M. - ebooki
Tytuły autora: M. dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
This book is a concise source to keep you updated about the released and upcoming changes in the core Java language. It covers version 10, 11, and various projects at Oracle, which every Java enthusiast will know about. You will learn to write better code and make informed decisions to choose new features for creating performant applications.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Automation is essential for success in the modern DevOps world. Ansible provides a simple yet powerful automation engine to tackle complex automation challengesThis book provides you with the knowledge you need to understand how Ansible 2.7 works at a fundamental level and leverage its advanced capabilities.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla programistów .NET, którzy chcą przyspieszyć pracę swoich aplikacji. Opisuje nowe funkcje C# 7 i .NET Core 2.0 oraz ich wpływ na wydajność kodu. Przedstawia takie mechanizmy .NET Core jak proces kompilacji, odzyskiwanie pamięci czy wykorzystywanie wielu rdzeni procesora. Prezentuje koncepcje wielowątkowości i program- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 29 pkt
(24,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
29.40 zł
49.00 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka jest niezwykłym podręcznikiem programowania. Być może wygląda nieco dziwacznie, ale prędko się przekonasz, że to podręcznik jest wyjątkowo skuteczny: w końcu jego formuła została opracowana na podstawie najlepszych osiągnięć neurologii i kognitywistyki. W ten sposób Twój mózg się zaangażuje i błyskawicznie przyswoi sobie zasady programow- Druk 71 pkt
(59,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
71.40 zł
119.00 zł (-40%) -
Despite popular forays into augmented and virtual reality in recent years, spatial computing still sits on the cusp of mainstream use. Developers, artists, and designers looking to enter this field today have few places to turn for expert guidance. In this book, Erin Pangilinan, Steve Lukas, and Vasanth Mohan examine the AR and VR development pipel-
- ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(152,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.15 zł
179.00 zł (-15%) -
Discover the peculiar feature points of C++ with C++ Fundamentals, and lay a solid foundation of C++ knowledge. Get a hands-on, practical introduction to low-level programming with C and C++.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
As a practical hands-on guide, Java Fundamentals progressively imparts you with the skills you need to efficiently write programs in Java. After a quick introduction to the principles of Java, you'll move on to learn all about data types, data structures, and control. You'll also understand object-oriented programming in depth, with emphasis on typ-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
Java Fundamentals. A fast-paced and pragmatic introduction to one of the world's most popular programming languages
Gazihan Alankus, Rogério Theodoro de Brito, Basheer Ahamed Fazal, Vinicius Isola, Miles Obare
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
VMware vSphere has been updated to version 6.7 with a lot of changes around simplifying management, infrastructure and workloads security, and providing a seamless hybrid cloud experience. This book covers all essential tasks that allows you to build secure, reliable and scalable vSphere environment-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
W połowie lat sześćdziesiątych rozwój sprzętu komputerowego oraz języków programowania umożliwił tworzenie bardziej złożonych programów. Różne podejścia do ich wytwarzania oraz szeroka dyskusja programistów doprowadziły do opracowania i sformułowania reguł programowania strukturalnego. Są one uniwersalne i aktualne do dziś oraz stanowią podstawową- ePub + Mobi 51 pkt
(43,20 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
51.20 zł
64.00 zł (-20%) -
Nabywanie umiejętności programowania przypomina uczenie się języka obcego. Ta książka to świetny poradnik, który sprawi, że zaczniesz pisać w dziwnie wyglądających językach tworzących globalną sieć. Dzięki prostym wskazówkom nauczysz się pracować z prawdziwym kodem i zbudujesz własnego przeglądarkowego robota.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 17 pkt
(14,95 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
17.94 zł
29.90 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka jest jedynym w swoim rodzaju praktycznym przewodnikiem po bibliotece React — przejrzystym i przystępnym. Zawiera wskazówki ułatwiające błyskawiczny start w tworzeniu efektownych i efektywnych aplikacji WWW. Nawet programista, który pierwszy raz ma do czynienia z tym narzędziem, będzie mógł w krótkim czasie napisać i uruchomić swoją- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 35 pkt
(29,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
35.40 zł
59.00 zł (-40%) -
Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się wszystkiego, co jest potrzebne do pisania profesjonalnych skryptów powłoki. Dowiesz się, czym są powłoki systemu Linux, dlaczego tak ważna jest powłoka bash i w jaki sposób edytuje się skrypty. Nauczysz się pracy na zmiennych, debugowania kodu i tworzenia skryptów interaktywnych. Będziesz korzystać z instrukcji warun- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 41 pkt
(34,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
41.40 zł
69.00 zł (-40%) -
Top industry analysts have identified Docker Enterprise as the leader of enterprise container platform software suites. In a very short time, the Docker Enterprise platform gained more than 700 enterprise customers who now manage production workloads with this commercially supported platform. This book will help you to understand what Docker Enterp-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
With this Learning Path, you will gain complete knowledge to solve problems by building high performing applications loaded with asynchronous, multithreaded code and proven design patterns.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(143,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.10 zł
159.00 zł (-10%) -
