SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide. The Definitive Guide. 2nd Edition Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman, Robert G. Byrnes

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- Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman, Robert G. Byrnes
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SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide. The Definitive Guide. 2nd Edition
Are you serious about network security? Then check out SSH, the Secure Shell, which provides key-based authentication and transparent encryption for your network connections. It's reliable, robust, and reasonably easy to use, and both free and commercial implementations are widely available for most operating systems. While it doesn't solve every privacy and security problem, SSH eliminates several of them very effectively.Everything you want to know about SSH is in our second edition of SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide. This updated book thoroughly covers the latest SSH-2 protocol for system administrators and end users interested in using this increasingly popular TCP/IP-based solution.How does it work? Whenever data is sent to the network, SSH automatically encrypts it. When data reaches its intended recipient, SSH decrypts it. The result is "transparent" encryption-users can work normally, unaware that their communications are already encrypted. SSH supports secure file transfer between computers, secure remote logins, and a unique "tunneling" capability that adds encryption to otherwise insecure network applications. With SSH, users can freely navigate the Internet, and system administrators can secure their networks or perform remote administration.Written for a wide, technical audience, SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide covers several implementations of SSH for different operating systems and computing environments. Whether you're an individual running Linux machines at home, a corporate network administrator with thousands of users, or a PC/Mac owner who just wants a secure way to telnet or transfer files between machines, our indispensable guide has you covered. It starts with simple installation and use of SSH, and works its way to in-depth case studies on large, sensitive computer networks.No matter where or how you're shipping information, SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide will show you how to do it securely.
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Bezpieczeństwo sieci firmowych to dziś kluczowy obszar w świecie IT. Wraz z rosnącą liczbą cyberzagrożeń każda organizacja musi coraz więcej sił i środków przeznaczać na ochronę własnych zasobów, danych i infrastruktury. Ten kurs video odpowiada na te potrzeby, oferując kompleksowe omówienie jednego z najbardziej uznanych rozwiązań w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa sieci – Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance). Jest to popularny firewall, który łączy funkcje zapory sieciowej z VPN, NAT/PAT i ochroną aplikacji. Kurs prezentuje podstawowe i zaawansowane funkcje Cisco ASA. Szczególny nacisk jest kładziony na zarządzanie zaporą przez GUI (ASDM) i CLI. W trakcie trwania kursu jego autor przeprowadza również konfigurację NAT, PAT, ACL i VPN, co jest istotne dla ochrony zasobów firmy przed atakami zewnętrznymi i wewnętrznymi. Następnie omawia testowanie i weryfikację bezpieczeństwa, dzięki czemu możliwe jest praktyczne sprawdzenie, jak wdrożone mechanizmy działają w realnych scenariuszach.- Videokurs 76 pkt
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Tę książkę docenią osoby, które w ramach codziennej pracy integrują tematy związane z prywatnością i bezpieczeństwem danych. To przewodnik dla pragmatyków, zapewniający gruntowną wiedzę o współczesnych elementach ochrony danych, takich jak prywatność różnicowa, uczenie federacyjne i obliczenia szyfrowane. Znajdziesz tu przydatne wskazówki, jak również najlepsze, wielokrotnie sprawdzone praktyki integracji przełomowych technologii, pozwalające skutecznie i na wysokim poziomie dbać o prywatność i bezpieczeństwo danych.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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"Twoje bezpieczeństwo w świecie cyber i sztucznej inteligencji Część III DZIECKO I TY" - niezbędnik każdego użytkownika internetu! W dobie wszechobecnych technologii i wszechwładnej sztucznej inteligencji, zarówno dorosłym, jak i najmłodszym użytkownikom sieci, przyda się solidny fundament wiedzy na temat bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego. Poradnik "Twoje b
