- Autor:
- David Pogue
- Ocena:
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- Stron:
- 908
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Windows 7: The Missing Manual
In early reviews, geeks raved about Windows 7. But if you're an ordinary mortal, learning what this new system is all about will be challenging. Fear not: David Pogue's Windows 7: The Missing Manual comes to the rescue. Like its predecessors, this book illuminates its subject with reader-friendly insight, plenty of wit, and hardnosed objectivity for beginners as well as veteran PC users.
Windows 7 fixes many of Vista's most painful shortcomings. It's speedier, has fewer intrusive and nagging screens, and is more compatible with peripherals. Plus, Windows 7 introduces a slew of new features, including better organization tools, easier WiFi connections and home networking setup, and even touchscreen computing for those lucky enough to own the latest hardware.
With this book, you'll learn how to:
- Navigate the desktop, including the fast and powerful search function
- Take advantage of Window's apps and gadgets, and tap into 40 free programs
- Breeze the Web with Internet Explorer 8, and learn the email, chat, and videoconferencing programs
- Record TV and radio, display photos, play music, and record any of these to DVD using the Media Center
- Use your printer, fax, laptop, tablet PC, or smartphone with Windows 7
- Beef up your system and back up your files
- Collaborate and share documents and other files by setting up a workgroup network
Wybrane bestsellery
To piąte, gruntownie zaktualizowane wydanie podręcznika, który doceni każdy student informatyki i inżynier oprogramowania. Książka obejmuje szeroki zakres zagadnień, od podstawowych pojęć po zaawansowaną problematykę związaną z najnowszymi trendami w systemach operacyjnych. Wyczerpująco omawia procesy, wątki, zarządzanie pamięcią, systemy plików, operacje wejścia-wyjścia, zakleszczenia, interfejsy użytkownika, multimedia czy kompromisy wydajnościowe. Szczegółowo, jako studia przypadków, zostały tu opisane systemy: Windows 11, Unix, Linux i Android. Jasny i przystępny styl, a także liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia ułatwiają zrozumienie nawet bardzo skomplikowanych zagadnień.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 107 pkt
(89,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.40 zł
179.00 zł (-40%) -
A basic guide to learn Design and Programming of operating system in depth Key Features Easy to read and understand Covers the topic in-depth Good explanation of concepts with relevant diagrams and examples Contains a lot of review questions to understand the concepts Clarification of concepts using case studies The book will help to achieve-
- ePub + Mobi 76 pkt
(76,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
76.49 zł
84.99 zł (-10%) -
Step-by-step guide to designing, deploying and managing VMware App Volumes Key Features Understanding the concept of application layering App Volumes architecture overview Installing App Volumes Working with App Volumes, App Stacks and Writeable Volumes Integration with VDI, app publishing, and desktop publishing solutions Advanced configurat-
- ePub + Mobi 76 pkt
(76,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
76.49 zł
84.99 zł (-10%) -
Description Microsoft recently released .NET 8, a fresh and exciting release with lots of new features and performance enhancements. In this book, we will cover several frameworks such as WinForms, WPF, Windows App SDK, Blazor, and MAUI. This book will begin with a tour of the .NET technology, including its versions and support. You will also disco-
- ePub + Mobi 76 pkt
(76,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
76.49 zł
84.99 zł (-10%) -
W drugiej części tego zaktualizowanego przewodnika dla zaawansowanych informatyków znalazł się między innymi opis mechanizmu wywołania ALPC i procedury synchronizacji sterowników urządzeń i aplikacji. Omówiono zasady wirtualizacji, a także takie elementy jak rejestr, interfejs WMI, usługi ETW i DTrace. Pokazano najważniejsze komponenty pamięci masowej i systemy plików, w tym NTFS i ReFS. Zaprezentowano też operacje zachodzące podczas rozruchu i zamykania systemu. Uwzględniono aktualizacje 21H1/2104 systemu Windows 10, jak również systemów Windows Server 2022, 2019 i 2016. Dodatkowo ujęto tu obszerne wprowadzenie do platformy Hyper-V. Książka zawiera ponadto praktyczne eksperymenty, dzięki którym przy użyciu najnowszych narzędzi diagnostycznych można łatwiej zrozumieć wewnętrzne szczegóły działania systemu Windows.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 107 pkt
Windows od środka. Wnętrze nowoczesnego systemu, wirtualizacja, systemy plików, rozruch, bezpieczeństwo i dużo więcej. Wydanie VII
Mark Russinovich, Andrea Allievi, Alex Ionescu, David Solomon
(89,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.40 zł
179.00 zł (-40%) -
