Książki, ebooki, audiobooki z kategorii: Powieść dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Postać Dyzmy została przedstawiona w powieści w sposób tak wyrazisty, że z czasem nazwisko to stało się symbolem człowieka nieokrzesanego i pozbawionego kwalifikacji, ale jednocześnie sprytnego oszusta i karierowicza.
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Wzruszająca powieść, na podstawie której powstał dobrze znany film. Treścią jest historia renomowanego chirurga, profesora Rafała Wilczura, który ciężko pobity doznaje amnezji. Nie wiedząc kim jest, tuła się po wioskach chwytając się dorywczych prac. W końcu przyjmuje go pod swój dach wiejski gospodarz i Wilczur, już jako Anton
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Skandynawski romans w wyidealizowanej przez mieszkańców osadzie zwanej Słonecznym Wzgórzem. Jednak życie głównych bohaterów w Słonecznym Wzgórzu i ich miłość nie są wcale usłane różami. Tagi: po polsku, polskie książki, klasyka skandynawska, skandynawia, dania, literatura skandynawska, autor skandynawski.
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Fascynujący obraz życia małej społeczności na wyspie Falster. Trzon powieści stanowi kreacja femme fatale; typowa dla prozy przełomu modernistycznego postać kobiety skłonnej do zła, występku i zbrodni, która mocą swojej seksualności pociąga osoby płci przeciwnej do moralnego upadku, sprytnie wykorzystując to do swoich osobistych materialnych
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Powieść opisuje dzieje miłości księcia i prostej dziewczyny, a akcja rozgrywa się gdzieś na odludziu, na tle przyrody, w opuszczonym i zrujnowanym dworku szlacheckim, gdzie pojawia się nawet duch zmarłego przed laty współwłaściciela domu.
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Ludzie bezdomni – powieść młodopolska autorstwa Stefana Żeromskiego, napisana w 1899 roku w Zakopanem, po raz pierwszy wydana w 1900 roku. Opisuje życie i działalność społeczną młodego lekarza Tomasza Judyma oraz dzieje jego miłości do Joanny Podborskiej. Powieść osadzona jest w realiach końca XIX wieku i pokazuje idee pracy dla ludu oraz oso
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Tłem historycznym Krzyżaków jest fragment historii Polski przedstawiający konflikt jagiellońskiej Polski z zakonem krzyżackim. W 550. rocznicę bitwy pod Grunwaldem, powstał polski film w reżyserii Aleksandra Forda, pt. Krzyżacy oparty na powieści. Książka została przetłumaczona na 25 języków. (Wikipedia)
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Akcja toczy się w południowo-wschodniej Rzeczypospolitej w I połowie XVII wieku. Po klęsce pod Cecorą ziemie te są regularnie najeżdżane przez hordy turecko-tatarskie. Głównym bohaterem jest Hanusz Bystry, syn kupca. Kiedy jego ojciec ginie bez wieści w czasie wyprawy kupieckiej na ziemie tureckie, Hanusz postanawia udać się tam i go odszuka
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Powieść skandynawskiej laureatki nagrody Nobla, która aż trzykrotnie została
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Genialna powieść Cervantesa opowiadająca o losach szlachcica, który wpada w obłęd pod wpływem romansów rycerskich i wyrusza w świat jako błędny rycerz, niesiony nieodłączną szczytną chęcią pomagania ludziom i bronienia najsłabszych.
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Powieść podróżniczo-przygodowa Daniela Defoe z 1719 roku opisująca przygody Robinsona Cruzoe. Do końca XIX wieku była najczęściej wydawaną, tłumaczoną i interpretowaną książką w historii. W sumie doczekała się ponad 700 rożnych edycji i adaptacji. Autor mógł oprzeć swe opowiadanie na prawdziwej historii Alexandra Selkirka. W XX wieku
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Słynna powieść historyczna z czasów I wojny światowej. Szybko stała się bestsellerem w Ameryce, a tamtejsza prasa określała powieść jako "wspaniałą historię losów ludzkich opowiedzianą przez geniusza". "Mieli spotkać się o piątej popołudniu w małym ogródku kaplicy Zadośćuczynienia, ale Juljan Desnoyers przyszedł
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Arcydzieło polskiej literatury na miarę Nagrody Nobla w 1924. Ukazuje życie społeczności zamieszkującej wieś Lipce na przestrzeni czterech pór roku. "Nazajutrz gruchnęła po Lipcach wieść o Borynowych z Jagną zmówinach. "Wójt był dziewosłębem – więc wójtowa, że mąż srogo przykazywał pary z gęby nie puszcza
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Niezwykła powieść o konstrukcji szkatułkowej (mieszającej różne wątki), uwieczniona w niesamowitym filmie Wojciecha Hasa. ">>Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie<< jest jedną z niewielu powieści oświeceniowych, które, pomimo niszczącego dłuta czasu, nigdy się nie starzeją i wychodzą zwycięsko w bitwie z młodymi pokoleniami
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Powieść z IX wieku – powieść historyczna autorstwa Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego z 1876 roku, stanowiąca pierwszą część cyklu powieściowego Dzieje Polski.