Administratorzy sieci komputerowych korzystają z szeregu narzędzi i programów wspomagających ich pracę. Także tych, które automatyzują czynności i przez to czynią zadania administratora prostszymi i mniej angażującymi czasowo niż jeszcze kilka lat temu. Nie zwalnia to jednak osób na tym stanowisku z obowiązku rozumienia, w jaki sposób funkcjonuje sieć i dlaczego zachowuje się ona tak, a nie inaczej – co wynika ze sposobu działania protokołów i ich wpływu na działanie sieci. Tymczasem narzut spowodowany przez poszczególne protokoły może diametralnie zmienić sposób przesyłania danych w sieci, a co za tym idzie – szybkość jej działania czy osiąganie przez nią zbieżności. Świetnym i darmowym narzędziem, które pomaga zrozumieć pracę urządzeń, protokołów i każdego szczegółu sieci, jest program Wireshark. Umożliwia on przechwycenie ruchu na dowolnym interfejsie czy w dowolnym miejscu, a następnie jego analizę w trybie online lub offline po wcześniejszym zapisaniu przechwyconych pakietów lub ramek.- Videokurs 89 pkt
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Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się gromadzić publicznie dostępne informacje, korzystać z wiedzy o cyklu życia wrażliwych danych i przekształcać je w informacje wywiadowcze przydatne dla zespołów zajmujących się bezpieczeństwem. Opanujesz proces gromadzenia i analizy danych, poznasz również strategie, które należy wdrożyć podczas poszukiwania informacji z publicznie dostępnych źródeł. Ugruntujesz wiedzę na temat bezpieczeństwa operacyjnego i uświadomisz sobie, w jaki sposób niektórzy używają publicznie dostępnych danych do nielegalnych celów. Książkę tę szczególnie docenią inżynierowie społeczni i specjaliści do spraw bezpieczeństwa, a także kadra kierownicza.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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To książka przeznaczona dla programistów, projektantów aplikacji i osób odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo informacji. Jest napisana w sposób bezpośredni, przystępny, bez fachowego żargonu i zawiłości. Zawarte w niej koncepcje bezpiecznego projektowania i programowania wzbogacono o praktyczne kody, ćwiczenia i przykłady. Aby ułatwić zrozumienie przedstawionych treści, posłużono się przykładem Alicji i Boba, których życie zawodowe, a także podejmowane przez nich przedsięwzięcia i realizowane zadania wpływają na decyzje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa aplikacji. Znajdziemy tu również odpowiedzi na wiele pytań nurtujących osoby zaczynające pracę w tej dziedzinie, a liczne wskazówki, wytyczne i opisy dobrych praktyk z pewnością ułatwią poprawne stosowanie zasad bezpieczeństwa w tworzonym oprogramowaniu.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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O autorze książki
Dr Daniel J. Barrett jest inżynierem oprogramowania, administratorem systemów, muzykiem i satyrykiem. Od wczesnych lat 90. XX wieku pisze o technologiach informatycznych. Dla wydawnictwa O’Reilly napisał wiele książek, między innymi: SSH, Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide, MediaWiki i Linux. Bezpieczeństwo. Receptury.
Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman, Robert G. Byrnes - pozostałe książki
Książka "Linux. Bezpieczeństwo. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny" nauczy Cię, jakie polecenia należy wykonać i co wpisać w plikach konfiguracyjnych, by poprawić bezpieczeństwo Twojego systemu. Nie jest to klasyczny podręcznik; nie znajdziesz tu teorii, lecz rozwiązania konkretnych problemów i sposoby łatania typowych luk w zabezpieczeniach. Dzięki książce nie będziesz tracić cennego czasu, poszukując właściwej składni poleceń. Przeznaczona jest dla średnio zaawansowanych użytkowników i administratorów systemów Linux.- Druk 41 pkt
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Niniejsza książka jest zwięzłym przewodnikiem po systemie. Docenią ją zarówno początkujący, jak i zaawansowani użytkownicy. Opisano tu ważne i użyteczne aspekty Linuksa, tak aby każdy szybko mógł rozpocząć efektywną pracę. W tym wydaniu książki pojawiły się również nowe polecenia służące do przetwarzania plików audiowizualnych, odczytywania i zapisywania zawartości schowka systemowego oraz do wykonywania operacji na plikach PDF. Nie pominięto też idiomów powłoki, takich jak podstawianie poleceń czy przekazywanie ich potokiem do powłoki.- PDF + ePub + Mobi
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- ISBN Ebooka:
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Spis treści książki
- SSH, the Secure Shell, 2nd Edition
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with OReilly
- Preface
- Protect Your Network with SSH
- Intended Audience
- End-User Audience
- Prerequisites
- System-Administrator Audience
- Prerequisites
- End-User Audience
- Reading This Book
- Our Approach
- Which Chapters Are for You?
- Supported Platforms
- Disclaimers
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Comments and Questions
- Safari Enabled
- Acknowledgments
- 1. Introduction to SSH
- What Is SSH?
