Programming Entity Framework. Building Data Centric Apps with the ADO.NET Entity Framework. 2nd Edition Julia Lerman

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- Julia Lerman
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Programming Entity Framework. Building Data Centric Apps with the ADO.NET Entity Framework. 2nd Edition
Get a thorough introduction to ADO.NET Entity Framework 4 -- Microsoft's core framework for modeling and interacting with data in .NET applications. The second edition of this acclaimed guide provides a hands-on tour of the framework latest version in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4. Not only will you learn how to use EF4 in a variety of applications, you'll also gain a deep understanding of its architecture and APIs.
Written by Julia Lerman, the leading independent authority on the framework, Programming Entity Framework covers it all -- from the Entity Data Model and Object Services to WCF Services, MVC Apps, and unit testing. This book highlights important changes for experienced developers familiar with the earlier version.
- Understand the core concepts you need to make the best use of the EF4 in your applications
- Learn to query your data, using either LINQ to Entities or Entity SQL
- Create Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET Web Forms, and ASP.NET MVC applications
- Build and consume WCF Services, WCF Data Services, and WCF RIA Services
- Use Object Services to work directly with your entity objects
- Create persistent ignorant entities, repositories, and write unit tests
- Delve into model customization, relationship management, change tracking, data concurrency, and more
- Get scores of reusable examples -- written in C# (with notes on Visual Basic syntax) -- that you can implement right away
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- ISBN Ebooka:
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Spis treści książki
- Programming Entity Framework
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with OReilly
- Foreword
- Preface
- Who This Book Is For
- How This Book Is Organized
- What You Need to Use This Book
- This Books Website
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Using Code Examples
- Safari Books Online
- Comments and Questions
- Acknowledgments
- Author Note for Third Printing, August 2011
- Entity Framework 4.1 (Code First and DbContext) Has Released
- Entity Framework June 2011 CTP
- 1. Introducing the ADO.NET Entity Framework
- The Entity Relationship Model: Programming Against a Model, Not the Database
- The Entity Data Model: A Client-Side Data Model
- Entities: Blueprints for Business Classes
- The Backend Database: Your Choice
- Database Providers
- Access and ODBC
- Entity Framework Features: APIs and Tools
- Metadata
- Entity Data Model Design Tools
- Database-first design
- Model-first design
- Code generation
- Object Services
- POCO Support
- Change Tracking
- Relationship Management and Foreign Keys
- Data Binding
- n-Tier Development
- EntityClient
- The Entity Framework and WCF Services
- What About ADO.NET DataSets and LINQ to SQL?
- DataSets
- Entity Framework Pain Points Are Fading Away
- Programming the Entity Framework
- 2. Exploring the Entity Data Model
- Why Use an Entity Data Model?
- The EDM Within the Entity Framework
- Walkthrough: Building Your First EDM
- Inspecting the EDM in the Designer Window
- Entity Container Properties
- Entity Properties
- Entity Property Properties
- The Models Supporting Metadata
- Viewing the Model in the Model Browser
- Viewing the Models Raw XML
- CSDL: The Conceptual Schema
- EntityContainer
- EntitySet
- EntityType
- The Key element
- The Property elements
- The navigation properties
- Associations
- Navigation Property
- Navigation Properties That Return Collections
- SSDL: The Store Schema
- MSL: The Mappings
- Database Views in the EDM
- Summary
- 3. Querying Entity Data Models
- Query the Model, Not the Database
- Your First EDM Query
- Where Did the Context and Classes Come From?
- The ObjectContext class, SampleEntities
- The entity classes
- Where Did the Context and Classes Come From?
- Querying with LINQ to Entities
- Writing Your First LINQ to Entities Query
- Querying with Object Services and Entity SQL
- Why Another Way to Query?