Książka pozwala zdobyć umiejętności przydane w pracy i wymagane na egzaminie MCTS 70-680. Stosując własne tempo, można przerobić kolejne lekcje, wyczerpujące każdy temat egzaminu. Wzięte z życia scenariusze przykładowe i zadania pomagają utrwalić zdobytą wiedzę i zastosować ją w praktyce. Ten oficjalny podręcznik firmy Microsoft został zaprojektowa(131,46 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
132.57 zł
187.95 zł (-29%) -
Microsoft Resource Kit to pogłębione i wyczerpujące źródło informacji niezbędnych w przedsiębiorstwie przy administrowaniu systemem Windows 7. Czytelnik znajdzie tu wskazówki techniczne pochodzące od tych, którzy najlepiej znają ten system Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals oraz członków zespołu Windows 7, a ponadto setki skryptów, narzędzi i źr(146,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
147.74 zł
208.95 zł (-29%) -
Praktyczny, podręczny przewodnik po Windows 7! Podręczny i precyzyjny, przewodnik kieszonkowy, który podaje gotowe recepty dotyczące administrowania komputerami systemu Windows 7. Koncentruje się na zadaniach podstawowej obsługi i konserwacji przy użyciu tabel z przeglądami, instrukcji oraz list. Zyskujemy informację potrzebną do rozwiązywania prob(48,58 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
49.39 zł
69.90 zł (-29%) -
Ta książka jest kolejnym, gruntownie przejrzanym i zaktualizowanym wydaniem klasycznego podręcznika, w którym jasno i wyczerpująco wyjaśniono koncepcje, strukturę i mechanizmy rządzące funkcjonowaniem nowoczesnych systemów operacyjnych. Wnikliwie omówiono również podstawowe zasady projektowania systemów operacyjnych i powiązano je ze współczesnymi zagadnieniami projektowymi oraz kierunkami rozwoju systemów operacyjnych. Aby zilustrować prezentowane treści, jako przykładami posłużono się czterema systemami: Windows, Android, Unix i Linux. W ten sposób koncepcje projektowe omawiane w danym rozdziale są natychmiast popierane rzeczywistymi przykładami.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 77 pkt
(64,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
77.40 zł
129.00 zł (-40%) -
Zarządzanie konfiguracją oprogramowania w systemach sieciowych jest niebanalnym zadaniem. Nawet zwykła aktualizacja czy wdrożenie nowego oprogramowania mogą się skończyć katastrofą, zwłaszcza w przypadku serwerów pracujących pod kontrolą systemów Linux czy Unix. Konieczność pilnowania ustawień w wielu różnych plikach konfiguracyjnych, z których każdy służy innemu elementowi, sprawia, że problemy mogą sprawiać nawet zasadniczo nieskomplikowane czynności — chyba że konfiguracja i wdrażanie oprogramowania w systemie zostaną zautomatyzowane za pomocą odpowiedniego narzędzia, na przykład Ansible.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 35 pkt
(29,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
35.40 zł
59.00 zł (-40%)
David Pogue - pozostałe książki
Apple gives macOS new features and improvements right on your desktop and under the hood with Catalina—aka OS X 10.15. With this updated guide, you’ll learn how to use your iPad as a second screen, work with iPad apps on your Mac, and use Screen Time on your Mac. This new edition of the #1 bestselling Mac book shows you how to use the revamped apps-
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109.65 zł
129.00 zł (-15%) -
The iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11R, and 11Max are faster than ever and have more powerful cameras. With the latest edition of this bestselling guide, you get a funny, gorgeously illustrated guide to the tips, shortcuts, and workarounds that will turn you into an iPhone master.Written by David Pogue—Missing Manual series creator, New York Times columnist, a-
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76.42 zł
89.90 zł (-15%) -
The Windows 10 May 2019 Update adds a host of new and improved features to Microsoft’s flagship operating system—and this jargon-free guide helps you get the most out of every component.This in-depth Missing Manual covers the entire system and introduces you to the latest features in the Windows Professional, Enterprise, Education, and Home edition-
- ePub + Mobi 118 pkt
(126,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
118.15 zł
139.00 zł (-15%) -
Answers found here!Apple’s latest Mac software, macOS Mojave, is a glorious boxcar full of new features and refinements. What’s still not included, though, is a single page of printed instructions. Fortunately, David Pogue is back, delivering the expertise and humor that have made this the #1 bestselling Mac book for 18 years straight.The important-
- ePub + Mobi 76 pkt
(80,73 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
76.42 zł
89.90 zł (-15%) -
The iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR aren’t just faster and more powerful than ever—they’re also better at all of the things you use an iPhone for. With the latest edition of this bestselling guide, you get a funny, gorgeously illustrated guide to the tips, shortcuts, and workarounds that will turn you into an iPhone master. This easy-to-use book will als-
- ePub + Mobi 76 pkt