- What SSH Is Not
- The SSH Protocol
- 1.3.1 Protocols, Products, Clients, and Confusion
- Overview of SSH Features
- 1.4.1 Secure Remote Logins
- 1.4.2 Secure File Transfer
- 1.4.3 Secure Remote Command Execution
- 1.4.4 Keys and Agents
- 1.4.5 Access Control
- 1.4.6 Port Forwarding
- History of SSH
- Related Technologies
- 1.6.1 rsh Suite (r-Commands)
- 1.6.2 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
- 1.6.3 Kerberos
- 1.6.4 IPSEC and Virtual Private Networks
- 1.6.5 Secure Remote Password (SRP)
- 1.6.6 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol
- 1.6.7 SSL-Enhanced Telnet and FTP
- 1.6.8 stunnel
- 1.6.9 Firewalls
- Summary
- 2. Basic Client Use
- A Running Example
- Remote Terminal Sessions with ssh
- 2.2.1 File Transfer with scp
- Adding Complexity to the Example
- 2.3.1 Known Hosts
- 2.3.2 The Escape Character
- Authentication by Cryptographic Key
- 2.4.1 A Brief Introduction to Keys
- 2.4.2 Generating Key Pairs with ssh-keygen
- 2.4.3 Installing a Public Key on an SSH Server Machine
- Instructions for OpenSSH
- Instructions for Tectia
- 2.4.4 If You Change Your Key
- The SSH Agent
- 2.5.1 Agents and Automation
- 2.5.2 A More Complex Passphrase Problem
- 2.5.3 Agent Forwarding
- Connecting Without a Password or Passphrase
- Miscellaneous Clients
- 2.7.1 sftp
- 2.7.2 slogin
- Summary
- 3. Inside SSH
- Overview of Features
- 3.1.1 Privacy (Encryption)
- 3.1.2 Integrity
- 3.1.3 Authentication
- 3.1.4 Authorization
- 3.1.5 Forwarding (Tunneling)
- A Cryptography Primer
- 3.2.1 How Secure Is Secure?
- 3.2.2 Public-and Secret-Key Cryptography
- 3.2.3 Hash Functions
- The Architecture of an SSH System
- Inside SSH-2
- 3.4.1 Protocol Summary
- 3.4.2 SSH Transport Layer Protocol (SSH-TRANS)
- Connection
- Protocol version selection
- Parameter negotiation
- Key exchange and server authentication
- Server authentication and antispoofing: some gory details
- Wonder security powers, activate!
- 3.4.3 SSH Authentication Protocol (SSH-AUTH)
- The authentication request
- The authentication response
- Getting started: the "none" request
- Public-key authentication
- Password authentication
- Hostbased authentication
- 3.4.4 SSH Connection Protocol (SSH-CONN)
- Channels
- Requests
- The finish line
- Inside SSH-1
- Implementation Issues
- 3.6.1 Host Keys
- 3.6.2 Authorization in Hostbased Authentication
- Hostbased access files
- Control file details
- Netgroups as wildcards
- Summary
- 3.6.3 SSH-1 Backward Compatibility
- 3.6.4 Randomness
- 3.6.5 Privilege Separation in OpenSSH
- SSH and File Transfers (scp and sftp)
- 3.7.1 Whats in a Name?
- 3.7.2 scp Details
- 3.7.3 scp2/sftp Details
- Algorithms Used by SSH
- 3.8.1 Public-Key Algorithms
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
- Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
- Diffie-Hellman key agreement
- 3.8.2 Secret-Key Algorithms
- International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Triple-DES
- Blowfish
- Twofish
- 3.8.3 Hash Functions
- CRC-32
- MD5
- SHA-1
- RIPEMD-160
- 3.8.4 Compression Algorithms: zlib
- 3.8.1 Public-Key Algorithms
- Threats SSH Can Counter
- 3.9.1 Eavesdropping
- 3.9.2 Name Service and IP Spoofing
- 3.9.3 Connection Hijacking
- 3.9.4 Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
- Threats SSH Doesn't Prevent
- 3.10.1 Password Cracking
- 3.10.2 IP and TCP Attacks
- 3.10.3 Traffic Analysis
- 3.10.4 Covert Channels
- 3.10.5 Carelessness
- Threats Caused by SSH
- Summary
- Overview of Features
- 4. Installation and Compile-Time Configuration
- Overview
- 4.1.1 Install the Prerequisites
- 4.1.2 Obtain the Sources
- 4.1.3 Verify the Signature
- 4.1.4 Extract the Source Files
- 4.1.5 Perform Compile-Time Configuration
