Jack London (1876-1916) - pisarz amerykański. Samouk. Zanim zajął się pisarstwem, podejmował się rozmaitych prac. Wiódł życie trampa, marynarza, kłusownika, poszukiwacza złota. Doświadczenia zdobyte w tych profesjach przełożyły się w latach późniejszych na treść jego książek. Do najbardziej znanych należą: Zew krwi (1903), Biały Kieł (1906) i Martin Eden (1909).
Jack London - ebooki
Tytuły autora: Jack London dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Powieść psychologiczna amerykańskiego pisarza Jacka Londona Martin Eden należy do kanonu literatury światowej. Od pierwszego wydania książki w 1909 roku uważa się, że historia Martina Edena - geniusza nierozumianego przez świat, ma wiele wspólnego z życiem samego autora. Zarówno Jack London, jak i jego bohater, pragnęli wypełnić swoje życie przygod- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Jerry z wysp została pierwotnie opublikowana w 1917 roku i jest jednym z ostatnich dzieł Jacka Londona. Często w wydaniach anglojęzycznych ma również podtytuł "Prawdziwa psia opowieść", który również zdecydowaliśmy się dodać. Powieść rozgrywa się na wyspie Malaita, części archipelagu Wysp Salomona, która w 1893 roku stała się brytyjskim protektorat- ePub + Mobi 13 pkt
(12,94 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
13.39 zł
18.90 zł (-29%) -
John Barleycorn to autobiograficzna powieść Jacka Londona, opowiadająca o radości z picia i zmaganiach z alkoholizmem. Została wydana w 1913 roku. Tytuł pochodzi z brytyjskiej piosenki ludowej John Barleycorn. Tematem powieści jest męska przyjaźń. London omawia różne doświadczenia życiowe z alkoholem na różnych etapach swojego życia. Kluczowe et- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
(12,94 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
12.94 zł
18.90 zł (-32%) -
Zew krwi to krótka powieść przygodowa Jacka Londona, opublikowana w 1903 roku, której akcja toczy się w Jukonie w Kanadzie, podczas gorączki złota w Klondike w latach 90. XIX wieku, kiedy panowało duże zapotrzebowanie na silne psy zaprzęgowe. Centralną postacią powieści jest pies o imieniu Buck, który jest mieszanką owczarka szkockiego i bernardyna
Zew krwi to krótka powieść przygodowa Jacka Londona, opublikowana w 1903 roku, której akcja toczy się w Jukonie w Kanadzie, podczas gorączki złota w Klondike w latach 90. XIX wieku, kiedy panowało duże zapotrzebowanie na silne psy zaprzęgowe. Centralną postacią powieści jest pies o imieniu Buck, który jest mieszanką owczarka szkockiego i bernardyna
Zew krwi to krótka powieść przygodowa Jacka Londona, opublikowana w 1903 roku, której akcja toczy się w Jukonie w Kanadzie, podczas gorączki złota w Klondike w latach 90. XIX wieku, kiedy panowało duże zapotrzebowanie na silne psy zaprzęgowe. Centralną postacią powieści jest pies o imieniu Buck, który jest mieszanką owczarka szkockiego i bernardyna
Niezwykła historia rozgrywająca się w Jukon w Kanadzie podczas tak zwanej Gorączki Złota. Głównym bohaterem opowieści jest pies o imieniu Buck, mieszaniec bernardyna i owczarka szkockiego. Wszystko rozpoczyna się na ranczu w Santa Clara Valley w Kalifornii, kiedy Buck zostaje wykradziony ze swojego domu i sprzedany jako pies zaprzęgowy na Alaskę. W
- ePub + Mobi 44 pkt
South Sea Tales (opowieści mórz południowych). Angielski z Jackiem Londonem Historie, które składają się na książkę Opowieści mórz południowych, czerpią swoją intensywność z osobistych, egzotycznych przygód Jacka Londona. Przekazują nam namiętną, ale oszczędną relację zrodzoną z doświadczenia autora. Zgromadz-
- ePub + Mobi 28 pkt
(27,51 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
28.04 zł
39.90 zł (-30%) -
Jack London rozumiał boks jak mało kto. W młodości sam niejednokrotnie stawał w ringu a w jego opowieściach drzemie coś więcej, niż jedynie niewielkie ziarnko prawdy. Są one pełne życia i świadomości osobliwej samotności, jaką w ringu i poza nim czują bokserzy. "Gra" Jacka Londona ukazuje zderzenie świata boksu i kuszących nagr&oa- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 13 pkt
(13,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
13.95 zł
19.99 zł (-30%) -
Trzymająca w napięciu opowieść o brutalności świata i walce o sprawiedliwość. Meksyk, rok 1911. W kraju czuć zbliżającą się rewolucję. Wojskowi spiskują przeciwko dyktatorskim rządom prezydenta Porfifria Díaza. Dołącza do nich młody chłopak, o którym niewiele wiadomo. Widać jednak, że w całości oddany jest sprawie. Sam znajduje sposób, by zdobywać
- ePub + Mobi 7 pkt
Jack London zabiera czytelników w świat rdzennych mieszkańców Ameryki widziany oczami białych kolonizatorów. Grupa mężczyzn spędza upalny wieczór w starym klubie w San Francisco. Czas upływa im na rozmowach i wspominaniu młodości. Jeden z nich, Trefethan, zaczyna snuć opowieść o zdarzeniu, które na zawsze wryło się w jego pamięć. Mowa o spotkaniu t- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
(11,54 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
12.39 zł
14.99 zł (-17%) -
