Przygodowa - ebooki, książki online
Książki, ebooki, audiobooki z kategorii: Przygodowa dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Ostatnie sowie lato to powieść młodzieżowa przeznaczona dla miłośników prozy Stephena Kinga i H.P. Lovecrafta, której akcja rozgrywa się w polskich realiach lat 90. XX wieku. Borykając się z codziennością trudnego okresu przemian ustrojowych, trójka dziewięciolatków odnajduje na starym cmentarzu tajemnicze znaki. W toku śledztwa, które traktują z p- Audiobook MP3 32 pkt
(33,92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
32.62 zł
39.90 zł (-18%) -
Tym razem manna naprawdę spadła z nieba i... pomieszała wszystkim szyki. Zapowiada się kolejny nudny dzień na mławskiej plaży, przy pobliskim jeziorze... Co można zrobić, by jak najlepiej wykorzystać czas studenckich wakacji? Czy jest jeszcze szansa na to, by wreszcie zdarzyło się coś ciekawego? Dżako i Wór to znudzeni studenci na wakacjach pod mi- Audiobook MP3 34 pkt
(35,79 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
34.99 zł
44.99 zł (-22%) -
Ile znaczy dla nas spotkanie i rozmowa z drugim człowiekiem? Jak zrozumieć skomplikowany świat dorosłych? Czego można się nauczyć obserwując zachowania swoich opiekunów i przyjaciół? Odpowiedzi na te i podobne pytania szukajcie w zabawnej, pełnej przygód opowieści o przygodach kotki Misi. O czym dokładnie jest ta książka? Wokół nas żyje dużo zwierz- Audiobook MP3 19 pkt
(19,79 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.39 zł
24.99 zł (-22%) -
Fascynująca wyprawa w głąb dziejów Polski Porywająca opowieść o trojgu odkrywców, którzy podróżują po ziemi chełmińskiej w poszukiwaniu zapomnianych tajemnic zakonu krzyżackiego. Podróżując przez malownicze krajobrazy, odwiedzając miejsca osławione historią i te skrywające nieodkryte sekrety, bohaterowie prezentują czytelnikowi bogactwo polskiego d- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(23,79 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.19 zł
29.99 zł (-23%) -
Kiedy po raz pierwszy ujrzałam Lapis, jaśniało w słońcu, misterne jak rzeźba z kości słoniowej. Ogarnął mnie zachwyt (). Nie wiedziałam wtedy jeszcze, że Lapis jest miastem z legendy, a świetliste mury, które tak mnie zachwyciły, kryją mroczne tajemnice (). Ta historia ma początek w odległych, legendarnych czasach, dawno, dawno temu, kiedy pows- ePub + Mobi 25 pkt
(19,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
25.52 zł
31.90 zł (-20%) -
Wspaniała, pełna przygód opowieść o przyjaźni, wytrwałości i marzeniach. Peter Brown jest samotnym chłopcem, którego rodziców nigdy nie ma w domu. Od lat marzy o tym, żeby mieć do towarzystwa chociaż kota, niestety ani rodzice, ani jego niania nie chcą o tym słyszeć. Pewnego dnia Peter widzi pręgatego kociaka w parku, nieostrożnie wybiega za ni- ePub + Mobi 25 pkt
(19,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
25.52 zł
31.90 zł (-20%) -
Popularna seria teraz w wersji audio! Cześć! Mam na imię Zosia. Okropnie, prawda? Jeśli chodzi o nazwisko, to też mogłoby być lepiej. Wierzbowska brzmi nieźle, ale jest na W. Każdy uczeń na świecie wam to powie, że nie ma gorszej rzeczy, niż wylądować na początku albo na końcu listy. Ale dosyć tego! Nie jestem przecież jakąś okropną pesymistką. S- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.39 zł
29.99 zł (-22%) -
Popularna seria teraz w wersji audio! Witajcie! To znowu ja, Zosia z ulicy Kociej. Siedzę sobie jak zwykle na moim ulubionym drzewie, w naszym ogrodzie, w którym powoli czuć już nadchodzącą jesień. Nawet nieźle to wygląda te żółknące liście i trawy No i kilka rumianych jabłek, dyndających mi nad głową. Nadejście jesieni zapowiadałoby się całkiem- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.39 zł
29.99 zł (-22%) -
"Łowcy przygód to kolejna książka z naszego cyklu opowieści z Dalekiej Północy, a jednocześnie ostatnia część niezwykłej trylogii o przyjaźni, miłości i zależnościach występujących w świecie zwierząt. Bohaterów znamy już z innych, napisanych przez Jamesa Olivera Curwooda powieści - Łowcy wilków i Łowcy złota. Tłumacz książek Curwooda, Jerzy Mar- Audiobook MP3 19 pkt
(19,24 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.99 zł
24.99 zł (-20%) -
"Tajemnica starego witraża to cykl opowieści o niezwykłych przygodach grupy nastolatków. Marta, Kacper i Alicja spędzają wakacje na Warmii, w domu wypełnionym obrazami, antykami, kotami oraz muzyką. Nadprzyrodzone moce, magia, tajemnice, czary i zagadki to wakacyjna rzeczywistość dzieciaków. Trzy krople życia Troje nastolatków dzięki tajemnicz- Audiobook MP3 30 pkt
(30,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
30.39 zł
37.99 zł (-20%) -
"Po drugiej stronie to trzecia część przygód trojga nastolatków spędzających wakacje na mazurskiej wsi. Marta, Alicja i Kacper próbują tym razem rozwikłać zagadkę osobliwego cmentarza przy starym kościele w Bezławkach, dawnej strażnicy krzyżackiej. Znikające napisy na nagrobkach, pojawiające się ornamenty i zakapturzone postacie sprawiają, że cieka- Audiobook MP3 30 pkt
(30,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
30.39 zł
37.99 zł (-20%) -
"Księga życzeń to druga część przygód trojga nastolatków spędzających magiczne wakacje na warmińskiej wsi. Marta, Alicja i Kacper odkryją tym razem niezwykłe tajemnice mazurskiego kościoła w Bezławkach, który w sekretnej krypcie skrywa niebywałe skarby. Ponownie zmierzą się z czarami i spróbują rozwiązać zagadkę sprzed wieków. Sto lat przeminie,- Audiobook MP3 30 pkt
(30,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
30.39 zł
37.99 zł (-20%) -
Prawdziwych przyjaciół poznaje się... w przygodzie! Gdy Patyk, Nutka i Grzywa trafiają do opuszczonego domiska, ich życie nabiera baśniowych barw. Każda komnata Zamku bo tak nazywają ten stary dom przenosi je do innego fantastycznego świata. Kraina złego czarnoksiężnika, średniowieczny dwór Króla Artura czy rezerwat dzikich lwów jaskiniowych wsz- Audiobook MP3 31 pkt