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are declarations of Azure resources in the JSON format to provision and maintain them using infrastructure as code. This book gives practical solutions and examples for provisioning and managing various Azure services using ARM templates.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Containers are a new way to run software. They’re efficient, secure and portable. You can run apps in Docker with no code changes. Docker helps to meet the biggest challenges in IT: modernizing legacy apps, building new apps, moving to the cloud, adopting DevOps and staying innovative. This book teaches all you need to know about Docker on W-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Qt is a cross-platform application framework and widget toolkit that is used to create graphical user interface applications that run on a number of different hardware and operating systems. The main aim of this book is to introduce Qt to the reader with simple and easy to understand examples without focusing too much on theory.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Microsoft has introduced a new product based on MS Dynamics CRM named MS Dynamics 365 which consists of 7 components and has extended functionality compared to any other CRM systems. It is equipped to be flexible to meet the needs of businesses. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of Dynamics 365 and helps you make your tasks much simpler.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book contains practical implementations of several deep learning projects in multiple domains, including in regression-based tasks such as taxi fare prediction in New York City, image classification of cats and dogs using a convolutional neural network, implementing a facial recognition security system using Siamese Neural Networks, and more.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
ReasonML, also known as Reason, is a new syntax and toolchain for OCaml that was created by Facebook and is meant to be approachable for web developers. Although OCaml has several resources, most of them are from the perspective of systems development. This book, alternatively, explores Reason from the perspective of web development.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
This book will help you get started with the Redux set-up and the Redux ecosystem. You will learn how to integrate Redux with React and other front-end JavaScript frameworks efficiently and manage application states effectively.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Windows Server 2019 represents the latest version of Microsoft’s flagship server operating system. It also comes with the latest version of Windows PowerShell. This book will help you learn how to use PowerShell to manage the core roles, features, and services of Windows Server 2019.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 161 pkt
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
161.10 zł
179.00 zł (-10%) -
This Learning Path is a thorough and practical introduction to Python. You will learn all about Python data structures, its most common algorithms, and its objects, and use all these to create clever applications that will transform your business.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
Delphi is a cross-platform IDE that supports rapid application development. Design Patterns gives a developer an array of use case scenarios to common problems, thus reducing the technical risk. This book will be your guide in building efficient and scalable projects utilizing all the design patterns available in Delphi.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Unreal Engine VR Quick Start Guide introduces designers to the guidelines and design processes necessary to build interactive VR experiences. Learn to use User Experience design techniques and Blueprint programming to create virtual reality gameplay for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PSVR, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
This Learning Path takes you on a journey in the world of robotics and teaches you all that you can achieve with Raspberry Pi and Python - from building a movie recommendations system to creating your own self-driven robotic vehicle.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
Getting Started with Python for the Internet of Things. Leverage the full potential of Python to prototype and build IoT projects using the Raspberry Pi
Tim Cox, Steven Lawrence Fernandes, Sai Yamanoor, Srihari Yamanoor, Prof. Diwakar Vaish
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
With this Learning Path, you will be able to easily solve complex programming challenges using advanced features of C#. You'll structure and build scalable, optimized, and robust applications in C#7 and .NET, and with the newly-acquired TDD skills, you'll be ready to enter the market not only as a C# pro, but also as a TDD expert.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
Improving your C# Skills. Solve modern challenges with functional programming and test-driven techniques of C#
Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, John Callaway, Clayton Hunt, Rod Stephens
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
Microservices are the next big thing in designing scalable, easy-to-maintain applications. This latest edition of Mastering Microservices with Java, works on Java 11. It covers a wide range of exciting, new developments in the world of microservices such as microservices patterns, interprocess communication with gRPC, and service orchestration.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Hands-On GUI Application Development in Go will help you to extend your knowledge of Golang and become a confident graphical application developer with Go. The book explores many graphical libraries available for Go to show how GUIs can be created for applications. This book is a guide to the most popular Go GUI Frameworks and techniques-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book will take you through the process of efficiently training deep neural networks in Java for Computer Vision-related tasks. You will build real-world applications ranging from simple Java handwritten digit recognition models to real-time autonomous car driving systems and face recognition models using the popular Java-based libraries.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Ta książka jest wyjątkowo zwięzłym podręcznikiem, dzięki któremu błyskawicznie zdobędziesz wiedzę potrzebną do zrozumienia działania języka C. Wystarczy, że oprócz tej książki dysponujesz komputerem z dostępem do internetu, płytką Raspberry Pi Zero lub Zero W, paroma diodami LED, opornikami, płytką prototypową i przewodami oraz choćby podstawową wi- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 14 pkt
