Edgar Wallace - ebooki
Tytuły autora: Edgar Wallace dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Londyn lat dwudziestych ubiegłego wieku. Mgła, dżentelmeni i whisky. Młoda dziewczyna pracująca w biurze prawnym u pewnego sknery dostaje propozycję posady jako sekretarka księżnej. Nie ma pojęcia, dlaczego to właśnie ona została wybrana na tę prestiżową i lukratywną pozycję. Przyjmuje ją jednak z radością i zadowoleniem. Ale sprawy się kompl- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 44 pkt
Londyn, początek XX wieku. Młody, ale doświadczony już oficer Scotland Yardu postanawia rozstać się z dotychczasową pracą. Pozostaje mu ostatnia sprawa do rozwiązania, która jednak zamiast dwóch dni pracy zabiera mu wiele tygodni... pełnych nieoczekiwanych zwrotów akcji. Mistrzowsko trzymająca w napięciu, klasyczna powieść kryminalna z policjant- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 44 pkt
Opowieść Edgara Wallace'a Romans z włamywaczem zanurzona jest w atmosferze tajemnicy i przygody, a prowadzi czytelnika przez labirynt zdrad, niebezpieczeństw i niespodzianek. Jest w tej historii wszystko: dżentelmen włamywacz, skorumpowani policjanci, piękne kobiety oraz mroczne sekrety szejków marokańskich. Rzecz dzieje się w Londynie, w za- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 44 pkt
Dla adwokata Jamesa Kitsona to dzień pełen wrażeń. Czuwa przy łożu konającego przyjaciela Johna Millinborna i pomaga milionerowi spisać testament. Dostaje od niego przy okazji prośbę o odnalezienie zaginionej w świecie siostrzenicy. Gdy wychodzi do apteki po lek dla chorego, spotyka odrażającego włóczęgę. Po powrocie do rezydencji przyjaciela odkry
- ePub + Mobi 29 pkt
Mixer to ten, który się wtrąca, ten który przeszkadza. Nasz bohater "przeszkadza" szczególnie oszustom, złodziejom, naciągaczom i krętaczom. Za pomocą rozmaitych forteli próbuje ich wywieść w pole i okraść. Czy uda mu się to za każdym razem?- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 22 pkt
(21,79 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
22.10 zł
26.00 zł (-15%) -
Po śmierci matki Audrey Bedford opuszcza wieś, w której zajmowała kurami. Przenosi się do siostry w Londynie i od początku wplątuje się w przestępczy świat stolicy. Zostaje oskarżona w sprawie kradzieży naszyjnika fińskiej królowej i skazana.- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 22 pkt
(21,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
22.10 zł
26.00 zł (-15%) -
Zasłużony dla Scotland Yardu Alan Wembury zostaje awansowany na kierownika brygady śledczej oddziału R. Jedną z zagadek jest Maurice Meister - prawnik o opinii kryminalisty, podejrzewany o zamordowanie swojej sekretarki.- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 20 pkt
(19,68 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.40 zł
24.00 zł (-15%) -
Strzał w eleganckiej posiadłości. Pan domu, sir James Tynewood, w kałuży krwi. Tajemniczy mężczyzna z pistoletem. Nieuczciwe przywłaszczenie drogocennego diamentu. Prywatna detektyw Marjorie Stedman ma ręce pełne roboty! Idealna lektura dla czytelników lubiących odgadywać rozwiązanie zagadki kryminalnej. W 1960 r. powieść doczekała się ekranizacji.
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Łowca głów - to jedna z najlepszych powieści Edgara Wallace! Franciszek Elmer zniknął, a wszystko, co zostało znalezione, to notatka na maszynie podpisana "Łowca głów" i odcięta głowa Elmera. Sprawę tajemniczych odciętych głów rozwikłać ma kapitan Brixan.- ePub + Mobi 20 pkt
(21,11 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.66 zł
24.90 zł (-17%) -
Każdy z członków Klubu Zbrodniarzy musi dokonać przestępstwa. Studenci fałszują banknot, i jeden z nich puszcza go w obieg. Po wykryciu ulatniają się i mijają lata. Amerykański detektyw dostaje polecenie aby wytropić szajkę fałszerzy dolarów...- ePub + Mobi 21 pkt
(21,17 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.17 zł
24.90 zł (-15%) -
Cezar Valentine jest milionerem podejrzewanym o liczne zbrodnie. Do jego zdemaskowania Scotland Yard zatrudnia Numer Szósty, agenta, którego nikt nie zna poza szefem organizacji ...- ePub + Mobi 21 pkt
(21,11 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.11 zł
24.90 zł (-15%) -
Młoda dziewczyna detektyw Scotland Yardu Leslie Maughan prowadzi dochodzenie, w którym świadkiem jest dziwnie zachowująca się Lady Raytham. W sprawę wmieszany jest również Peter Dawlish, który właśnie wyszedł z więzienia ...- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 21 pkt
(21,11 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.06 zł
24.90 zł (-15%) -
Pan Trebolino, szef francuskiego oddziału detektywistycznego, szuka ciepła przy kominku w swoim gabinecie. Wkrótce będzie musiał opuścić przytulny kąt i wyjść na paryskie - wyjątkowo mroźne jak na marzec - ulice, by rozbić szajkę fałszerzy pieniędzy. Na kanwie książki w 1928 r. powstał film "The Forger".