(31,79 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
31.89 zł
39.99 zł (-20%) -
Popularna seria teraz w wersji audio! To ja, Zosia. Ja o Was nie zapomniałam. I mam nadzieję, że Wy o mnie też nie. Lubicie zimę? Zimą to dopiero są niespodzianki! Na przykład szron na wszystkich gałązkach, badylach i kociej kuwecie. Taki szron zmienia ogród w baśniową krainę, naprawdę. Poza tym kto powiedział, że w grudniu nie da się wejść na ulu- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.39 zł
29.99 zł (-22%) -
Popularna seria teraz w wersji audio! Cześć! To znowu ja, Zosia! Czy znacie to uczucie, kiedy czeka się na wiosnę i czeka, a ona nic, tylko stroi sobie z nas żarty? Ja osobiście mam już serdecznie dosyć zimy. Marzę, by spokojnie posiedzieć na jabłoni, napisać to i owo i nie nosić grubej kurtki, ocieplanych spodni ani rękawiczek. Poza tym Wiecie z- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.39 zł
29.99 zł (-22%) -
Cześć! To znowu ja, Zosia! Czy wiecie, że mój imieninowy front polarno-morski, zwany w tradycji ludowej zimną Zośką, nie zawiódł także w tym roku? Niebo zasnuwają ciemne chmury, a tulipany na grządkach nawet nie otworzyły oczu. Stoją na baczność, jeden przy drugim, z ciasno stulonymi płatkami. Szkoda, bo ja uważam, że tulipany są najładniejsze właś- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.39 zł
29.99 zł (-22%) -
Prędzej czy później każdy człowiek staje w obliczu pytań: "Czy ktoś tam na mnie czeka? Czy coś lub ktoś mnie zrozumie? Czy ktoś jest po tamtej stronie? Jak w ogóle tam jest i czy coś lub ktoś jest?". Książka, która jest próbą odpowiedzi na wiele pytań, jakie nurtują każdego człowieka. Są to głównie pytania o sens życia, ale również te sfery człowie
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Mały miś. Bezkresny las. Wielka przygoda! Wyobraź sobie małego, zagubionego w ogromnym, ciemnym lesie misia. Ukradkiem ociera łzę, która spada na ubrudzony błotem, włochaty policzek. Poznaj Edwarda, który za chwilę uda się w podróż w poszukiwaniu rodziców. Na swojej drodze spotka innych mieszkańców lasu:
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 24 pkt
Przygody dobrego wojaka Szwejka podczas wojny światowej to wciągające perypetie Józefa Szwejka z Pragi, sprzedawcy psów i pucybuta. Wydarzenia odwołują się do realiów historycznych i doświadczeń czeskiego autora Jaroslava Haška, tworząc przesycony ironią obraz świata początku XX wieku. Obfitość anegdot i cynicznego humoru nie przesłania antywojen- ePub + Mobi 55 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
55.92 zł
69.90 zł (-20%) -
Powieść Juliusza Vernea z cyklu Niezwykłe podróże stanowi znakomite połączenie podróży, przygód, nauki i międzynarodowych intryg. Rywalizację Anglików i Rosjan w Afryce Południowej podczas ekspedycji mającej na celu pomiary południka ziemskiego zakłóca wybuch wojny w Europie. Czy mimo wszystko uda się doprowadzić do ujednolicenia światowego syste- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Powieść historyczna Morawskiej opiera się na dawnych przekazach, dzięki czemu znakomicie oddaje realia i atmosferę początku XV wieku. Opowiada o konflikcie pomiędzy połączonymi siłami polsko-litewskimi a krzyżackimi. Ukazuje go przez pryzmat codzienności i cech charakterologicznych głównych bohaterów: Jagiełły i Witolda. Tło stanowią aspekty nie- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Na kresach lasów to powieść Wacława Sieroszewskiego prezentująca obraz życia mieszkańców Jakucji krainy w północnej Rosji na tle syberyjskiej przyrody. Do małej wioski dociera polski zesłaniec, którego tubylcy biorą na Rosjanina. Wraz z nim poznajemy obyczaje Jakutów i przekonujemy się, jak hermetyczna jest to społeczność, jak bardzo odmienna i- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Самый известный во всем мире роман русского писат-
- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
«Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая-
- ePub + Mobi 71 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
71.91 zł
89.90 zł (-20%) -
«Идиот» 2013 роман, в котором Достоевский впервые ярко-
- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
Роман «Бесы», как и другие произведения Достоевск-
- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
Heart of Darkness, the novella by Joseph Conrad, is essentially a multi-layered narrative. The Narrator describes a night spent on a ship in the mouth of the Thames River in England. Marlow, one of the men on board, tells of his time spent as a riverboat pilot in the Belgian Congo. On the surface it is the adventurous story of Marlows search for-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Rok 1809 Wacława Gąsiorowskiego stanowi kontynuację powieści Huragan tego samego autora. Opowiada o losach Tadeusza Zabielskiego, burmistrza małego miasteczka w zaborze austriackim. Tadeusz przypadkowo pozyskuje tajne informacje o planowanej inwazji austriackiej na ziemie Księstwa Warszawskiego i za wszelką cenę stara się uprzedzić władze. Te jed- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Nigger of the Narcissus was written in 1896 and is loosely based on Conrads own experiences as a sailor; in 1884, Conrad made a voyage on the real Narcissus from Bombay to Dunkirk as a Second Mate, and some of the events described in his novella may be based on adversities Conrad and his fellow-sailers had to contend with. And yet, Conrads th-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