(12,45 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
14.94 zł
24.90 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka jest wyjątkowo zwięzłym, a przy tym przystępnie napisanym i praktycznym podręcznikiem, dzięki któremu błyskawicznie uzyskasz wiedzę potrzebną do uruchomienia minikomputera Onion Omega 2 i rozpoczęcia pracy. Aby wykonać opisane tu projekty, potrzebujesz minikomputera Omega 2, modułu zasilającego, rozszerzenia przekaźnikowego i rozszerzeni- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 14 pkt
(12,45 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
14.94 zł
24.90 zł (-40%) -
Ten przystępny podręcznik przeznaczono dla programistów, którzy chcą poznać język Scala, aby wykorzystywać go do pisania współbieżnych, skalowalnych i reaktywnych aplikacji. Przedstawiono tu podstawy niezbędne do rozpoczęcia kodowania w Scali: składnię języka, podstawowe typy danych, literały czy zmienne. Następnie omówiono struktury danych w Scali- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 40 pkt
(33,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
40.20 zł
67.00 zł (-40%) -
Whether you work for a small start-up or for a large enterprise, this book can help you understand Microsoft Cloud Integration technologies to Integrate application and business processes. By using this book, readers will be able to learn various Architecture design principles while connecting Enterprise application with Azure components.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się używania struktur danych i implementacji najważniejszych algorytmów w języku C#. Najpierw zapoznasz się z najprostszymi strukturami danych o swobodnym dostępie — z tablicami oraz listami. Wyjaśniono tu również działanie struktur danych o dostępie sekwencyjnym, opartych na stosach i kolejkach. Przedstawiono zast- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 41 pkt
(34,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
41.40 zł
69.00 zł (-40%) -
Dive into Bitcoin technology with this hands-on guide from one of the leading teachers on Bitcoin and Bitcoin programming. Author Jimmy Song shows Python programmers and developers how to program a Bitcoin library from scratch. You’ll learn how to work with the basics, including the math, blocks, network, and transactions behind this popular-
- ePub + Mobi 211 pkt
(211,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
211.65 zł
249.00 zł (-15%) -
Apache Spark is a ?exible in-memory framework that allows processing of both batch and real-time data. Its unified engine has made it quite popular for big data use cases. This book will help you to quickly get started with Apache Spark 2.0 and write efficient big data applications for a variety of use cases.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Azure is evolving at a rapid speed and introducing newer services almost every week. What was relevant a year back is not more relevant today as better services are available to solve the same challenges. This book will provide architects with solid information about the important services for hosting, deploying and architecting solutions.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Ceph is an open source storage solution that runs on commodity hardware and provides exabyte-level scalability. With this Learning Path, you can become an expert in the most advanced features of Ceph and design, implement, and manage a highly reliable storage system that has no single point of failure.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
Ceph: Designing and Implementing Scalable Storage Systems. Design, implement, and manage software-defined storage solutions that provide excellent performance
Michael Hackett, Vikhyat Umrao, Karan Singh, Nick Fisk, Anthony D'Atri, Vaibhav Bhembre
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
This book uses a recipe-based approach to showcase the power of machine learning algorithms to build ensemble models using Python libraries. Through this book, you will be able to pick up the code, understand in depth how it works, execute and implement it efficiently. This will be a desk reference to implement a wide range of tasks and solve the c-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
The book will help you get well-versed with different techniques in Artificial Intelligence such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and more to build smart IoT systems. By the end of the book, you will have practical knowledge on how to implement and manipulate text, audio, and speech data within the IoT system.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book is a hands-on guide, exploring how to build microservice-based applications that dynamically scale and are resilient and native to the cloud. It will take your skills to the next level and get you acquainted with new architecture design and patterns, with the latest developing frameworks and techniques.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
The science of gathering and extracting information from data-intensive applications bring in the challenge of writing complex libraries and efficient programs using high level languages like Python, R, so on. This book aims to explore the power of Unix-styled scripting tools like awk, bash, grep and package them as highly efficient built-in progra-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning where data sets with several layers of complexity can be processed. This book teaches you the different techniques using which deep learning solutions can be implemented at scale, on Apache Spark. This will help you gain experience of implementing your deep learning models in many real-world use cases.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
C++ is a great choice for embedded development, most notably, because it does not add any bloat, extends maintainability, and offers many advantages over different programming languages. Hands-On Embedded Programming with C++17 will show you how C++ can be used to build robust and concurrent systems that leverage the available hardware resources.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Build efficient and fast Qt applications, target performance problems, and discover solutions to refine your code-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