(80,73 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
76.42 zł
89.90 zł (-15%) -
With Sierra, Apple brings never-before-seen features to macOS—like Siri voice control, file sharing across all your iOS devices, picture-in-picture mode for iTunes and Safari, and AI photo search. Once again, David Pogue brings his humor and expertise to the #1 bestselling Mac book.Whether you’re a developer or a home-user, this guide offers a weal-
- ePub + Mobi 109 pkt
(109,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
109.65 zł
129.00 zł (-15%) -
Dzięki tej pozycji łatwo i w zabawny sposób zyskasz wiedzę na temat teorii muzyki, kompozycji, orkiestracji oraz głównych kierunków w muzyce. Łatwiej wybierzesz spośród ogromu muzyki klasycznej te utwory, które przyniosą Ci najwięcej radości. Ale przede wszystkim odkryjesz przedziwny ogród emocji, wzruszeń i uniesień, które może przynieść muzyka pełna czaru, piękna, mocy i subtelności — muzyka klasyczna.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 19 pkt
(19,95 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.95 zł
39.90 zł (-50%) -
Those who have made the switch from a Windows PC to a Mac have made Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual a runaway bestseller. The latest edition of this guide delivers what Apple doesn't—everything you need to know to successfully and painlessly move your files and adapt to Mac's way of doing things. Written with wit and objectivity by Missing-
- ePub + Mobi 92 pkt
(92,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
92.65 zł
109.00 zł (-15%) -
Ebooka "Windows 7: The Missing Manual" przeczytasz na:
czytnikach Inkbook, Kindle, Pocketbook, Onyx Boox i innych
systemach Windows, MacOS i innych
systemach Windows, Android, iOS, HarmonyOS
na dowolnych urządzeniach i aplikacjach obsługujących formaty: PDF, EPub, Mobi
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Szczegóły książki
- ISBN Ebooka:
- 978-14-493-8887-4, 9781449388874
- Data wydania ebooka :
Data wydania ebooka często jest dniem wprowadzenia tytułu do sprzedaży i może nie być równoznaczna z datą wydania książki papierowej. Dodatkowe informacje możesz znaleźć w darmowym fragmencie. Jeśli masz wątpliwości skontaktuj się z nami sklep@ebookpoint.pl.
- Język publikacji:
- 1
- Rozmiar pliku ePub:
- 19.8MB
- Rozmiar pliku Mobi:
- 19.8MB
Spis treści książki
- Windows 7: The Missing Manual
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with OReilly
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- The Missing Credits
- About the Author
- About the Creative Team
- Acknowledgments
- The Missing Manual Series
- Introduction
- Whats New
- The Bummers
- Upgrading from Windows XP
- The Matrix of Windows versions lives on
- Missing Apps
- The Bummers
- About This Book
- System Requirements for Your Brain
- About the Outline
- AboutTheseArrows
- The Very Basics
- Windows Defined
- The Right Mouse Button is King
- Wizards = Interviews
- Theres More Than One Way to Do Everything
- You Can Use the Keyboard for Everything
- The Start Menu is Fastest
- About Shift+Clicking
- You Could Spend a Lifetime Changing Properties
- Every Piece of Hardware Requires Software
- Its Not Meant to Be Overwhelming
- About MissingManuals.com
- Whats New
- One. The Windows 7 Desktop
- 1. Getting Started, Desktop, & Start Menu
- Getting Started
- The Windows DesktopNow with Aero!
- The Start Menu
- Anatomy of the Start Menu
- Keyboard Navigation
- Use the arrow keys
- Use the Search box
- The All Programs List
- Folders
- Software-company folders
- Program-group folders
- The Startup folder
- Folders
- Start Menu: The Right Side
- Start[Your Name]: The Personal Folder
- StartDocuments
- StartPictures, Music
- StartGames
- StartComputer
- StartControl Panel
- StartDevices and Printers
- StartDefault Programs
- StartHelp and Support
- StartShut down (Sleep, Restart, Log Off)
- Three Triggers for Sleep/Shut Downand How to Change Them
- Commands That No Longer Appear
- Customizing the Start Menu
- Start Menu Settings
- The hide/show switches for things in the Start menu
- A note about Display as menu
- More options for the Start menu
- Below the scrolling list
- Add Your Own Icons to the Start Menu
- The free sections of the Start menu
- Method 1: Drag an icon directly
- Method 2: Use the Start menu folders
- Removing Icons from the Start Menu
- Renaming Start-Menu Items
- Reorganizing the Start Menu
- Add folders to hold submenus
- Start Menu Settings
- Jump Lists
- Pinning
- Jump List Caveats
- Jump List Settings
- The Run Command
- Open a Program
- Open Any Program or Document
- Open a Drive Window
- Open a Folder Window
- Connect to a Web Page
- 2. Explorer, Windows, & the Taskbar
- Universal Window Controls
- Sizing, Moving, and Closing Windows
- Maximized
- Minimized
- Restored
- Moving a Window
- Closing a Window
- Layering Windows
- Sizing, Moving, and Closing Windows
- New Window Tricks in Windows 7
- Aero Snap
- Aero Shake
- The Show Desktop Button
- Windows Flip (Alt+Tab)
- Windows Flip 3D
- Flip 3D Without Holding Down Keys