First published in 1902, Typhoon can be easily passed as pre-twentieth century literature. Its a short story depicting a ship experiencing a terribly destructive typhoon and coming out of it, but not without coming inch-close to death. Typhoon is a classic sea yarn, possibly based upon Conrads actual experience of seamans life, and probably on a-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This book is about a young captain who is hastily given his first command of a ghost ship. Its about a first mate who will lose his mind to madness as the malaria sickness spreads without medicine. This book is about a calm sea with not a sigh of a wind to move the ship. The Shadow Line by Joseph Conrad describes that demarcation line in the jour-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Set in the fictional South American country of Costaguana, this story of revolution, deception, and self-betrayal centers on Nostromo, a handsome Italian sailor, who, like Costaguana, is being consumed by secret guilt and corruption. The story begins halfway through the revolution, employing flashbacks and glimpses of the future to depict the lur-
- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
Arthur Conan Doyle never wasted time in getting his stories moving. His plots are always direct and refreshingly lucid, and the narrative has a velocity that sweeps you along right to the end. This was no doubt a large part of his immense worldwide success. Not surprisingly, each time he tried to end the series, his fans would howl in protest. Bu-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A historical romance and tale of adventure, set in England during the fourteenth century. Descendent of a noble family, Nigel Loring is the last of his race, and living alone with his aged grand-mother, upon a small remnant of their great estate. In service to King Edward III, Sir Nigel Loring must prove himself worthy of the hand of his the Lady-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
As well as penning some of the most popular detective fiction, Conan Doyle also wrote thrilling adventure stories. Rodney Stone is a combination of both. Nelson, Beau Brummell, Fox and King George III himself appear in a tale at the heart of which is, as one character says, a pretty conspiracy a criminal, an actress and a prize-fighter, all play-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Narrated by the character for whom the title is named and set in the late 1600s, Micah Clarke describes the battle of peasants against the existing king of England in the hopes that they can replace the monarch with his brother who feels he has been unjustly denied the throne. Micah Clarke, a young, innocent peasant joins forces with other peasan-
- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
John and Ezra Girdlestone, father and son, run a British merchant company trading to the African coast with several sailing ships, all dangerously ill-maintained. Their small office is in London, their business is quite personally run, and the firm and its owners are well respected in the City by the 1870s. John Girdlestone is deeply and ostentat-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard is a volume collecting 8 short stories about a courier and cavalryman in the personal service of Napoleon Bonaparte. The stories in The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard are all told in the first person by an aged Gerard looking back on his military endeavours in the early 1800s when there was no man prouder to serve t-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Love humor writing? Cant get enough of classic adventure tales? First published in 1902, The Adventures of Gerard are the autobiographical reminiscences of an old fictional brigadier soldier who served under Napoleon. He never hesitates to embellish his own bravado, importance, and attractiveness to the ladies, to such an extent that it cant help-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Set in an English-Scottish border village during the waning days of the Napoleonic era, this adventure story introduces us to Jock Calder, whose quiet way of life is shattered when a mysterious stranger steps ashore near his home. The stranger changes forever the lives of Jock, his cousin Edie, and his best friend Jim, sending the young men into-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A brilliant adventure tale of life in the Court of Louis XIV and of Canada under French rule... and Huguenot persecution The Refugees is set in both 17th Century France and in the wilds of North America. Although Doyle wasnt a Christian, he writes with a great deal of sympathy as he describes the plight of French Protestants in the late 17th cent-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Ten tourists from England, Ireland, America and France, six men and four women are on a vacation trip down the Nile in 1895. Without warning they are captured by Islamic terrorists, and the possibility of rescue becomes more remote with each passing day. Their choice is a stark one: either convert to Islam and become slaves for the rest of their-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This was one of several fictional historical works that Doyle wrote during the last five years of the 19th century, as he tried to find something to replace Sherlock Holmes. First published in 1897, this murder mystery relates the story of a young Frenchman, Louis, who, having grown up in England, returns to France at the false invitation of his-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The White Company is the story of Alleyne Edricsons quest to win the hand of his lady love, the Lady Maud Loring. The place is England and the Continent, the year is 1366 during the reign of the King of the English, Edward III, and his realm is twenty-nine years into The Hundred Years War with France. Setting off on his adventures, he finds himse-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Call of the Wild is a touching novel about a great friendship between a dog and a human. The novel follows up the life of the dog Buck since he lived in sunny California all the way until the day he was kidnapped and tossed into the chaos of the Klondike Gold Rush and the brutal realities of frontier life. Buck changes hands a number of times-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The main conflict of the story is dog-nature vs. wolf-nature, or nature vs. man. What happens to White fang, and how he goes through the many troubles that he has to. Growing up in the Yukon territory of Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush, he learned the law of the Wild at an early age: kill, or be killed, eat, or be eaten. Separated from his m-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
