Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Yosemite Edition David Pogue

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- David Pogue
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Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Yosemite Edition
What makes Windows refugees decide to get a Mac? Enthusiastic friends? The Apple Stores? Great-looking laptops? A "halo effect" from the popularity of iPhones and iPads? The absence of viruses and spyware? The freedom to run Windows on a Mac? In any case, there’s never been a better time to switch to OS X—and there’s never been a better, more authoritative book to help you do it.
The important stuff you need to know:
- Transfer your stuff. Moving files from a PC to a Mac by cable, network, or disk is the easy part. But how do you extract your email, address book, calendar, Web bookmarks, buddy list, desktop pictures, and MP3 files? Now you’ll know.
- Recreate your software suite. Many of the PC programs you’ve been using are Windows-only. Discover the Mac equivalents and learn how to move data to them.
- Learn Yosemite. Apple’s latest operating system is faster, smarter, and more in tune with iPads and iPhones. If Yosemite has it, this book covers it.
- Get the expert view. Learn from Missing Manuals creator David Pogue—author of OS X Yosemite: The Missing Manual, the #1 bestselling Mac book on earth.
Wybrane bestsellery
Ta książka to drugie, zaktualizowane i rozszerzone wydanie przewodnika po kluczowych pojęciach psychologicznych w tworzeniu produktów i wrażeń, które mają bardziej intuicyjny i ukierunkowany na człowieka charakter. Szczegółowo przeanalizowano znane aplikacje i wrażenia użytkowników, aby pokazać, jak projektanci UX powinni kreować produkty dostosowane do sposobu, w jaki użytkownicy postrzegają i przetwarzają interfejsy cyfrowe. Poza prawami i zasadami opisanymi w psychologii dokładnie przedstawiono, jak ich zastosowanie przyczyni się do wyższej przydatności zaprojektowanego produktu.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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To piąte, gruntownie zaktualizowane wydanie podręcznika, który doceni każdy student informatyki i inżynier oprogramowania. Książka obejmuje szeroki zakres zagadnień, od podstawowych pojęć po zaawansowaną problematykę związaną z najnowszymi trendami w systemach operacyjnych. Wyczerpująco omawia procesy, wątki, zarządzanie pamięcią, systemy plików, operacje wejścia-wyjścia, zakleszczenia, interfejsy użytkownika, multimedia czy kompromisy wydajnościowe. Szczegółowo, jako studia przypadków, zostały tu opisane systemy: Windows 11, Unix, Linux i Android. Jasny i przystępny styl, a także liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia ułatwiają zrozumienie nawet bardzo skomplikowanych zagadnień.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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Trzymasz w rękach kolejne wydanie kultowej książki, w całości poświęconej zagadnieniom związanym z projektowaniem funkcjonalnych witryn i aplikacji internetowych. W trakcie lektury dowiesz się, jak przygotować system nawigacji na Twojej stronie, testować funkcjonalność witryny oraz tworzyć jej wersję działającą na urządzeniach mobilnych. Ponadto zrozumiesz, jak użytkownicy korzystają z sieci oraz jak tę wiedzę wykorzystać do tworzenia efektownych stron WWW. Książka ta jest doskonałym źródłem wiedzy na temat tworzenia funkcjonalnych serwisów WWW, docenionym przez czytelników na całym świecie.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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Wyjątkowość tej książki polega na pragmatyzmie: opisano w niej, jak wyglądają realia pracy projektanta UX i jak bardzo potrafią być zagmatwane. Zapoznasz się z różnymi kontekstami i sytuacjami związanymi z projektowaniem UX, a także z ograniczeniami, jakie temu towarzyszą. To przygotuje Cię do prawdziwych wyzwań związanych z osobami zaangażowanymi w projekty. Poznasz też realia działalności firm i znaczenie aspektów biznesowych i finansowych. Posiądziesz cenną umiejętność godzenia celów komercyjnych ze swoją pracą bez uszczerbku dla empatii i etyki projektowania.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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David Pogue - pozostałe książki
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With Yosemite, Apple has unleashed the most innovative version of OS X yet—and once again, David Pogue brings his expertise and humor to the #1 bestselling Mac book. Mac OS X 10.10 includes more innovations from the iPad and adds a variety of new features throughout the operating system. This updated edition covers it all with something new on prac-
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Ready to move to the Mac? This incomparable guide from New York Times columnist and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue helps you make a smooth transition to OS X Mavericks, a beautiful machine with a thoroughly reliable system. Whether you’re using Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows 8, we’ve got you covered. Syncing with iOS. If you already have an-
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Ebooka "Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Yosemite Edition" przeczytasz na:
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systemach Windows, Android, iOS, HarmonyOS
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Szczegóły książki
- ISBN Ebooka:
- 978-14-919-4811-8, 9781491948118
- Data wydania ebooka :
Data wydania ebooka często jest dniem wprowadzenia tytułu do sprzedaży i może nie być równoznaczna z datą wydania książki papierowej. Dodatkowe informacje możesz znaleźć w darmowym fragmencie. Jeśli masz wątpliwości skontaktuj się z nami sklep@ebookpoint.pl.