- Entity SQL
- Entity SQL canonical functions
- The Parameterized ObjectQuery
- Querying with Methods
- Querying with LINQ Methods
- Chaining methods
- Querying with Query Builder Methods and Entity SQL
- Specifying the control variable
- Querying with LINQ Methods
- The Shortest Query
- ObjectQuery, ObjectSet, and LINQ to Entities
- Querying with EntityClient to Return Streamed Data
- EntityConnection and the Connection String
- EntityCommand
- ExecuteReader
- Forward-Only Access to the Fields
- Translating Entity Queries to Database Queries
- Pay Attention to the .NET Methods Impact on Generated SQL
- Avoiding Inadvertent Query Execution
- Summary
- 4. Exploring LINQ to Entities in Greater Depth
- Getting Ready with Some New Lingo
- Projections in Queries
- Projections in LINQ to Entities
- VB and C# Syntax Differences
- LINQ Projections and Special Language Features
- Anonymous types
- Implicitly typed local variables
- Implicit and explicit anonymous type creation
- Projections with LINQ Query Methods
- Using Navigations in Queries
- Navigating to an EntityReference
- Filtering and Sorting with an EntityReference
- Navigating to Entity Collections
- Projecting Properties from EntityCollection Entities
- Shaped results
- Flattened results
- Filtering and Sorting with EntityCollections
- Aggregates with EntityCollections
- Aggregates in LINQ to Entities
- Aggregates in LINQ Methods
- Joins and Nested Queries
- Joins
- Nested Queries
- Using a nested LINQ query as a projection
- Using a nested LINQ query as the collection to be queried
- Grouping
- Naming Properties When Grouping
- Chaining Aggregates
- Filtering on Group Conditions
- Shaping Data Returned by Queries
- Limiting Which Related Data Is Returned
- Loading Related Data
- Controlling Lazy Loading
- Disabling and enabling lazy loading programmatically
- Changing the default behavior for lazy loading
- Explicitly Loading Entity Collections and Entity References
- Loading the EntityReference
- Performance considerations with deferred loading
- Using the Include Method to Eager-Load
- How is the data shaped with Include?
- Accessing properties from an Include in the query
- Pros and Cons of Load and Include
- Controlling Lazy Loading
- Retrieving a Single Entity
- Retrieving a Single Entity with GetObjectByKey
- Finding More Query Samples
- Summary
- 5. Exploring Entity SQL in Greater Depth
- Literals in Entity SQL
- Expressing a DateTime Literal
- Expressing a Decimal Literal
- Using Additional Literal Types
- Projecting in Entity SQL
- DbDataRecords and Nonscalar Properties
- Projecting with Query Builder Methods
- Using Navigation in Entity SQL Queries
- Navigating to an EntityReference
- Filtering and Sorting with an EntityReference
- Filtering and Sorting with EntityCollections
- Aggregating with EntityCollections
- Using Entity SQL SET Operators
- Aggregating with Query Builder Methods
- Using Joins
- Nesting Queries
- Grouping in Entity SQL
- Returning Entities from an Entity SQL GROUP BY Query
- Filtering Based on Group Properties
- Shaping Data with Entity SQL
- Using Include with an ObjectQuery and Entity SQL
- Understanding Entity SQLs Wrapped and Unwrapped Results
- Entity SQL Rules for Wrapped and Unwrapped Results
- Digging a Little Deeper into EntityClients Results
- Summary
- Literals in Entity SQL
- 6. Modifying Entities and Saving Changes
- Keeping Track of Entities
- Managing an Entitys State
- Saving Changes Back to the Database
- Inserting New Objects
- Inserting New Parents and Children
- Deleting Entities
- Summary
- Keeping Track of Entities
- 7. Using Stored Procedures with the EDM
- Updating the Model from a Database
- Working with Functions
- Function Attributes
- Mapping Functions to Entities
- Mapping Insert, Update, and Delete Functions to an Entity
- Concurrency checking with Use Original Value and Rows Affected Parameter options
- Inspecting Mappings in XML
- Using Mapped Functions
- Mapping Insert, Update, and Delete Functions to an Entity
- Using the EDM Designer Model Browser to Import Additional Functions into Your Model
- Mapping the First of the Read Stored Procedures: ContactsbyState
- Using Imported Functions
- Avoiding Inadvertent Client-Side Processing
- Mapping a Function to a Scalar Type
- Mapping a Function to a Complex Type
- Summary
- 8. Implementing a More Real-World Model
- Introducing the BreakAway Geek Adventures Business Model and Legacy Database
- Creating a Separate Project for an EDM
- Inspecting and Cleaning Up a New EDM
- Modifying the Names of Entities and Properties
- Resolving Collisions Between Property Names and Entity Names
- Cleaning Up Navigation Property Names
- Setting Default Values
- Mapping Stored Procedures
- Using the Use Original Value Checkbox in Update Mappings
- Working with Many-to-Many Relationships
- Inspecting the Completed BreakAway Model
- Building the BreakAway Model Assembly
- Looking at the Compiled Assembly
- Splitting Out the Models Metadata Files
- Moving the schema files
- Summary
- 9. Data Binding with Windows Forms and WPF Applications
- Data Binding with Windows Forms Applications
- Creating a Windows Forms Application
- Using Windows Forms Data Sources
- Creating an Object Data Source for a Customer Entity
- Getting an Entitys Details onto a Form
- Adding Code to Query an EDM When a Form Loads
- Binding Without a BindingSource
- Adding an EntityCollection to the Form
- Displaying the Properties of Related Data in the Grid
- Allowing Users to Edit Data
- Editing Navigation Properties (and Shrinking the Query)
- Replacing the Navigation Property TextBoxes with ComboBoxes
- Adding New Customers
- Deleting Reservations
- Data Binding with WPF Applications
- Creating the WPF Form
- Creating the WPF Project
- Adding the Necessary Data Source Objects
- Inspecting the XAML and Code Generated by the Automated Data Binding
- XAML data-binding elements
- Adding Code to Query the EDM When the Window Loads
- Customizing the Display of the Controls
- Selecting an Entity and Viewing Its Details
- Adding Another EntityCollection to the Mix
- Working with a many-to-many relationship
- Modifying the code to eager-load the related activities
- Adding the Activities ListBox and binding it to the Trips ListBox
- Testing the application again
- Editing Entities and Their Related Data
- Using SortDescriptions to Keep Sorting in Sync with Data Modifications
- Adding Items to the Child EntityCollection
- Testing the new feature for adding activities
- The Last Task: Adding New Trips to the Catalog
- A few WPF tricks for a more interactive ListBox
- Coding the Add New Trip feature
- Testing the final version of the WPF demo
- Summary
- Data Binding with Windows Forms Applications
- 10. Working with Object Services
- Where Does Object Services Fit into the Framework?