Tytułowy Biały Kieł to udomowiony wilk wiodący pełne trudów życie w surowych warunkach Ameryki Północnej przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Wzruszająca i pełna, nierzadko brutalnych, zwrotów akcji, historia wilka posiadającego psie korzenie pozwala przyjrzeć się światu z perspektywy zwierzęcia. Biały Kieł doświadcza dobra i zła, także w kontakcie z ludźmi z- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.29 zł
19.99 zł (-19%) -
“Serce kobiety” to zbiór opowiadań Jacka Londona, amerykańskiego pisarza i podróżnika, który zasłynął takimi powieściami jak “Zew krwi”, “Wilk morski” czy “Biały kieł”. W skład tego zbioru opowiadań wchodzą: Serce kobiety, Keesh, syn Keesha, Żona z plemienia Siwash, Z
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
“Wojna z polowaniem na mamuta” to opowiadanie Jacka Londona, amerykańskiego pisarza i podróżnika, który zasłynął takimi powieściami jak “Zew krwi”, “Wilk morski” czy “Biały kieł”. “Pogląd na niemożliwości i nieprawdopodobieństwa mam nieco odmienny od państwa. Wierzę
- ePub + Mobi 5 pkt
“Wyga” to powieść Jacka Londona, amerykańskiego pisarza i podróżnika, który zasłynął takimi powieściami jak “Zew krwi”, “Wilk morski” czy “Biały kieł”. “Wyga” jest to powieść przygodowa Jacka Londona, której akcja toczy się na Alasce, podczas „gorącz
- ePub + Mobi 6 pkt
“War of the Classes” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. War of the Classes is a series of essays by Jack London. The collection consists of these titles: The Class Struggle, The Tramp, The Scab, The Q
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“When God Laughs & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. When God Laughs & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of twelve moving and thrilling sto
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Theft” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Theft is a political piece set in Washington, DC. A Congressman, Howard Knox, is ready to reveal the corrupt practices of Anthony Starkweather, a wealthy ind
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Turtles of Tasman” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Turtles of Tasman is a series of short stories and plays by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: By th
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Valley of the Moon” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The novel The Valley of the Moon is a story of a working-class couple, Billy and Saxon Roberts, struggling laborers in Oakland at the Turn-o
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Tales of the Fish Patrol” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Tales of the Fish Patrol is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: White and
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Star Rover” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Star Rover is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack London. A framing story is told in the first person by Darrell Standing, a univers
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Strength of the Strong” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Strength of the Strong is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: The S
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“A Son of the Sun” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. A Son of the Sun is a novel by Jack London. It is set in the South Pacific at the beginning of the 20th century and consists of eight separate sto
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“South Sea Tales” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. South Sea Tales is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: The Whale Tooth, The Terrib
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Son of the Wolf” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Son of the Wolf is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of nine moving and thrilling stories such as: The Son of the Wolf,
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Smoke Bellew” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Smoke Bellew Jack London's adventure novel, set in Alaska, during the "gold rush". The title character, Christopher Bellew, is a young m
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Road” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Road is an autobiographical memoir by Jack London. It is London's account of his experiences as a hobo in the 1890s, during the worst economic dep
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“The Scarlet Plague” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Scarlet Plague is a post-apocalyptic fiction novel written by Jack London.. The book was noted in 2020 as having been very similar to the&nb
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Revolution and Other Essays” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Revolution and Other Essays is a series of essays by Jack London. The collection consists of these titles: Revolution, The Somnambulist
