Mathematics in examples from civil engineering and architecture

Język publikacji: angielskim
Mathematics in examples from civil engineering and architecture Edwin Koźniewski, Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz - okladka książki

Mathematics in examples from civil engineering and architecture Edwin Koźniewski, Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz - okladka książki

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The script is an extended version of [62] and supplemented with tasks in some chapters. This study covers the subject matter of the applied mathematics course taught by the authors in the master's degree program in Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences at Bialystok University of Technology. Due to the thematic breadth of the discipline, which is mathematics, determining the content of teaching applied mathematics was not a simple matter. The presented topics of lectures and classes come from di˙erent branches of mathematics show techniques for solving previously formulated problems related to the problems of civil engineering and architecture.


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