- Processing Queries
- Parsing Queries: From Query to Command Tree to SQL
- Understanding Query Builder Methods
- Query builder methods and EntitySets
- From query builder methods to Entity SQL expressions
- Combining LINQ methods and query builder methods
- Analyzing a Query with ObjectQuery Methods and Properties
- ObjectQuery.ToTraceString
- ObjectQuery.CommandText
- ObjectQuery.Parameters
- ObjectQuery.Context
- Executing Queries with ToList, ToArray, First or Single
- Executing Queries with the Execute Method
- Overriding a Default Connection with ObjectContext.Connection
- Handling Command Execution with EntityClient
- Materializing Objects
- Managing Object State
- Using EntityKey to Manage Objects
- Merging Results into the Cache with MergeOptions
- Inspecting ObjectStateEntry
- Maintaining EntityState
- Managing Relationships
- Attaching and Detaching Objects from the ObjectContext
- ObjectContext.AddObject and ObjectSet.AddObject
- ObjectContext.Attach and ObjectSet.Attach
- ObjectContext.AttachTo
- Attaching and Detaching Objects from the ObjectContext
- Taking Control of ObjectState
- ObjectContext Methods
- ObjectStateManager Methods
- ObjectStateEntry State Methods for Managing State
- ObjectSet State Methods
- Sending Changes Back to the Database
- ObjectContext.SaveChanges
- SaveChanges returns an integer
- SaveChanges refreshes the state of tracked entities
- Affecting SaveChanges Default Behavior
- Overriding SaveChanges Completely
- Data Validation with the SavingChanges Event
- Concurrency Management
- Optimistic concurrency
- ConcurrencyMode
- OptimisticConcurrencyException
- Transaction Support
- ObjectContext.SaveChanges
- Implementing Serialization, Data Binding, and More
- Object Services Supports XML and Binary Serialization
- ObjectContext, ObjectStateManager, and ObjectStateEntry are not serializable
- Automatic serialization
- XML and DataContract serialization
- Binary serialization
- Serialization and object state
- Explicit serialization
- Object Services Supports Data Binding
- Object Services Supports XML and Binary Serialization
- Summary
- 11. Customizing Entities
- Partial Classes
- Using Partial Methods
- The OnContextCreated Method
- The On[Property]Changed and On[Property]Changing Methods
- Using PropertyChanged to Calculate Database-Computed Columns Locally
- Subscribing to Event Handlers
- The ObjectContext.ObjectMaterialized Event
- The ObjectContext.SavingChanges Event
- GetObjectStateEntries: A critical method when validating entities from the context
- Implementing SavingChanges
- Setting default foreign keys in SavingChanges when no foreign key scalar property exists
- The EntityObject.PropertyChanging and EntityObject.PropertyChanged Events
- The order of the Changing/Changed events
- Event parameters
- Subscribing to the class-level PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events
- The AssociationChanged Event
- Event arguments
- Creating Your Own Partial Methods and Properties
- Overriding the Object Constructor
- Overriding ObjectContext.SaveChanges
- Creating Custom Properties
- Using custom properties to perform calculations on child collections
- Overloading Entity Creation Methods
- Using Partial Classes for More Than Just Overriding Methods and Events
- Overriding Default Code Generation
- Switching to a Template
- Reading the Template
- Modifying the Template
- Inserting the Managed partial method in each entity class
- Other ways to create common methods or properties for all entities
- Customizing a Template for Major Class Modifications
- Switching Between the Default Template and a Custom Template
- Summary
- 12. Data Binding with RAD ASP.NET Applications
- Using the EntityDataSource Control to Access Flat Data
- Creating the Hello Entities Project
- Creating a GridView and an EntityDataSource Concurrently
- Configuring an EntityDataSource with Its Wizard
- Formatting the GridView
- Testing the Web Application
- Understanding How the EntityDataSource Retrieves and Updates Your Data
- EntityDataSource and Its Query
- EntityDataSource and Its ObjectContext
- Using your own context
- EntityDataSource Context Events
- EntityDataSource and ViewState
- Accessing Foreign Keys When There Is No Foreign Key Property