- Explorer Window Controls
- Address Bar
- Components of the address bar
- What to type into the address bar
- The Task Toolbar
- Address Bar
- Optional Window Panes
- Details Pane
- Preview Pane
- Navigation Pane
- Favorite Links list
- Libraries
- Homegroup
- Computer
- Network
- Flippy triangles
- Libraries
- Working with Library Contents
- Adding a Folder to an Existing Library
- The fine print
- Removing a Folder from a Library
- Creating a New Library
- Tags, Metadata, and Properties
- Properties
- Icon and List Views
- Sorting, Grouping, and Filtering
- Sorting Files
- Details view
- All other views
- Grouping
- Filtering
- Sorting Files
- Uni-Window vs. Multi-Window
- Immortalizing Your Tweaks
- The Folder Options Options
- Taskbar 2.0
- Taskbar as App Switcher
- Handy Window Miniatures
- Aero Peek
- Button Groups
- The Taskbar as App Launcher
- Jump Lists: Taskbar Edition
- The Notification Area (System Tray)
- Revealing the hidden status icons
- Reinstating the hidden icons
- Revealing all system-tray icons
- Three Ways to Get the Taskbar Out of Your Hair
- Auto-Hiding the Taskbar
- Changing the Taskbars Size
- Moving the Taskbar to the Sides of the Screen
- Taskbar Toolbars
- Address Toolbar
- Links Toolbar
- Tablet PC Input Panel
- Desktop Toolbar
- Redesigning Your Toolbars
- Build Your Own Toolbars
- Universal Window Controls
- 3. Searching & Organizing Your Files
- Meet Windows Search
- Search from the Start Menu
- The More Results Window
- Limit by Size, Date, Rating, Tag, Author
- Special Search Codes
- Results Menu Tips
- Explorer-Window Searches
- Search filters
- The Search Index
- Where Windows Looks
- The Older, Slower Kind of Search
- Adding New Places to the Index
- Customizing Search
- Folder Options
- Indexing Options
- Advanced Indexing Options
- Saved Searches
- The Folders of Windows 7
- Whats in the Local Disk (C:) Window
- PerfLogs
- Program Files
- Program Files (x86)
- Users
- Windows
- Your Personal Folder
- Whats in the Local Disk (C:) Window
- Life with Icons
- Renaming Your Icons
- Icon Properties
- Computer
- Disks
- Data files
- Folders
- Program files
- Changing Your Icons Icons
- Standard Windows icons
- Folder or shortcut icons
- Selecting Icons
- Use the Mouse
- Use the Keyboard
- Checkbox Selection
- Eliminating Double-Clicks
- Copying and Moving Folders and Files
- Copying by Dragging Icons
- The right-mouse-button trick
- Dragging icons into the Navigation pane
- Copying with Copy and Paste
- Copying by Dragging Icons
- The Recycle Bin
- Making the Recycle Bin Less Naggy
- Restoring Deleted Files and Folders
- Emptying the Recycle Bin
- Auto-emptying the Recycle Bin
- Shortcut Icons
- Creating and Deleting Shortcuts
- Unveiling a Shortcuts True Identity
- Shortcut Keyboard Triggers
- Compressing Files and Folders
- NTFS Compression
- Compressing files, folders, or disks
- Zipped Folders
- Creating zipped folders
- Working with zipped folders
- NTFS Compression
- Burning CDs and DVDs from the Desktop
- A Tale of Two Formats
- Burning, Step by Step
- The final steps: Mastered (ISO) format
- The final steps: Live File System (UDF) format
- Final Notes
- 4. Interior Decorating Windows
- Aero or Not
- Turning Off Only Transparent Window Edges
- Turning Off Window Snapping and Shaking
- Turning Off the Inch-Tall Taskbar
- Turn Off All Those Glitzy Animations
- Turning Off the Aero Look (and Aero App Switchers)
- A Gallery of Themes
- Aero Themes
- Basic and High Contrast Themes
- Desktop Background (Wallpaper)
- AutoPicture Changing
- Making the Pictures Fit
- Other Ways to Choose Desktop Photos
- Window Color
- Sounds
- Screen Savers
- Choosing a Screen Saver
- Desktop Icons
- Mouse Makeover
- Pointer Options
- Pointer Options
- Pointer Options
- Preserving Your Tweaks for Posterity
- Monitor Settings
- Three Ways to Enlarge the Screen
- Change the resolution
- Enlarge just the type and graphics
- The Magnifier
- Colors
- Multiple Monitors
- Advanced Settings
- Three Ways to Enlarge the Screen
- Aero or Not
- 5. Getting Help
- Navigating the Help System
- Search the Help Pages
- Drilling Down
- Remote Assistance
- Remote Assistance: Rest Assured
- Starting Up Remote Assistance: If Youre Both on Windows 7
- Instructions for the novice
- Instructions for the expert
- Starting Up Remote Assistance: If Youre Not Both on Windows 7
- Instructions for the novice
- Instructions for the expert
- Once Youre Connected
- Getting Help from Microsoft
- Navigating the Help System
- 1. Getting Started, Desktop, & Start Menu
- Two. Windows 7 Software
- 6. Programs, Documents, & Gadgets
- Opening Programs
- Exiting Programs
- When Programs Die: The Task Manager
- Saving Documents
- The Save Dialog Box
- Saving into Your Documents Folder
- Saving into Other Folders
- Navigating the List by Keyboard
- The File Format Drop-Down Menu
- Closing Documents
- The Open Dialog Box
- Moving Data Between Documents
- Cut, Copy, and Paste
- Drag-and-Drop
- Export/Import
- Speech Recognition
- Take the Tutorial
- Dictating.
