rise of DIY projects has significantly increased. Programmers are rapidly moving from traditional application programming to developing exciting multi-utility projects. This book's sole motto is to teach you to build industry-level drones with Arduino and ESP8266.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
OpenStack is a very popular cloud computing platform that has enabled several organizations during the last few years to successfully implement their Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms. This book will guide you through new features of the latest OpenStack releases and how to bring them into production straightaway in an agile way.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Have your web applications been experiencing more hits and less conversions? Are bad designs consuming your time and money?This book is the answer to these problems. With intuitive case studies, you’ will learn to simplify, fix, and enhance some common, real-world application designs. You will look at common issues of simplicity, navigation,- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Google’s Golang is the next talk of the town, with amazing features and a powerful library. This book will gear you up by taking you through recipes that will teach you how to leverage the standard library to implement a particular solution. This will enable Go developers to take advantage of using a rock-solid standard library instead of th- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book helps you master CNN, from the basics to the most advanced concepts in CNN such as GANs, instance classification and attention mechanism for vision models and more. You will implement advanced CNN models using complex image and video datasets. By the end of the book you will learn CNN’s best practices to implement smart ConvNet mod- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Python is a very powerful, high-level, object-oriented programming language. It has swiftly developed over the years to become the language of choice for software developers due to its simplicity. This book takes you through varied and real-life projects. The examples start with the basics and gradually increase in complexity, helping boost your sk- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
With integrated R Services within SQL Server 2017, developers and data scientists can now benefit from the integrated, effective, efficient and more streamlined analytics environment. In this book, you will understand how to leverage the capabilities of R Services in SQL Server 2017. This short yet effective guide will help you get familiar with SQ- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services with R. Data exploration, modeling, and advanced analytics
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Businesses today are evolving so rapidly that they are resorting to the elasticity of the cloud to provide a platform to build and deploy their highly scalable applications. This means developers now are faced with the challenge of building build applications that are native to the cloud. For this, they need to be aware of the environment, tools, a- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Delphi is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports rapid application development for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Google Android, iOS, and now Linux with RAD Studio 10.2. This book will be your guide to build efficient high performance applications with Delphi.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Learn ECMAScript explores implementation of the latest ECMAScript features to add to your developer toolbox, helping you to progress to an advanced level. Learn to add 1 to a variable and safely access shared memory data within multiple threads to avoid race conditions.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Metasploit is the world's leading penetration testing tool and helps security and IT professionals find, exploit, and validate vulnerabilities. Metasploit allows penetration testing automation, password auditing, web application scanning, social engineering, post exploitation, evidence collection, and reporting. Metasploit's integration with Insigh- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook. Evade antiviruses, bypass firewalls, and exploit complex environments with the most widely used penetration testing framework - Third Edition
Daniel Teixeira, Abhinav Singh, Nipun Jaswal, Monika Agarwal
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book provides the intuition behind the state of the art Deep Learning architectures such as ResNet, DenseNet, Inception, and encoder-decoder without diving deep into the math of it. It shows how you can implement and use various architectures to solve problems in the area of image classification, language translation and NLP using PyTorch.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Ethereum is a public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. In this book, you’ll learn about Ethereum and Smart Contracts, and we cover the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) in detail. Then, you’ll get acquainted with DApps and DAOs and they how work. At the end of this book, we discuss B- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Nowadays, writing side effects free programs is very critical. As requirements are becoming complex day by day, Functional Programming can help us in this situation. This book will not only help you learn basics of Functional Programming with Kotlin, but will also show you how to apply them to real-life projects with popular libraries like funkTion- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Get a brisk introduction to building fast, interactive single-page web applications with Vue.js, the popular JavaScript framework that organizes and simplifies web development. With this practical guide, you’ll quickly move from basics to custom components and advanced features—including JSX, the JavaScript syntax extension.Author Callu- ePub + Mobi 126 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
126.65 zł
149.00 zł (-15%) -
Apache Solr is the only standalone enterprise search server with a REST-like application interface. It is highly scalable, providing distributed search, index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites. This book will take you through complex problems with solutions along with varied- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Bootstrap 4 is a free CSS and JavaScript framework that allows developers to rapidly build responsive web-interfaces. This book will help you adapt and customize Bootstrap to produce enticing websites that fit your needs.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
R is a popular programming language used by statisticians and mathematicians for statistical analysis, and is popularly used for deep learning. This book demonstrates end-to-end implementations of five real-world projects on popular topics in deep learning such as handwritten digit recognition, traffic light detection, fraud detection, text generat- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) focuses on efficiency with multiple features to help administrators consolidate physical servers within a centrally virtualized environment. This book will allow you to implement the Microsoft System Center family of components effectively and efficiently.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational databases in the world today. The recently released version 8.0 brings along some major advancements in the way your MySQL solution can be administered. This book starts with a brief introduction to the newly introduced features in MySQL 8, followed by quickly jumping onto the crucial task- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Teradata, unlike other relational database management systems, is mainly popular because of its faster analytical processing and storage capabilities. This book unveils all the functionality offered by Teradata's analytical platform with the help of practical recipes. From installation to querying, indexing to loading utilities for analytical proce- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Nginx is a lightweight HTTP server designed for high-traffic websites, with network scalability as the primary objective. With the advent of high speed Internet access, short loading times and faster transfer rates have become a necessity.This book is a detailed guide to setting up Nginx in different ways that correspond to actual production situat- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Książka Systemy reaktywne. Wzorce projektowe i ich stosowanie prezentuje zasady, wzorce i dobre praktyki projektowania aplikacji. Dowiesz się z niej jak stosując wzorzec Bezpiecznik zapobiegać dławieniu systemu przez wolno działający komponent, jak realizować wieloetapowe transakcje wykorzystując wzorzec Saga, jak dzielić zbiory danych według wzorc- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 33 pkt