REST architecture (style) is a pivot of distributed systems, simplify data integration amongst modern and legacy applications leverages through the RESTful paradigm. This book is fully loaded with many RESTful API patterns, samples, hands-on implementations and also discuss the capabilities of many REST API frameworks for Java, Scala, Python and Go-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Learning Python for Forensics, Second Edition begins by introducing you to the fundamentals of Python. You will learn how to develop Python scripts through an iterative design. This book will also help you strengthen your analysis skills and efficiency as you creatively solve real-world problems through instruction-based tutorials.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Spring is the de facto framework for Java SE development and it has been widely used for building web and enterprise grade applications. Last year, Pivotal provided complete support for Kotlin as a language that Spring can compile to, making it an even stronger framework in terms of android development. To make things simpler, Pivotal has released-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Machine learning involves development and training of models used to predict future outcomes. This book is a practical guide to all the tips and tricks related to machine learning. It includes hands-on, easy to access techniques on topics like model selection, performance tuning, training neural networks, time series analysis and a lot more.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Machine learning is a field of AI where we build systems that learn from data. This book explains complicated concepts with real-world applications. It demonstrates the power of R and machine learning extensively while highlighting the constraints. Finally, it will walk you through topics such as text analysis, time series, and deep learning.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Mastering Rust, Second Edition covers a comprehensive list of topics that will help you gain deeper insights into the language. It will allow you how to create high performing applications effortlessly.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
The Professional SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery book explains the high availability and the disaster recovery technologies, their technical implementation, and different topologies that you can use when creating a highly available infrastructure with hybrid topologies.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Machine Learning (ML) is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us. This book is a perfect guide for you to use the Python ecosystem to cover key domains in the machine learning. You will learn to implement advanced concepts and most used machine learning algorithms using complex datasets and optimized techniques.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Python is the major programming language for network programming. This Learning Path shows you how to use the power and beauty of Python to complete numerous real-world tasks related to programming, monitoring, and administering networks.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
Python Network Programming. Conquer all your networking challenges with the powerful Python language
Abhishek Ratan, Eric Chou, Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
AWS certifications are becoming one of the must have certifications for any IT professional working on an AWS Cloud platform. This book will act as your one stop preparation guide to validate your technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on the AWS platform. Along with exam specific content this book will also deep dive into re-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Functional programming is a very powerful programming paradigm that can help us to write better code. This book presents essential functional and reactive programming concepts in a simplified manner using Typescript.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(89,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Rust will help you in upgrading your earlier knowledge of Rust so that you shift to a confident developer by implementing the algorithms in a practical environment. This would be an essential reference guide for end-user/reader to understand the fundamental techniques of Rust. This guide will cover some-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
The book will help you learn deep neural networks and their applications in computer vision, generative models, and natural language processing. It will also introduce you to the area of reinforcement learning, where you’ll learn the state-of-the-art algorithms to teach the machines how to play games like Go and Atari.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
Python Deep Learning. Exploring deep learning techniques and neural network architectures with PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow - Second Edition
Ivan Vasilev, Daniel Slater, Gianmario Spacagna, Peter Roelants, Valentino Zocca
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
The purpose of the book is to help a machine learning practitioner gets hands-on experience in working with real-world data and apply modern machine learning algorithms. You will learn to implement each algorithm to a specific industry problem. It covers projects involving both supervised as well as unsupervised learning approaches.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
Książka Agile. Programowanie zwinne: zasady, wzorce i praktyki zwinnego wytwarzania oprogramowania w C# to podręcznik metodologii Agile przeznaczony dla twórców oprogramowania korzystających z technologii .NET. Dzięki niemu poznasz podstawowe założenia i postulaty twórców Agile i nauczysz się stosować je w praktyce. Dowiesz się, jak szacować termin- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 77 pkt
(64,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
77.40 zł
129.00 zł (-40%) -
