Biznes IT
Ebooki z kategorii: Biznes IT dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Customers who have inconsistent experiences with products and services are understandably frustrated. But it's worse for organizations that can't pinpoint the causes of these problems because they're too focused on processes. This updated book shows your team how to use alignment diagrams to turn valuable customer observations into actionable insig- ePub + Mobi 160 pkt
(106,94 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
160.65 zł
189.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book is a recipe-based guide for developers interested in programming quantum computers with IBM Quantum® Experience and Qiskit®. You'll learn all the concepts and components of Qiskit that you need for programming quantum computers, from visualizing circuits and gates with Qiskit Terra and simulating realistic noise profiles wit- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Przejmij kontrolę nad komunikacją w małej firmie i popraw produktywność dzięki usługom chmury Microsoft Office 365. Precyzyjny opis, łatwe do przejścia procedury i praktyczne porady zamieszczone w tej książce pozwalają każdemu, a nie tylko ekspertom IT, dowiedzieć się, jak implementować usługi Office 365 dla specjalistów i małych firm. Nieza(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
62.37 zł
69.30 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Przewodnik po szybkim przetwarzaniu danych na wyniki. Przekształć swoje umiejętności, dane i swój biznes i twórz własne rozwiązania BI, używając programu, który już znasz i lubisz: Microsoft Excel. Dwaj eksperci w dziedzinie business intelligence (BI) wprowadzą Czytelnika w świat funkcjonalności PowerPivot, skupiając się na rze(38,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
88.83 zł
98.70 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Książka pozwala opanować techniki modelowania i analizy danych, umożliwiające przekształcanie danych w końcowe wnioski. Od ponad 10 lat Wayne Winston uczy klientów korporacyjnych i studentów MBA najbardziej efektywnych sposobów wykorzystywania programu Excel do pomocy w rozwiązywaniu problemów biznesowych i podejmowaniu(52,67 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
83.16 zł
92.40 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Książka ułatwia zdobycie umiejętności potrzebnych do zdania egzaminu 70-347 firmy Microsoft i opanowanie biegłości koniecznej do bezpiecznego i sprawnego udostępniania usług Microsoft Office 365 w dowolnym środowisku. Książka została opra-cowana z myślą o doświadczonych pracownikach IT, którzy chcą pogłębiać wiedzę i rozwijać karierę zawodową poprz(32,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
88.83 zł
98.70 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Buduj elastyczne i dobrze reagujące rozwiązania analizy biznesowej (BI) Analizuj dane tabelaryczne za pomocą semantycznego modelu BI (BISM) w usługach SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services i odkrywaj prostszy sposób tworzenia rozwiązań BI na poziomie biznesowym. Pod kierunkiem ekspertów z dziedziny BI naucz się, jak budować, wdrażać i prz(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
83.16 zł
92.40 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Zestaw aplikacji Oracle jest wykorzystywany przez wiele znaczących przedsiębiorstw biznesowych oraz organizacji sektora publicznego na całym świecie. Oracle E-Business Suite jest najbardziej wszechstronnym zestawem zintegrowanych aplikacji dla dużych przedsiębiorstw, umożliwiającym podejmowanie lepszych decyzji, redukcję kosztów i zwiększani(71,82 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
71.82 zł
79.80 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Opanuj AX 2012, poznaj triki i stosuj porady ekspertów, by zapewnić powodzenie projektu Microsoft Dynamics AX jest kompleksowym rozwiązaniem ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) przeznaczonym dla średnich i większych przedsiębiorstw, które wspomaga efektywne prowadzenie działalności, zarządzanie zmianami i globalne współ(43,47 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
43.47 zł
48.30 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Whether you're a beginner just learning how to create data visualizations or a Jedi who's already used Tableau for years, this cookbook has a recipe for everyone. Author Lorna Brown provides more than 100 practical recipes to enhance the way you build Tableau dashboards--and helps you understand your data through the power of Tableau Desktop's inte- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Digital product research doesn't have to be difficult, take a long time, or cost a lot of money. Nor should it be a job solely for scientists or expert researchers. In this practical book, Aras Bilgen, C. Todd Lombardo, and Michael Connors demonstrate how your entire team can conduct effective product research within a couple of weeks--easily, chea- ePub + Mobi 160 pkt
(107,77 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
160.65 zł
189.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Książka zachęca do wdrażania praktyk związanych ze Scrum również firmy nie-technologiczne. Scrum jest tajną bronią sukcesu takich firm jak Google, Facebook, Amazon i Apple. Firmy te przekształciły świat dzięki swojej niesamowicie szybkiej innowacji, skupieniu uwagi na klientach i praktykom ciągłego doskonalenia. Scrum Fieldbook opiera się na pięciu- ePub + Mobi 59 pkt
(45,87 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
59.20 zł
74.00 zł (-20%) -
Promocja 2za1
Jeśli chcesz założyć i efektywnie prowadzić grupę na Facebooku, a przy tym na niej zarabiać, to ten poradnik jest dla Ciebie. Zgromadzona w poradniku wiedza to efekt mojego wieloletniego doświadczenia w prowadzeniu dochodowych grup na FB. W Ebooku poruszane są takie tematy jak: instrukcję krok po kroku, jak założyć grupę, skon- PDF + ePub + Mobi 38 pkt
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Equipped with the latest updates, this third edition of Python Machine Learning By Example provides a comprehensive course for ML enthusiasts to strengthen their command of ML concepts, techniques, and algorithms.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide, Second Edition gets you up to speed with Power BI quickly, enabling you to derive actionable insights from your data using the data visualization capabilities of Microsoft Power BI within a short span of time.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 251 pkt
Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide. Bring your data to life through data modeling, visualization, digital storytelling, and more - Second Edition
Devin Knight, Mitchell Pearson, Bradley Schacht, Erin Ostrowsky
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
251.10 zł
279.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja 2za1
Książka "Systemy It w Polsce - Nowoczesne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjne” stanowi kompendium wiedzy na temat rozwiązań informatycznych, które obecnie znajdują zastosowanie w przemyśle. Podzielona jest na 11 obszarów merytorycznych, które prezentują rozwiązania IT, zgodnie z najnowszymi klasami systemowymi takimi jak: E- PDF + ePub + Mobi 350 pkt
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The design patterns in this book capture best practices and solutions to recurring problems in machine learning. The authors, three Google engineers, catalog proven methods to help data scientists tackle common problems throughout the ML process. These design patterns codify the experience of hundreds of experts into straightforward, approachable a- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The widespread adoption of AI and machine learning is revolutionizing many industries today. Once these technologies are combined with the programmatic availability of historical and real-time financial data, the financial industry will also change fundamentally. With this practical book, you'll learn how to use AI and machine learning to discover- ePub + Mobi 254 pkt
(245,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
254.15 zł
299.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
If you're training a machine learning model but aren't sure how to put it into production, this book will get you there. Kubeflow provides a collection of cloud native tools for different stages of a model's lifecycle, from data exploration, feature preparation, and model training to model serving. This guide helps data scientists build production-- ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(143,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.15 zł
179.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Mastering Corda provides you with a consistent, linear, and paced path to learning Corda and building modern enterprise-grade decentralized applications. Using this book, anyone from a complete blockchain beginner to an experienced blockchain or enterprise architect can rapidly understand and write applications like a pro while exploring the techni- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
If you're looking to make a career move from programmer to AI specialist, this is the ideal place to start. Based on Laurence Moroney's extremely successful AI courses, this introductory book provides a hands-on, code-first approach to help you build confidence while you learn key topics.You'll understand how to implement the most common scenarios- ePub + Mobi 220 pkt
(203,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
220.15 zł
259.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Over the next few decades, machine learning and data science will transform the finance industry. With this practical book, analysts, traders, researchers, and developers will learn how to build machine learning algorithms crucial to the industry. You’ll examine ML concepts and over 20 case studies in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforceme- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book provides you with a step-by-step introduction to quantum computing using the IBM Quantum Experience platform. You will learn how to build quantum programs on your own, discover early use cases in your business, and help to get you or your company equipped with quantum computing skills.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Wielu ekspertów branżowych uważa uczenie nienadzorowane za kolejną granicę w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji, która może stanowić klucz do pełnej sztucznej inteligencji. Ponieważ większość danych na świecie jest nieoznakowana, nie można do nich zastosować konwencjonalnego uczenia nadzorowanego. Z kolei uczenie nienadzorowane może by(45,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
71.82 zł
79.80 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book is for beginners who are looking for a strong foundation to build deep learning models from scratch. You will test your understanding of the concepts and measure your progress at the end of each chapter. You will have a firm understanding of deep learning and will be able to identify which algorithms are appropriate for different tasks.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Data-driven insights are a key competitive advantage for any industry today, but deriving insights from raw data can still take days or weeks. Most organizations can’t scale data science teams fast enough to keep up with the growing amounts of data to transform. What’s the answer? Self-service data.With this practical book, data enginee- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book will teach you how to move quickly from business questions to machine learning models in production. Using real-world examples implemented with Python and Jupyter notebooks, you’ll learn about many the features and APIs of Amazon SageMaker on a wide spectrum of use cases: tabular data, computer vision, and natural language processi- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(139,00 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
To start with you will cover the basics of graph analytics, Cypher querying language, components of graph architecture, and more. You will implement Neo4j techniques to understand various graph analytics methods to reveal complex relationships in data. You will understand how machine learning can be used to perform smarter graph analytics.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
What value does semantic data modeling offer? As an information architect or data science professional, let’s say you have an abundance of the right data and the technology to extract business gold—but you still fail. The reason? Bad data semantics.In this practical and comprehensive field guide, author Panos Alexopoulos takes you on an- ePub + Mobi 254 pkt
(245,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
254.15 zł