- Controlling Windows Speech Recognition
- Controlling Windows and Its Programs
- Show numbers
- Controlling Dictation
- Correcting errors
- More commands
- Speech Recognition tips
- Gadgets
- Gadget Tip-o-Rama
- Gadget Catalog
- Calendar
- Clock
- CPU Meter
- Currency
- Feed Headlines
- Picture Puzzle
- Slide Show
- Weather
- More Gadgets
- Installing a gadget
- Uninstalling a gadget
- Filename Extensions and File Associations
- Displaying Filename Extensions
- Hooking Up an Unknown File Type
- Hooking Up a File Extension to a Different Program
- Method 1: Start with the document
- Method 2: Start with the program
- Method 3: Start with the file type
- Installing Software
- The Preinstallation Checklist
- Installing Software from a Disc
- Installing Downloaded Software
- Installing Windows Components
- Uninstalling Software
- When Uninstalling Goes Wrong
- Program Compatibility Modes
- Warning When You Upgrade to Windows 7
- Warning Right When You Install an Older App
- Compatibility Mode
- Compatibility mode: the wizardy way
- Compatibility mode: the manual way
- Windows XP Mode
- 7. The Freebie Apps
- Windows Live Essentials
- Default Programs
- Desktop Gadget Gallery
- Internet Explorer
- Windows Anytime Upgrade
- Windows DVD Maker
- Windows Fax and Scan
- Windows Media Center
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Live Movie Maker
- Windows Update
- XPS Viewer
- Accessories
- Bluetooth File Transfer
- Calculator
- Command Prompt
- Connect to a Network Projector
- Connect to a Projector
- Getting Started
- Math Input Panel
- Notepad
- Notepad basics
- About Word Wrap
- Paint
- Remote Desktop Connection
- Run
- Snipping Tool
- Sound Recorder
- Recording a new sound
- What to do with sounds
- Sticky Notes
- Creating notes
- Formatting notes
- Deleting notes
- Sync Center
- Windows Explorer
- Windows Mobility Center
- WordPad
- Using WordPad
- Ease of Access
- Ease of Access Center
- Magnifier
- Narrator
- On-Screen Keyboard
- Windows Speech Recognition
- System Tools
- Character Map
- Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)
- Private Character Editor
- Tablet PC
- Windows PowerShell
- Games
- Chess Titans
- FreeCell
- Games Explorer
- Hearts
- Internet Backgammon, Internet Checkers, Internet Spades
- Mahjong Titans
- Minesweeper
- Purble Place
- Solitaire
- Spider Solitaire
- Maintenance
- Startup
- Windows Live
- Windows Live Writer
- Windows Live Messenger
- Building the Buddy List
- Text Chats
- They invite you
- You invite them
- Text chatting
- In-Chat Fun
- Audio Chats
- Video Chats
- Cosmetic Tweaks
- 8. The Control Panel
- Many Roads to Control Panel
- The Control Panel Itself
- Category view
- Classic view
- Control Panel via Search
- The Control Panel Itself
- The Control Panel, Applet by Applet
- Action Center
- Administrative Tools
- AutoPlay
- Backup and Restore Center
- BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Color Management
- Credential Manager
- Date and Time
- Default Programs
- Desktop Gadgets
- Device Manager
- Devices and Printers
- Display
- Ease of Access Center
- Folder Options
- Fonts
- Getting Started
- HomeGroup
- Indexing Options
- Internet Options
- iSCSI Initiator
- Keyboard
- Location and Other Sensors
- Mouse
- Buttons tab
- Pointers tab
- Pointers Options tab
- Wheel tab
- Hardware tab
- Network and Sharing Center
- Notification Area Icons
- Parental Controls
- Pen and Input Devices
- Performance Information and Tools
- Personalization
- Phone and Modem
- Power Options
- Creating your own plan
- Programs and Features
- Recovery
- Region and Language
- Formats tab
- Location tab
- Keyboards and Languages tab
- Administrative
- RemoteApp and Desktop Connections
- Sound
- Playback and Recording tabs
- Sounds tab
- Communications tab
- Speech Recognition
- Sync Center
- System
- Taskbar and Start Menu
- Troubleshooting
- User Accounts
- Windows CardSpace
- Windows Defender
- Windows Firewall
- Windows Mobility Center
- Windows Update
- Many Roads to Control Panel
- 6. Programs, Documents, & Gadgets
- Three. Windows 7 Online
- 9. Hooking Up to the Internet
- Your New Network Neighborhood
- Network Icon
- Network and Sharing Center
- Wired Connections
- Automatic Configuration
- Manual Configuration
- WiFi Hot Spots
- When You Cant Get On
- Commercial Hot Spots
- Memorized Hot Spots
- Cellular Modems
- Dial-Up Connections
- Connection Management
- Your New Network Neighborhood
- 10. Internet Security
- Microsoft Security Essentials
- Action Center
- Windows Firewall
- How It Works
- Firewall Settings
- Punching Through the Firewall
- Advanced Firewall
- Windows Defender
- Real-Time Protection
- Scanning
- Scan
- History