John Buchan was a Scottish author and Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada. He wrote a series of books that follow the adventures of Richard Hannay, an expatriate Scot who was first introduced in the classic novel The Thirty-Nine Steps. Set in Scotland in 1745, during the Jacobite Rebellion, this dark story of loyalty and-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Ania z Wyspy (Anne of the Island) to trzecia część z serii o Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza. W tym tomie Ania Shirley zaczyna naukę w Redmond College w Kingsport. Ciężko pracuje, by zdobyć upragniony tytuł magistra. W czasie wolnym od nauki spotyka się z nową przyjaciółką Filipą Gordon, ma też nowego adoratora, niejakiego Roya Gardnera. Nie zaniedbuje t- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
A true adventure story involving the unlikely hero Dickson McCunn, retired successful businessman and former greengrocer who sets out on a walking holiday in the Scottish Borders. There he meets a young English poet, and both soon become embroiled in the plot of an international gang to capture a Russian princess. With the help of the Gorbals Die-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Castle Gay is the second of Buchans three Dickson McCunn books and is set in south west Scotland in the Dumfries and Galloway region in the 1920s. The plot revolves around the self-discovery of a media mogul named Craw, who is firstly the subject of mistaken identity and then the target of Balkan extremists who wish to use his newspapers to influ-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
John Burnet of Barns was Buchans first fully realised, full-length work of fiction. The authors third novel is story of adventure, treachery and revenge, set in the Scottish Borders in the 17th century, telling of a young nobleman who sets out to gain an education abroad, only to find himself betrayed in his absence by his cousin. Not just a roma-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Written in 1925, the novel opens with three gentleman friends lawyer Sir Edward Leithen, banker John Palliser-Yeates, and Cabinet member Charles Lord Lamancha discovering that they all suffer a common and debilitating malady, a loss of zest for life, all desperate to relieve the ennui that has engulfed them. The solution can only be something d-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
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Regarded as one of the finest historical novels ever written, Jacobites, spies and thrilling intrigue are brought together by the master of suspense. As Bonnie Prince Charlie marches his army into England, his confidant Alastair Maclean is despatched on a secret mission. He is befriended by two extraordinary men Dr. Samuel Johnson, an aspiring m-
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In John Buchans thrill-a-minute novel Salute to Adventurers, hero Andrew Garvald makes his way from the dreary moors of his native land to the deceptively bucolic landscape of early colonial America. A novel set during the beginning of the Jamestown Colony, Salute To Adventurers is an enthralling saga about one mans struggle to survive and even f-
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Vernon Milbourne, orphaned since childhood and haunted by a recurring dream, is friends with the protective lawyer and MP Sir Edward Leithen. An Aegean cruise takes them to the mysterious island of Plakos, where Vernon is fascinated by the islands myths. Local superstitions turn to menace as Vernons encounter with a beautiful woman results in obs-
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Set during the Napoleonic Wars, The Free Fishers is classic Buchan and his last historical novel. Its a fast-paced tale of treason, espionage and romance. Anthony Lammas, a professor at the St. Andrews University, finds himself involved in a web of intrigue that threatens the whole country. A conspiracy to betray Englands defences to Napoleonic a-
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Although this book was listed in a collection of Richard Hannay stories, Hannay makes only a brief appearance at the beginning. Begins in the pleasant atmosphere of a country house in the Scottish borders, where Richard Hannay is the guest of his old friend, Sandy Arbuthnot. The action is set in Olifa, a fictional country on the west coast of Sou-
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Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown is a time-tested adage that suits Peter Pentecost, a young monk and legitimate claimant to Englands Throne. But he is not alone as others are vying for power too. Soon a plot is hatched against the present King Henry VIII and Peter is sucked into the intrigue... Buchans description of the ruthless king is-
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In the mid-sixteenth century, Jean de Rohaine, a middle-aged French nobleman, journeys to Scotland in search of adventure and a new beginning. In Scotland he meets up with his old friend, Quentin Kennedy, who informs him of a great battle to be waged. Having witnessed Royalist troops butchering suspected Covenanters, he follows the example of god-
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Sick Heart River is the fifth book in the Edward Leithen series. This is Buchans last novel, about a man who is dying, and it must reflect Buchans own efforts to come to terms with his looming demise."Sick Heart River finds Leithen now in his late fifties facing a terminal diagnosis of turberculosis. Leithen has enjoyed a dazzling career as emine-