- Język publikacji:
- 1
- Rozmiar pliku ePub:
- 23.2MB
- Rozmiar pliku Mobi:
- 23.2MB
Spis treści książki
- Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Yosemite Edition
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- The Missing Credits
- About the Author
- About the Creative Team
- Acknowledgments
- The Missing Manual Series
- For the Mac
- For Windows
- Electronics
- Web Technologies
- Life
- Introduction
- What OS X Gives You
- What OS X Takes Away
- About This Book
- AboutTheseArrows
- About MissingManuals.com
- The Very Basics
- One. Welcome to Macintosh
- 1. How the Mac Is Different
- Power On, Dude
- Right-Clicking and Shortcut Menus
- Logging Out, Shutting Down
- Sleep Mode
- Restart
- Shut Down
- The Reopen windows Option
- Log Out
- The Menu Bar
- Finder = Windows Explorer
- Dock = Taskbar
- Menulets = Tray
- Keyboard Differences
- Where the Windows Keys Went
- What the Special Mac Keys Do
- The Complicated Story of the Function Keys
- Disk Differences
- Where Your Stuff Is
- Applications Folder
- Home Folder
- System Folder
- Window Controls
- Title Bar
- The Folder Proxy Icon
- Close Button
- Minimize Button
- Full Screen Button
- The Finder Sidebar
- Fine-tuning the Sidebar
- Window Management
- Scroll Bars
- Resizable Edges
- Path Bar
- Status Bar
- Terminology Differences
- 2. Folders, Dock & Windows
- Getting into OS X
- Logging In
- The Elements of the OS X Desktop
- Disk icons
- The Dock
- The menu
- The menu bar
- The Four Window Views
- Icon View
- Icon Size
- Icon Previews
- Icon View Options
- Always open in icon view
- Browse in icon view
- Arrange By, Sort By
- Icon size
- Grid spacing
- Text size
- Label position
- Show item info
- Show icon preview
- Background
- Use as Defaults
- Arrange By and Sort By
- Arranging
- Sorting
- Free draggingand grid spacing
- List View
- Sorting the List
- Arranging the List
- Flippy Triangles
- Your Choice of Columns
- Other View Options
- Rearranging Columns
- Adjusting Column Widths
- Column View
- Column View by Keyboard
- Manipulating the Columns
- Grouping the Column Contents
- View Options
- Cover Flow View
- The Preview Pane
- Quick Look
- What Quick Look Knows
- Fun with Quick Look
- The Quick Look Slideshow
- Finder Tabs
- Creating Tabs
- Using Tabs
- Tab Management
- The Dock
- Setting Up the Dock
- Organizing and Removing Dock Icons
- Pop-Up Dock Folders (Stacks)
- Fan vs. grid vs. list
- The Finer Points of Pop-Up Dock Folders
- Three Ways to Get the Dock Out of Your Hair
- Auto-hiding the Dock
- Shrinking and enlarging the Dock
- Moving the Dock to the sides of the screen
- Using the Dock
- Switch Applications
- Secret Menus
- Drag and Drop
- Great Things to Put in Your Dock
- The Finder Toolbar
- Hiding or Shrinking the Toolbar
- Rearranging, Customizing, or Removing Toolbar Icons
- Getting Help in OS X
- Getting into OS X
- 3. Files, Icons & Spotlight
- Renaming Icons
- Renaming Batches of Files
- Selecting Icons
- Selecting by Clicking
- Selecting Icons from the Keyboard
- Moving and Copying Icons
- Copying by Dragging
- Copying or Moving with Copy and Paste
- Dragging from the Title Bar
- Spring-Loaded Folders: Dragging Icons into Closed Folders
- Making Spring-Loaded Folders Work
- Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
- Whats Good about Aliases
- Broken Aliases
- Finder Tags
- Creating Tags
- Editing Tag Names and Colors
- Two Sets of Favorite Tags
- Applying Tags
- Using Tags
- Detagging Files
- The Trash
- Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash
- Emptying the Trash I: Quick and Easy
- Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
- Locked Files
- Get Info
- The Get Info Panes
- Shortcut Menus, Action Menus
- New Folder with Selection
- Share
- Spotlight