299.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The Natural Language Processing Workshop takes you through fundamental NLP techniques, such as preparing datasets, collecting text, extracting text, and sentiment analysis. As you progress, you’ll get to grips with creating your own chatbots and dynamic models.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
The Natural Language Processing Workshop. Confidently design and build your own NLP projects with this easy-to-understand practical guide
Rohan Chopra, Aniruddha M. Godbole, Nipun Sadvilkar, Muzaffar Bashir Shah, Sohom Ghosh, Dwight Gunning
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book teaches you the different techniques and methodologies associated while implementing deep learning solutions in self-driving cars. You will use real-world examples to implement various neural network architectures to develop your own autonomous and automated vehicle using the Python environment.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Although service-level objectives (SLOs) continue to grow in importance, there’s a distinct lack of information about how to implement them. Practical advice that does exist usually assumes that your team already has the infrastructure, tooling, and culture in place. In this book, recognized SLO expert Alex Hidalgo explains how to build an SL- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Talking to people about your designs might seem like a basic skill, but it can be difficult to do well. In many cases, how you communicate with stakeholders, clients, and other nondesigners may be more important than the designs themselves. Because if you canâ??t get their support, your work will never see the light of dayâ??no matter how- ePub + Mobi 160 pkt
(108,80 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
160.65 zł
189.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
For self-service data preparation, Tableau Prep is relatively easy to use—as long as you know how to clean and organize your datasets. Carl Allchin, from The Information Lab in London, gets you up to speed on Tableau Prep through a series of practical lessons that include methods for preparing, cleaning, automating, organizing, and outputting- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
With The Deep Learning Workshop, you’ll learn about essential deep learning concepts, such as image recognition, text embedding, and neural networks, all so that you can build your own smart machine learning models. You'll be able to learn at your own pace with the help of interesting activities and hands-on exercises that will keep you hook- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
The Deep Learning Workshop. Learn the skills you need to develop your own next-generation deep learning models with TensorFlow and Keras
Mirza Rahim Baig, Thomas V. Joseph, Nipun Sadvilkar, Mohan Kumar Silaparasetty, Anthony So
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The Applied TensorFlow and Keras Workshop provides you with a blueprint to build an application that generates predictions using a deep learning model. You’ll learn to apply techniques to improve the model: add more data and features, change its architecture, or create a new model by changing the core components to meet your own requirements- PDF + ePub + Mobi 85 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
85.49 zł
94.99 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Data is the new oil, but it’s often in a crude form. To perform anything meaningful, such as data modeling, data visualization, or predictive analysis, you first need to wrangle with and refine data. The Data Wrangling Workshop equips you with the knowledge you need to get up and running with data wrangling in no time.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
With the help of engaging practical activities, The Unsupervised Learning Workshop teaches you how to apply unsupervised machine learning algorithms on enormous, cluttered datasets. You’ll learn the best techniques and approaches and work on real-time datasets with this hands-on guide for beginners.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
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The Data Analysis Workshop is a comprehensive guide that shows you how to analyze your data and gain insights into your business. Starting with the basics of data analysis, including data visualization and exploratory data analysis, this book takes you through the complete spectrum of techniques, such as time series analysis and categorical data an- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
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The Data Visualization Workshop will help you get started with data visualization, giving you the confidence to choose the best visualization technique to suit your needs. Fun activities and exercises featured throughout the book will keep you engaged as you build interactive visualizations with real data.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
With The Computer Vision Workshop, you’ll explore the basic and advanced techniques in video and image processing using OpenCV and Python. It is filled with real-world exercises and activities that will make the learning process easy and enjoyable.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 215 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
215.10 zł
239.00 zł (-10%) -
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This book covers the theory and practice of building data-driven solutions. Includes the end-to-end process, using supervised and unsupervised algorithms. With each algorithm, you will learn the data acquisition and data engineering methods, the apt metrics, and the available hyper-parameters. You will learn how to deploy the models in production.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
With this hands-on, self-paced guide, you'll explore crucial deep learning topics and discover the structure and syntax of PyTorch. Challenging activities and interactive exercises will keep you motivated and encourage you to build intelligent applications effectively.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The Applied Data Science Workshop explores the key elements and interesting applications of data science techniques with the help of practical examples and interactive exercises. Following a hands-on approach, it allows you the freedom of analyzing data in the Jupyter Notebook effectively using many diverse open-source Python libraries.??- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