- Working with Related EntityReference Data
- Using EntityDataSource.Include to Get Related Data
- Displaying Data That Comes from EntityReference Navigation Properties
- Using a New EntityDataSource Control to Enable Editing of EntityReference Navigation Properties
- Editing EntityReferences That Cannot Be Satisfied with a Drop-Down List
- Binding an EntityDataSource to Another Control with WhereParameters
- Editing Related Data Concurrently with Multiple EntityDataSource Controls
- Working with Hierarchical Data in a Master/Detail Form
- Setting Up the Web Application
- Specifying Your Own Entity SQL Query Expression for an EntityDataSource
- Binding a DropDownList to an EntityDataSource Control
- Creating a Parent EntityDataSource That Is Controlled by the DropDownList and Provides Data to a DetailsView
- Using the EntityDataSource.Where Property to Filter Query Results
- Displaying Read-Only Child Data Through the Parent EntityDataSource
- Using a New EntityDataSource to Add a Third Level of Hierarchical Data to the Master/Detail Form
- Using the EntityDataSource.Inserting Event to Help with Newly Added Entities
- Testing the Application
- Exploring EntityDataSource Events
- Building Dynamic Data Websites
- Summary
- Using the EntityDataSource Control to Access Flat Data
- 13. Creating and Using POCO Entities
- Creating POCO Classes
- Creating an ObjectContext Class to Manage the POCOs
- Verifying the POCOs with a query
- Creating an ObjectContext Class to Manage the POCOs
- Change Tracking with POCOs
- Understanding the Importance of DetectChanges
- Loading Related Data with POCOs
- Loading from the Context
- Lazy Loading from a Dynamic Proxy
- Exploring and Correcting POCOs Impact on Two-Way Relationships
- Using the DetectChanges Method to Fix Relationships
- Enabling Classes to Fix Their Own Relationships
- Using Proxies to Enable Change Notification, Lazy Loading, and Relationship Fix-Up
- Change Notification by Proxy
- Lazy Loading by Proxy
- Exploring the Proxy Classes
- Synchronizing Relationships by Proxy
- Using T4 to Generate POCO Classes
- Modifying the POCO Template
- Creating a Model That Works with Preexisting Classes
- Code First: Using Entity Framework with No Model at All
- Summary
- Creating POCO Classes
- 14. Customizing Entity Data Models Using the EDM Designer
- Mapping Table per Type Inheritance for Tables That Describe Derived Types
- Mapping TPT Inheritance
- Handling duplicate names and concurrency properties in an inheritance hierarchy
- Fixing a potential constraint problem
- Querying Inherited Types
- POCO Classes and Inherited Objects
- Inserting TPT Inherited Types
- SaveChanges and newly added derived types
- Specifying or Excluding Derived Types in Queries
- Creating New Derived Entities When the Base Entity Already Exists
- TPT with Abstract Types
- Mapping TPT Inheritance
- Mapping Unique Foreign Keys
- Mapping an Entity to More Than One Table
- Merging Multiple Entities into One
- Querying, Editing, and Saving a Split Entity
- Mapping Stored Procedures to Split Tables and More
- Splitting a Single Table into Multiple Entities
- Filtering Entities with Conditional Mapping
- Creating a Conditional Mapping for the Activity Entity
- Querying, Inserting, and Saving with Conditional Mappings
- Filtering on Other Types of Conditions
- Removing the Conditional Mapping from Activity and Re-creating the Category Property
- Implementing Table per Hierarchy Inheritance for Tables That Contain Multiple Types
- Creating the Resort Derived Type
- Setting a Default (Computed) Value on the Table Schema
- Testing the TPH Mapping
- Choosing to Turn a Base Class into an Abstract Class
- Creating Complex Types to Encapsulate Sets of Properties
- Defining a Complex Type
- Reusing Complex Types
- Querying, Creating, and Saving Entities That Contain Complex Types
- Removing the Complex Types from the Model
- Using Additional Customization Options
- Using GUIDs for EntityKeys
- Mapping Stored Procedures
- Mapping Multiple Entity Sets per Type
- Mapping Self-Referencing Associations
- Summary
- Mapping Table per Type Inheritance for Tables That Describe Derived Types
- 15. Defining EDM Mappings That Are Not Supported by the Designer
- Using Model-Defined Functions