- 4.1.6 Compile Everything
- 4.1.7 Install the Programs and Configuration Files
- Installing OpenSSH
- 4.2.1 Prerequisites
- 4.2.2 Downloading and Extracting the Files
- Verifying with GnuPG
- 4.2.3 Building and Installing
- 4.2.4 Configuration Options
- File locations
- Random number generation
- Networking
- Authentication
- Access control
- Installing Tectia
- 4.3.1 Prerequisites
- 4.3.2 Obtaining and Extracting the Files
- 4.3.3 Verifying with md5sum
- 4.3.4 Building and Installing
- 4.3.5 Configuration Options
- File locations and permission
- Random number generation
- Networking
- X Window System
- TCP port forwarding
- Encryption
- Authentication
- SOCKS proxies
- Debugging
- SSH-1 protocol compatibility
- 4.3.6 SSH-1 Compatibility Support for Tectia
- Software Inventory
- Replacing r-Commands with SSH
- 4.5.1 Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
- 4.5.2 GNU Emacs
- 4.5.3 Pine
- 4.5.4 rsync, rdist
- Summary
- Overview
- 5. Serverwide Configuration
- Running the Server
- 5.1.1 Running sshd as the Superuser
- 5.1.2 Running sshd as an Ordinary User
- Server Configuration: An Overview
- 5.2.1 Server Configuration Files
- 5.2.2 Checking Configuration Files
- Checking OpenSSH configuration files
- Checking Tectia configuration files
- 5.2.3 Command-Line Options
- 5.2.4 Changing the Configuration
- 5.2.5 A Tricky Reconfiguration Example
- Getting Ready: Initial Setup
- 5.3.1 File Locations
- Host key files
- Random seed file
- Process ID file
- Server configuration file
- User SSH directory
- Per-account authorization files
- utmp file structure
- 5.3.2 File Permissions
- Acceptable permissions for user files
- 5.3.3 TCP/IP Settings
- Port number and network interface
- Invocation by inetd or xinetd
- Restarting the SSH server for each connection
- Keepalive messages
- Idle connections
- Failed logins
- Limiting simultaneous connections
- Reverse IP mappings
- Controlling the Nagle Algorithm
- Discovering other servers
- 5.3.4 Key Regeneration
- 5.3.5 Encryption Algorithms
- 5.3.6 Integrity-Checking (MAC) Algorithms
- 5.3.7 SSH Protocol Settings
- Protocol version string
- 5.3.8 Compression
- 5.3.1 File Locations
- Authentication: Verifying Identities
- 5.4.1 Authentication Syntax
- 5.4.2 Password Authentication
- Failed password attempts
- Empty passwords
- Expired passwords
- 5.4.3 Public-Key Authentication
- 5.4.4 Hostbased Authentication
- 5.4.5 Keyboard-Interactive Authentication
- OpenSSH keyboard-interactive authentication
- Tectia's keyboard-interactive authentication
- 5.4.6 PGP Authentication
- 5.4.7 Kerberos Authentication
- Kerberos and OpenSSH
- Kerberos and Tectia
- 5.4.8 PAM Authentication
- 5.4.9 Privilege Separation
- 5.4.10 Selecting a Login Program
- Access Control: Letting People In
- 5.5.1 Account Access Control
- Restricting all logins
- 5.5.2 Group Access Control
- 5.5.3 Hostname Access Control
- 5.5.4 shosts Access Control
- 5.5.5 Root Access Control
- 5.5.6 External Access Control
- 5.5.7 Restricting Directory Access with chroot
- 5.5.8 Summary of Authentication and Access Control
- 5.5.1 Account Access Control
- User Logins and Accounts
- 5.6.1 Welcome Messages for the User
- 5.6.2 Setting Environment Variables
- 5.6.3 Initialization Scripts
- Forwarding
- 5.7.1 Port Forwarding
- 5.7.2 X Forwarding
- 5.7.3 Agent Forwarding
- Subsystems
- Logging and Debugging
- 5.9.1 OpenSSH Logging and Debugging
- 5.9.2 Tectia Logging and Debugging
- 5.9.3 Debugging Under inetd or xinetd
- Compatibility Between SSH-1 and SSH-2 Servers
- 5.10.1 Security Issues with Tectia's SSH-1 Compatibility Mode
- Summary
- Running the Server
- 6. Key Management and Agents
- What Is an Identity?