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How well does your organization respond to changing market conditions, customer needs, and emerging technologies when building software-based products? This practical guide presents Lean and Agile principles and patterns to help you move fast at scale—and demonstrates why and how to apply these paradigms throughout your organization, rather t- ePub + Mobi 135 pkt
(126,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
135.15 zł
159.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Developers working with the simulation models will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide. You will work with real-world data to uncover various patterns used in complex systems using Python. The book provides a hands-on approach to implementation and associated methodologies to improve or optimize systems.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 161 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
161.10 zł
179.00 zł (-10%) -
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With a large collection of recipes to guide you through the Microsoft Office 365 integrated suite, this cookbook provides tools for streamlining your organizational tasks in content management. Starting with an overview of the MS 365 ecosystem, it covers the Power Platform using a step-by-step approach to make the most of the services available to- PDF + ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.10 zł
159.00 zł (-10%) -
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The book will take you on a journey through the evolution of data analysis explaining each step in the process in a very simple and easy to understand manner. You will learn how to use various Python libraries to work with data. Learn how to sift through the many different types of data, clean it, and analyze it to gain useful insights.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
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Xamarin.Forms Projects is a project-based guide that enables you to build effective mobile applications from the ground up using seven real-world examples. Starting with simpler projects to help you get up and running with the framework, the book gradually takes you through building complex projects and explores all the components of Xamarin.Forms.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
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The main aim of this book is to make the advanced mathematical background accessible to someone with a programming background. This book will equip the readers with not only deep learning architectures but the mathematics behind them. With this book, you will understand the relevant mathematics that goes behind building deep learning models.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
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Learn Salesforce is a fully equipped comprehensive guide that will help you understand how to manage Sales, Marketing, Customer relationships, and administrator operations in your organization. This book will explain how these departments can utilize the Salesforce CRM to maximize the efficiency to achieve your business goals.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
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While several market-leading companies have successfully transformed their business models by following data- and AI-driven paths, the vast majority have yet to reap the benefits. How can your business and analytics units gain a competitive advantage by capturing the full potential of this predictive revolution? This practical guide presents a batt- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
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Building and testing machine learning models requires access to large and diverse data. But where can you find usable datasets without running into privacy issues? This practical book introduces techniques for generating synthetic data—fake data generated from real data—so you can perform secondary analysis to do research, understand cu- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
You will learn the principles of computer vision and deep learning, and understand various models and architectures with their pros and cons. You will learn how to use TensorFlow 2.x to build your own neural network model and apply it to various computer vision tasks such as image acquiring, processing, and analyzing.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
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This book will help you successfully implement deep learning in Python to create smart web applications from scratch. You will learn how deep learning can transform a simple web app into a smart, business-friendly product. You will also develop neural networks using open-source libraries and also integrate them with different web stack front-ends.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
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In The Infinite Retina, authors Irena Cronin and Robert Scoble attempt to answer the question of what Spatial Computing is, and help you to understand where Spatial Computing – an augmented reality where humans and machines can interact in a physical space – came from and where it’s going.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 197 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
197.10 zł
219.00 zł (-10%) -
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This book will help you learn how to build a scalable end-to-end machine learning pipeline in Azure from experimentation and training to optimization and deployment. By the end of this book, you will learn to build complex distributed systems and scalable cloud infrastructure using powerful machine learning algorithms to compute insights.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
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A no-nonsense, practical guide to help you learn the current and future processor and computer architectures that will enable you to design computer systems and develop better software applications across a variety of domains.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 197 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
197.10 zł
219.00 zł (-10%) -