Ten praktyczny przewodnik pozwoli osiągnąć biegłość w stosowaniu uczenia maszynowego w codziennej pracy. Autor, Matthew Kirk, bez akademickich rozważań pokazuje, jak integrować i testować algorytmy uczenia maszynowego w swoim kodzie. Książka przedstawia wykorzystanie testów z użyciem bibliotek naukowych NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn oraz SciPy(49,02 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
50.26 zł
69.90 zł (-28%) -
The book will allow readers to implement smart solutions to their existing cybersecurity products and effectively build intelligent solutions which cater to the needs of the future. By the end of this book, you will be able to build, apply, and evaluate machine learning algorithms to identify various cybersecurity potential threats.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Ripple uses blockchain technology to make international money transfer fast and efficient. Since it drastically reduces cost, it is widely accepted by financial institutions around the world. This book will help you with both theoretical and practical knowledge on how you can use the ripple technology. Since this book takes a hands-on approach, it-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
This book demonstrates techniques to leverage the power of Python, OpenCV, and TensorFlow to solve problems in Computer Vision. This book also shows you how to build an application that can estimate human poses within images. You will also classify images and identify humans in videos, and then develop your own handwritten digit classifier.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
This book will introduce you to Android forensics helping you to set up a forensic environment, handle mobile evidence, analyze how and where common applications store their data. You will also learn to identify malware on a device, and how to analyze it.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
As an IT professional, it is important to keep up with cloud technologies and learn to manage those technologies. PowerShell is a critical tool that must be learned in order to effectively and more easily manage many Azure resources. This book is designed to teach you to leverage PowerShell to perform many day-to-day tasks in Microsoft Azure.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Bayesian inference uses probability distributions and Bayes' theorem to build flexible models.The book uses PyMC3 to abstract all the mathematical and computational details from this process allowing readers to solve a wide range of problems in data science.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that helps you build, deploy, and manage applications to overcome your business challenges. This book covers the commonly used Azure services and also explains how you effectively integrate and utilize them.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Type-Driven Development is an approach to programming that uses a static type system to achieve desirable attributes such as safety and efficiency. This book will cover Type-Driven Development and how to put the type system to use to check that your code is logically consistent.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(89,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Serverless Architectures with AWS teaches you how to build serverless applications on AWS—applications that do not require the developer to provision, scale, or manage any servers. Using an event-driven approach and AWS Lambda as the primary service, the book explains the many benefits of serverless architectures. By the end of the book, you-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Apache Spark is an in-memory, cluster-based data processing system that provides a wide range of functionalities such as big data processing, analytics, machine learning, and more.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
Apache Spark 2: Data Processing and Real-Time Analytics. Master complex big data processing, stream analytics, and machine learning with Apache Spark
Romeo Kienzler, Md. Rezaul Karim, Sridhar Alla, Siamak Amirghodsi, Meenakshi Rajendran, Broderick Hall, Shuen Mei
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
C# is one of the most widely used programming languages because of its features, such as easy learning curve, versatility, and support for modern paradigms. It is used for a variety of applications, such as desktop apps, background services, web applications, and mobile apps. Also, the .NET Core is open sourced and is compatible with Mac OS and Lin-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 179 pkt
C# 7 and .NET: Designing Modern Cross-platform Applications. The Open Source revolution of .NET Core
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
179.10 zł
199.00 zł (-10%) -
If you want to develop complete Python web apps with Django, then this Learning Path is for you. You will walk through Python programming techniques, and them implement them for creating four professional Django projects, teaching you how to solve common problems and develop RESTful web services with Django and Python. You will learn how to build a-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 179 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
179.10 zł
199.00 zł (-10%) -
C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages. It is fast, flexible, and efficient which is used to solve many programming problems.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 179 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
179.10 zł
199.00 zł (-10%) -
Data mining, or parsing the data to extract useful insights, is a niche skill that can transform your career as a data scientist Python is a flexible programming language that is equipped with a strong suite of libraries and toolkits, and gives you the perfect platform to sift through your data and mine the insights you seek.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 152 pkt
Numerical Computing with Python. Harness the power of Python to analyze and find hidden patterns in the data
Pratap Dangeti, Allen Yu, Claire Chung, Aldrin Yim, Theodore Petrou
(161,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
152.10 zł
169.00 zł (-10%) -
This Learning Path is your complete guide to quickly getting to grips with popular machine learning algorithms. You'll be introduced to the most widely used algorithms in supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised machine learning, and learn how to use them in the best possible manner. Ranging from Bayesian models to the MCMC algorithm to Hidden-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 179 pkt