- 6.1.1 OpenSSH Identities
- 6.1.2 Tectia Identities
- Creating an Identity
- 6.2.1 Generating Keys for OpenSSH
- Creating OpenSSH keys
- Working with OpenSSH keys
- 6.2.2 Generating Keys for Tectia
- Creating Tectia keys
- Working with Tectia keys
- 6.2.3 Selecting a Passphrase
- 6.2.4 Generating New Groups for Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
- 6.2.1 Generating Keys for OpenSSH
- SSH Agents
- 6.3.1 Agents Do Not Expose Keys
- 6.3.2 Starting an Agent
- Single-shell method
- Subshell method
- Format of environment variable commands
- 6.3.3 Loading Keys with ssh-add
- Automatic agent loading (single-shell method)
- Automatic agent loading (subshell method)
- Automatic agent loading (X Window System)
- 6.3.4 Agents and Security
- Access control
- Cracking an agent
- 6.3.5 Agent Forwarding
- A firewall example
- How agent forwarding works
- Enabling agent forwarding
- 6.3.6 Agent CPU Usage
- 6.3.7 Debugging the Agent
- Multiple Identities
- 6.4.1 Switching Identities Manually
- 6.4.2 Switching Identities with an Agent
- 6.4.3 Tailoring Sessions Based on Identity
- PGP Authentication in Tectia
- Tectia External Keys
- Summary
- What Is an Identity?
- 7. Advanced Client Use
- How to Configure Clients
- 7.1.1 Command-Line Options
- 7.1.2 Client Configuration Files
- Keywords versus command-line options
- Global and local files
- Configuration-file sections
- Multiple matches
- Making nicknames for hosts
- Comments, indenting, and style
- 7.1.3 Environment Variables
- Precedence
- Introduction to Verbose Mode
- Client Configuration in Depth
- 7.4.1 Remote Account Name
- Tricks with remote account names
- 7.4.2 User Identity
- Using identities
- 7.4.3 Host Keys and Known-Hosts Databases
- Strict host-key checking
- Verifying host keys by DNS
- Host key aliasing
- Ignoring host keys for localhost
- Moving the known hosts files
- 7.4.4 SSH Protocol Settings
- Choosing a protocol version
- Connection sharing
- Setting environment variables in the server
- 7.4.5 TCP/IP Settings
- Selecting a remote port
- Connecting via a given network interface
- Forcing a nonprivileged local port
- Keepalive messages
- Controlling TCP_NODELAY
- Requiring IPv4 and IPv6
- 7.4.6 Making Connections
- Number of connection attempts
- Password prompting in OpenSSH
- Password prompting in Tectia
- Batch mode: suppressing prompts
- Pseudo-terminal allocation (TTY/PTY/PTTY)
- Backgrounding a remote command
- Backgrounding a remote command, take two
- Escaping
- 7.4.7 Proxies and SOCKS
- SOCKS in OpenSSH: using DynamicForward
- SOCKS in Tectia
- 7.4.8 Forwarding
- 7.4.9 Encryption Algorithms
- 7.4.10 Integrity-Checking (MAC) Algorithms
- 7.4.11 Host Key Types
- 7.4.12 Session Rekeying
- 7.4.13 Authentication
- Requesting an authentication technique
- The server is the boss
- Detecting successful authentication
- Using ssh-keysign for hostbased authentication
- 7.4.14 Data Compression
- 7.4.15 Program Locations
- 7.4.16 Subsystems
- 7.4.17 Logging and Debugging
- 7.4.18 Random Seeds
- 7.4.1 Remote Account Name
- Secure Copy with scp
- 7.5.1 Full Syntax of scp
- 7.5.2 Handling of Wildcards
- 7.5.3 Recursive Copy of Directories
- 7.5.4 Preserving Permissions
- 7.5.5 Automatic Removal of Original File
- 7.5.6 Safety Features
- Directory confirmation
- No-execute mode
- Overwriting existing files
- 7.5.7 Batch Mode
- 7.5.8 User Identity
- 7.5.9 SSH Protocol Settings
- 7.5.10 TCP/IP Settings
- 7.5.11 Encryption Algorithms
- 7.5.12 Controlling Bandwidth
- 7.5.13 Data Compression
- 7.5.14 File Conversion
- 7.5.15 Optimizations
- 7.5.16 Statistics Display
- 7.5.17 Locating the ssh Executable
- 7.5.18 Getting Help
- 7.5.19 For Internal Use Only
- 7.5.20 Further Configuration
- Secure, Interactive Copy with sftp
- 7.6.1 Interactive Commands
- 7.6.2 Command-Line Options
- Summary
- How to Configure Clients
- 8. Per-Account Server Configuration
- Limits of This Technique
- 8.1.1 Overriding Serverwide Settings
- 8.1.2 Authentication Issues
- Public-Key-Based Configuration
- 8.2.1 OpenSSH Authorization Files
- 8.2.2 Tectia Authorization Files
- Tectia PGP key authentication
- 8.2.3 Forced Commands
- Security issues
- Rejecting connections with a custom message
- Displaying a command menu
- Examining the client's original command
- Restricting a client's original command
- Logging a client's original command
- Forced commands and secure copy (scp)
- 8.2.4 Restricting Access by Host or Domain
- OpenSSH host access control
- Tectia host access control
- 8.2.5 Setting Environment Variables
- Example: CVS and $LOGNAME
- 8.2.6 Setting Idle Timeout
- 8.2.7 Disabling or Limiting Forwarding
- 8.2.8 Disabling TTY Allocation
- Hostbased Access Control
- The User rc File
- Summary
- Limits of This Technique
- 9. Port Forwarding and X Forwarding
- What Is Forwarding?