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This book addresses the challenges you face in making your websites responsive across all screen sizes, and trains you to resolve each of those obstacles by efficiently implementing the latest tools in HTML and CSS.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 197 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
197.10 zł
219.00 zł (-10%) -
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Improve your understanding of Scrum through the proven experience and collected wisdom of experts around the world. Based on real-life experiences, the 97 essays in this unique book provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise from established practitioners who have dealt with specific problems and challenges with Scrum.You’ll find out more ab- ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(143,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.15 zł
179.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Level up with Tableau to build eye-catching, easy-to-interpret data visualizations. In this follow-up guide to Practical Tableau, author Ryan Sleeper takes you through a collection of unique tips and tutorials for using this popular software. Beginning to advanced Tableau users will learn how to go beyond Show Me to make better charts and learn doz- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Deep learning enables efficient and accurate learning from data. Developers working with R will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to deep learning. The book provides a hands-on approach to implementation and associated methodologies that will have you up-and-running, and productive in no time.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The adoption of blockchain for the value chain, insurance, and healthcare domain is flourishing. However, one of the key challenges faced in blockchain development is securing them. The book will cover essential architectural considerations, system and network security, various operational configurations to Ethereum and Hyperledger fabric network.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book is a step by step guide to one-shot learning using Python-based libraries. It is designed to help you understand and design models that can learn information about your data from one, or only a few, training examples. You will also learn to apply these techniques with real-world examples and datasets for classification and regression.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Deep learning is rapidly becoming the most popular topic in the industry. This book introduces trending deep learning concepts and their use cases with an industrial and application-focused approach. You will cover a range of projects covering tasks such as mobile vision, facial recognition, smart AI assistant, augmented reality, and more.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
A first-hand look into how quantum computing and Blockchain together are redefining industries, including fintech, healthcare, and research. Through a series of interviews with domain experts, Arun also explores the potential of these technologies to transform national and global governance and policies.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book provides practical knowledge about the main pillars of EDA including data cleaning, data preparation, data exploration, and data visualization. You can leverage the power of Python to understand, summarize and investigate your data in the best way possible. The book presents a unique approach to exploring hidden features in your data.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
With this book, you will learn to build ML.NET applications by exploring various machine learning models using C# code. You will cover basic to advanced level topics using step by step explanation and example-driven approach. You will learn about Integrating TensorFlow in ML.NET application to extend the capabilities of machine learning models.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Graph data closes the gap between the way humans and computers view the world. While computers rely on static rows and columns of data, people navigate and reason about life through relationships. This practical guide demonstrates how graph data brings these two approaches together. By working with concepts from graph theory, database schema, distr- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja 2za1
W monografii przedstawiono opis fleksji i składni języka polskiego przystosowany do automatycznego przetwarzania tekstów. Opis ten stał się podstawą dwóch programów komputerowych: analizatora fleksyjnego Morfeusz i analizatora składniowego Świgra 2. Wymienione narzędzia posłużyły do budowy korpusu składniowego Składnica, wykorzystanego następnie d -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The Applied SQL Data Analytics Workshop is the ideal companion on your journey to extracting information from raw business data. Whether it's importing data, analyzing complex data types, or optimizing your queries, this book equips you with the skills you need to build your knowledge in data analysis with SQL.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Taking an engaging and practical approach, The Supervised Learning Workshop teaches you how to predict the output of new data, based on the relationship and behavior of?existing datasets. You’ll learn at your own pace and use Python libraries and Jupyter to build intelligent predictive models.?- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
The Supervised Learning Workshop. Predict outcomes from data by building your own powerful predictive models with machine learning in Python - Second Edition
Blaine Bateman, Ashish Ranjan Jha, Benjamin Johnston, Ishita Mathur
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book will help you get through the problems that you face during the execution of different tasks and understand hacks in deep learning. With unique recipes, you will implement various deep learning architectures using R 3.5.x. You will cover complex algorithms to perform tasks such as reinforcement learning, GANs, advanced neural networks and- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The place of machine learning in art is growing at a rapid pace because of recent advancements in the field. Magenta is at the forefront of that innovation. This book provides a hands-on approach to machine learning models for music generation and demonstrates how to integrate them into an existing music production workflow. Complete with practical- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