- The Preview Pane
- Opening a Result
- Spotlight Results Tips
- Times You Might Not Think of Spotlight
- Advanced Menu Searches
- Use quotes
- Limit by kind
- Limit by recent date
- Limit by tag
- Limit by metadata
- The Searching Window
- From Spotlight
- From the Finder
- The Basic Search
- Where to look
- The suggestions list
- Power Searches with Tokens
- Power Searching the Old Way
- Kind
- Last opened date/Last modified date/Created date
- Name
- Contents
- Other
- What to Do with Search Results
- Customizing Spotlight
- Privacy Settings
- Smart Folders
- Renaming Icons
- 4. Documents, Programs & Mission Control
- The Mac App Store
- Other Ways to Get Mac Software
- Downloading Compressed Files
- Disk images (.dmg files)
- Performing the installation
- Uninstalling Software
- Downloading Compressed Files
- Cocoa and Carbon
- Opening OS X Programs
- Launchpad
- Redesigning the Launchpad Screens
- Folders
- Deleting App Store Programs
- Windows That Auto-Reopen
- The Application Menu
- Quitting Programs
- Force Quitting Programs
- The Heads-Up Program Switcher
- Full Screen Mode
- Mission Control: Death to Window Clutter
- Starting and Stopping Mission Control
- Mission Control keystrokes
- Screen corners
- Managing Windows in Mission Control
- Spaces in Mission Control
- Creating a Desktop
- Switching Spaces
- Rearranging Spaces
- Spaces and Multiple Monitors
- Two Eccentric Spaces Settings
- Pictures for Every Desktop
- Deleting a Desktop
- Starting and Stopping Mission Control
- Dashboard
- The Widget Browser
- Dashboard Tips
- Dashboard Preferences
- Widget Catalog
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Dictionary
- Flight Tracker
- Movies
- Stickies
- Stocks
- Tile Game
- Translation
- Unit Converter
- Weather
- Web Clip
- World Clock
- More Widgets
- Installing a widget
- Web Clips
- Creating a Web Clip widget
- Exposé
- One-App Exposé
- Desktop Exposé
- Exposé Tip-O-Rama
- Hiding Programs the Old-Fashioned Way
- Hiding the Program Youre Using
- Hiding All Other Programs
- The Bring-Forward, Hide-All-Others Trick
- Hiding (Minimizing) Individual Windows
- How Documents Know Their Parents
- Reassigning Documents to Programs
- Reassigning a certain documentjust once
- Reassigning a certain documentpermanently
- Reassigning all documents of one type
- Reassigning Documents to Programs
- Keyboard Control
- Control the Menus
- Control the Dock
- Cycle Through Your Windows
- Control the Toolbar
- Control Tool Palettes
- Control Menulets
- Control Dialog Boxes
- Changing a Menu Keyboard Shortcut
- Redefining a Keystroke
- The Save and Open Dialog Boxes
- Sheets
- The Mini Finder
- Spotlight
- Insta-Jumping to a Folder Location
- The File Format Pop-Up Menu
- The Open File Dialog Box
- Auto Save and Versions
- Versions
- Rewinding to an earlier version
- Revert
- Versions
- iCloud Drive
- iCloud Drive Defined
- Putting Files onto the iCloud Drive
- iCloud Drive on Other Devices
- 5. Data: Typing, Dictating, Sharing & Backing Up
- Power Typing
- The OS X Spelling and Grammar Checker
- Text Substitution (Abbreviation Expansion)
- Insert the proper typographical symbols
- Replace abbreviations with much longer phrases
- Case Swapping
- Dictation
- Dictation Step by Step
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
- Enhanced Dictation
- Speech Settings
- The Many Languages of OS X Text
- Formats
- Input Sources
- The Character Viewer
- Keyboard Viewer
- Data Detectors
- Moving Data Between Documents
- Cut, Copy, and Paste
- Drag-and-Drop
- When to use drag-and-drop
- Drag-and-drop to the desktop
- Export/Import
- Exchanging Data with Other Macs
- By Network
- By Email
- Using Dropbox
- Via iCloud Drive
- By CD or DVD