(24,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
33.50 zł
67.00 zł (-50%) -
Niniejsza książka jest przeznaczona dla każdego, kto chce zrozumieć zasady funkcjonowania bitcoina i kryptowalut. Skorzystają z niej zwłaszcza programiści, którzy będą mogli nauczyć się pisania oprogramowania związanego z bitcoinem. Znalazło się tu objaśnienie technicznych podstaw bitcoina i kryptowalut, podano informacje na temat zdecentralizowane- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 44 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
44.50 zł
89.00 zł (-50%) -
Python Web Scraping Cookbook is a solution-focused book that will teach you techniques to develop high-performance Scrapers, and deal with cookies, hidden form fields, Ajax-based sites, proxies, and more. By the end of this book, you will be able to scrape websites more efficiently with more accurate data, and how to package, deploy and operate scr- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Learn how to use, deploy, and maintain Apache Spark with this comprehensive guide, written by the creators of the open-source cluster-computing framework. With an emphasis on improvements and new features in Spark 2.0, authors Bill Chambers and Matei Zaharia break down Spark topics into distinct sections, each with unique goals.You’ll explore- ePub + Mobi 186 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
186.15 zł
229.00 zł (-19%) -
AWS is currently the market leader in the public cloud market.With the increasing global interest in leveraging cloud infrastructure, AWS Cloud from Amazon offers a cutting-edge platform for architecting, building, and deploying web-scale cloud applications. This book will help you in performing these tasks easily.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Learning Node.js Development is built from the ground up around the latest version of Node.js (version 9.x.x). You'll learn the cutting-edge features available only in the latest software versions. This book has curated all the technology that's essential to beginning to build real-world apps. It maps out everything in a comprehensive, easy-to-foll- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Scala is one of the widely used programming language in the world when it comes to handle large amount of data. With the rise of machine learning, data scientists and machine learning experts do prefer scala as a language in order to handle and scale efficient machine learning applications. You will be acquainted with the popular deep/machine learn- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is the most trusted name in enterprise-level customer relationship management. The latest version of Dynamics CRM comes with the important addition of exciting features guaranteed to make your life easier. It comes straight off the shelf with a whole new frontier of updated business rules, process enhancements, SDK method- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Data structures and algorithms are the fundamental building blocks of computer programming. They are critical to any problem, provide a complete solution, and act like reusable code. Using appropriate data structures and having a good understanding of algorithm analysis are key in JavaScript to solving crises and ensuring your application is less p- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
The ease with which we write an application has been increasing, but with increasingly complex application come the need to address their performance. A balancing act between implementing complex applications easily and keeping its performance optimum is need of the hour. In this book we explore how to achieve this crucial balance while developing- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Scala is a general purpose programming language that supports both functional and object-oriented programming paradigms. Due to its concise design and versatility, Scala's applications have been extended to a wide variety of fields such as data science and cluster computing.You will learn to write highly scalable, concurrent, and testable programs- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services. In today's connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through which systems interact, and REST has become synonymous with APIs.The depth, breadth, and ease of use of Spring makes it one of the most attractive framew- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Kotlin has been the buzzword among developers ever since the release of new features in Kotlin 1.1. With Google's announcement of introducing first class support for Kotlin in their Android ecosystem, it's high time that Kotlin is realized as a mainstream language. Microservices aids in designing scalable, easy-to-maintain web applications. If you- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
A well designed cloud infrastructure covers factors such as consistency, maintenance, simplified administration and development, and reusability. Hence it is important to choose the right architectural pattern as it has a huge impact on the quality of cloud-hosted services. This book covers all Azure design patterns and functionalities to help you- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Salesforce Einstein analytics aka Wave Analytics is a cloud-based platform which connects data from the multiple sources and explores it to uncover insights. It empowers sales reps, marketers, and analysts with the insights to make customer interactions smarter, without building mathematical models. You will learn to create app, lenses, dashboards- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This is the Fourth Edition of the industry-acclaimed OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, created by four recognized OpenStack experts, and updated now to the latest OpenStack build- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
W naszych czasach statystyka jest obecna dosłownie wszędzie. Opisuje procesy społeczne, wskazuje kierunki rozwoju, dyktuje strategie działania rządów i międzynarodowych korporacji. Pomaga ekonomistom, naukowcom i inżynierom, umożliwia tworzenie prognoz gospodarczych, pozwala opracowywać nowe technologie i rozwiązania techniczne, wspiera walkę z epi- Druk 49 pkt
(34,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
49.50 zł
99.00 zł (-50%) -
Can machine learning techniques solve our computer security problems and finally put an end to the cat-and-mouse game between attackers and defenders? Or is this hope merely hype? Now you can dive into the science and answer this question for yourself! With this practical guide, you’ll explore ways to apply machine learning to security issues- ePub + Mobi 186 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
186.15 zł
229.00 zł (-19%) -
The Microservice architecture is sweeping the world as the de facto pattern from which to build web-based applications and aids in designing scalable, easy-to-maintain web applications. This book will teach you common patterns and practices, showing you how to apply these using the Clojure programming language.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Inżynierowie to ludzie, którzy lubią wiedzieć, jak działają różne urządzenia. Ta książka pomoże Ci w uczynieniu pierwszego kroku na drodze do zdobycia umiejętności typowych dla prawdziwego inżyniera. Zacznij od zabawnych projektów, opartych na cyklu inżynierskim, aby szybko przejść do rozwiązywania rzeczywistych problemów współczesnego świata.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 16 pkt
(9,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.45 zł
29.90 zł (-45%)