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The People of the Abyss” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The People of the Abyss (1903) is a book by Jack London made up of his firsthand account of life in the East End of London. George Orwell w
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Red One” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Red One is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of four moving and thrilling stories such as: The Red One, The Hussy, Like Argus o
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“On the Makaloa Mat” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. On the Makaloa Mat is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: On the Makaloa Mat, T
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Mutiny of the Elsinore” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Mutiny of the Elsinore is a novel by the American writer Jack London first published in 1914. The novel is partially based on London's v
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Night-born” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Night-born is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of ten moving and thrilling stories such as: The Night-Born, The Madness of
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Martin Eden” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Martin Eden is a 1909 novel by American author Jack London about a young proletarian autodidact struggling to become a writer. Living in Oakland at the beginni
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Michael, Brother of Jerry” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Michael, Brother of Jerry is a novel by Jack London released in 1917. This novel is the sequel to his previous novel Jerry of the Islands
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Moon-Face & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Moon-Face & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as:
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Lost Face” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Lost Face is a collection of seven short stories by Jack London. It takes its name from the first short story in the book, about a European adventurer in
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Love of Life & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Love of Life & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories su
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Little Lady of the Big House” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Little Lady of the Big House is a novel by American writer Jack London. It was his last novel to be published during his lifet
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Jerry of the Islands” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Jerry of the Islands is a novel by American writer Jack London. The novel is set on the island of Malaita, a part of the Solomon Islands archipelago,
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“John Barleycorn” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. John Barleycorn is an autobiographical novel by Jack London dealing with his enjoyment of drinking and struggles with alcoholism. It was published
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“The Human Drift” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. "The Human Drift" is a collection of essays and short sketches by Jack London, also including a number of plays. The collection consists
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“The Game” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Game is a novel by Jack London about a twenty-year-old boxer Joe, who meets his death in the ring. London was a sports reporter for the Oakland Herald
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“The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eleven movi
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The House of Pride” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The House of Pride is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: The House of Pride, G
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Dutch Courage & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Dutch Courage & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eleven moving and thrilling stories
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Cruise of the Snark” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Cruise of the Snark is a non-fictional book by Jack London chronicling his sailing adventure in 1907 across the south Pacific in his ke
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“The Faith of Men” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Faith of Men is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: The Faith of Men, Too Muc
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Before Adam” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Before Adam is a novel by Jack London. It is the story of a man who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid. The story offers an early view of hum