- FireWire Disk Mode/Thunderbolt Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
- Via Flash Drive
- Via Bluetooth
- Sending a file
- Fetching a file
- Exchanging Data with Windows PCs
- The Share Button ()
- Editing the Share Menu
- Time Machine
- Setting Up Time Machine
- How the Backups Work
- Local Snapshots
- Changing Time Machine Settings
- Recovering Lost or Changed Files
- Recovering from Contacts and Mail
- Recovering the entire hard drive
- Recovering to another Mac
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Power Typing
- 1. How the Mac Is Different
- Two. Making the Move
- 6. Transferring Your Files to the Mac
- Transfers by Apple Genius
- The Windows Migration Assistant
- Manual Network Transfers
- Transfers by Dropbox, iCloud Drive, or OneDrive
- Transfers by Disk
- Transfers by File-Sending Web Site
- Transfers by Email
- Where to Put Your Copied Files
- Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper)
- Sound Effects
- Bookmarks (Favorites)
- iTunes Music
- Document Conversion Issues
- 7. Special Software, Special Problems
- ACDSee
- Acrobat Reader
- Act
- Ad Subtract (Pop-Up Stopper)
- Adobe [your favorite program here]
- AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
- Childrens Software
- Chrome
- Easy CD Creator
- Encarta
- Eudora
- Excel
- Firefox
- Games
- Google Desktop Search
- Google Earth
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- iTunes
- McAfee VirusScan
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Money
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Publisher
- Microsoft Visio
- Minesweeper
- NaturallySpeaking
- Netscape
- Newsgroup Readers
- Norton AntiVirus
- Norton Utilities
- Notepad
- Outlook/Outlook Express/Windows Mail
- PaintShop Pro
- Picasa
- PowerPoint
- QuickBooks
- Quicken
- RealPlayer
- RssReader
- Skype
- Snagit (Screenshots)
- Solitaire
- Street Atlas USA
- TaxCut, TurboTax
- Winamp, MusicMatch
- Windows Media Player
- WinZip
- Word
- WordPerfect
- Yahoo Messenger
- 8. Windows on the Mac
- Boot Camp
- Installing Boot Camp
- Phase 1: Build the drivers drive
- Phase 2: Create the Windows partition on your Mac
- Phase 3: Install Windows
- Phase 4: Install the Mac drivers
- Forth and Back, Windows/Mac
- Keyboard Translation Guide
- Accessing Mac Files from the Dark Sideand Vice Versa
- Installing Boot Camp
- Windows in a Window
- Virtualization Tip-O-Rama
- Life with Microsoft Exchange
- Connecting to Exchange
- Exchange in Mail
- Boot Camp
- 9. Hardware on the Mac
- Mac Meets Printer
- Setting Up a Printer
- Printer Preferences
- Making the Printout
- Printing
- Managing Printouts
- Printer Sharing
- Faxing
- PDF Files
- Opening PDF Files
- Creating PDF Files
- Fontsand Font Book
- Where Fonts Live
- Font Book: Installing and Managing Fonts
- Looking over your fonts
- Printing a reference sheet
- Eliminating duplicates
- Adding, removing, and hiding fonts
- Font collections
- Smart collections
- Font libraries
- Exporting fonts
- The Fonts Pane
- Choosing fonts from the Fonts pane
- Designing collections and favorites
- Digital Cameras
- Disks
- Erasing a Disk
- Burning CDs and DVDs
- Startup Disks
- Selecting a Startup Disk
- DVD Movies
- Playing a Movie
- Language Fun
- Chapter Thumbnails
- The Big Picture
- iTunes: The Digital Jukebox
- Your Stuff
- Three Ways to Fill Your Library
- Playlists
- Smart playlists
- Editing and deleting playlists
- iTunes Store
- Music ()
- TV (), movies (), and movie rentals
- Podcasts ()
- iTunes U ()
- Audiobooks ()
- Apps ()
- Internet Radio ()
- Authorizing computers
- Syncing an iPad or iPhone
- Connecting the phone with a cable
- Connecting over WiFi
- iTunes Radio
- Playing iTunes Radio
- Make your own station
- Deleting or editing a station
- Playing with Playback
- Turning on visuals