- Using Model-Defined Functions to Return More Complex Results
- Consuming the Complex Results
- Reading the Results from a Complex Function
- Mapping Table per Concrete (TPC) Type Inheritance for Tables with Overlapping Fields
- Using QueryView to Create Read-Only Entities and Other Specialized Mappings
- Finding a Common Use Case for QueryView
- Creating a CustomerNameAndID Entity
- Creating a QueryView Mapping for CustomerNameAndID
- Testing the QueryView
- Deconstructing the QueryView
- Summary
- Using Model-Defined Functions
- 16. Gaining Additional Stored Procedure and View Support in the Raw XML
- Reviewing Procedures, Views, and UDFs in the EDM
- Working with Stored Procedures That Return Data
- Using Functions That Match an Entity Whose Property Names Have Been Changed
- Query Stored Procedures and Inherited Types
- Composing Queries Against Functions
- Replacing Stored Procedures with Views for Composability
- Queries That Return Multiple Result Sets
- Executing Queries on Demand with ExecuteStoreQuery
- Querying to a Class That Is Not an Entity
- Querying into an Entity
- Adding Native Queries to the Model
- Defining a Complex Type in the Model Browser
- Adding Native Views to the Model
- DefiningQuery Is Already in Your Model
- Using DefiningQuery to Create Your Own Views
- Implementing a DefiningQuery
- Creating Associations with the New Entity
- Testing the DefiningQuery in an association
- Using DefiningQuery to Solve More Complex Problems
- Using Commands That Affect the Database
- Executing SQL on the Fly with ExecuteStoreCommand
- Using Functions to Manipulate Data in the Database
- Changing from one derived type to another
- Mapping Insert/Update/Delete to Types Within an Inheritance Structure
- What If Stored Procedures Affect Multiple Entities in an Inheritance Structure?
- Implementing and Querying with User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
- Summary
- 17. Using EntityObjects in WCF Services
- Planning for an Entity FrameworkAgnostic Client
- Assessing the Pros and Cons of an Entity FrameworkAgnostic Consumer
- Building a Simple WCF Service with EntityObjects
- Creating the Service
- Defining the Service Operations
- Defining Extra Service Classes
- Exposing Custom Properties
- Implementing the Service Interface
- Adding Graphs to ObjectContext
- Deleting Objects
- Updating the Object Graph
- Client Rules for Identifying Changes in an EntityCollection
- The UpdateCustomer Method
- Handling New and Existing Reservations
- Deleting Reservations
- Building a Simple Console App to Consume an EntityObject Service
- Enabling the Client Application to Receive Large Messages from the Service
- Creating Methods to Test the Service Operations
- Analyzing the GetAndUpdateCustomer Method
- Testing Out the Other Service Operations
- Creating WCF Data Services with Entities
- Putting WCF Data Services in Perspective
- Creating a WCF Data Service
- Filtering at the Service Level Using QueryInterceptor
- Anticipating Exceptions
- Exposing Related Data Through the Service
- Preparing for WCF Data Services Limitations
- Modifying Data Through a Service
- Learning More About Creating and Consuming WCF Data Services
- Understanding How WCF RIA Services Relates to the Entity Framework
- Summary
- Planning for an Entity FrameworkAgnostic Client
- 18. Using POCOs and Self-Tracking Entities in WCF Services
- Creating WCF-Friendly POCO Classes
- Updating the POCO Classes Based on the Current BreakAway Model
- Isolating the POCO Entities in Their Own Project
- Directing a template back to a model
- Specifying the namespace of entity classes
- Providing the ObjectContext with a reference to the entities
- Adding Custom Logic to the POCO Entities with a Base Class
- Modifying the template to apply the inheritance
- Following WCF Collection Rules
- Preventing Properties from Being Marked As Virtual
- Building a WCF Service That Uses POCO Classes
- Implementing the Interface
- Using the Service
- Using the Self-Tracking Entities Template for WCF Services
- Creating and Exploring the Self-Tracking Entities
- Putting the Change-Tracking Logic Where Its Needed
- Creating a WCF Service That Uses Self-Tracking Entities
- Watching Self-Tracking Entities Under the Covers
- Debugging the client application