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“Burning Daylight” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Burning Daylight is a novel by Jack London, published in 1910, which was one of the best-selling books of that year and it was London's best-selling b
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Children of the Frost” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Children of the Frost is a series of short stories by Jack London about Alaska and the Eskimo people. An underlying theme in some stories is
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“Adventure” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The novel explores the themes of domination of one people over the others, the differences between races, emancipation of women, and the strength of the
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“The Abysmal Brute” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Abysmal Brute is a novel by American writer Jack London. It is a short novel, and could be regarded as a novelette. In the story, a man who was broug
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“The Acorn-planter: A California Forest Play” is a play by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Acorn-Planter was published the year that Jack London died. It is a play designed to be mostly sung accompanied by
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“The Iron Heel” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Iron Heel is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack London. The novel is told via the framing device of a manuscript found centuries aft
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Sea-Wolf” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Sea-Wolf is a psychological adventure novel by American writer Jack London. It tells the story of a soft, domesticated protagonist — an inte
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“White Fang” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. White Fang is the name of the book's eponymous character, a wild wolfdog. The story details White Fang's journey to domestication in Yukon Terri
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“A Daughter of the Snows” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. A Daughter of the Snows is Jack London's first novel. Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, "a Stanford graduate an
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Call of the Wild” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a r
- ePub + Mobi 12 pkt
“The Cruise of the Dazzler” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Cruise of the Dazzler is an early novel by Jack London, set in his home city of San Francisco. It is considered a boy's adventure
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Zbiór krótkich nowel o silnych mieszkankach i mieszkańcach Północy. Mroźny klimat Alaski odbija się na życiu i charakterach żyjących tam ludzi. Walka z ekstremalnymi warunkami przyrody przeplata się z opowieściami o człowieku. Na tle śnieżnych krajobrazów rozwijają się, nierzadko pełne poświęcenia, relacje damsko-męskie. Szczególną rolę odkrywają t
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Krzysztof Bellew jest młodym człowiekiem, pracującym w redakcji jednej z gazet. Kiedy od stryja dowiaduje się o planowanej wyprawie na Alaskę, decyduje się wziąć w niej udział. To czasy, gdy w tamtych rejonach panuje gorączka złota. Młody Kit nie jest przygotowany na surowe warunki pracy poszukiwacza kruszcu i mocno odstaje od starych wyjadaczy. Ni- ePub + Mobi 8 pkt
(7,69 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
8.39 zł
9.99 zł (-16%) -
Mroźna Alaska, czasy gorączki złota. Pies Buck spędza beztroskie szczenięce lata w ciepłym domu, u kochającej go rodziny. Wszystko zmienia się, gdy w wieku czterech lat zostaje porwany i sprzedany poszukiwaczowi złota. Czeka go walka z niesprzyjającym klimatem i okrutnymi ludźmi. Będzie musiał stawić czoła licznym niebezpieczeństwom i ciężkiej prac
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The storybook On the Makaloa Mat tells the story of the lives of natives and whites in the Hawaiian Islands. The story, which gave the name to this brilliant collection, is considered one of the best works about love in world literature. Each story has common features: firstly, they all describe some side of life in the Hawaiian Islands, and seco-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Zbiór znakomitych opowiadań sławnego amerykańskiego pisarza ukazujących piękno nie tylko ciała, ale także dusz i serc kobiet dalekiej mroźnej północy, a wszystkie opisane tu przygody czy zdarzenia za tło mają wspaniała, chociaż surową Alaskę z jej niezapomnianymi krajobrazami, z jej przyrodą. Zbiór zawiera osiem opowiadań, są t
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Znakomite opowiadania amerykańskiego mistrza pióra zachęca nas do lektury takimi właśnie słowami: Pogląd na niemożliwości i nieprawdopodobieństwa mam nieco odmienny od państwa. Wierzę w nieprawdopodobieństwa, które stają się prawdą. Wcale się nie dziwię, gdy to, co wydawało się niemożliwym, ziściło się, jako możliwość jasna, jak słońc