- Port Forwarding
- 9.2.1 Local Forwarding
- Local forwarding and GatewayPorts
- Remote forwarding
- 9.2.2 Trouble with Multiple Connections
- 9.2.3 Comparing Local and Remote Port Forwarding
- Common elements
- Local versus remote forwarding: the distinction
- 9.2.4 Forwarding Off-Host
- Privacy
- Access control and the loopback address
- Listening on ("binding") an interface
- 9.2.5 Bypassing a Firewall
- 9.2.6 Port Forwarding Without a Remote Login
- One-shot forwarding
- 9.2.7 The Listening Port Number
- 9.2.8 Choosing the Target Forwarding Address
- 9.2.9 Termination
- The TIME_WAIT problem
- 9.2.10 Configuring Port Forwarding in the Server
- Compile-time configuration
- Serverwide configuration
- Per-account configuration
- 9.2.11 Protocol-Specific Forwarding: FTP
- 9.2.1 Local Forwarding
- Dynamic Port Forwarding
- 9.3.1. SOCKS v4, SOCKS v5, and Names
- 9.3.2 Other Uses of Dynamic Forwarding
- X Forwarding
- 9.4.1 The X Window System
- 9.4.2 How X Forwarding Works
- 9.4.3 Enabling X Forwarding
- 9.4.4 Configuring X Forwarding
- Compile-time configuration
- Serverwide configuration
- Per-account configuration
- 9.4.5 X Authentication
- How X authentication works
- xauth and the SSH rc files
- Trusted X forwarding
- Problems with X authentication
- SSH and authentication spoofing
- Improving authentication spoofing
- Nonstandard X clients
- 9.4.6 Further Issues
- X server configuration
- Setting your DISPLAY environment variable
- Shared accounts
- Location of the xauth program
- X forwarding and the GatewayPorts feature
- Forwarding Security: TCP-Wrappers and libwrap
- 9.5.1 TCP-Wrappers Configuration
- 9.5.2 Notes About TCP-Wrappers
- Summary
- 10. A Recommended Setup
- The Basics
- Compile-Time Configuration
- Serverwide Configuration
- 10.3.1 Disable Other Means of Access
- 10.3.2 sshd_config for OpenSSH
- Choice of protocol
- Important files
- File and directory permissions
- TCP/IP settings
- Login time
- Authentication
- Access control
- Forwarding
- 10.3.3 sshd2_config for Tectia
- Choice of protocol
- Important files
- File and directory permissions
- TCP/IP settings
- Login time
- Authentication
- Access control
- Forwarding
- Encryption
- Per-Account Configuration
- Key Management
- Client Configuration
- Remote Home Directories (NFS, AFS)
- 10.7.1 NFS Security Risks
- 10.7.2 NFS Access Problems
- 10.7.3 AFS Access Problems
- Summary
- 11. Case Studies
- Unattended SSH: Batch or cron Jobs
- 11.1.1 Password Authentication
- 11.1.2 Public-Key Authentication
- Storing the passphrase in the filesystem
- Using a plaintext key
- Using an agent
- 11.1.3 Hostbased Authentication
- 11.1.4 Kerberos
- 11.1.5 General Precautions for Batch Jobs
- Least-privilege accounts
- Separate, locked-down automation accounts
- Restricted-use keys
- Useful ssh options
- 11.1.6 Recommendations
- FTP and SSH
- 11.2.1 FTP-Specific Tools for SSH
- VanDyke's SecureFX
- Tectia client
- 11.2.2 Static Port Forwarding and FTP: A Study in Pain
- 11.2.3 The FTP Protocol
- 11.2.4 Forwarding the Control Connection
- Choosing the forwarding target
- Using passive mode
- The "PASV port theft" problem
- 11.2.5 FTP, Firewalls, and Passive Mode
- 11.2.6 FTP and Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Server-side NAT issues
- 11.2.7 All About Data Connections
- The usual method of file transfer
- Passive mode in depth
- FTP with the default data ports
- 11.2.8 Forwarding the Data Connection
- 11.2.1 FTP-Specific Tools for SSH
- Pine, IMAP, and SSH
- 11.3.1 Securing IMAP Authentication
- Pine and preauthenticated IMAP
- Making Pine use SSH
- 11.3.2 Mail Relaying and News Access
- 11.3.3 Using a Connection Script
- 11.3.1 Securing IMAP Authentication
- Connecting Through a Gateway Host
- 11.4.1 Making Transparent SSH Connections
- 11.4.2 Using SCP Through a Gateway
- 11.4.3 Another Approach: SSH-in-SSH (Port Forwarding)
- 11.4.4 SSH-in-SSH with a Proxy Command (OpenSSH)
- 11.4.5 Comparing the Techniques
- Smoothness
- Security
- Scalable Authentication for SSH
- 11.5.1 Tectia with X.509 Certificates
- What's a PKI?