Python: Advanced Guide to Artificial Intelligence. Expert machine learning systems and intelligent agents using Python
Giuseppe Bonaccorso, Armando Fandango, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
179.10 zł
199.00 zł (-10%) -
Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla osób, które nie mają doświadczenia w programowaniu. Została pomyślana jako podręcznik, który maksymalnie ułatwia uczenie się skutecznego kodowania. Najpierw omówiono niskopoziomowe instrukcje programowania, aby stopniowo przejść do przedstawienia i analizy profesjonalnych konstrukcji programistycznych. Książka jest- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 53 pkt
(44,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
53.40 zł
89.00 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla programistów chcących budować nowoczesne aplikacje internetowe na platformie ASP.NET Core 2.0. W przystępny i zrozumiały sposób, na praktycznych przykładach wyjaśniono tu możliwości ASP.NET Core 2.0. Większość kluczowych funkcji została opisana z wykorzystaniem zwięzłych przykładów. Dzięki jasnym instrukcjom krok po- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 41 pkt
(34,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
41.40 zł
69.00 zł (-40%) -
Dzięki tej książce łatwiej zrozumiesz naturę botów i nauczysz się je projektować. Zamieszczono tu wiele informacji o pracy projektantów i programistów botów. Poza zagadnieniami teoretycznymi znajdziesz tu także sporo praktycznej wiedzy, wzbogaconej rzeczywistymi przykładami budowania użytecznych botów. Nauczysz się projektowania konwersacyjnych int- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 35 pkt
(29,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
35.40 zł
59.00 zł (-40%) -
Microsoft provides a solution to easily run small segment of code in the Cloud with Azure Functions. Azure Functions provides solutions for processing data, integrating systems, and building simple APIs and microservices. This recipe-based guide will help you gain all the skills required to work with serverless code architecture and providing conti-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Gitlab is an open source repository management and version control toolkit with an enterprise offering. This book is the ideal guide to GitLab as a version control system (VCS), issue management tool, and a continuous integration platform.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
While most guides tend to describe Microsoft Azure on a more generic level, focusing on the general overview of components, this book will give you the in-depth understanding of both how this particular cloud works and what the best solutions for different scenarios are.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 143 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
143.10 zł
159.00 zł (-10%) -
Managing spatial data has always been challenging and it’s getting more complex as the size of data increases. This book is your companion to understand, manage, and analyze spatial data effectively using R and QGIS. You’ll learn to use different statistical analyses with spatial data and automate spatial tasks. You’ll also lea-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
OpenCV is mainly used in Computer Vision and image processing and is considered to be one of the best open source libraries that helps developers focus on constructing complete projects on image processing, motion detection, and image segmentation. This book will be your guide to understanding the basic OpenCV concepts and algorithms.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Developers struggle to find an easy to follow learning resource for implementing Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) models. RNNs are the state-of-the-art model in deep learning for dealing with sequential data. From language translation to generating captions for an image, RNNs are used to continuously improve the results. This book will teach you the f-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Every developer wants to build modular and scalable web applications. Modern versions of the JavaScript language have made this possible in Node.js, and Koa is a Node.js framework that makes it easy. This book is the ideal introduction for JavaScript developers who want to create scalable serverside applications using Node.js and Koa.js.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
This book will show you how to take advantage of TensorFlow’s most appealing features - simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility - in various scenarios. You will gain cutting-edge insights into using TensorFlow’s offerings for your problems and learn practical hacks to successfully implement real-world machine learning projects.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(89,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Julia, with its dynamic nature and high-performance, provides comparatively minimal time for the development of computational models with easy-tomaintain computational code. This book will be your solution-based guide as it will take you through different programming aspects with Julia.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Mastering Matplotlib covers the use cases and encounter unusual cases that requires more powerful tools. With the easy to follow examples and high end components of matplotlib, this book will enable to develop advanced and interactive plots using Python scripting and Matplotlib-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 80 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
80.91 zł
89.90 zł (-10%) -
Ta książka jest doskonałym przewodnikiem po świecie Scratcha. Jej autorami są dwunastoletnie bliźnięta, które w przyjazny sposób pokazały, jak napisać pięć wciągających gier. To znakomity sposób na pierwsze kroki w świecie programowania! W książce opisano, jak rozpocząć pracę ze Scratchem i jak wygląda jego przestrzeń robocza oraz edytor grafiki. P- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 29 pkt
(24,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
29.40 zł