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Set in the closing years of the nineteenth century, The Half-Hearted tells the story of Lewis Haystoun, a dilettante and coward. Part I of the novel is a story of manners and romance in upper class Scotland. Part II is an adventure story on the North West frontier of India where Lewis saves the British Empire. The novel follows the life of Lewis-
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Third and final part of the Dickson McCunn trilogy, where he and the usual sidekicks fall into a plot involving an exiled princes attempt to regain the throne despite the efforts of bad guys to keep him from it. The novel is set in the fictional Central European country of Evallonia in the early 1930s. It concerns the involvement of some Scottish-
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John Buchans own favourite among his novels, in which he dealt with the hypocrisy which can lie close to the surface of apparently god-fearing respectability. The story is set in the Scottish Borders during the civil war and the main character is the new young minister in a small village. The minister wrestles with his own christian faith as oppo-
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We wonder that so great a man as Abraham Lincoln should spring from humble people but who knows what his more distant ancestry might have been? In a series of dramatic chapters, Mr. Buchan tells what he imagines to have been the ancestry of Lincoln. The Path Of The King is a series of short vignettes, loosely connected, starting in Scotland befo-
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A classic espionage and adventure novel set during The Great War, featuring the reckless Richard Hannay. Sequel to The Thirty-Nine Steps and precursor to Mr. Standfast. Tasked with unraveling a mysterious message, Hannay travels through Germany and the Middle East, searching for the elusive religious leader Greenmantle. He is joined by three more-
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South Africa, 1900. After his father dies, nineteen-year-old David Crawfurd is sent off to South Africa to earn his living as a storekeeper in the back of beyond. A strange encounter on the journey suggests that dark deeds and treacherous intrigues are afoot all bound up with the mysterious primeval kingdom of Prester John. Laputa is a charismat-
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Trying to save the life of an Indian child when hes thrown from his horse, John Curry falls into the arms of a lonely married woman with a jealous, scheming husband. Unless Curry revives his mission of mercy, three people will die and the first one will be Curry. Here is all the thrilling action, color, and romance of the Old West, exciting tale-
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Frontier story of Logan Hewitt and his wife Lucinda and their trials and travails as a pioneer family in Arizona. Story proceeds through development of the automobile and World War I. This is a tale of a single family, told mostly from the point of view of the woman who left comfort to move west and marry her sweetheart. It is also a very nice le-
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The western novels by Zane Grey have been a source of imagery about the American West for almost the entire twentieth century. The plots and characterizations of Greys popular novels set in the American West have been thoroughly examined and it is clear that his works acquired a fundamental role in the creation of western imagery. Gunslinger Smok-
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Zane Greys first trilogy Betty Zane, The Last Trail, and The Spirit of the Border together in one volume. Betty Zane is an Eastern real life adventure story by Zane Grey based upon diaries kept by his great grandmother, Betty Zane, describing her life and adventures after she joined her brothers family near what is now Wheeling, WV in the late 1-
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Pearl Zane Grey (1872 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier. Zane Grey is the author of 86 books, he is today considered the father of the Western genre, with its heady romances and mysterious outlaws. Raised together in the wild country of-
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(14,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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This late-period Zane Grey is one of the best of his novels. Rich Ames didnt set out to be a gunslinger it was forced on him. After the bad guys try to ruin his twin sister Nesta, Ames grabs his pistols and the bloody gunfight follows. Unfortunately, his criminal actions forces him to flee from his beloved Nesta and his happy Tonto Rim home, pur-
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In Forlorn River, young Ben Ide is cast out by his rich dad, branded a wild horse hunter and possible rustler. Ide befriends a wounded man, whom he nicknames Nevada. Ide does the same for Modoc, an Indian he pulls out of a saloon. All three men form bonds of loyalty in their isolated state as they hunt wild horses in the California wilderness. Th-
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Zane Grey is unrivalled in his mastery of the western scene... this is a charming and vintage story. Rich easterner Janey Endicott comes to Arizona with her father, where she is bored until she meets archeologist Phillip Randolph, who is investigating ancient Indian pueblos in the midst of the Wests wild culture. The distinct differences of perso-
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A true legend, Zane Grey has thrilled a generation of readers with his great stories of the American West. Holly Ripple, a young, headstrong woman, brought up in the upscale boarding schools of the east, has inherited her familys cattle ranch in 1870s New Mexico, after the sudden death of her father. With the help of the ranch foreman and Renn Fr-