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This is a collection of short stories by Jack London. The action of the stories takes place in the bay of San Francisco, in the center of the plot is the activity of the local fish surveillance. The narration is conducted in the first person, the narrator is the owner of the reindeer sloop, chartered by a fishing company to patrol the bay in orde-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The young man dreams of the sea, runs away from home, hides in the hold of the ship, with the help of a friend is supplied with food. Then the terrible happens the robinsonade of a man locked in a hold! The food spoils, the young man cannot leave his shelter for many reasons, he suffocates, suffers from hunger... The agony of body and soul begin-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Among the vast expanses of the vast Pacific Ocean, like tiny pieces of mosaics, thousands of tiny islands are scattered. Proud people live on these islands: pearl catchers throwing themselves into the depths of the sea, rebellious natives who believe only in the god of the sea and sharks these are the heroes of Tales of the Southern Seas. White-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Jack London has always been especially reverent about the culture of the American Indians and their originality, which is why the theme of the invasion of the Indian tribes by white people from the mainland occupies a central theme in his work. Hardened by the harsh North, the brave traveler Scraf Mackenzie intends to marry a girl from the local-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a love story. For what, if not the love of the Friend-Master, was looking for a half-wolf, half-dog White Fang? This is a story about understanding. For only having understood the beast, in whose blood the famous call of the ancestors still beats, can you tame it... Many people know that we are all responsible for the one we tamed. But h-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is an early Jack London novel set in his hometown of San Francisco. It is considered the novel of a boys adventure. In the novel, Joe Bronson, dissatisfied with his dull life at school, runs away and joins the sloop team, he sees in San Francisco Bay. He finds that the captain is involved in criminal activity. Navigational actions on board a-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a situation when a person is faced with the inevitability of a terrible painful death. A choice arises before him, which is worse: to accept a painful end, clinging to life until the last breath, or to die voluntarily. This story is not about mans courage, but about his weakness for money, his passion for profit. And such a passion destro-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is an honest story that the Game, whether its sport or life in general, is unpredictable and completely indifferent to the circumstances in which the person is. Great hopes are broken about reality, and this is the whole of London, which cuts off the shoulder when it wants to say something to its reader. The picture from life is shown succin-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A white man bought an Indian woman as a wife. Bought without any romantic feelings, bought for help. The girl did her job: cooked, fed dogs, paved the way for teams. And the point is not in servile worship of the master, but in the fact that she saw in her husband an honest and courageous man trying to save other people from hunger and cold. They-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a small storybook. Events that mostly revolve around one person. All his life in Hawaii, Percival Ford lived in the belief that he was following the path of his father, and there was nothing better than missionary virtue and moderation. But his pride was hit by that knowledge of which he had no idea, although it had been with him since ch-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Human Drift is a collection of essays and short sketches by Jack London, including a number of plays and his introduction to Richard Henry Danas Two Years Before the Mast. The title essay Human Drift explores the spread of humanity on continents throughout history, as well as the predicted results and the possible end of this drift. John Griffith-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is the story of a love triangle between Dick Forrest, a wealthy landowner and a great businessman, his wife Paola and friend Graham, who came to visit them, so to speak. A lot of people gather at Forrest Estate. Among them are vagabond philosophers who live in the land of Dick, artists, musicians, etc. And among the constant dinners, enterta-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The main character tells about his stay on the ship Elsinore, in which from the very beginning there are not the most rainbow events. With each chapter of the event more and more go beyond the framework of the rational and the