- Keyboard control
- Sound Check: Preventing ear-blast syndrome
- Playing with the graphic equalizer
- AirPlay
- System Preferences
- Keyboards
- Text-Navigation Keystrokes
- Mouse
- Monitors
- Display Tab
- Arrangement Tab (Multiple Monitors)
- Color Tab
- Scanners
- More Power to You
- Mac Meets Printer
- 6. Transferring Your Files to the Mac
- Three. Yosemite Online
- 10. Internet Setup & iCloud
- Network Central and Multihoming
- Multihoming
- Broadband Connections
- Automatic Configuration
- Manual Configuration
- Settings from Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
- Settings from Windows 98, Windows Me
- Applying the settings
- Ethernet Connections
- WiFi Connections
- Commercial Hotspots
- Cellular Modems
- Tethering (Personal Hotspot)
- Dial-Up Modem Connections
- Switching Locations
- Creating a New Location
- Making the Switch
- Internet Sharing
- Turning On Internet Sharing
- Meet iCloud
- iCloud Drive
- Photos
- My Photo Stream
- iCloud Photo Sharing
- iCloud Photo Library
- Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, Safari, Notes, Keychain
- Back to My Mac
- Find My Mac (or iPhone, or iPad)
- Family Sharing
- Setting Up Family Sharing
- Life in Family Sharing
- More iCloud Features
- Automatic backup
- Continuity
- Books, Music, Apps, Movies: The Locker in the Sky
- Network Central and Multihoming
- 11. Mail & Contacts
- Setting Up Your Accounts
- Checking Your Mail
- The Mailboxes List
- Tailoring the Look of Mail
- Tweaking the Three-Column Layout
- The Toolbar
- Writing Messages
- Attaching Files to Messages
- Mail Drop: Sending Huge Attachments
- Marking Up, Signing, and Drawing on Attachments
- Signatures
- Stationery
- Reading Email
- Conversation View
- Adding the Sender to Contacts
- Data Detectors
- Opening File Attachments
- Replying to a Message
- Forwarding Messages
- Redirecting Messages
- Printing Messages
- Filing Messages
- Flagging Messages
- Finding Messages
- Deleting Messages
- Emptying the Trash folder
- Turning deleted mail invisible
- Archiving messages
- Exporting Mailboxes
- Message Rules
- Setting up message rules
- VIPs
- The Anti-Spam Toolkit
- Using the Junk Mail Filter
- More Anti-Spam Tips
- Contacts
- Importing Addresses
- Importing from Yahoo, Google, Exchange, or another Internet service
- Importing from another address-book program
- About vCards
- Creating Address Cards
- Editing an address
- Adding addresses from Mail
- Groups
- Smart groups
- Removing someone from a group
- Adding Pictures
- Replacing and removing a picture
- Free headshots from Facebook
- Finding an Address
- Changing the Contacts Display
- Printing Options
- Contacts Backups
- Importing Addresses
- 12. Safari
- Browsing Basics
- The Unified Address/Search Bar
- Searching the Web
- Address/Search Bar Tips
- Bookmarks, Favorites, Top Sites
- Adding a Bookmark
- Organizing Bookmarks in the Sidebar
- Organizing Bookmarks in the Editor
- Favorites View
- Favorites Bar
- Top Sites
- Full Screen and Gestures
- Scrolling
- Five Ways to Magnify a Page
- Customizing the Toolbar
- Saved Passwords: The iCloud Keychain
- Memorized Contact Information
- Memorized Passwords
- Auto-Filled-In Credit Cards
- Synchronized Passwords
- Setting Up iCloud Keychain
- Set up the first Mac
- Adding another Mac to your iCloud Keychain
- Adding an iOS gadget to your iCloud Keychain
- Auto-Generated Passwords
- Tips for Better Surfing
- The Reading List
- The Download Manager
- Reader
- Status Bar
- Keyboard Control
- Graphics Worth Saving
- Saving Web Pages to Disk
- Sending a Page to a Friend
- Expanding Web Forms
- Designate Your Start Page
- Finding Text on Web Pages
- The History Menu
- PDF Pages Online
- Shared Links and RSS Feeds
- RSS subscriptions