- Using certificates with Tectia host keys
- A simple configuration
- Getting a certificate
- Hostkey verification: configuring the server
- Hostkey verification: configuring the Client
- User authentication: configuring the client
- User authentication: configuring the server
- 11.5.2 OpenSSH and Tectia with Kerberos
- How Kerberos works
- Kerberos support in SSH
- Kerberos interoperability with OpenSSH and Tectia
- 11.5.1 Tectia with X.509 Certificates
- Tectia Extensions to Server Configuration Files
- 11.6.1 Metaconfiguration
- 11.6.2 Subconfiguration Files
- 11.6.3 Quoted Values
- Tectia Plugins
- 11.7.1 A Plugin for Changing Expired Passwords
- The ssh-passwd-plugin program
- A Perl package implementing the Tectia plugin protocol
- Creating a customized password-change plugin
- 11.7.2 A Plugin for Keyboard-Interactive Authentication
- 11.7.3 A Plugin for External Authorization
- 11.7.1 A Plugin for Changing Expired Passwords
- Unattended SSH: Batch or cron Jobs
- 12. Troubleshooting and FAQ
- Debug Messages: Your First Line of Defense
- 12.1.1 Client Debugging
- 12.1.2 Server Debugging
- The Top 10 SSH Questions
- Problems and Solutions
- 12.2.1 General Problems
- 12.2.2 Authentication Problems
- General authentication problems
- Password authentication
- Hostbased authentication
- Public-key authentication
- PGP key authentication
- 12.2.3 Key and Agent Problems
- ssh-keygen
- ssh-agent and ssh-add
- Per-account authorization files
- 12.2.4 Server Problems
- sshd_config, sshd2_config
- 12.2.5 Client Problems
- General client problems
- Client configuration file
- ssh
- scp
- sftp
- Port forwarding
- Other SSH Resources
- 12.3.1 Web Sites
- 12.3.2 Usenet Newsgroups
- Debug Messages: Your First Line of Defense
- 13. Overview of Other Implementations
- Common Features
- Covered Products
- Other SSH Products
- 13.3.1 BeOS
- 13.3.2 Commodore Amiga
- 13.3.3 GNU Emacs
- 13.3.4 Java
- 13.3.5 Macintosh OS 9
- 13.3.6 Macintosh OS X
- 13.3.7 Microsoft Windows
- 13.3.8 Microsoft Windows CE (PocketPC)
- 13.3.9 OS/2
- 13.3.10 Palm OS
- 13.3.11 Perl
- 13.3.12 Unix Variants (Linux, OpenBSD, etc.)