main character is aware of this. Traveling by ship is a long coexistence of many people in a limited space, where they ha-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Romance and adventure, the majestic nature and extreme conditions, strong and independent heroes Jack Londons stories are extremely popular, more than a hundred adaptations of works are known. In a small work, Born in the Night, the author shows how the benefits of civilization are inferior to the forest and to a huge concept called Freedom. A w-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The plots of the stories of the collection The Red One (1918) unfold in various parts of the globe from the Solomon Islands and Ecuador to Nebraska and Klondike. When Bassett conducted scientific research in the jungle, he was attacked by the natives and became their captive. It was then that the scientist first heard the strange voice of the Re-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Books about the future are always interesting to read in order to reflect on what may await us if we do not take certain actions. Usually we imagine that in many years science and technology will reach a new level, people will become more and more developed both physically and mentally, but Jack London in his novel shows a completely different wo-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Sentenced to execution a prisoner of solitary confinement travels in time, according to his past incarnations on Earth. From the primeval world to the nearest history. And we participate with him in certain events, experience ups and downs, love earthly and unearthly love, enjoy and experience humiliation, approaching the One Man whom the author-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The book tells about the Neanderthal tribe: life, hunting, customs, their relationship. The life of ancient people is difficult and full of hardships, but they are happy. Their happiness is in unity. There is a clash with others. Neanderthals are at a lower stage of development, but they recognize themselves as people: they have a language, they-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The twelfth volume of the Complete Works by the prominent American writer Jack London includes the famous Tesman Turtles short story book. This book, written by the hand of a mature master, was the last work published during his lifetime. The stories included in the collection are characterized by a sharp, exciting plot, paradoxical, unexpected o-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel of the famous American writer Jack Londons Moon Valley is the story of a young worker defeated by the iron fifth of an industrial octopus city and finding peace and joy in a life close to nature on a California ranch. This book describes historical events in America in the early twentieth century on the example of one family. The Great-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A very wise story from the cycle about love. An inexhaustible topic, do not talk about it. No one has yet managed to beat the gods. Although Karkines met people who almost succeeded: Marvin Fisk and Ethel Baird. But the punishment of the gods overtook them at the end.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Life and adventures during the Klondike Gold Rush are breathtakingly realistic. Frona Wells, the main character of the novel, is a strong, intelligent, courageous and at the same time unusually charming character in a word, a woman who is able to think, love, fight and share trials along with the best of men. Who is worthy of the hands and heart-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel Adventure in an acute, exciting form tells about the life of American and European settlers on the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. The main characters are no less pathos than villains who are so colorful in their villainy that they set their teeth together. Jack London, in the preface, writes that this book came out of the movie-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Son of the sun a cycle of stories. The heroes of which are honest, persistent and courageous people, romantics, adventurers who have passed through difficult physical and moral tests in their lives. Griffiths and Jacobsen decided to trick Vulture into fleeing without paying the bills. But it would be better if they did not try to deceive the Son-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Before Adam is a striking story about our distant Neanderthal ancestors, who are just starting to become aware of themselves as people. According to the plot of the story, the protagonist has dreams in which he watches a movie about his adventures in prehistoric times in the person of the Big Tooth boy living with his mother in a nest in a big tr-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Elam Harnish is by nature a player to whom his whole life seems to be a game. Skillfully and cynically playing, Harnish makes millions. A successful businessman lives by the laws of the jungle until he meets the stenographer Didon Mason. From this moment, his life under the beneficial influence of love changes, he becomes a spiritual person. Once-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The protagonist of the story the old Imber from the White Fish tribe can cause conflicting feelings among readers he killed many white people without much reason, at first glance. He does not hide from justice, but he himself comes to the city of Yukon and admits everything he has done. What prompted him to such an act? And does the reason that-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