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Which is the true treasure, love or money? Prospecting in an Arizona border town, Richard Gale sees the possibilities of passion and gold when he finds himself trying to save a beautiful Spanish heiress. Love, adventure, and more wait in the Old West of Zane Greys western classic Desert Gold. When Richard Gale arrives in the border country of Ari-
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Laramie Nelson and partners Lonesome Mulhall and Ted Tracks Williams work their way out to eastern Colorado to Spanish Peaks Ranch. There they meet a family from Ohio that has come west to start a new life and hopefully allow the husband and father to get well in the high and dryer climate. They purchase a ranch and then are in the process of loo-
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First published in 1926 and 1927, Nevada, the suspenseful sequel to Forlorn River, continues to be one of Zane Greys most beloved novels. Four years after Nevada had killed three men to clear his friends name, Ben and Nevada are reunited, but fate again plays a mean trick, and Nevada becomes Jim Lacy again killer, thief, rustler, and notorious g-
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Only the love of the young Miss Joan Randle can melt the cold heart of Jack Kells, ruthless leader of a gang of desperados terrorizing the American borderlands. His cold eyes filled her with fear, but her goodness made something happen deep within him. Kells had a price on his head and on his heels. Now loving this woman could cost him his life..-
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Majestys Rancho is the sequel to The Light of Western Stars, both by Zane Grey. Here we meet the next generation at the ranch. It is wild with college age fun and a mix of gangsters meeting the old west. After Lance Sidway comes to the defense of beautiful Madge Stewart and ends up on the wrong side of the law, he escapes to Arizona and finds wor-
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When the train pulls into Wagontongue, the reader becomes Trueman Rock, returning to town after killing a man six years earlier. Now he returns to find trouble again, but this time his trouble is caused by love. Rock has fallen in love with Ash Prestons woman, Thiry, and no man in the valley will let him get away with this. But Rock has faced har-
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A classic story of imperiled love on the western frontiers of nineteenth-century America. Jim Tex Wall is searching for three men who killed his wife and stole his horses and finds them working for a gang of cattle rustlers engaged in a turf war with a rival gang of outlaws. Finding his horses he joins the gang that are now riding them. Caught in-
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Riders of the Purple Sage is Zane Greys best-known novel. Originally published in 1912, it was one of the earliest works of Western fiction and played a significant role in popularizing that genre. The story uses a third person narrator to tell the story from the point of view of two main characters Bern Venter and Jane Withersteen and a few mino-
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The Day of the Beast is the story of Daren Lane and hundreds of thousands like him in the years immediately after the conclusion of WWI, disabled soldiers returning home to an America that simply didnt want to be reminded of what just took place. His fiancée has forgotten him, his job has been filled, and his poor health is failing quickly. But L-
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From the master of the western novel comes a tale full of romance and adventure. This is the story of Carley Burch, a young wealthy socialite living in New York City. As the story begins soldiers are coming home from the trenches of WWI, many of them damaged physically and emotionally. Among them is Carleys fiancé, Glenn Kilbourne. He goes West t-
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a German in America and Canada during World War 1? Young farmer Kurt Dorn is torn between going to France to fight the Germans or staying in America to be with the woman he loves and to protect his wheat crop against saboteurs who question his loyalties. He struggles to come to terms with his dee-
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Zane Grey evokes the atmosphere, hardships and possibilities of the Old West like nobody else. Leaving Missouri with no knowledge of cattle ranching, Jim Traft of Missouri is put in charge of building one hundred miles of fence on his uncles western ranch to prevent cattle from drifting. The job puts him in conflict with the local community and h-
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Madeline Hammond wanted more out of life than the superficial glitter of New York society. So she bought a ranch near the turbulent Mexican frontier and ended up getting more than shed ever bargained for-and most of it trouble! She has a lot to learn about running a ranch in frontier New Mexico, but there is no question in her mind that she has t-
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The sequel to The Drift Fence, featuring the continuing story of Jim Traft and Molly Dunn and introducing Jims sister Glorianna, who finds more than she bargained for in the West. When Gloriana Traft came to Arizona to visit her tenderfoot brother Jim, trouble was rampant in Yellow Jacket. The notorious Hash Knife Outfit of rustlers and gunmen we-
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The novel begins in the desert of southern Utah. It is the 1870s. John Hare is a young cowboy who was rescued from sure death by a Mormon rancher by the name of August Naab. Naab puts him to work with an adopted daughter, Mescal, who tends his herd of sheep. Out in the open air, Hare not only recovers his health; he falls for Mescal in a big way.-