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Przy zwłokach milionera Thorntona Lyne'a ktoś rozrzucił żółte narcyzy. Detektyw Tarling próbuje ustalić, kto stoi za zabójstwem i co oznaczają charakterystyczne kwiaty. Cień podejrzenia pada na dwoje pracowników Leye'a - Odettę Rider, która odrzuciła zaloty szefa i odeszła z firmy, oraz Millburgha, który prawdopodobnie dopuścił się defraudacji pien- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.29 zł
19.99 zł (-19%) -
Clay Shelton jest znanym w świecie genialnym złodziejem okradającym banki, ale zostaje zatrzymany na gorącym uczynku przez detektywa Longa ze Scotland Yardu. Shelton zapowiada zemstę ... a życie Longa i bankierów jeszcze nigdy nie było tak zagrożone.- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 20 pkt
(21,06 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.66 zł
24.90 zł (-17%) -
Urokliwy, acz niebogaty młodzieniec, Juljan Lester, ma śmiałe plany matrymonialne wobec młodziutkiej Marji. Porywy serca są jednak studzone podszeptami rozumu, który nakazuje absztyfikantowi rozeznać sytuację majątkową potencjalnej małżonki. Dziewczyna jest córką przedwcześnie zmarłej hrabianki, która na łożu śmierci oddała ją pod opiekę swojej słu- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.29 zł
19.99 zł (-19%) -
W ponurym domu nad rzeką doszło do tajemniczego zabójstwa. Zamożny właściciel budynku został zamordowany starym, afrykańskim mieczem, a w kieszeni ofiary znaleziono klucz od pokoju, w którym... ktoś uwięził jego sekretarkę. Czy trop prowadzący policję do dawnych zdarzeń z Afryki jest właściwy? Czy detektyw Minter o przydomku ,,Super" rozwiąże zagad
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Emil Louba od lat wodzi na zatracenie mieszkańców Malty. W prowadzonym przez niego domu publicznym niejeden już zostawił majątek, stracił twarz lub wplątał się w szemrane interesy. Nieprawy biznesmen ma wielu wrogów, którzy coraz mocniej domagają się, by opuścił miasto. Należy do nich kapitan Hurley Brown, dowodzący miejscową jednostką wojskową. Gd
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
October Jones to zbuntowana młoda kobieta, po śmierci ojca oddana na wychowanie wujowi. Zgodnie z testamentem w dniu 21. urodzin powinna wyjść za mąż - tylko wówczas jej opiekun dostanie swoją część spadku. Krnąbrna dziewczyna, postawiona pod ścianą, wygarnia swojemu narzeczonemu, że wszyscy faceci są nic nie warci i równie dobrze mogłaby wyjść za
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Po ulicach spowitego mgłą Londynu grasuje mordercza szajka czcicieli Upierzonego Węża. Ich ofiarą padają eleganckie damy obwieszone kosztowną biżuterią. A to dopiero początek wielkiej afery kryminalnej. W kolejnych dniach coraz więcej osób dostaje bileciki z pogróżkami, zdobione stemplem w kształcie znanego z azteckich legend węża o ptasich piórach- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.29 zł
19.99 zł (-19%) -
W Londynie działa organizacja włóczęgów pod nazwą Bractwo Wielkiej Żaby. Należą do niej ludzie z wytatuowaną żabą na przedramieniu. Nikt nie zna jej założycieli oraz władz i inspektor Elk oraz prokurator Gordon podejrzewają, że to organizacja mafijna.- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 21 pkt
(21,17 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.17 zł
24.90 zł (-15%) -
James Beardmore otrzymuje list z żądaniem natychmiastowej zapłaty 100.000 funtów ze znakiem Czerwonego Kręgu. Postanawia nie płacić mafijnej organizacji. Wkrótce listy z czerwonym znakiem mnożą się, a wydarzenia, wskazują, że Czerwony Krąg nie żartuje ...- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 21 pkt
(21,17 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
21.17 zł
24.90 zł (-15%) -
W Londynie ginie znany milioner Trasmere. Tab Holland, redaktor gazety "The Megaphone", widzi okazję napisania artykułu życia. Wykorzystuje znajomości w policji i z detektywem Carverem zaczynają prowadzić śledztwo ...- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 20 pkt
(20,96 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.96 zł
24.90 zł (-16%) -
Młody oficer Richard Hallowell służący w gwardii Tower zamierza oświadczyć się swojej ukochanej, Hope Joyce, ale na przeszkodzie staje tajemnicza przeszłość kobiety. Młoda i urocza Hope nie zna bowiem ani swojego pochodzenia, ani też rodziców, co automatycznie wyklucza ją z pełnienia funkcji żony szanowanego brytyjskiego oficera. Sprawy komplikuje- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.59 zł
