praca zb. - ebooki
Tytuły autora: praca zb. dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Zwroty artystyczne Kategoria zwrotu w badaniach nad kulturą od kilkunastu lat wywołuje zainteresowanie u przedstawicieli różnych dziedzin humanistyki. Pisano wiele na temat performative turn, interpretative turn, postcolonial turn, translational turn, spatial turn, iconic turn itp. Czy sztuka jest tylko jednym z obszarów, na któ
ARTISTIC ALLERGIES In its literal application, the term allergy, connoting a reaction different from the customary from the Greek allos (different) and ergos (reaction) is used in the field of medicine. However, in the cultural domain, and particularly in the realm of art, one may discern some reactions analogous to the pathological behavior o
Margins and Marginalization The concepts spelled out in the title Margins and Marginalization usually carry negative connotations. They are associated with having to live outside the main current of events, or with the peripheral and thus inessential aspects of an artwork. Such an understanding assumes a sharp division into major, central, imp
Pole zainteresowań naukowych pisma stanowią teoretyczne i historyczne zagadnienia sztuk plastycznych, multimediów, filmu, dramatu i muzyki. Kolejne tomy mają charakter zbiorowych prac monograficznych. Podejmowane są w nich zagadnienia istotne z punktu widzenia współczesnej sztuki w powiązaniu aktualnymi zagadnieniami rozważanymi na gr
THE HOMELESSNESS OF ART References to being settled somewhere and being homeless have reappeared in various disciplines of the humanities for a long time. Those concepts were used in different contexts and in different senses. In 20th century philosophy, much attention was paid to the Heideggerian concept of man as the neighbour of Being, i.e.
PERFORMATIVE ASPECTS OF ART The concept of performativity has been usually evoked in the discussions on the philosophy of language and the reflection on theatre and performance art. However, in recent years there have been some attempts to broaden its scope. The theoretically inclined researchers have been working out the main assumptions of t