- Debugging the SaveCustomer service method
- Inspecting the Generated Context Class and Extensions
- Using POCO Entities with WCF Data and RIA Services
- Preparing for WCF Data Services
- Dealing with entities that live in a separate assembly
- Avoiding problems caused by dynamic proxies
- Using POCO Entities in WCF RIA Services
- Preparing for WCF Data Services
- Sorting Out the Many Options for Creating Services
- Summary
- Creating WCF-Friendly POCO Classes
- 19. Working with Relationships and Associations
- Deconstructing Relationships in the Entity Data Model
- Understanding How the Entity Data Model Wizard Creates the Association
- Understanding Additional Relationship Items
- Handling Nonessential Navigation Properties
- Understanding the Major Differences Between Foreign Key Associations and Independent Associations
- Defining Associations in Metadata
- Detecting Associations at Runtime
- Deconstructing Relationships Between Instantiated Entities
- Understanding Relationship Manager and the IRelatedEnd Interface
- Late-Binding Relationships
- Taking a Peek Under the Covers: How Entity Framework Manages Relationships
- Understanding Navigation Properties
- EntityReference properties
- EntityReference.Value
- What if there is no EntityReference
- EntityCollection properties
- EntityReference properties
- Understanding Referential Integrity and Constraints
- Constraints that are not checked until they hit the database
- Checking for missing entity references with and without foreign keys
- Implementing Deletes and Cascading Deletes
- Cascading deletes in the database
- Recommendation: Cascade in both the model and the database, or in neither
- Defining Relationships Between Entities
- The CLR Way: Setting a Navigation Property to an Entity
- Setting a Foreign Key Property
- Setting an EntityReference Using an EntityKey
- Loading, Adding, and Attaching Navigation Properties
- Lazy Loading
- EntityReference.Load and EntityCollection.Load
- Loading from Detached Entities: Lazy and Explicit
- Using EntityCollection.Add
- Adding new entities that are detached
- Adding existing entities that are detached
- Adding new or existing entities that are attached
- Adding entities to the EntityCollection of a detached object
- Using Attach and Remove
- Moving an Entity to a New Graph
- Learning a Few Last Tricks to Make You a Relationship Pro
- Using CreateSourceQuery to Enhance Deferred Loading
- Getting a Foreign Key Value in an Independent Association
- Summary
- Deconstructing Relationships in the Entity Data Model
- 20. Real World Apps: Connections, Transactions, Performance, and More
- Entity Framework and Connections
- Overriding EntityConnection Defaults
- Working with Connection Strings Programmatically
- Constructing connection strings on the fly with the EntityConnectionStringBuilder class
- Choosing and loading a model programmatically
- Constructing connection strings on the fly with the EntityConnectionStringBuilder class
- Opening and Closing Connections
- Understanding the default connection usage
- Default behavior 1: Many calls on a single connection
- Default behavior 2: Multiple connections
- Forcing an explicit connection
- Understanding the default connection usage
- Getting the Store Connection from EntityConnection
- Disposing Connections
- Pooling Connections
- Fine-Tuning Transactions
- Why Use Your Own Transaction?
- Understanding Implicit Entity Framework Transactions
- Understanding SaveOptions and AcceptAllChanges in a transaction
- Specifying Your Own Read/Write Transactions
- Specifying Your Own Read-Only Transactions
- Rolling Back Transactions
- Understanding Security
- Guarding Against SQL Injection
- Taking precautions with dynamic queries
- Entity SQL injection
- Guarding Against Connection Piggybacks
- Guarding Against SQL Injection
- Fine-Tuning Performance
- Measuring Query Performance
- Measuring Startup Performance
- Reducing the Cost of Query Compilation
- Caching for Entity SQL Queries
- Comparing EntityClient to Object Services
- Precompiling Views for Performance
- Pregenerating views for performance
- Pregenerating views into an existing project
- Precompiling LINQ to Entities Queries for Performance
- Fine-Tuning Updates for Performance?