One of Jack Londons most beloved books is about the amazing adventures of the Irish Terrier Jerry. From birth, Jerry saw from his master only care and love. But once his life changed dramatically Jerry was on an island inhabited by some natives. The natural mind, resourcefulness and courage helped the extraordinary dog to avoid many dangers and-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Jack London, as part of his Nordic Tales series, raises a problem that is difficult to articulate clearly. This is a situation when a person is faced with the inevitability of a terrible painful death. A choice arises before him, which is worse: to accept a painful end, clinging to life until the last breath, or to die voluntarily. The peculiarit-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Love of life is not only the name of the story, but also the main quality of one of the characters. Such an acute, almost tangible desire took possession of man that he, exhausted by hunger, cold, chills, illness, dislocation, hallucinations and other troubles that can await a lonely generational man in the forest. He survived the battle with a b-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Martin Eden is one of the most famous novels of the famous American writer Jack London. The novel is largely autobiographical the writer, like his hero, emerged from the bottom of society and achieved outstanding success in literature exclusively by his own efforts. Martin Eden, who comes from the very bottom of the social ladder of American soc-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Craving for travel, curiosity and a great desire to find his brother made the Irish Terrier Michael to get on board the ship. Friendship with a man helped Michael to survive in a sea voyage, and unusual quick wits made the terrier a welcome prey for sensational hunters. But at any twist of fate, Michael believed that sooner or later he and his br-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
An amazing story about human hatred, an obsession with revenge. The action takes place in a circus, a young man, a fearless lion tamer, sticking his head in the jaws of the lions laid eyes on the wife of the juggler and sword-swallower. The heroes of the stories of London are simple, courageous people, ready to fight difficulties, boldly looking-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The famous cycle of novels and short stories by the American writer Jack London is a peculiar and unique painting of life in inhuman conditions, where people still manage to remain human beings. The story is about a man who found the courage, courage and power to exchange the clerks prosperous, but dull and boring life for danger, the exciting an-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Na podstawie klasycznej powieści Jacka Londona został realizowany film o tym samym tytule. Porywająca powieść przygodowa jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy amerykańskich Zew krwi to historia o dzielnym psie, który stanie przed wyborem między życiem w świecie człowieka a powrotem do natury Akcja powieści rozgrywa się na Alasce w czasac- ePub + Mobi 21 pkt
(17,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.56 zł
28.00 zł (-23%) -
Czy dzikie zwierzę może stać się wiernym przyjacielem człowieka? Tak, jeśli człowiek, w którego ręce się dostaje, potrafi okazać mu miłość i otoczyć je troskliwą opieką. Tytułowy bohater powieści jest mieszańcem psa i wilka wykorzystywanym do nielegalnych walk z innymi psami. Po jednej z nich ledwo żywego Białego Kła wykupuje młody chłopak, by- ePub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23,80 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.80 zł
28.00 zł (-15%) -
Tytułowy bohater, Christopher Bellew, to młody człowiek z dobrego domu, wykształcony, mieszkaniec wielkiego miasta, pracujący w redakcji jednej z gazet. Kiedy podczas spotkania ze stryjem dowiaduje się o planowanej wyprawie na Alaskę, decyduje się wziąć w niej udział. Przez pierwsze dni podróży Christopher (Kit) odkrywa swoją słabość fizyczn-
- ePub + Mobi 9 pkt
(9,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
9.40 zł
12.50 zł (-25%) -
Angielski Przy Okazji! Pełny Angielski Tekst. 100% Tłumaczenia! Mocne opowiadania J.Londona. Pokazują prawdziwą odsłonę życia i losu. Bez upiększania i wymysłu. Przygotowane według Metody Edukacyjnego Czytania Ilyi Franka. -------------------------- Opis serii: Książki z serii Metoda Edukacyjnego Czytania Ilyi Franka służą do nauki j