49.00 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla osób, które chcą projektować i programować gry. Przedstawiono tu kilka praktycznych teorii projektowania gier oraz praktyk pomocnych w rozwijaniu i udoskonalaniu pomysłu na projekt. Znalazło się tu również sporo wskazówek dotyczących programowania gier jako takiego. Istotnym elementem książki jest opis procesu oprac- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 89 pkt
(74,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
89.40 zł
149.00 zł (-40%) -
GPUs are designed for maximum throughput, but are subject to low-level subtleties. In contrast, Python is a high-level language that favours ease of use over speed. In this book, we will combine the power of both Python and CUDA to help you create high performing Python applications by using open-source libraries such as PyCUDA and SciKit-CUDA.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
Hands-On GPU Programming with Python and CUDA. Explore high-performance parallel computing with CUDA
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla osób, które mają pewne doświadczenia z Javą i chcą szybko poznać Kotlina w stopniu pozwalającym na tworzenie aplikacji serwerowych, dla systemu Android i maszyn JVM. Znalazł się tu opis podstawowych cech języka i jego najważniejszych struktur, a następnie przedstawiono bardziej zaawansowane zagadnienia, takie jak tw- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 53 pkt
(44,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
53.40 zł
89.00 zł (-40%) -
In this book, NY Times bestselling author Martin Ford discusses the future of AI, its challenges, and opportunities with some of the AI giants, including Demis Hassabis, Ray Kurzweil, Geoffrey Hinton, Rodney Brooks, Yann LeCun, Fei-Fei Li, Yoshua Bengio, Andrew Ng, Stuart Russell, Nick Bostrom, David Ferrucci, Judea Pearl, and Barbara Grosz.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 67 pkt
(71,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
67.49 zł
74.99 zł (-10%) -
Książka Dawno temu był sobie algorytm wyjaśnia koncepcje informatyki poprzez znane historie i codzienne sytuacje. Autor tłumaczy przetwarzanie informacji jako coś, co dzieje się poza komputerami, a informatykę jako studium systematycznego rozwiązywania problemów. Martin Erwig pokazuje, że wiele codziennych czynności dotyczy rozwiązywania pro- ePub + Mobi 67 pkt
(63,20 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
67.20 zł
84.00 zł (-20%) -
Ta książka jest siódmym, zaktualizowanym i ulepszonym wydaniem znakomitego podręcznika. Zrozumienie zagadnień ułatwia oparcie się autorów na metodzie omawiania zagadnień „od góry do dołu”, od ogółu do szczegółu, a więc prezentowania jako pierwszej warstwy aplikacji, a następnie kolejnych, niższych warstw — aż do warstwy fizycznej.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 89 pkt
(74,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
89.40 zł
149.00 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka jest znakomitym, spójnym i bardzo praktycznym podręcznikiem do nauki języka C#. Pokazuje również najlepsze praktyki stosowane na platformie .NET Core. Z publikacji skorzysta każdy, kto pragnie zdobyć dobre przygotowanie do pracy z językiem i platformą. Znalazły się tu przystępnie wyłożone podstawy języka C#, a także sposoby debugowania k- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 59 pkt
(49,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
59.40 zł
99.00 zł (-40%) -
Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin-
- ePub + Mobi 177 pkt
(186,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
177.65 zł
209.00 zł (-15%) -
Continuous delivery adds enormous value to the business and the entire software delivery lifecycle, but adopting this practice means mastering new skills typically outside of a developer’s comfort zone. In this practical book, Daniel Bryant and Abraham Marín-Pérez provide guidance to help experienced Java developers master skills su-
- ePub + Mobi 169 pkt
(169,14 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
169.14 zł
199.00 zł (-15%) -
With rapid adaptation of the cloud platform, the need for cloud certification has also increased. This is your one stop solution and will help you transform yourself from zero to certified. This guide will help you gain technical expertise in the AWS platform and help you start working with various AWS Services-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book will empower you to apply Artificial Intelligence techniques to design applications for natural language processing, robotics, and other real-world use-cases. You will be able to develop, debug, deploy and optimize intelligent AI systems for self-driving cars, game playing, and much more.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Data structures help us to organize and align the data in a very efficient way. This book will surely help you to learn important and essential data structures through Python implementation for better understanding of the concepts.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 107 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
107.10 zł
119.00 zł (-10%) -
In this book, you’ll build a complete system with both back-end and front-end products, including ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, and Azure. This book covers more than just implementation, as you gain additional knowledge in more relevant areas, including deployment, monitoring, and debugging.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
This book will teach you how advanced machine learning can be performed in the cloud in a very cheap way. You will learn more about Azure ML processes as an enterprise-ready methodology. By the end of this book, you will implement machine learning and artificial intelligence concepts in your model to solve real-world problems.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
Hands-On Machine Learning with Azure. Build powerful models with cognitive machine learning and artificial intelligence
Thomas K Abraham, Parashar Shah, Jen Stirrup, Lauri Lehman, Anindita Basak
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Twenty five years ago, as often happens in our industry, pundits laughed at and called Linux a joke. To say that view has changed is a massive understatement. This book will cement for you both the conceptual 'why' and the practical 'how' of systems programming on Linux, and covers Linux systems programming on the latest 4.x kernels.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