- 13.3.13 VMS
- 14. OpenSSH for Windows
- Installation
- Using the SSH Clients
- Setting Up the SSH Server
- 14.3.1 Opening Remote Windows on the Desktop
- Public-Key Authentication
- 14.4.1 Running an Agent
- Troubleshooting
- Summary
- 15. OpenSSH for Macintosh
- Using the SSH Clients
- Using the OpenSSH Server
- 15.2.1 Enabling the Server
- 15.2.2 Opening the Firewall
- 15.2.3 Control by xinetd
- 15.2.4 Server Configuration Details
- 15.2.5 Kerberos Support
- 16. Tectia for Windows
- Obtaining and Installing
- Basic Client Use
- Key Management
- Accession Lite
- Advanced Client Use
- Port Forwarding
- Connector
- 16.7.1 General Settings
- 16.7.2 Servers for Outgoing SSH Connections
- 16.7.3 Filter Rules for Dynamic Port Forwarding
- 16.7.4 Configuration File
- File Transfers
- Command-Line Programs
- Troubleshooting
- Server
- 16.11.1 Server Operation
- 16.11.2 Server Configuration
- 16.11.3 Commands and Interactive Sessions
- 16.11.4 Authentication
- 16.11.5 Access Control
- 16.11.6 Forwarding
- 16.11.7 SFTP Server
- 16.11.8 Logging and Debugging
- 17. SecureCRT and SecureFX for Windows
- Obtaining and Installing
- Basic Client Use
- Key Management
- 17.3.1 Key Generation Wizard
- Automatic installation of keys
- Manual installation of keys
- 17.3.2 Using Multiple Identities
- 17.3.3 The SSH Agent
- 17.3.1 Key Generation Wizard
- Advanced Client Use
- 17.4.1 Mandatory Fields
- 17.4.2 Data Compression
- 17.4.3 Firewall Use
- Forwarding
- 17.5.1 Port Forwarding
- 17.5.2 X Forwarding
- Command-Line Client Programs
- File Transfer
- 17.7.1 The vcp and vsftp Commands
- 17.7.2 Zmodem File Transfer
- 17.7.3 SecureFX
- Troubleshooting
- 17.8.1 Authentication
- 17.8.2 Forwarding
- VShell
- Summary
- 18. PuTTY for Windows
- Obtaining and Installing
- Basic Client Use
- 18.2.1 Plink, a Console Client
- 18.2.2 Running Remote Commands
- File Transfer
- 18.3.1 File Transfer with PSCP
- 18.3.2 File Transfer with PSFTP
- Key Management
- 18.4.1 Choosing a Key
- 18.4.2 Pageant, an SSH Agent
- Advanced Client Use
- 18.5.1 Saved Sessions
- 18.5.2 Host Keys
- 18.5.3 Choosing a Protocol Version
- 18.5.4 TCP/IP Settings
- Selecting a remote port
- Keepalive messages
- The Nagle Algorithm
- 18.5.5 Pseudo-Terminal Allocation
- 18.5.6 Proxies and SOCKS
- 18.5.7 Encryption Algorithms
- 18.5.8 Authentication
- 18.5.9 Compression
- 18.5.10 Logging and Debugging
- 18.5.11 Batch Jobs
- Forwarding
- 18.6.1 Forwarding with PuTTY
- 18.6.2 Forwarding with Plink
- Summary
- A. OpenSSH 4.0 New Features
- Server Features: sshd
- Logging of Access Control Violations
- AddressFamily Keyword
- Password and Account Expiration Warnings
- Client Features: ssh, scp, and sftp
- KbdInteractiveDevices Keyword
- More Control for Connection Sharing
- Hashing of Hostnames
- Port Forwarding
- sftp Command-Line Features
- ssh-keygen
- Hashing Your Known Hosts File
- Managing Hosts
- Server Features: sshd
- B. Tectia Manpage for sshregex
- Regex Syntax: Egrep Patterns
- Escaped Tokens for Regex Syntax Egrep
- Regex Syntax: ZSH_FILEGLOB (or Traditional) Patterns
- Character Sets for Egrep and ZSH_FILEGLOB
- Example
- Regex Syntax: SSH Patterns
- Escaped Tokens for Regex Syntax SSH
- Character Sets for Regex Syntax SSH
- Example
- Authors
- See Also
- Regex Syntax: Egrep Patterns
- C. Tectia Module Names for Debugging
- D. SSH-1 Features of OpenSSH and Tectia
- OpenSSH Features
- Serverwide Configuration
- Client Configuration
- Files
- Tectia Features
- Serverwide Configuration
- Client Configuration
- File Transfers
- Key Management
- Authentication Agent
- OpenSSH Features
- E. SSH Quick Reference
- Legend
- sshd Options
- sshd Keywords
- ssh Options
- scp Options
- ssh and scp Keywords
- ssh-keygen Options
- ssh-agent Options
- ssh-add Options
- Identity and Authorization Files, OpenSSH
- Identity and Authorization Files, Tectia
- Environment Variables
- Index
- About the Authors
- Colophon
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