19.99 zł (-17%) -
Johnny Gray całe dwa lata czekał na ten właśnie dzień - jego wyrok dobiegł końca i może opuścić więzienie. Nowe życie rozpoczyna od wizyty u swojego przyjaciela Piotra Kane'a. Liczy, że spotka jego córkę Marney, w której mocno się podkochuje. Spotyka go jednak ogromne rozczarowanie - przybywa tuż po ceremonii zaślubin dziewczyny z niejakim Floydem.- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.74 zł
19.99 zł (-16%) -
Wybredny Gilbert Standerton w wieku trzydziestu dwóch lat postanowił nareszcie się ożenić. Jego romantyczna dusza zapałała uczuciem do młodziutkiej Edyty na tyle intensywnie, że ignorował on oziębłość ze strony narzeczonej. W trakcie miesiąca miodowego mężczyzna usłyszy od swojej świeżo poślubionej żony, jakie były prawdziwe motywy jej zamążpójścia
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
Wykwintny dżentelmen James Lexington Morlake siada przy swoim wysmakowanym biurku. Drżącą ręką sięga do szuflady, z której wyjmuje kolejno: fragment czarnego jedwabiu, pistolet automatyczny i pas cienkiej skóry. To początek trzymającej w napięciu opowieści, której akcja przenosi się z Londynu początku dwudziestego wieku do egzotycznego Tangeru. W 1- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.59 zł
19.99 zł (-17%) -
Magazyn jubilerski firmy Gilderheim przyjmuje właśnie wielką dostawę diamentów. Ponieważ światło w oknach pomieszczenia pali się dłużej niż zazwyczaj w sobotnie popołudnie, do drzwi magazynu puka policjant. Właściciel uspokaja stróża prawa. Mężczyźni wdają się w pogawędkę i po skończonej pracy razem oddalają się do swoich domów. Właśnie wtedy do bu- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.29 zł
19.99 zł (-19%) -
Klasyczna i jedna z najbardziej popularnych powieści kryminalnych Edgara Wallacea, sfilmowana w 1959 roku. Po londyńskich ulicach tułają się ludzie z wytatuowaną na przedramieniu żabą. To członkowie legalnej organizacji Bractwo Wielkiej Żaby zrzeszającej włóczęgów. Choć jej działalność jest sformalizowana, nikt - łącznie z uczestnikami - nie zna je- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.74 zł
19.99 zł (-16%) -
Gdy w krótkim czasie do Scotland Yardu wpływają dwie sprawy morderstwa, Sir John, szef instytucji, jest zaskoczony. Pomiędzy ofiarami nie widać żadnego związku, a jednak trudno przyjąć, że makabryczna seria to tylko zbieg okoliczności. Śledztwo wszczynają inspektor Dick Martin i jego asystent Holmes. Sprawa nabiera tempa, gdy bandyta Pheeny wyjawia- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,49 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.29 zł
19.99 zł (-19%) -
Zimowe popołudnie, wykwintne przyjęcie ślubne. W wystawnej sali kłębią się szacowni goście - bawią się rozmową, dowcipkują, oglądają prezenty przyniesione dla pary młodej. Wśród nich, nieco na uboczu, stoi milczący O. Rater, nazywany przekornie Mówcą. Tylko on może podejrzewać, że ten uroczy bankiet da początek sensacyjnym wydarzeniom. Zbiór dwunas- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,54 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.68 zł
19.99 zł (-17%) -
Milioner Comstock Bell znienacka pojawia się w Londynie i bierze pospieszny ślub ze świeżo poznaną kobietą. Tuż po ceremonii para podobno wyruszyła w podróż poślubną, ale tej samej nocy ktoś widział młodą mężatkę w rezydencji męża - była samotna i nie wydawała się szczęśliwa. Okazuje się, że Bell jest zamieszany w działalność szajki fałszerzy pieni- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.74 zł
19.99 zł (-16%) -
Jedna z najbardziej znanych powieści kryminalnych w dorobku Edgara Wallace'a, aż czterokrotnie przenoszona na srebrny ekran. Gdy James Beardmore otrzymuje list z żądaniem wysokiego okupu, postanawia nie dać się zastraszyć. Organizacja Czerwony Krąg niewiele jednak robi sobie z jego nieposłuszeństwa - w kolejnych dniach zasypie swoją ofiarę kolejnym- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,39 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.59 zł
19.99 zł (-17%) -
Jedna z wielu bardzo poczytnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych angielskiego pisarza Edgara Wallace'a.