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The Last Trail is the 3rd and final instalment to the Frontier Trilogy by Zane Grey. The American Revolution is over, but the violence continues in the Ohio Valley. A woman is kidnapped from Fort Henry by a band of renegades and hostile Ohio Valley Indians. Shes fortunate to have protectors who will go to any length to rescue her. Now, Lewis Wetz-
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Unlike many of Greys fictional novels of the old west, this is an account of a trip made to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon about 1908, for the purpose of tracking and capturing mountain lions. Buffalo Jones was the last of the famous plainsmen who rode the trails of the old West. In a continuing quest to establish dominion over wild animals, J-
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The Lone Star Ranger is a 1915 Western novel by American author Zane Grey. Set in Texas, the story revolves around the exploits of a band of Texas Rangers and Buck Duane, an outlaw on a quest for redemption. A captain of the Texas Rangers offers him a pardon and a rangers badge if he will infiltrate the gang of the shadowy figure known as Cheseld-
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The Shepherd of Guadaloupe is not a traditional Western: the story begins in 1919 and there are no gunslingers, rustlers, Indians, or stagecoaches. Cliff Forest returns from the war to find that his parents home has been taken over by the brutal Lundeen, whose own lovely daughter is terrified of him. To break the feud, save his parents, and win t-
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The Rustlers of Pecos County is another fantastic example of Western fiction by the master of the genre, American Author Zane Grey. The town of Linrock, located in Pecos Couty is south Texas has fallen under the control of a gang of rustlers. Two Texas Rangers, one undercover as a reckless cowboy, the other right out in the open, drawing the fire-
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Originally published in 1915, The Rainbow Trail is the sequel to Riders of the Purple Sage. At the end of that famous novel, a huge boulder had rolled down to shut off the entrance to Surprise Valley, leaving Lassiter, Jane Withersteen, and little Fay Larkin to a singular fate. Twelve years later a young, disillusioned, ex-preacher in Illinois, h-
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Readers with a taste for classic Westerns will appreciate this storys spirited, well-drawn characters and its evocative descriptions of the frontiers natural beauty. Hell-Bent Wade arrives at a Colorado homestead where a young woman is being pressured into matrimony. The plot centers around this young woman, an orphan named Columbine, who is entr-
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Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier. This is one of his stories. Loner Milt Dale seeks solitude in the wild mountains of Arizona, and instead finds himself rescuing two young women from a kidnapping-
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One of the bestselling novelists of the American West brings us a gripping tale of gold, greed, and vengeance. Three brothers find a lode of gold at Thunder Mountain. But instead of finding peace and prosperity, Jake, Kalispel, and Sam Emerson find more treachery than any normal men could hope to survive. Before they can get the claim registered,-
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Zane Grey was one of the first millionaire authors. With his veracity and emotional intensity, he connected with millions of readers worldwide, during peacetime and war, and inspired many Western writers who followed him. That work is widely considered the greatest Western ever written, and Grey remains one of the most famous authors of the genre-
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Here is the great romance of the American Indian, revealing in the swift march of its events the tragedy and the glory of a whole race, and the true essence of the West, as only Zane Grey can express it. It tells the story of the love between Nophaie, a young Native American (or American Indian) man and his love for and with a woman by the name o-
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The U. P. Trail takes place in the late 1860s during the building of the Union Pacific Railroad, the first to connect the east coast to the west. Our protagonist is Warren Neale, a civil engineer on the railroad. His girlfriend, Allie Lee, seems to be always in need of recusing. One of the most interesting characters is Neales best friend Larry "-
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A great story by the greatest novelist of the American West. This one is about the tough men and women who made their living by obtaining herds of cattle and driving them across large territories to be sold. Driving forty-five hundred longhorns is hard enough, but in addition to leading the biggest cattle drive in the history of the Chisholm Trai-
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(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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In this breathless tale of bravery and battle, of white mans courage and red mans daring, Zane Grey has written one of his finest novels. The great western writers story of the buffalo hunters, and the passing of the great herds of buffalo. The Thundering Herd is the story of the buffalo and of their near extinction when hide hunters swarmed the-
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This is an early novel by the phenomenally successful author of frontier, western and sports stories, the novel is the second in a trilogy. It deals with historical characters and incidents in the Ohio Valley in the late 18th century, especially with the foundation of Gnaddenhutten, a missionary village intended to bring Christianity to the India-