How can startups successfully scale customer acquisition and revenue growth with a Lean team? Out-of-the-box acquisition solutions from Facebook, Google, and others provide a good start, but the companies that can tailor those solutions to meet their specific needs, objectives, and goals will come out winners. But that hasn’t been an easy tas- ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(143,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.15 zł
179.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Cut through the noise and get real results with a step-by-step approach to data science- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
The Data Science Workshop. A New, Interactive Approach to Learning Data Science
Anthony So, Thomas V. Joseph, Robert Thas John, Andrew Worsley, Dr. Samuel Asare
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Feature engineering is invaluable for developing and enriching your machine learning models. In this book, you will work with the best Python tools to streamline your feature engineering pipelines, feature engineering techniques and simplify and improve the quality of your code.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Learn the skills necessary to design, build, and deploy applications powered by machine learning (ML). Through the course of this hands-on book, you’ll build an example ML-driven application from initial idea to deployed product. Data scientists, software engineers, and product managers—including experienced practitioners and novices al- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The CompTIA Security+ exam is a valuable qualification for those seeking a career in Cybersecurity. This book is a great resource to test whether your knowledge base and skills align with the exam objectives.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 22 pkt
(14,94 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
22.41 zł
24.90 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The AI revolution is here and it is embracing games. Game developers are being challenged to enlist cutting edge AI as part of their games. In this book, you will look at the journey of building capable AI using reinforcement learning algorithms and techniques. You will learn to solve complex tasks and build next-generation games using a practical- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja 2za1
Wyzwania ostatnich lat - digitalizacja, wirtualizacja, wzrost znaczenia portali społecznościowych, komunikacja w czasie rzeczywistym - powodują, że sposoby kreowania wartości dla klienta przez przedsiębiorców ulegają wyraźnym zmianom, które wyrażają się w nowych działaniach logistycznomarketingowych i wykorzystaniu nowatorskich narzędzi zarządzania -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras, Second Edition teaches deep learning techniques alongside TensorFlow (TF) and Keras. The book introduces neural networks with TensorFlow, runs through the main applications, covers two working example apps, and then dives into TF and cloudin production, TF mobile, and using TensorFlow with AutoML.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Tableau Desktop Certified Associate: Exam Guide is a practical book full of exercises and examples that help you master Tableau Desktop and successfully pass the certification with ease. This book includes complete, up-to-date coverage of the exam so you can take them with confidence, fully equipped to pass the first time.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
Tableau Desktop Certified Associate: Exam Guide. Develop your Tableau skills and prepare for Tableau certification with tips from industry experts
Dmitry Anoshin, JC Gillet, Fabian Peri, Radhika Biyani, Gleb Makarenko
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book will help readers to apply deep learning algorithms in R using advanced examples. You will cover variants of neural network models such as ANN, CNN, RNN, LSTM, and more using expert techniques. Readers will make use of popular deep learning libraries such as Keras-R, Tensorflow-R, and more to implement AI models.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Książka ma na celu przedstawienie głównych pojęć wprowadzających czytelnika w niełatwe arkany IK (wszakże mowa o fizyce kwantowej), a także przybliżenie działań podstawowych - już dobrze poznanych - obwodów kwantowych realizujących znane algorytmy i protokoły informatyki kwantowej.(45,87 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
59.20 zł
74.00 zł (-20%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Deep learning networks are getting smaller. Much smaller. The Google Assistant team can detect words with a model just 14 kilobytes in size—small enough to run on a microcontroller. With this practical book you’ll enter the field of TinyML, where deep learning and embedded systems combine to make astounding things possible with tiny dev- ePub + Mobi 160 pkt
(107,61 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
160.65 zł
189.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Quantum computing may change everything we know about computing. Dancing with Qubits is a quantum computing textbook that explains how quantum computing works in detail, and discusses the implications it has for computer applications of the future.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 242 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
242.10 zł
269.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js is a comprehensive guide that will help you easily get started with machine learning algorithms and techniques using TensorFlow.js. By the end of this book, you will be able to create and optimize your own web-based machine learning applications using practical examples.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book helps data scientists and cybersecurity experts on implementing the latest AI techniques in cybersecurity. Concrete and clear steps for implementing ML security systems are provided, saving you months in research and development. By the end of this book, you will be able to build defensive systems to curb cybersecurity threats.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Opanuj techniki modelowania biznesowego i analiz wykorzystujące Microsoft Excel 2019 i przekształć swoje dane w użyteczne wnioski. Wayne Winston, zdobywca wielu nagród akademickich, dzieli się swoim ogromnym doświadczeniem na stronach praktycznego podręcznika. Nowe wydanie obejmuje zagadnienia od PowerQuery po nowe typy danych geografic(107,73 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.73 zł