- ePub + Mobi 4 pkt
Edgar Wallace Spłacony dług tłum. L. On-Rut ISBN 978-83-288-6320-0 Rozdział I. Verity przyjmuje propozycję Ależ ja pana nie kocham ani pan mnie rzekła Verity cichym głosem, z wyrazem zarzutu w smętnych oczach a takie małżeństwo byłaby to nie święta rzecz: straszna zbrodnia, której cały pański majątek nie zdołałby okupić. Wstała. Proszę
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Dom Łez to jedna z początkowych powieści Edgar Wallace opisująca początki duetu inspektora Reedera i jego przyjaciółki Margarity Belman , który przewija się w wielu następnych książkach. Inspektor Reeder odkrywa siedzibę gangu szalonego kryminalisty Johna Flacca, przy czy obojgu grozi śmiertelne niebezpieczeństwo…
- Mobi 12 pkt
Grek Poropulos to jedno z pierwszych krótkich opowiadań Edgara Wallace toczące się w Afryce Południowej w czasach wojny burskiej. Zdradzony mąż morduje swojego rywala przy czym wina spada na kogo innego.
- Mobi 8 pkt
Edgar Wallace był angielskim pisarzem, autorem tomu poezji i licznych, bardzo poczytnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych. Mimo trudnego dzieciństwa i braku wykształcenia oraz licznych niepowodzeń ciężką pracą i ciekawymi pomysłami osiągnął olbrzymią popularność. Zostawił po sobie prawie 170 powieści, cieszących się wielkim uznaniem w Polsce ok- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Edgar Wallace is one of the most popular classics of the English detective. The unpredictable dynamic plots of his books gave rise to more than 160 adaptations! The author worked a lot with Hollywood: he was the screenwriter of the legendary King Kong and the first film version of The Baskervilles Dogs. Chases, shootings, changing clothes, luxury-
- ePub + Mobi 55 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
55.92 zł
69.90 zł (-20%) -
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Every city has its own peculiar voice. Neither the harsh roar of London, the nerve destroying staccato of sound which belongs exclusively to New York, nor the kettledrum buzz of Madrid is comparable with the voice of Paris, which is mainly vocal.""Queer thing about Paris, sir," said Jim Selby, "somebody is always talking.""The staid Vice-Councill-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
1936. Sanctuary Island is a crime novel by the pioneer of detective fiction Edgar Wallace (an adaption by Robert Curtis). Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peters School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing emplo-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel of Edgar Wallaces famous play told by Robert Curtis. Smoky Cell:... At ten oclock that night the guards outside the prison walls were doubled and among them they had enough machine-guns to play havoc with a battalion. The warden of the prison had announced that he was taking no chances. Ben Guinney, he had said, might have escaped from-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Green Pack is a novel adapted from a successful play by the playwright Robert Curtis. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1916, he was discharged fro-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Over her head hung the menace of murder and; of the man who changed his name...Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. The Man Who Changed His Name is a Robert Curtiss adaptation of a screenpl-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel of Edgar Wallaces famous play told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense. In the shady setting of a solicitors office on the East End waterfront a plan is evolved all quite legal to get hold of a large American legacy bequeathed to an English girl. Murder is planned and tried: kidnapping, incarcer-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Here is Edgar Wallaces famous stage-play as told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense that thrilled theatre-goers. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curt-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. The Big Four is a story packed with intrigue, treachery, assassinations, and machinations, and it highlights Wallaces unmatched skill in setting a pulse--
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Fashionable Londoner James Morlake is a gentleman with many secrets and several particularly valuable skills like terrorizing bankers across the city. His Moorish servant Mahmet has some secrets to hide as well, particularly when his employer gives him the odd task to perform in the dead of night in dark London. A collection of short stories fro-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Several employees on a noblemans estate show up at a former abbey, reputed to be haunted, to search for a hidden treasure. However, a mysterious hooded figure begins killing off those who may have figured out where the treasure is hidden. Who the Black Abbott is, what his purpose is and how he is connected with the mystery of the treasure these-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peters School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A really top-notch literary thriller from Edgar Wallace. The story is set in Russia and England around the time of WW1. We follow a 22-year-old man on his first assignment for a Russian-English oil company as he becomes embroiled in intrigue and romance involving a beautiful Grand Duchess, American mobster Cherry Bim, and the influential Israel K-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, joining the army at 21, he was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and The Dail-
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The Brigand (1927) is a collection of a dozen fast-paced, frothy crime capers set in a Britain still reeling from 1926s General Strike. An excellent collection of connected short stories all about likeable conman Anthony Newton. Newton returning from the Great War and unable to find employment decides start redistributing wealth in his own way. D-
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An enjoyable Edgar Wallace horse-racing escapade. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. The setting of this mystery/thriller is the horse-racing world. A wealthy racehorse owner is-