- Tabbed Browsing
- Tab View
- iCloud tabs
- Tab View
- Privacy and Security Features
- Erasing Your History
- Private Browsing
- Cookie Controland Privacy Control
- Stifle Pop-Ups and Pop-Unders
- 13. Messages
- Welcome to Messages
- More on iMessages
- Setting Up Messages
- The Buddy List
- Filling your buddy list
- Broadcasting your status
- Sorting and sizing your friends
- Bonjour buddies
- The Buddy List
- Let the Chat Begin
- If This Is an iMessage Chat
- They Invite You
- Text Chats
- In-Chat Fun
- Group Chats
- Audio Chats
- Video Chats
- Equipment Requirements
- Starting the Video Call
- Bluescreen Backdrops and Video FX
- Sharing Your Screen
- iCloud Screen Sharing
- Screen Sharing with Non-iCloud Accounts
- Welcome to Messages
- 10. Internet Setup & iCloud
- Four. Putting Down Roots
- 14. Mac+iPhone: Handoff, AirDrop & Continuity
- Mac as Speakerphone
- And if Its Not Working
- Texting from the Mac
- Instant Hotspot
- Handoff
- AirDrop
- From iPhone to Mac
- Mac as Speakerphone
- 15. Accounts, Security & Gatekeeper
- Introducing Accounts
- The First Account
- Creating an Account
- Phase 1: Choose an Account Type
- Administrator accounts
- Standard accounts
- Managed accounts with Parental Controls
- Sharing Only account
- Group
- The Guest account
- Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status
- Phase 3: Choose a Picture
- Phase 4: Login Items (Startup Items)
- Phase 1: Choose an Account Type
- Parental Controls
- Apps Tab
- Use Simple Finder
- Limit Applications
- Web Tab
- People Tab
- Time Limits
- Other Tab
- Apps Tab
- Editing Accounts
- Deleting Accounts
- Setting Up the Login Process
- Signing In, Logging Out
- Identifying Yourself
- Logging Out
- Logout Options
- Sharing Across Accounts
- Fast User Switching
- OS X and Security
- Gatekeeper
- FileVault
- The Firewall
- The Password Assistant
- The Keychain
- Locking and unlocking the Keychain
- Managing Keychain
- Multiple Keychains
- Keychain files
- Privacy Shields
- Location Services
- Contacts, Calendars, Reminders
- Twitter, Facebook
- Accessibility
- Diagnostic and Usage Data
- Introducing Accounts
- 16. Networking, File Sharing & AirDrop
- Wiring the Network
- Ethernet Networks
- WiFi Networks
- Cell Networks
- FireWire Networks
- File Sharing: Three Ways
- AirDrop
- Sending by AirDrop
- Eight Reasons AirDrop Might Seem Not to Work
- Receiving a File by AirDrop
- Sharing Your Public Folder
- Sharing Any Folder
- The Get Info Method
- The System Preferences Method
- Accessing Shared Files
- Connection Method A: Use the Sidebar
- Connection Method B: Connect to Server
- Disconnecting Yourself
- Disconnecting Others
- Networking with Windows
- Seated at the Mac, Seeing the PC
- Seated at the PC, Seeing the Mac
- More Mac-Windows Connections
- Screen Sharing
- Other Mac: Give Permission in Advance
- Your Mac: Take Control
- The Toolbar
- Variations on Screen Sharing
- Screen sharing through Messages
- Screen sharing the manual way
- Screen sharing with Back to My Mac
- Wiring the Network
- 17. System Preferences
- The System Preferences Window
- Accessibility
- Display
- Zoom
- VoiceOver
- Descriptions
- Captions
- Audio
- Keyboard
- Mouse & Trackpad
- Switch Control
- Dictation
- App Store
- Bluetooth
- Pairing
- Advanced Options
- The Bluetooth Menulet
- CDs & DVDs
- Date & Time
- Date & Time Tab
- Time Zone Tab
- Clock Tab
- Desktop & Screen Saver
- Desktop Pictures
- Using your own pictures
- Making the picture fit
- Auto picture changing
- Screen Saver
- Slideshows
- Nonphotographic displays
- Activating the screensaver
- Desktop Pictures
- Dictation & Speech
- Displays
- Dock
- Energy Saver
- Sleep Sliders
- Checkbox Options
- Scheduled Startup and Shutdown
- Extensions
- General
- Changing Colors