119.70 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Much in the same way that software transformed business in the past two decades, AI is set to redefine organizations and entire industries. Just as every company is a software company today, every company will soon be an AI company.This practical guide explains how business and technical leaders can embrace this new breed of organization. Based on- ePub + Mobi 135 pkt
(126,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
135.15 zł
159.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
With this book, you will learn how to integrate data science into your organization and lead data science teams. You will discover the inner workings of data science, explore management techniques for data science projects and get strategies for executing every stage of the project efficiently.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 85 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
85.49 zł
94.99 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification Guide is a complete resource that will help you gain the knowledge and master the skills required to earn the advanced administrator credentials. With plenty of questions and answers along with best practices, you will learn all the concepts asked in exams specially designed with this guide.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Deep Learning is a trending topic in AI currently, as it allows you to make faster and more accurate predictions using the power of neural networks. This book will teach you the process of neural network design, and show you how to develop efficient deep learning applications using Deeplearning4j through practical and easy to implement recipes.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book will provide knowledge and hands-on practical experience required to build a good understanding of how modern electronic trading markets and market participants operate. You will learn how to design, build and operate all the components required to build a practical and profitable algorithmic trading business using Python.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Ostatnia dekada to czas bezprecedensowego rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji nie tylko przełomowych badań nad algorytmami uczenia maszynowego, ale również coraz powszechniejszego stosowania inteligentnych maszyn w najróżniejszych dziedzinach naszego życia. Rozwój ten ogranicza niewystarczająca liczba specjalistów, łączących znajomość modelowania danyc- ePub + Mobi 75 pkt
(58,28 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
75.20 zł
94.00 zł (-20%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Extreme C teaches you to use C’s power. You will master preprocessor directives, macros, conditional compilation, pointers, and much more, and gain new insight into algorithm design, functions, and structures. Amini’s book captures his experience as a programmer and scientist, encouraging you to think, question, apply, and experiment- PDF + ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.10 zł
159.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
This book presents practical solutions to the most common reinforcement learning problems. The recipes in this book will help you understand the fundamental concepts to develop popular RL algorithms. You will gain practical experience in the RL domain using the modern offerings of the PyTorch 1.x library.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Odoo is a comprehensive set of open-source enterprise management applications. With, you will have access to a powerful website builder, integrated e-commerce features, and a fast growing community to help transform and modernize your business. This book will take you the essential features of Odoo and how you can make the best use of them.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.10 zł
159.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
pandas is a popular Python library used by data scientists and analysts worldwide to manipulate and analyze their data. This book presents useful techniques and real-world examples on getting the most out of pandas for expert-level data manipulation, analysis and visualization.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
DevOps enhances the collaboration between the development and the operations teams within an organization. This book will give you a solid foundation of the best practices in DevOps - from implementing Infrastructure as Code, to building efficient CI/CD pipelines with Azure DevOps, to containerizing your apps with Docker and Kubernetes.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Elasticsearch is one of the most popular tools for distributed search. This book will help you in understanding all about the new features of Elasticsearch 7, and how to use them efficiently for searching, aggregating and indexing data with speed and accuracy.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 85 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
85.49 zł
94.99 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
In the R Bioinformatics Cookbook, you encounter common and not-so-common challenges in the bioinformatics domain and solve them using real-world examples. The book guides you through varied bioinformatics analysis, from raw data to clean results. It shows you how to import, explore and evaluate your data and how to report it.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja 2za1
W dobie Big Data, Internetu Rzeczy i sztucznej inteligencji zrozumienie znaczenia danych oraz zapoznanie się z możliwościami ich efektywnego przetwarzania decyduje o przyszłości większości przedsiębiorstw na rynku. Zmienia się sposób, w jaki dane są postrzegane w środowisku biznesowym, dlatego warto na bieżąco śledzić trendy odnoszące się do istotn- PDF + ePub + Mobi 0 pkt
Promocja Promocja 2za1
AI in AWS covers primarily two broad topics – a) how to leverage readily available AI/ML APIs and b) how to build, train and deploy ML models from scratch, to solve diverse business problems, such as demand forecasting, image classification, topic modeling, speech and text recognition.By the end of the book, you will have learned how to buil- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Since the internet of things is on the rise, and mega-companies like Microsoft have projected to spend around 5 billion for IoT in the coming years, acquired talent in this domain definitely needs to have MQTT knowledge for building IoT projects. This book will help you leverage the power of MQTT to build exciting IoT projects- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