- ePub + Mobi 34 pkt
Gratisowe książki do pobrania poprzez ebook. Opowieść w wersji dwujęzycznej (angielsko-polskiej). Żona z plemienia Siwash to jedno z ośmiu opowiadań z tomu Serce kobiety wydanego w 1901 roku. Zbiór ten skupia się na ukazaniu losów kobiet, zmuszonych stawiać czoła zarówno surowemu i bezlitosnemu klimatowi mroźnej Ameryki P
Gratisowe książki do pobrania poprzez ebook. Opowieść w wersji dwujęzycznej (angielsko-polskiej). Pochodząca ze zbioru Serce kobiety nowela Zamążpójście Lit-lit to opowieść o córce wodza plemienia, którą zapragnął pojąć za żonę szkocki kupiec, John Fox. Młoda dziewczyna, sprzedana przez swego ojca za parę koców i s
Gratisowe książki do pobrania poprzez ebook. Opowieść w wersji dwujęzycznej (angielsko-polskiej). Wydana w 1912 roku przygodowa powieść pt. Wyga to kolejny dowód na mistrzostwo pisarskie Jacka Londona. Główny bohater, Christopher Bellew, daje się skusić marzeniom o poszukiwaniu złota i rusza na wyprawę do Alaski, gdzie
Gratisowe książki do pobrania poprzez ebook. Indiańska opowieść w wersji dwujęzycznej (angielsko-polskiej). Amerykański pisarz Jack London w swoim opowiadaniu Śród lasów Północy odmalowuje przed czytelnikiem niezwykłą krainę Ameryki Północnej, zimną, nieustępliwą i dziką. Autor skupia się jednak przede ws
Gratisowe książki do pobrania poprzez ebook. Indiańska opowieść w wersji dwujęzycznej (angielsko-polskiej). Barwne życie Jacka Londona dostarczyło mu mnóstwa inspiracji. W swoich krótkich prozatorskich utworach zawarł wiele wspomnień ze swoich podróży na Północ. Przemyślny Porportuk to jedno z wielu opowi
Gratisowe książki do pobrania poprzez ebook. Angielsko-polskie wydanie opowieści z życia Indian. Akcję swojego opowiadania Negore-Tchórz Jack London osadza na XIX-wiecznej Alasce i opowiada historię Negore, który musi udowodnić przed swoim plemieniem, że nie jest tchó
Keesh, syn Keesha to jedno z opowiadań pochodzących z tomu Serce kobiety. Jack London po raz kolejny zabiera czytelnika na mroźną Amerykę Północną, gdzie tytułowy bohater rozerwany pomiędzy prawami swojego plemienia a wpływem chrześcijańskich nauk białego człowieka, musi dokonać trudnego wyboru. Jack London (John Griffith Chaney
Wydanie dwujęzyczne angielsko-polskie. Jack London po raz kolejny fabułę swojego opowiadania skupia na kobiecie. Tytułowa Jess jest bliżej nieokreślonego pochodzenia; w jej żyłach płynęła krew zarówno indiańska, eskimoska, jak i celtycka. Podobnie jak inne bohaterki tomu Serce kobiety Jess walczy o przetrwanie z bezlitosną Alaską. Jej życ(9,25 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
9.25 zł
10.50 zł (-12%) -
„Serce kobiety” autorstwa Jacka Londona opowiada o wydarzeniach z przełomu wieków, które nawiedzają miasto na zamarzniętych obszarach północy. Kiedy 40-kilometrowe miasteczko Klondike stanęło w obliczu śmierci głodowej, to do Sitki Charley i jego zakupionej żony, Pussaka, należała pomoc. Jest to zniechęcająca, samob
Wzruszająca historia przyjaźni człowieka z wilkiem Niektórzy boją się wilków, ale czy ktoś się zastanawia, co właściwie wilki myślą o ludziach? Wśród malowniczych krajobrazów mroźnej Kanady dziewiętnastowieczni poszukiwacze przygód i złota zapominają o tym, co w życiu najważniejsze. W dzikiej głuszy wraz ze zwierzętami uczą się na nowo miłości i- ePub + Mobi 21 pkt
(17,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.56 zł
28.00 zł (-23%) -
The Call of the Wild is a touching novel about a great friendship between a dog and a human. The novel follows up the life of the dog Buck since he lived in sunny California all the way until the day he was kidnapped and tossed into the chaos of the Klondike Gold Rush and the brutal realities of frontier life. Buck changes hands a number of times-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Iron Heel is a distopian utopian socialist novel, told in first person by someone that have read the manuscript finded in a oak, hidden 600 years ago that tolds the life and adventures of a socialist activist Avis Everhard and her husband Ernst Everhard executed in 1932. The Iron Heel is a story with stories within stories...its about a past,-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Sea-Wolf is Jack Londons journey deep into the heart of darkness and madness that each person carries within themselves. It is the story of a Danish youth named Humphrey Hump van Weyden and his struggles against the sea, as well as his own inner demons. Humphrey Van Weyden is a gentleman, and academic, who has lived a soft life among civilize-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The main conflict of the story is dog-nature vs. wolf-nature, or nature vs. man. What happens to White fang, and how he goes through the many troubles that he has to. Growing up in the Yukon territory of Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush, he learned the law of the Wild at an early age: kill, or be killed, eat, or be eaten. Separated from his m-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
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