This book gives you a practical, hands-on understanding of how you can leverage the power of Python and Keras to perform effective deep learning. It presents a unique problem-solution approach to tackle various problems in training different types of neural networks while taking care of the speed and accuracy of these models-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(89,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Apache Mesos is an open source cluster manager which provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications. You will learn how Mesos works and then develop applications. You will learn to make full utilization of machines and simplify the maintenance of a data center with Mesos.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 98 pkt
(89,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
98.10 zł
109.00 zł (-10%) -
Today’s Scala is quite different from its earlier versions. The second version of the language is more than twelve years old and has undergone multiple changes related to supported features and library implementation. This book addresses both technical and architectural changes by providing a comprehensive guide to the redesigned standard li-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Python Deep Learning Projects book will simplify and ease how deep learning works, and demonstrate how neural networks play a vital role in exploring predictive analytics across different domains. You will explore projects in the field of computational linguistics, computer vision, machine translation, pattern recognition and many more-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Python Fundamentals takes you from zero experience to a complete understanding of key concepts, edge cases, and using Python for real-world application development. You'll move progressively from the basics to working with larger complex applications. After completing this book, you'll have the skills you need to dive into an existing application o-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 67 pkt
(71,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
67.49 zł
74.99 zł (-10%) -
Scratch to doskonałe narzędzie, dzięki któremu młodzi pasjonaci na całym świecie bez trudu poznają tajniki programowania komputerów od podstaw. Scratch ułatwia rozpoczęcie nauki i umożliwia szybkie tworzenie atrakcyjnych gier, animacji i aplikacji, będąc przy tym narzędziem zupełnie bezpłatnym.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 20 pkt
Młodzi giganci programowania. Scratch
Radosław Kulesza, Sebastian Langa, Dawid Leśniakiewicz, Piotr Pełka, Giganci Programowania
(17,45 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.94 zł
34.90 zł (-40%) -
This book covers the full set of technologies that you need to know to become a full-stack web developer with Spring and Vue.js. You will also learn about the key design patterns and best practices that underpin professional full-stack web development.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Reactive programming is central to many concurrent systems but it’s famous for its steep learning curve that makes most developers feel like they're hitting a wall. With this book, you will get to grips with Reactive programming by steadily exploring various concepts.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Docker has been a game-changer when it comes to how modern applications are deployed and architectured. This book shows you how to leverage the power of Docker, you'll find new and innovative ways to use Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes to help you take control of your containers in an efficient way.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 134 pkt
(29,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
134.10 zł
149.00 zł (-10%) -
Cloud offers new opportunities and more and more features every day. All services hosted in local Data Centers are now available in Azure. In this book, we’ll show you how to work in Azure and how to use Azure resources to your advantage.-
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 116 pkt
(125,10 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
116.10 zł
129.00 zł (-10%) -
Microsoft Visual Studio to znakomite środowisko programistyczne, w którym bardzo wydajnie, a przy tym z przyjemnością, można projektować i testować aplikacje desktopowe, mobilne i webowe w kilku językach programowania, z wykorzystaniem bogatego zbioru bibliotek oraz interesujących dodatków dostępnych w usłudze NuGet, wydatnie skracających czas prac- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 53 pkt
(44,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
53.40 zł
89.00 zł (-40%) -
The Agile movement provides real, actionable answers to the question that keeps many company leaders awake at night: How do we stay successful in a fast-changing and unpredictable world? Agile has already transformed how modern companies build and deliver software. This practical book demonstrates how entire organizations—from product manager-
- ePub + Mobi 92 pkt
(92,65 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
92.65 zł
109.00 zł (-15%) -
Niniejsza książka jest praktycznym podręcznikiem efektywnego programowania w języku Swift 4. Znajdziesz tu wyjaśnienie podstaw języka, następnie poznasz nowe funkcje i nauczysz się z nich korzystać podczas tworzenia aplikacji. Poza dość zasadniczymi kwestiami przedstawiono tu również zagadnienia zaawansowane, takie jak łączenie w projekcie kodu Obj- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 40 pkt
(33,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
40.20 zł
67.00 zł (-40%) -
Ta książka stanowi doskonałe wprowadzenie w temat uczenia głębokiego. Wyjaśniono tu najważniejsze pojęcia uczenia maszynowego. Pokazano, do czego mogą się przydać takie narzędzia jak pakiet scikit-learn, biblioteki Theano, Keras czy TensorFlow. Ten praktyczny przewodnik znakomicie ułatwi zrozumienie zagadnień rozpoznawania wzorców, dokładnego skalo- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 47 pkt
Deep Learning. Uczenie głębokie z językiem Python. Sztuczna inteligencja i sieci neuronowe
Valentino Zocca, Gianmario Spacagna, Daniel Slater, Peter Roelants
(39,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
47.40 zł
79.00 zł (-40%)