What exactly is a developer advocate, and how do they connect developers and companies around the world? Why is the area of developer relations about to explode? What are the hot topics in areas including Java, JavaScript, “tech for good”, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the cloud, and open source?These are just a few of the ques- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
SAS is one of the leading enterprise tools in the world today when it comes to data management and analysis. It allows for faster, easier processing of data and empowers you to get valuable business insights for effective decision-making. This book will serve as a comprehensive guide you can refer to while preparing for your SAS certification exam.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.10 zł
159.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Hands-on Application Development with PyCharm addresses the modern-age enterprise application development concerns and how to solve them using a variety of features and functionalities available in PyCharm. This book will help you master the art of developing and delivering production-ready and real-world python applications to your clients.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Develop smart applications without spending days and weeks building machine-learning models. With this practical book, you’ll learn how to apply automated machine learning (AutoML), a process that uses machine learning to help people build machine learning models. Deepak Mukunthu, Parashar Shah, and Wee Hyong Tok provide a mix of technical de- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Time series data analysis is increasingly important due to the massive production of such data through the internet of things, the digitalization of healthcare, and the rise of smart cities. As continuous monitoring and data collection become more common, the need for competent time series analysis with both statistical and machine learning techniq- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Deep learning is changing everything. This machine-learning method has already surpassed traditional computer vision techniques, and the same is happening with NLP. If you're looking to bring deep learning into your domain, this practical book will bring you up to speed on key concepts using Facebook's PyTorch framework.Once author Ian Pointer help- ePub + Mobi 160 pkt
(107,82 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
160.65 zł
189.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Learn Ethereum is ideal for anyone who wants to do an ultra-learning on Ethereum blockchain technology and build end-to-end decentralized applications using smart contract and Ethereum. The hands-on examples will help novices master blockchain and Ethereum in a quick, effective and easy way.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Learn how to fuse today's data science tools and techniques with your SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. With this practical guide, SAP veterans Greg Foss and Paul Modderman demonstrate how to use several data analysis tools to solve interesting problems with your SAP data.Data engineers and scientists will explore ways to add SAP data- ePub + Mobi 228 pkt
(220,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
228.65 zł
269.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Wprowadzenie do skutecznego stosowania metodologii Agile w ogólnej strategi biznesowej. Jeśli projekt ma osiągnąć sukces, strategia zarządzania musi być dostatecznie elastyczna, by móc dostosować się do dynamicznych, błyskawicznie ewoluujących potrzeb biznesowych. Książka Zrozumieć Agile Project Management pomaga menedżerom projekt&oa(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
52.92 zł
58.80 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
In DevOps Paradox, top DevOps consultants, industry leaders, and founders reveal their own approaches to all aspects of DevOps implementation and operation through one-to-one interviews. Viktor Farcic draws on experts from across the industry to discuss how to introduce DevOps to chaotic organizations, align incentives between teams, and make use o- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Practical Machine Learning with R gives you the complete knowledge to solve your business problems - starting by forming a good problem statement, selecting the most appropriate model to solve your problem, and then ensuring that you do not overtrain the model.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
Practical Machine Learning with R. Define, build, and evaluate machine learning models for real-world applications
Brindha Priyadarshini Jeyaraman, Ludvig Renbo Olsen, Monicah Wambugu
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
SQL for Data Analytics teaches everything you need to know to progress from basic SQL to identifying trends and creating compelling narratives with data. With this book, you will be able to look at data with the critical eye of an analytics professional and extract meaningful insights that will improve your business.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 197 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
197.10 zł
219.00 zł (-10%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
Developers often struggle when first encountering the cloud. Learning about distributed systems, becoming familiar with technologies such as containers and functions, and knowing how to put everything together can be daunting. With this practical guide, you’ll get up to speed on patterns for building cloud native applications and best practic- ePub + Mobi 194 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
194.65 zł
229.00 zł (-15%) -
Promocja Promocja 2za1
The Go ecosystem comprises some really powerful Deep Learning tools. This book shows you how to use these tools to train and deploy scalable Deep Learning models. You will explore a number of modern Neural Network architectures such as CNNs, RNNs, and more. By the end, you will be able to train your own Deep Learning models from scratch, using the- PDF + ePub + Mobi 125 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
125.10 zł
139.00 zł (-10%)