- Tools
- SmartScreen Filter
- Phine-Tuning the Philter
- Privacy and Cookies
- The Terminology of Cookies
- Cookie Options
- History: Erasing Your Tracks
- The Pop-Up Blocker
- Overriding the Pop-up Block
- InPrivate Browsing
- InPrivate Filtering
- Internet Security Zones
- Security Levels
- Classifying Sites by Hand
- Hot Spot Security
- Protect Your Home Wireless Network
- Parental Controls
- Time Limits, Game Limits, Software Restrictions
- Family Safety
- Customizing Family Safety
- 11. Internet Explorer 8
- IE8: The Grand Tour
- The Raw Basics
- Menus and Gizmos
- The Address Bar
- Topside Doodads
- Window Controls
- Tabbed Browsing
- Shortcut-O-Rama
- Quick Tabs (Thumbnails)
- Tab Settings
- Favorites (Bookmarks)
- The Favorites Toolbar
- History List
- RSS: The Missing Manual
- Viewing an RSS Feed
- Web Slices
- Tips for Better Surfing
- Full-Screen Browsing
- Picking a Home Page
- Bigger Text, Smaller Text
- Zooming In and Out
- Online Photos
- Saving Pages
- Sending Pages
- Accelerators
- How to use an accelerator
- Turning off accelerators
- Adding more accelerators
- Printing Pages
- Turn Off Animations
- Internet Options
- The Keyboard Shortcut Master List
- IE8: The Grand Tour
- 12. Windows Live Mail
- Setting Up Windows Mail
- Sending Email
- Mail Folders in Windows Mail
- Composing and Sending Messages
- The Contacts List
- Attaching Files to Messages
- Reading Email
- When Pictures are Part of the Message
- How to Process a Message
- Deleting messages
- Replying to Messages
- Forwarding Messages
- Printing Messages
- Filing Messages
- Flagging Messages
- Opening Attachments
- Message Rules
- Setting up message rules
- Two sneaky message-rules tricks
- Junk Email
- Junk E-Mail Safety Options
- When the Junk Filter Goes Wrong
- The World of Mail Settings
- General Tab
- Read Tab
- Receipts Tab
- Send Tab
- Compose Tab
- Signatures Tab
- Spelling Tab
- Connection Tab
- Advanced Tab
- Calendar
- Working with Views
- Making an Appointment
- The easy way
- The long way
- What to Do with an Appointment
- Editing events
- Rescheduling events
- Lengthening or shortening events
- Printing events
- Deleting events
- The Calendar Category Concept
- Syncing Calendars with Windows Live
- Publishing Calendars
- RSS Feeds
- Newsgroups
- Subscribing to a Microsoft Newsgroup
- Other Newsgroups
- Reading Messages
- Replying, Composing, and Forwarding Messages
- 13. Windows Live Services
- Home
- Profile
- Spaces
- Photos
- SkyDrive
- Put Files Onto the SkyDrive
- Retrieving the Files
- The 50-Megabyte Email Attachment
- Calendar
- Publishing a Calendar
- Subscribing
- Publishing a Calendar
- 9. Hooking Up to the Internet
- Four. Pictures, Music, & TV
- 14. Windows Live Photo Gallery
- Photo Gallery: The Application
- Getting Pictures into Photo Gallery
- Photos from a Digital Camera
- Photos from a USB Card Reader
- The File Format Factor
- Common graphics formats
- Movies
- RAW format
- The Post-Dump Slideshow
- Slideshow Themes
- Slideshow Themes
- Slideshow Themes
- The Digital Shoebox
- The Bigger Picture
- The Navigation Tree
- Working with Your Photos
- Category Groupings
- Selecting Photos
- Deleting Photos
- Duplicating a Photo
- The Info Panel
- Titles
- Dates
- Captions
- Tags and Ratings
- Editing Tags
- Applying Tags and Ratings
- Using Tags and Ratings
- Searching for Photos by Text
- Editing Your Shots
- Ways to Zoom
- Ten Levels of Undo
- Auto Adjust
- Cropping
- Red Eye
- Rotate
- Exposure and Color Adjustments
- Exposure
- Color balance
- Reverting to the Original
- Finding Your Audience
- Make Prints
- Slideshows
- Burn to a Disc
- Make a Slideshow Movie
- Build a Photo Screen Saver
- Make a Blog Post
- Publish a Web Photo Gallery
- 15. Windows Media Player
- The Lay of the Land
- Importing Music Files
- Music Playback
- Fun with Media Player
- Fun with Media Player
- Playing Music CDs
- Ripping CDs to Your Hard Drive
- Fun with Media Player
- Playlists
- Deleting things
- Deleting things
- Deleting things
- Burning Your Own CDs
- Copying Music or Video to a Portable Player
- Automatic sync
- Manual sync
- Copying Music or Video to a Portable Player
- Sharing Music on the Network
- Browse One Anothers CollectionsHomegroup Method
- Browse One Anothers CollectionsManual Method
- Play to
- Play over the Internet
- Online Music Stores
- Internet Radio
- DVD Movies
- Ditching the remote control
- Ditching the remote control
- Ditching the remote control
- Pictures and Videos
- 16. Windows Media Center
- Your Gear List
- Setup
- Express
- Custom
- Required Setup
- Optional Setup
- The Main Menu
- Extras
- Pictures+Videos
- Slideshows
- Adding music
- Slideshow settings