- Lacking Support for Full Text Searches
- Exploiting Multithreaded Applications
- Forcing an ObjectContext to Use Its Own Thread
- Implementing Concurrent Thread Processing
- Exploiting .NET 4 Parallel Computing
- Summary
- Entity Framework and Connections
- 21. Manipulating Entities with ObjectStateManager and MetadataWorkspace
- Manipulating Entities and Their State with ObjectStateManager
- Refreshing Your High-Level Understanding of ObjectStateEntry
- Getting an ObjectStateManager and Its Entries
- Getting groups of entries with GetObjectStateEntries
- Building Extension Methods to Overload GetObjectStateEntries
- Building a Method to Return Managed Entities
- Using GetObjectStateEntry and TryGetObjectStateEntry
- Mining Entity Details from ObjectStateEntry
- Reading and writing values
- Accessing object metadata with CurrentValueRecord.DataRecordInfo
- Getting started with the FieldMetadata hierarchy
- Leveraging the ObjectStateManager During Saves
- Using ObjectStateManager to Build an EntityState Visualizer
- Retrieving an ObjectStateEntry Using an EntityKey
- Reading the OriginalValues and CurrentValues of an ObjectStateEntry
- Determining Whether a Property Has Been Modified
- Displaying the State and Entity Type
- Getting ComplexType Properties Out of ObjectStateEntry
- Modifying Values with ObjectStateManager
- Working with Relationships in ObjectStateManager
- Building graphs directly with the RelationshipManager
- Using the MetadataWorkspace
- Loading the MetadataWorkspace
- Creating a MetadataWorkspace without an EntityConnection
- Clearing the MetadataWorkspace from Memory
- Understanding the MetadataWorkspace ItemCollections
- Determining whether an ItemCollection has been loaded
- Retrieving Metadata from the MetadataWorkspace
- Retrieving sets of items from the metadata with GetItems and TryGetItem
- Retrieving specific items from the metadata with GetItem and TryGetItem
- Retrieving functions from the metadata with GetFunctions and TryGetFunctions
- Querying the Metadata with LINQ to Objects
- Loading the MetadataWorkspace
- Building Dynamic Queries and Reading Results
- Building Entity SQL Queries Dynamically Using Metadata
- Creating Queries on the Fly with CreateObjectSet and Query Builder Methods
- Leveraging CreateObjectSet to return Entity SQL, not just a query
- Reading the Results of a Dynamically Created Query
- Creating and Manipulating Entities Dynamically
- Creating EntityObjects Without Entity Classes
- Creating a new entity with CreateInstance
- Getting a reference to an assembly
- Creating an entity from the assembly
- Using System.Type to inspect the EntityType
- Creating a new entity with CreateInstance
- Creating Entities and Graphs Dynamically
- Custom extension methods used by AddChildToParentObject
- Calling the AddChildToParentObject method
- Creating EntityObjects Without Entity Classes
- Summary
- Manipulating Entities and Their State with ObjectStateManager
- 22. Handling Exceptions
- Preparing for Exceptions
- Handling EntityConnectionString Exceptions
- Connection String Cant Be Found or Is Improperly Configured: System.ArgumentException
- Metadata Files Cannot Be Found: System.Data.MetadataException
- Handling Connection String Exceptions
- Handling Query Compilation Exceptions
- Invalid LINQ to Entities Query Expressions: System.NotSupportedException
- Invalid Entity SQL Query Expressions: EntitySqlException
- Handling an EntitySqlException
- EntityCommandCompilationException Thrown by the Store Provider
- Creating a Common Wrapper to Handle Query Execution Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions Thrown During SaveChanges Command Execution
- UpdateException: Thrown When Independent Association Mapping Constraints Are Broken
- UpdateException: Thrown by Broken Constraints in the Database
- Relying on Entity Framework to Automatically Roll Back When an UpdateException Occurs
- Gleaning Details from UpdateException
- Planning for Other Exceptions Related to the Entity Framework
- Handling Concurrency Exceptions
- Summary
- 23. Planning for Concurrency Problems
- Understanding Database Concurrency Conflicts
- Understanding Optimistic Concurrency Options in the Entity Framework
- Ignoring Concurrency Conflicts
- Forcing the Users Data to the Server (ClientWins)
- Refreshing the Users Data with Server Data (StoreWins)
- Determining the Scope of Changes
- Using rowversion (a.k.a. timestamp) for Concurrency Checks
- Implementing Optimistic Concurrency with the Entity Framework
- Flagging a Property for Concurrency Checking
- How the Entity Framework Uses the ConcurrencyMode Property
- Concurrency Checking Without a rowversion Field
- Concurrency Checking on a Checksum in the Data Store
- Concurrency Checks for EntityReference Navigation Properties
- Concurrency Checks and Inherited Types
- Concurrency Checks and Stored Procedures
- Defining a stored procedure to perform concurrency checking
- Handling OptimisticConcurrencyExceptions
- Using ObjectContext.Refresh
- Using Refresh with ClientWins
- Using Refresh with StoreWins
- Refreshing Collections of Entities
- Refreshing Related Entities in a Graph
- Rewinding and Starting Again, and Maybe Again After That
- Reporting an Exception
- Handling Concurrency Exceptions at a Lower Level
- Handling Exceptions in a Granular Way Without User Intervention
- Handling Multiple Conflicts
- Separating the good from the bad and the ugly
- Handling Exceptions When Transactions Are Your Own
- Summary
- 24. Building Persistent Ignorant, Testable Applications
- Testing the BreakAway Application Components
- Getting Started with Testing
- Writing an Integration Test That Hits the Database
- Inspecting a Failed Test
- Writing a Unit Test That Focuses on Custom Logic
- Creating Persistent Ignorant Entities
- Planning the Project Structure
- Starting with the Model and Its POCO Entities
- Building an Interface to Represent a Context
- Modifying the BAEntities ObjectContext Class to Implement the New Interface
- Disconnecting the context class from the T4 template
- Implementing the IContext interface
- Implementing the remaining interface members
- Creating the IEntityRepository Interface
- Creating the Repository Classes
- Testing GetReservationsForCustomer Against the Database
- Creating a Fake Context
- Creating a FakeObjectSet Class
- Completing the Fake Context
- Modify the tests to use the fake repository
- Rerun the tests
- Building Tests That Do Not Hit the Database
- Adding Validation Logic to the POCO Class
- Adding Validation Logic to the Context
- Providing ManagedEntities in the FakeContext
- Hiding the Context from the Lower Layers with Unit of Work
- Testing UnitOfWork Against the Database
- Enabling Eager Loading in IContext
- Eager loading with a fake context
- Leveraging Precompiled Queries in Your Repositories
- Using the New Infrastructure in Your Application
- Adding a UI Layer That Calls the Repository
- Application Architecture Benefits from Designing Testable Code
- Considering Mocking Frameworks?