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A collection of 7 short mystery/romance stories by the great story-teller Wallace which contains the following works: The Cat Burglar, The Pick-Up, Discovering Rex, The Clue Of Mondays Settling, Establishing Charles Bullivant, Sentimental Simpson, White Stocking. The Cat Burglar takes place in the British capital. Here we can see family jealousie-
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In this 1923 mystery by Edgar Wallace, Jesse Trasmere is thrifty and does not trust banks, so he keeps all of his money in his prison-like house. Although his nephew, Rex Lander, receives a generous allowance from his uncle, it is not enough for his extravagant lifestyle. Trasmere breaks with routine and informs his valet, Walters, that he is goi-
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The story begins with the murder of Horace Tom Tickler, burglar, who is taken for a ride in the best Chicago fashion and then delivered to Scotland Yard in a stolen cab and all of England will be turned topsy-turvy until the clue of the silver key unmasks the ruthless murderer! Some intriguing twists, and the murderers identity is quite well hid-
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An excellent crime novel which contains a cunning villain, love, revenge and locked room murder by the master of British thrillers. The hero John Lexman, is a mystery writer, like the author himself, and is married to a lovely woman who hides a secret. The Greek aristocrat, Remington Kara is stunningly handsome and immensely rich and he nurses an-
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1931 Edgar Wallace novel. The story begins with following the Arranway family and various people that touch their life. Sketchley, where the Coat of Arms roadhouse stands, is a place of strange happenings. A complicated trail of theft, arson and blackmail culminates in murder at the Coat of Arms roadhouse and T. B. Collett, the crack Scotland Yar-
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The Council of Justice is the sequel to much-lauded The Four Just Men, a novel which caused a sensation way back in 1905 by encouraging readers to guess the mystery ending. The Four Just Men, in this second of Wallaces ingenious series of thrillers, pit themselves against The Red Hundred, an organization dedicated to international anarchy, led by-
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The mysterious Crimson Circle is a high-level protection society: pay them, or you die. Every wealthy man goes in fear of them if hes smart, and dies if he isnt. This is a criminal genius who recruits people in trouble, rescues them with help or cash, and puts them to work on robbery, blackmail and murder. At least one man is dead after refusing-
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Edgar Wallace is continuing to introduce readers to Mr. J. G. Reeder, one of the least glamorous of all fictional detectives. Mr. J. G. Reeder is neither a police detective nor an amateur crime-fighter, nor is he a private detective. In fact he is employed by the Bank of England, and acts as a kind of consultant to Scotland Yard. This is vintage-
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Set in England at the turn of the 20th century, Wallaces crime novel The Daffodil Mystery follows the mysterious circumstances under which shop owner Lyne was found dead in Hyde Park, murdered undoubtedly! The clues were numerous but contradictory... The murdered man is an unsavory character who is called on the carpet by the investigator he trie-
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The Dark Eyes Of London is a crime novel by the British writer Edgar Wallace which was first published in 1924. Inspector Holt and his valet Sunny are planning a visit to Monte Carlo when an urgent telegram arrives from the Chief Commissioner of Scotland Yard. Mr. Gordon Stuart has been found drowned in suspicious circumstances. An unbalanced doc-
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Edgar Wallaces novels always have an endearing quality about them that is not so easy to define. Daughters of the Night is hard to explain in a few words, but there are the usual Edgar Wallace characters: the hero, the heroine, the suspicious but beautiful woman who is somehow involved in the whole plot, the hard-faced and fiendish villain and a-
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Edgar Wallace established his reputation as a writer of detective thrillers, a genre in which he wrote more than 170 books, with the publication of The Four Just Men. Moreover, the author was a wholehearted supporter of Victorian and early Edwardian values and mores, which are now considered in some respects politically incorrect. In England, in-
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Edgar Wallaces 1931 novel The Devil Man is the mysterious and thrilling story of Charles Pearce, an small, unnerving, musician, gifted but terribly boastful. Pearce is physically repulsive, tiny in stature, but a Samson in strength. Woman cant resist him, but they dont know the real Pearce. He is also a burglar. And a murderer. There is a bafflin-
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A short but interesting detective story. Dick Martin plans for an early retirement from the police force seeking a quite life. His final job is to bring in Lew Pheeney, wanted in connection with a bank robbery. When Lew confesses to trying to open a dead mans tomb, however, Martin has a mystery he must unravel. He races to find the connection bet-
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One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. The Double is a story about a man who encounters his unknown double and the trouble that arises. When Dick Staines joined the police force the-
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The Duke in the Suburbs was written in the year 1909 by Edgar Wallace. Rich Texas Cowboy with French noble lineage and knowledge of the manners of a Duke and George Hankey, who discovered silver in Los Madges, have moved to the suburbs of London and created a havoc with the neighbors there, the women, former enemies and friends. Duke de Montvilli-
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The master mystery-story teller presents an omnibus of his spine-chilling stories. The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure is a collection of short stories that include On the Witney Road, The Pick-Up, Kid Glove Harry, and thirteen others. Edgar Wallace was a British novelist, playwright, and journalist who produced popular detective an-
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During and after the First World War, Edgar Wallace wrote several story and article series for the Glasgow Sunday Post, a weekly newspaper founded in 1915 by the Scottish shipping and media magnate David Couper Thomson. Some of these series were published under Wallaces own name, others including the present work under the house-author name of-
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The renowned family Callander receives a very unwelcome visit from their Australian relative, nephew Brian Pallard of family patriarch Peter Callander. Unwelcome because Pallard cultivates a rather dubious way of life and made his considerable fortune on the races. Upon arrival, Pallard proves charming and witty, so that daughter Gladys immediate-
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This is one of Edgar Wallaces best and most exciting thrillers. Jack O Judgment is light-hearted, insouciant, masked mystery man, who sets out to expose a gang of daring crooks who are amassing millions regardless of their methods. Criminal mastermind Colonel Dan Boundary fights two enemies Stafford King, a dedicated detective, and Jack OJudgmen-
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This is the story of a young female criminal mastermind who leads a gang in a series of exceptionally daring and very profitable robberies but works as secretary to keep her cover story intact. When she picks up information from her boss, an aristocrat, the police soon suspect her of wrongdoing. But she meets a handsome police officer who very mu-
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Killer Kay is one of the mystery story from collection which includes the following short stories by Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre: The Business-Woman, Blue Suit, Battle Level, The Air Taxi, The Convenient Sea, The Vamp and the Librarian, Thieves Make Thieves. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery sc-
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Wallace was a prolific author responsible for several series of popular novels featuring bold adventurers and crime fighters. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as Bo-
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Major Haynes of the Secret Service is a fine series of Wallace stories about wartime espionage. During the First World War Edgar Wallace wrote a number of morale-boosting tales about the skill and derring-do of the British military and intelligence services, mostly in the form of series published under such titles as Tam o the Scoots, Companions-
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The further escapades of the incorrigible Evans, Edgar Wallaces? cockney hero of the Turf feature in these twelve tales. The Educated Evans stories combine Wallaces talent for humor with his hallmark detective story themes. His story of Evans is full of amusing incidents of love and adventure set amidst the bustle and excitement of the racecourse-
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Mr. Justice Maxell follows the story of two business partners, Maxell and Cartwright, one of whom becomes a judge and sentences the other to prison, the woman they both marry, and their respective cousins whom they take on as their own wards. Spanning roughly a decade, the plot hinges on multiple coincidences involving mutual acquaintances meetin-
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This mystery collection, written by British author Edgar Wallace, contains the following works: Mrs. William Jones and Bill, The Adventures of George, According to Freud, Bondage, The Society of Bright Young People, The King and the Editor, Christmas Presents. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose bes-
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Nig Nog and Other Humorous Stories is a collection of short humorous stories that include Jimmys Brother, Sentimental Simpson, Chubb of the Slipper, and many more. There are reasons worth exploring why Edgar Wallace was so successful in his writings and amongst them were his imagination, cleverness, and humor as demonstrated in these initial shor-
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Edgar Wallaces humorous tales of British Army life, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. The stories, collected in 1905, are supposed to tell us about the every-day life of the soldiers and are supposed to be, in turns, funny, moving, or even sometimes tragic. This substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible-
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An international criminal arrives in London. Basically theres the typical foreign bad guy, Caesar Valentine, who is suspected of many shady things but Scotland Yard, or any other police department for that matter, cant pin any crimes on him so they send in an undercover operative only known as Number Six to find out enough to put Valentine away f-
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Set in Chicago, and written in 1931 by Edgar Wallace, On the Spot truly reflects the horror of gang life in Prohibition Chicago. Tony Perelli, the gang boss, recruits men for his gang and women for his bed with the same ruthlessness and rapidly arranges for their disposal when they become a nuisance. But Minn Lee, the half-Chinese widow, is a li-
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Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. In this work, the spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing preparedness fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexican-
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This unique thriller collection contains the 24 short vintage crime stories a complete series featuring Police Constable Lee of the London D Division, written by the great Edgar Wallace. P.-C. Lee is a typical Wallace character, full of wit and charm. A number of these were reprinted in Ideas in 1928-1929 and in other magazines. Nine of the P.-C-
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There is a man in London I guess he is still in London, though I have not had news of him in months hell be useful to you, Penn, if you ever need help. And so begins this story. It is impossible not to be thrilled by Edgar Wallace. Penelope of the Polyantha is a crime novel by this pioneer of detective fiction. One of the most prolific writers-
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Edgar Wallace enjoyed writing science fiction. Planetoid 127, first published in 1929 but reprinted as late 1962, is a short story about an Earth scientist who communicates via wireless with his counterpart on a duplicate Earth orbiting unseen because it is on the opposite side of the Sun. The idea of a mirror Earth or mirror Universe later becam-
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As a prophecy of modern warfare, this book, written before the Great War, is distinctly remarkable, as well as having the genuine Edgar Wallace sense of thrilling narrative. The centre of the plot is the invasion of Britain in 1909. It could be a crime story, as it opens in the mean streets of working class Deptford in the opening years of the 20-
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J. G. Reeder is a shabby little man with red hair and weak eyes. However, his extraordinary mind is rapier sharp. Red Aces is the fourth and last of Edgar Wallaces JG Reeder books, featuring the diffident sleuth with the furled umbrella in three novelette-length adventures. Here are three thrilling episodes torn from his casebook: Red Aces about-
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With Room 13 in 1924 Edgar Wallace introduced readers to Mr. J. G. Reeder, one of the least glamorous of all fictional detectives. Mr. J. G. Reeder is neither a police detective nor an amateur crime-fighter, nor is he a private detective. In fact he is employed by the Bank of England, and acts as a kind of consultant to Scotland Yard. This time E-
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Like most of the later ones even though this one is called Sanders it very much stars Lieutenant Augustus Bones Tibbetts. Employing his unique style of innocent and endearing humor, Bones has written to the newspapers The Surrey Star and The Middlesex Plain Dealer inviting the Foreign Secretary to pay a visit to the African territories which they-
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The book is actually a collection of short stories that are loosely tied together by Sanders himself, his steamship and an unlikely African chief called Bosambo. In the jungles of West Africa, Commissioner Sanders is the highest representative of the British crown. The health and safety of a quarter-million natives who speak countless languages a-
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Colonial adventures in a 6 volume collection set on the Dark Continent. Sanders and Co. return to Africa (following the events in Bones in London) to bring the old Kings country under the Union Jack and to try and find what has happened to a missionary and his daughter. It is written in a delightfully humorous style. Sandi, the King-maker among o-
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One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. Wallaces Sergeant Sir Peter is a collection of stories about an aristocratic young man who becomes a Police Sergeant. Despite this conceit, thi-
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Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific British crime writer, journalist and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and countless articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels, more than any other author. In the 1920s, one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in E-
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A collection of 23 stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life the Sanders stories was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. However, he was well aware that the irrepressible spirit of Kiplings famou-
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Further collection of 24 war-time short stories about Smithy, the soldier and his comrades Nobby and Spud in the British army before WWI. This is the second anthology in Wallaces Smithy series in which the famous character T. B. Smith makes his appearance. Also Smithys pal Nobby Clark has now emerged very much as the main character in these, usua-
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This collection of stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life the Sanders stories was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. He was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. However, h-
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Between 1904 and 1918 Edgar Wallace wrote a large number of mostly humorous sketches about life in the British Army relating the escapades and adventures of privates Smith (Smithy), Nobby Clark, Spud Murphy and their comrades-in-arms. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collectio-
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The book consists of 10 short stories about Tam a brilliant Scottish pilot, a thriller novel fan, socialist and cigar addict. The stories of Tam the pilot are not mysteries. Tams dialogue is written phonetically and he is great fun and saves the rather silly pre-Biggles stories from being too ridiculous to be enjoyable. The characters are broad,-
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Terror Keep is a 1927 Edgar Wallace thriller featuring perhaps the most memorable of all Wallaces heroes, Mr. J. G. Reeder. Reeder is at pains to point out that he is not a detective, which is technically true. He is not a policeman, and has no power to arrest suspects. He works as an investigator of banking crime, particularly forgery. He is non-
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Carfew was an erratic genius, with a horror of anything that had the appearance of discipline, order, or conventional method. So it was with some luck that there was a train disaster while he was working in the newspaper office of The Megaphone. He was dispatched to the scene and came back triumphant: The Spaniard is a fake! shouted Carfew. He h-
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The hero, the discharged Army Captain Reginald Hex, was the prototype for Anthony Newland, whose adventures were related several years later in The Brigand (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1927). The first two Hex stories were revised and published as Anthony Newland stories in that collection under the titles Buried Treasure and A Contribution t-
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The hapless Heine is trying very hard to be a good German spy in Great Britain during WWI but luck and circumstance are not with him. Every adventure turns out poorly for our dear spy. This collection of stories of Edgar Wallace about Heine was published during WWI and should be taken lightly by readers some may see it as a piece of anti-German-
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Conventional ideas of beauty are typically associate it with goodness and kindness. However, appearances can be deceptive. A classic mystery crime novel involving the evil deeds of one Jean Briggerland, a woman with all the outward angelic qualities imaginable but possessing an unspeakable evil nature, so lovely that none can see her guilt even-
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Over a period of time, men disappear, and later their heads are found. Meanwhile a young actress in a small part in a film on location, is disturbed by the actions of the owner of the place where they are filming. A detective comes to investigate, and finds many puzzling things going on. Several of the characters are suspicious, in one way or ano-
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Seventeen short stories featuring that master of disguise, Henry Arthur Milton, known as The Ringer. An exiting page-tuner full of intrigue and mystery, Again the Ringer is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875 1932) was a prolific English writer. During his lifetime, he wrote 18 stage plays, 95-
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More adventures of Edgar Wallaces most popular characters, Manfred, Gonsalez, Poiccart, & Merrell better known to the underworld as the dreaded Three Just Men dedicated to punishing those whom the law cannot touch, in England, Europe, and America. Again the Three consists of 13 short stories: The Rebus, The Happy Travellers, The Abductor, Th-
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Angel Esquire (1919) is a great crime story by one of the masters of the genre. This novella revolves around the hunt for an inheritance, or rather the word to unlock the safe where the inheritance is safely stored. A nasty old millionaire dies, leaving clues to the combination of his safe where all his fortune is hidden, to several people, and t-
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The name, Edgar Wallace, threads through early twentieth century crime fiction like a stream that turns out to be a lot deeper and wider than you thought. This is one of his works. A thrilling tale of commerce and intrigue starring Barbara, god-daughter and Private Secretary to Mr. Maber. Unlike the old-fashioned Maber & Maber department stor-
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Big Foot is a 1927 crime novel by Edgar Wallace. This is one of the most significant of his works because of the character Sooper, a detective from Metropolitan Guard. Footprints and a dead woman bring together Superintendent Minter and the amateur sleuth Mr. Cardew. Who is the man in the shrubbery? Who is the singer of the haunting Moorish tune?-
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This is a typical Walla? e sensational story, and no one needs a better recommendation that. Lady Mary Danton and her infant daughter disappeared when Jim Steele, Mr. Salters legal assistant, was five. Almost 20 years later, the Danton fortune is about to be distributed to Digby Groat and his mother. But Jim is uneasy. Can he solve the mystery? T-
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This collection of episodes in the Commissioner Sanders series continues Wallaces subtly humorous look at colonial Africa. In Bones, Wallace spins an engaging yarn about the adventures of an intrepid lieutenant as he travels through Africa on a series of life-or-death missions. When Commissioner Sanders goes on leave, the trusty Lieutenant Hamilt-
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Bones is back in the second story of The Lieutenant Bones series. After a tour of duty overseas, the eccentric character Augustus Tibbetts (known as Bones to his associates) returns to London to embark on civilian life. A mischievous businessman, he seems to have every financial schemer in London coming after him, but somehow he always comes out-
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Edgar Wallace was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as Bones. It is a time when the worlds most powerful nat-
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Many years ago the Monrovian Government sent one Bosambo, a native of the Kroo coast and consequently a thief, to penal servitude for the term of his natural life. Bosambo, who had other views on the matter, was given an axe and a saw in the penal settlement and told to cut down and trim certain mahogany trees in company with other unfortunate me-
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Ambrose Sault finds a quasi-scientific way to insert his soul into another mans body before he is hanged for murder. The murder of Moropulos by Sault is a mystery in motive and deed. Twice a murderer, Sault is nevertheless a commanding figure and an appealing character. He is the center of a tragedy... The novel is long and breezy and a bit confu-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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