- Sidebar Icon Size
- Tweaking the Scroll Bars
- Default Web Browser
- Ask to Keep Changes When Closing Documents
- Close Windows When Quitting an App
- Number of Recent Items
- Allow Handoff Between This Mac and Your iCloud Devices
- Use LCD Font Smoothing When Available
- iCloud
- Internet Accounts
- Keyboard
- Keyboard Tab
- Text Tab
- Shortcuts Tab
- Input Sources
- Language & Region
- Mission Control
- Mouse
- Tracking Speed, Double-Click Speed
- The Mighty Mouse and Magic Mouse
- Network
- Notifications
- Parental Controls
- Printers & Scanners
- Security & Privacy
- Sharing
- Sound
- Sound Effects Tab
- Output Tab
- Input Tab
- Spotlight
- Startup Disk
- Time Machine
- Trackpad
- Point & Click
- Scroll & Zoom
- More Gestures
- Users & Groups
- 18. Notifications
- Insta-Respond to Bubbles
- Shutting Up the Bubbles
- Dismiss One Bubble
- Do Not Disturb (Manual)
- Do Not Disturb (Automatic)
- The Notification Center
- Notifications Tab
- Today Tab
- Messaging, Tweeting, or Facebooking
- Customizing the Notification Center
- 19. The Free Programs
- Your Free OS X Programs
- App Store
- Automator, AppleScript
- Calculator
- Conversions
- Calendar
- Working with Views
- Making an Appointment
- The mousy way
- The Quick Event way
- Location, alarms, travel time, and other details
- What to Do with an Appointment
- Editing events
- Rescheduling events
- Lengthening or shortening events
- Printing events
- Searching for events
- Deleting events
- The calendar Category Concept
- Publishing Calendars to the Web
- Publishing
- Subscribing
- Google, Yahoo, and Facebook Calendars
- Syncing Calendar with Your iPhone, iPad, and Other Computers
- Chess
- Playing a Game of Chess
- Chess Prefs
- Studying Your Games
- Contacts
- Dashboard
- Dictionary
- DVD Player
- FaceTime
- Placing a Call
- FaceTime Audio Calls
- Receiving Calls
- Font Book
- Game Center
- Getting Started
- Points and Achievements
- Making Friends
- Finding Games
- Managing Game Center
- GarageBand
- iBooks
- Downloading Books
- ePub Files
- PDF Files
- Your Library
- Reading
- Notes, Bookmarks, Highlighting, Dictionary
- iBooks Settings
- General tab
- Store tab
- Parental tab
- Image Capture
- Import To:
- Import Some, Import All
- Scanning
- iMovie
- iPhoto/Photos
- iTunes
- Launchpad
- Maps
- Meet Maps
- Finding Yourself
- Searching the Maps
- The Details Screen
- Bookmarks, Recents, Contacts
- Finding Friends and Businesses
- Directions
- Traffic
- Flyover
- Flyover Tours
- Messages
- Mission Control
- Notes
- Interior Design
- Pinning Notes
- Notes Folders
- Syncing Notes
- Notes Accounts
- Numbers, Pages
- Photo Booth
- Still Photos
- 4-Up Photos
- Movies
- Exporting Shots and Movies
- Preview
- Importing Camera Photos
- Operating Your Scanner
- Multiple Pages, Multiple Views
- Preview as Graphics Viewer
- Bunches o graphics
- Cropping graphics
- Fixing up photos
- Cutting backgrounds out
- Converting file formats
- Preview as PDF Reader
- Annotations and Drawing Tools
- Signing PDF Documents with Your Real Signature
- Fill in PDF Forms
- The Toolbar
- QuickTime Player
- Reminders
- The Details Bubble
- The Calendar of Deadline Hell
- Lists
- Syncing Reminders
- Safari
- Stickies
- Creating Sticky Notes
- Growing and Shrinking Notes
- Formatting Notes
- Saving Sticky Notes
- System Preferences
- TextEdit
- TextEdits Two Personalities
- Working in TextEdit
- Style Sheets
- Tables
- TextEdit as Web Designer
- Time Machine
- Utilities: Your OS X Toolbox
- Activity Monitor
- The Processes table
- The System monitor tabs
- AirPort Utility
- Audio MIDI Setup
- Bluetooth File Exchange
- Boot Camp Assistant
- ColorSync Utility
- Console
- DigitalColor Meter
- Disk Utility
- Disk Utility, the hard drive repair program