- Editing Pictures
- Burn a CD of Pictures or Videos
- Slideshows
- Music: Your PC as Jukebox
- Playback Fun
- Ripping CDs
- Playlists
- Creating playlists
- Now Playing
- Movies
- TV: Your PC as TiVo
- internet tv
- guide
- recorded tv
- Save a show onto a DVD
- guide
- live tv
- search
- Tricks with Live TV
- Sports
- Tasks
- Settings
- General
- TV
- Pictures
- Music
- Start Menu and Extras
- Extenders
- Media Libraries
- 14. Windows Live Photo Gallery
- Five. Hardware & Peripherals
- 17. Print, Fax, & Scan
- Installing a Printer
- USB Printers
- Network Printers
- Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
- The Devices and Printers Window
- Printing
- Printing from Programs
- Printing from the Desktop
- Controlling Printouts
- Fancy Printer Tricks
- Printing at 39,000 Feet
- Sharing a Printer
- Printing to a File
- Creating a printer file
- Printing a printer file
- Limiting Hours of Access
- Add a Separator Page
- Printer Troubleshooting
- Fonts
- Managing Your Fonts
- Faxing
- Sending a Fax from Any Program
- Faxing Using Windows Fax and Scan
- Receiving Faxes
- Scanning Documents
- Installing a Printer
- 18. Hardware
- External Gadgets
- USB Jacks
- Other Jacks
- Connecting New Gadgets
- Device Stage
- Installing Cards in Expansion Slots
- Troubleshooting Newly Installed Gear
- Driver Signing
- The Device Manager
- The Curse of the Yellow ! Badge
- Duplicate devices
- Resolving resource conflicts
- Turning Components Off
- Updating Drivers
- Driver Rollback
- The Curse of the Yellow ! Badge
- External Gadgets
- 19. Laptops, Tablets, & Touchscreens
- Laptops
- Battery Meter
- Mobility Center
- Tablet PCs and Touchscreen PCs
- Handwriting Recognition
- Teaching Windows how you write
- Handwriting anywhere
- Gestures
- Fixing mistakes
- The finer points of handwriting recognition
- Windows Journal
- Flicks
- Tablet and touch settings
- Handwriting Recognition
- Windows Touch
- Touch Gestures
- Minor Tweaks
- Windows Mobile
- Offline Files & Sync Center
- Preparing to Leave the Network
- Working Offline
- Reconnecting to the Network
- The Sync Schedule
- Laptops
- 17. Print, Fax, & Scan
- Six. PC Health
- 20. Maintenance & Speed Tweaks
- The Action Center
- Disk Cleanup
- Disk Defragmenter
- Defragging Settings
- Hard Drive Checkups
- Disk Management
- Change a Drive Letter
- Partition a New Drive
- Creating a partition
- Turn a Drive into a Folder
- Task Scheduler
- Adding a Task
- Editing Scheduled Tasks
- Three Speed Tricks
- SuperFetch
- ReadyBoost
- Shutting Off Bells and Whistles
- Windows Update
- Fiddling with Windows Update
- Beyond the Basics
- Removing Updates
- 21. The Disk Chapter
- Dynamic Disks
- How Dynamic Disks Work
- Extending onto Another Disk
- Extending into a spanned volume
- Creating a striped volume
- Compressing Files and Folders
- NTFS Compression
- Compressing files, folders, or disks
- Zipped Folders
- Creating zipped folders
- Working with zipped folders
- NTFS Compression
- Encrypting Files and Folders
- Using EFS
- EFS Rules
- BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Tweaking Windows 7 to Run BitLocker
- The Flash-Drive Workaround
- Turning on BitLocker
- Dynamic Disks
- 22. Backups, System Restore, & Troubleshooting
- Automatic Backups
- Backup Hardware
- Your First Backup
- Restoring Files from a Backup
- System Images
- Make the Image
- Restore the Image
- System Restore
- About Restore Points
- Performing a System Restore
- Turning System Restore Off
- Shadow Copies (Previous Versions)
- Making Shadow Copies
- Recovering Old Document Versions
- Safe Mode and the Startup Menu
- Troubleshooting Tools
- Automatic Error Reporting
- Automatic Solution Reporting
- The Diary of Windows Crashes
- Reliability Monitor
- Startup Repair (Windows Recovery Environment)
- Automatic Backups
- 20. Maintenance & Speed Tweaks
- Seven. Networking & Homegroups
- 23. Accounts & Logging On
- Introducing User Accounts
- Windows 7: The OS with Two Faces
- Local Accounts
- Administrator vs. Standard Accounts
- Adding an Account
- Editing an Account
- The Forgotten Password Disk
- Deleting User Accounts
- Disabling Accounts
- The Guest Account
- Authenticate Yourself: User Account Control
- Local Accounts on a Domain Computer
- Creating a Local Account for a Domain Member
- Local Users and Groups
- Opening the Console
- Creating a New Account
- Groups
- Creating a group
- Built-in groups
- Modifying Users and Groups
- Fast User Switching
- Logging On
- You Get the Accounts Screen
- You Zoom Straight to the Desktop
- You Get the Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to Begin Dialog Box
- Profiles
- The Public Profile
- Whose software is it, anyway?