- Summary
- 25. Domain-Centric Modeling
- Creating a Model and Database Using Model First
- Creating a Conceptual Model in the Designer
- Creating the Entities
- Setting attributes of the entitys properties
- Creating Association and Inheritance Hierarchies
- Creating a one-to-many relationship
- Creating a many-to-many relationship
- Creating an inheritance hierarchy
- Generating Database Schema from the Model
- Exploring the generated DDL
- Looking at the result of the inheritance
- Noting the result of the many-to-many relationship
- Exploring the constraints
- Completing the generation of the DDL
- Creating the Database and Its Schema
- Overriding the DDL Generation
- Using the Feature CTP Code-First Add-On
- Understanding Code-First Design
- Installing the Feature CTP
- Exploring Some Configuration Examples
- Testing the Code-First Application and Database
- Using SQL Server Modelings M Language
- Using M Metadata in Entity Framework Applications
- Summary
- Creating a Model and Database Using Model First
- 26. Using Entities in Layered Client-Side Applications
- Isolating the ObjectContext
- Freeing Entities from Change Tracking
- Enabling Change Tracking Across Tiers
- Moving Other ObjectContext-Dependent Logic to the DataBridge
- Ensuring That Lazy Loading Doesnt Negatively Impact the Layered Application
- Noting Additional Benefits of the Layered Application
- Separating Entity-Specific Logic from ObjectContext Logic
- Working with POCO Entities
- Providing EntityState
- Providing Logic in Place of Other EntityObject Behavior
- Summary
- Isolating the ObjectContext
- 27. Building Layered Web Applications
- Understanding How ObjectContext Fits into the Web Page Life Cycle
- Return Results, Not Queries, from the DataBridge Class
- Using Entities in Read-Only Web Pages
- Exploring Options for Updating Entities in an ASP.NET Web Forms Application
- Single or batch updates?
- Persist entities or use independent values?
- Comparing ASP.NETs State Solutions to the Needs of the Entity Framework
- View state
- Application cache and session state
- Building an N-Tier Web Forms Application
- Designing the Application
- Using the Existing Repositories
- Building an Entity Manager to Act As a DataBridge
- Retrieving Data for Display and for Future Updates
- Making the Related Data Accessible to the Client
- Getting Data from the Manager to the Client
- Adding Lists for User Selection Controls
- Allowing a User to Modify Related Data
- Building an ASP.NET MVC Application
- Replacing the Context with Repositories
- Editing Entities and Graphs on an MVC Application
- Creating a Repository for Payments
- Interacting with the ReservationController
- Summary
- Understanding How ObjectContext Fits into the Web Page Life Cycle
- A. Entity Framework Assemblies and Namespaces
- Unpacking the Entity Framework Files
- Exploring the Namespaces
- Existing Namespaces That Include Entity Framework Classes and Functionality
- Entity Framework-Specific Namespaces
- B. Data-Binding with Complex Types
- Using Complex Types with ASP.NET EntityDataSource
- Identifying Unexpected Behavior When Binding Complex Types
- Successfully Using Binding to Complex Types in ASP.NET Without Data Source Controls
- List controls
- Data-bound controls
- Templated controls
- Windows Forms DataSource and Complex Types
- Successfully Using Binding to Complex Types in ASP.NET Without Data Source Controls
- C. Additional Details About Entity Data Model Metadata
- Seeing EDMX Schema Validation in Action
- Additional Conceptual Model Details
- Schema
- XML Representation of an Association
- AssociationSet
- Additional SSDL Metadata Details
- SSDL Association and AssociationSet Elements
- ReferentialConstraint
- SSDL Association and AssociationSet Elements
- Additional MSL Metadata Details
- The MSL Elements
- Mapping
- EntityContainerMapping
- EntitySetMapping
- EntityTypeMapping
- MappingFragment
- ScalarProperty
- AssociationSetMapping
- The MSL Elements
- Index
- About the Author
- Colophon
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