- Disk Utility, the disk-image program
- Turning an image into a CD
- Grab
- Grapher
- Keychain Access
- Migration Assistant
- Network Utility
- Script Editor
- System Information
- Terminal
- VoiceOver Utility
- Activity Monitor
- 14. Mac+iPhone: Handoff, AirDrop & Continuity
- Five. Appendixes
- A. Installing OS X Yosemite
- Hardware Requirements
- Psychological Requirements
- The Standard Installation
- The Setup Assistant
- After Installing over Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
- After Installing onto a Blank Drive
- The Homemade Installer Disk
- Phase 1: Format the Drive
- Phase 2: Build Your Installer
- Phase 3: Replace the Packages Alias
- How to Use Your Emergency Disk
- B. Troubleshooting
- Minor Eccentric Behavior
- First Resort: Repair Permissions
- Second Resort: Look for an Update
- Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
- Fourth Resort: Restart
- Last Resort: Trash and Reinstall the Program
- Frozen Programs (Force Quitting)
- Recovery Mode: Three Emergency Disks
- The Recovery HD
- Yosemite Internet Recovery
- Physical Recovery Disks
- Application Wont Open
- Startup Problems
- Kernel Panic
- Safe Mode (Safe Boot)
- Gray Screen During Startup
- Blue Screen During Startup
- Forgotten Password
- Fixing the Disk
- Method 1: Disk Utility
- Method 2: fsck at the Console
- Single-user mode (-S at startup)
- Where to Get Troubleshooting Help
- Help Online
- Help by Telephone
- Minor Eccentric Behavior
- C. The Whered It Go? Dictionary
- About [this program]
- About [this program]
- Active Desktop
- All Programs
- Alt key
- Automatic Update
- Backspace key
- Battery level
- Briefcase
- Calculator
- Camera and Scanner Installation Wizard
- CDs and DVDs
- Character Map
- Clean install
- Clipboard
- Command prompt
- Control Panel
- Copy, Cut, Paste
- Ctrl key
- Date and Time
- Delete Key (Forward Delete)
- Desktop
- Device Stage
- Directories
- Disk Defragmenter
- Disks
- Display control panel
- DLL files
- DOS prompt
- Drivers
- Ease of Access Center
- End Task dialog box
- Exiting programs
- Explorer
- Favorites
- Faxing
- File Sharing
- Folder Options
- Fonts
- Help and Support
- Hibernation
- Installing and uninstalling software
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Options
- IRQs
- Java
- Keyboard control panel
- Logging in
- Mail control panel
- Maximize button
- Menus
- Minimize button
- Mouse control panel
- (My) Computer
- (My) Documents, (My) Pictures, (My) Music
- (My) Network Places
- Network
- Notepad
- Phone and Modem control panel
- Power Options
- Printer Sharing
- Printers and Faxes
- PrntScrn key
- Program Files folder
- Properties dialog box
- Recycle Bin
- Regional and Language control panel
- Registry
- Run command
- Safe Mode
- ScanDisk
- Scheduled Tasks
- Scrap files
- Screen saver
- Search
- Shortcut menus
- Shortcuts
- Sounds and Audio Devices
- Speech control panel
- Standby mode
- Start menu
- StartUp folder
- Sync Center
- System Properties control panel
- System Tray
- Taskbar
- Taskbar and Start Menu control panel
- Three-fingered salute
- ToolTips
- Tweak UI
- User Accounts control panel
- Windows (or WINNT) folder
- Windows logo key
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Messenger
- WordPad
- Zip files
- About [this program]
- D. The Master Secret Keystroke List
- Startup Keystrokes
- Startup Keystrokes
- In the Finder
- Menu
- Finder Menu
- File Menu
- Edit Menu
- View Menu
- Go Menu
- Window Menu
- Help Menu
- Power Keys
- The Dock
- Managing Programs
- Dialog Boxes
- Trackpad Gestures
- Magic Mouse Gestures
- Startup Keystrokes
- E. Colophon
- A. Installing OS X Yosemite
- Index
- About the Author
- Copyright
O'Reilly Media - inne książki
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