- The Default User Profile
- The Public Profile
- NTFS Permissions: Protecting Your Stuff
- Setting Up NTFS Permissions
- Step 1: Specify the person
- Step 2: Specify the permissions
- Groups and Permissions
- When Permissions Collide
- NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones.
- NTFS permissions that have been explicitly applied to a file or folder always override inherited permissions.
- Permissions accumulate as you burrow downward through subfolders.
- Setting Up NTFS Permissions
- 24. Setting Up a Workgroup
- Kinds of Networks
- Ethernet
- Network hookups
- Wireless Networks (WiFi or 802.11)
- Other Kinds of Networks
- Phone line networks
- Power outlet networks
- Ethernet
- Sharing an Internet Connection
- Get a Broadband Router
- Use Internet Connection Sharing
- The Network and Sharing Center
- Links at the Left Side
- Manage wireless networks
- Change adapter settings
- Change advanced sharing settings
- Links in the Main Window
- Set up a new connection or network
- Connect to a network
- Choose homegroup and sharing options
- Troubleshoot problems
- Links at the Left Side
- Kinds of Networks
- 25. Network Domains
- The Domain
- Whats Wrong with Workgroups
- The Domain Concept
- Active Directory
- Domain Security
- Joining a Domain
- Four Ways Life Is Different on a Domain
- Logging On
- Browsing the Domain
- Searching the Domain
- Custom Searches
- Assigning Permissions to Domain Members
- The Domain
- 26. Sharing Files on the Network
- Three Ways to Share Files
- Homegroups
- How to Use Your Homegroup
- How to Share More Folders
- Leaving a Homegroup
- Editing the Shared Homegroup Libraries
- Sharing the Public Folders
- Sharing Any Folder
- Advanced Folder Sharingand Disk Sharing
- Notes on File Sharing
- Hiding Folders
- Accessing Shared Folders
- Extra Credit: Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
- Mapping Shares to Drive Letters
- 27. Windows by Remote Control
- Remote Access Basics
- Dialing Direct
- Setting Up the Host PC
- Setting Up the Remote PC
- Making the Call
- Virtual Private Networking
- Setting Up the Host Machine
- Making the Connection
- Remote Desktop
- Setting Up the Host Machine
- Making the Connection
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Hopelessly Confused
- Disconnecting
- Fine-tuning Remote Desktop Connections
- 23. Accounts & Logging On
- Eight. Appendixes
- A. Installing & Upgrading to Windows 7
- Before You Begin
- Hardware Requirements
- The Compatibility Issue
- Upgrade vs. Clean Install
- Buying Windows 7
- About the Clean Install
- Backing up
- Dual Booting
- Installing Windows 7
- Preparing for the Installation
- Performing an Upgrade Installation
- Performing a Clean Install (or Dual-Boot Install)
- Getting Started
- Activation
- Windows Easy Transfer
- Phase 1: Backing up the Files
- Phase 2: Restoring the Files
- Before You Begin
- B. Fun with the Registry
- Meet Regedit
- The Big Five Categories
- Keys and Values
- Backing Up Key Values
- Regedit Examples
- Encrypt/Decrypt from the Shortcut Menu
- A Really, Really Clean Desktop
- Slow Down the Animations
- Meet Regedit
- C. Whered It Go?
- D. The Master Keyboard Shortcut List
- Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
- Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
- Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
- General keyboard shortcuts
- Window and Program-Switching Keyboard Shortcuts
- -Key Shortcuts
- Taskbar keyboard shortcuts
- Ease of Access keyboard shortcuts
- Dialog Box keyboard shortcuts
- Magnifier keyboard shortcuts
- Remote Desktop Connection keyboard shortcuts
- Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
- Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
- A. Installing & Upgrading to Windows 7
- Index
- About the Author
- Colophon
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with OReilly
- Copyright
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