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Imagine if Romeo and Juliet were set among the sheep ranching families of Arizona. Add in a heavy dash of frontier action and adventure, and that neatly sums up the plot of Zane Greys To the Last Man, which follows a blossoming romance among members of feuding clans in the vast open plains of the Wild West. To the Last Man is the story of Arizona-
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Zane Greys big Australian novel. American cowboy, Stirling Haselton, taking the blame for a shooting committed by a friend, is exiled to Australia and with one loyal follower, joins a party of ranchers and drovers making the long wilderness journey to the Elaberleys. Through the eyes of two cowboys, Australia comes alive for the reader the flora-
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From one of the bestselling western novelists of all time, comes another classic story. It is the story of Terrill Lambert, a young girl who disguises herself as a boy, at first to please her fathers dream for a son and second to protect herself in wild west Texas when her father is murdered. Young Terrill Lambeth could ride and shoot with the be-
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Wanderer of the Wasteland, Zane Greys 1923 novel of two brothers, one an honest cowpoke, the other a gambler. Adam Larey was betrayed by his older brother, Guerd, a gambler and wastrel, so he ran away to a mining town. Guerd, in the company of a vicious and unscrupulous sheriff, tracked him down, and in a confrontation, Adam shot his brother and-
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This is a classic story of the Wild West, a story of reinvention, of justice, of right makes might. Panhandle Smith develops a wild free life as a cowboy until homesickness and a longing for his childhood sweetheart, Lucy, leads him to find them moved to Marco, a town in New Mexico. His childhood enemy Dick Hardman is ensconced there with his gra-
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Over 30 million Zane Grey paperbacks sold since 1954. Lucy Watson has finally escaped from the town where she grew up. She takes a job as a state welfare worker and travels to distant Cedar Ridge to help primitive backwoods families improve their lives. She quickly overcomes their fears, and achieves popularity by the practical results of her wor-
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A novel of honor lost, redemption found, and rip-roaring wild adventure from the original master of the American Western. Falsely accused of murdering Allen Neece, cowboy Brazos Keene had narrowly escaped a lynch mob. With his name at last cleared, Keene discovered that Neeces twin sisters had being forced off their ranch after the death of their-
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Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier, including the novel Riders of the Purple Sage, his best selling book. This is one of his stories. The story revolves around Lucy Bostil, a stable owners daughter-
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Georgianna Stockwell, a free-spirited young woman from the East, moves to the wilds of the Tonto Basin in Arizona and she creates a violent culture clash. She has been sent there by her parents and doctor for a change of scenery. It seems Georgianna had gotten herself lung problems due to all of her dancing and gadding about. Fortunately, her sis-
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27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
Le livre de la jungle une collection comprenant huit histoires. La loi de la jungle nous apprend a tenir parole, a négocier avec toutes les betes, a coexister pacifiquement sur le meme territoire, a respecter et honorer les personnes âgées et les enseignants, mais il enseigne également a tuer ceux qui les empechent de respecter cette loi. Lauteu-
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Histoire romantique fascinante. Dans les montagnes écossaises, il existe un systeme développé de mines de charbon appelé Les Indes noires. Dans les profondeurs des mines épuisées, la jeune Nelle grandit, ne voyant jamais de sa vie ni le jour ni mme la lune ou les étoiles. Mais avec laide damis inattendus, elle parvient toujours remonter la surf-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Felix Dahn (1834-1912) war ein deutscher Professor für Rechtswissenschaften, Schriftsteller und Historiker. Zwischen 1882 und 1901 ließ Dahn in 13 Bänden Kleine Romane aus der Völkerwanderung, zwischen 1890 und 1895 ebenfalls in mehreren Bänden eine etwa dreitausendseitige Autobiografie folgen. Sind Götter? Die Halfred Sigskaldsaga eine nordisch-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Felix Dahn (1834-1912) war ein deutscher Professor für Rechtswissenschaften, Schriftsteller und Historiker. Zwischen 1882 und 1901 ließ Dahn in 13 Bänden Kleine Romane aus der Völkerwanderung, zwischen 1890 und 1895 ebenfalls in mehreren Bänden eine etwa dreitausendseitige Autobiografie folgen. Felicitas ist eine Geschichte über deutsche Migrante-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Gelimer historischer Roman aus der Völkerwanderung (a. 534 n. Chr.). Rom erzittert vor den wilden kriegen der Vandalen, König Gelimer steht auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht. Währenddessen rüstet im Osten Byzanz zum großen Angriff. Glanz und Triumph am kaiserlichen Hof zu Aachen, der Ruhm Karls des Großen strahlt über ganz Europa. Blutige Schlachte-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen. Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Eine Gemsjagd in Tyrol ist ein-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -