Rola i zadania psychologa we współczesnej szkole
Książka prezentuje autorski model pracy psychologa w szkole, który zakłada, że praca psychologa w szkole powinna obejmować monitoring procesu wychowawczego i edukacyjnego dokonującego się w szkole, a następnie szeroko zakrojone działania promocyjne, profilaktykę i - w przypadku zaistnienia problemów - interwencję. Model pozwala na całościowe ujęcie aktywności psychologa w środowisku szkolnym, w tym na zaplanowanie i sprawdzenie skuteczności podejmowanych przez niego działań, które zostały opisane z odwołaniem się do realiów szkolnych.
The book presents the authorial model of the psychologist's work at school which assumes that this work should include monitoring of the educational process taking place at school, followed by extensive promotional activities, prevention and, in the event of problems, intervention. The model allows holistic approaches to the psychologist's activity in the school environment, including planning and checking the effectiveness of his/her actions, which were described with reference to school realities.
The book presents an authorial model of the psychologist's work in a school, tested for 10 years in Polish educational institutions, to the wide audience, also outside Poland. The authors' intention is to initiate an international discussion on the role and tasks of the psychologist in education. The proposed model places emphasis on monitoring and promotion of appropriate patterns of behaviour as the activities that have the main psychological and educational impact in the school environment. It regards prevention and intervention only as their necessary complement. This approach underlines the importance of the proper course of the educational process, school climate and students' development. The publication highlights the positive role of the psychologist, who is a contributor to a properly functioning school community, not only a person responsible for solving problems arising in the school or educational environment.
[This is] a unique and extremely important book on the Polish publishing market. [...] so far, the only one [...] with a holistic approach to the role of the psychologist in a school, proposing a model that defines the actions that the psychologist should undertake, indicating their essence, forms they can take, as well as the necessary skills and competences to carry them out. (From the review of Jagiellonian University Professor Dorota Czyżowska, PhD)
I perceive the reviewed book as fundamental to the process of building a professional identity of the school psychologist in Poland. This process is presented against a broad theoretical background, which sets the framework for the challenges faced by the school psychologist and defines the necessary competences and skills to meet these challenges. (From the review of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Professor Dorota Turska, PhD)
Dr hab. Grażyna Katra (ORCID 0000-0003-3474-297X) - a holder of a post-doctoral degree in humanities, an educational and developmental psychologist, a research and teaching staff member of the Department of
Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. She deals with the problems of adolescents, growing up and shaping their future prospects with regard to planning their lives. In recent years, she has been involved in negative and positive risky behaviours of young people and young adults - their determinants and the role of prospective activity as a protective factor. Her scope of interest also includes the psychology of sexual development and functioning of families started by LGBT people.
Currently, she is the head of Educational Psychology specialisation.
Dr hab. Grażyna Katra (ORCID 0000-0003-3474-297X) - dr nauk humanistycznych, psycholog wychowawczy i rozwojowy, pracownik dydaktyczno-naukowy Zakładu Psychologii
Wychowania na Wydziale Psychologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Zajmuje się problematyką dorastania oraz kształtowania się przyszłościowej prospektowy czasowej i planowania życia przez młodzież.
Dr Ewa Sokołowska (ORCID 0000-0001-8637-7906) - a PhD in humanities, since 2020 she has been an assistant professor at the Institute of Psychology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Also, for 15 years (from 1993 to 2008), she worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, and for 9 years (from 2008 to 2017) as an assistant professor at
the Institute of Psychology, the Academy of Special Education. She has experience in working with children and young people who have failed at school, as well as in working with parents. Her main focus is on educational problems, including those related to behavioural disorders. She has described some of her practical experience and theoretical reflection as an author/co-author in books, among others, "Jak być skutecznym i zadowolonym nauczycielem" [How to be an effective and satisfi ed teacher] (2017/2007), "Jak postępować z agresywnym uczniem. Zmiana sposobu myślenia i działania" [How to deal with an aggressive pupil. Changing the way we think and act] (2014/2007), "Psychologia wspierania rozwoju i kształcenia" [Psychology of supporting development and education] (2013), "Zdrowie psychiczne młodych dorosłych. Wybrane zagadnienia" [Mental health of young adults. Selected
issues] (2015) and "Po ciszy. Rozważania o komunikacji opartej na kontekście" [After silence. Reflections on context-based communication] (2019).
Dr Ewa Sokołowska (ORCID 0000-0001-8637-7906) - od 2005 roku doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie psychologii, od 2020 roku adiunkt w Instytucie Psychologii w Katedrze Psychologii Rozwojowej na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego im. Jana Pawła II. Zainteresowania naukowe i dydaktyczne: promocja zdrowia psychicznego, poradnictwo psychologiczne, rola psychologa klinicznego w szkole, wypracowanie modelu współpracy z nauczycielem, uczniem i rodzicami. Autorka lub współautorka książek "Jak być skutecznym i zadowolonym nauczycielem" (2017/2007), "Jak postępować z agresywnym uczniem? Zmiana sposobu myślenia i działania" (2014/2007), "Psychologia wspierania rozwoju i kształcenia" (2013), "Zdrowie psychiczne młodych dorosłych. Wybrane zagadnienia" (2015) i "Po ciszy. Rozważania o komunikacji opartej na kontekście" (2019).
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