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Jądro ciemności (tytuł oryginalny Heart of Darkness) opowiadanie Josepha Conrada po raz pierwszy opublikowane w 1899 roku w Blackwood's Magazine w trzech odcinkach. W formie książkowej pojawiło się w roku 1902. Jest powszechnie uważane za znaczące dzieło dla angielskiej literatury i część kanonu kultury zachodniej. Ta niewielkich rozmiarów książka
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Trzech panów w łódce (nie licząc psa), oryginalny tytuł angielski Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) humorystyczna powieść angielskiego pisarza Jerome'a K. Jerome'a wydana w 1889 roku. Fabuła utworu obejmuje przygotowania i samą wycieczkę trzech młodych mężczyzn łodzią po Tamizie między Kingston i Oksfordem, a przerywana jest bardzo li
- ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Klasyczne powieści literatury polskiej. Autorzy, którzy są w sercach wszystkich Polaków. Kanon, który trzeba przeczytać. Przygoda i romantyzm. Książki, które wywołują wzruszenia i wzbudzają miłość do czytania. Koniecznie! "Przyszedł nowy rok 1652. Styczeń był mroźny, ale suchy; zima tęga przykryła Żmudź świętą g
- ePub + Mobi 28 pkt
Najlepsze powieści klasyki literatury młodzieżowej. Przygoda i wzruszenia. Powieści, które dają rozrywkę i wzbudzają miłość do książek. Koniecznie! "Balon, uniesiony jak kula na sam wierzchołek trąby i pochwycony kołowym wirem słupa powietrza, leciał w przestrzeni z prędkością 166 kilometrów na godzinę, jakby nadprzyrodzoną un
- ePub + Mobi 28 pkt
Durch die Wüste ist der erste Teil des sechsbändigen Orientzyklus von Karl May. Kara Ben Nemsi und Halef finden in der Wüste die Leiche eines Mannes, der offenbar ermordet wurde. Der Fund einer Leiche bei den Salzseen Nordafrikas löst ein faszinierendes Abenteuer aus, dessen Folgen den Leser sechs Bände lang in Atem halten. Auf der Spur des Mörde-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Spannungsgeladener und ereignisreicher Abenteuer-Roman von Karl May über die Abenteuer Kara Ben Nemsis; Hadschi Halef Omar und ihre Gefährten. Durch das Land der Skipetaren (das heutige Albanien) folgen sie den Spuren der Verbrecher. Sie sind auf den Spuren von Verbrechern und geraten in die Falle. Dabei begegnen sie unversehens den beiden gefürc-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Die Geschichte beginnt sehr unheimlich auf einem Friedhof: Hier schwört Ibrahim Pascha Rache an der Familie von Adlerhorst, deren Oberhaupt Alban er fälschlicherweise für den Mörder seines Vaters hält. Einige Jahre später ist Alban tot und die Familie auseinandergerissen. Über zweieinhalb Jahrzehnte danach kommt es in Istanbul zu einer schicksals-
- ePub + Mobi 55 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
55.92 zł
69.90 zł (-20%) -
Eine Erzählung aus den Vereinigten Staaten ist eine frühe Abenteuergeschichte Karl Mays. Im Llano estakado treffen der Dichter Richard Forster und der Jäger Tim Summerland aufeinander. Sie können sich vor dem Tod retten, indem Forster Kojoten erschießt und beide das Blut trinken. Glücklich entronnen treffen sie am Rande der Wüste auf Stakemen. Na-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
In den Cordilleren ist der Fortsetzung des Südamerika-Romans Am Rio de la Plata. Die Reisegesellschaft ist nun auf dem Weg in die Pampa de Salinas. Unterwegs treffen sie auf Pena, der für eine Gruppe von Siedlern um Hilfe bittet, die auf dem Gebiet der Aripones in Gefahr geraten sind, und endlich auf den Sendador, der an der Gefahr für die Sied-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Während Karl Mays dreibändiger Roman Satan und Ischariot bei den Lesern ähnlich beliebt ist wie seine Trilogien Winnetou und Old Surehand, gilt er in der Forschung als sehr umstritten und wurde bisher nur selten hinreichend gewürdigt. Auch diese Aufsatzsammlung spiegelt ein uneinheitliches Meinungsbild vor allem aber zeigt sie, dass Satan und Is-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Die Trilogie Old Surehand ist ein paradigmatisches Werk des Übergangs und der Wandlung Karl Mays. Mit der Hilfe von Old Wabble, dem König der Cowboys, will Old Shatterhand den geheimnisvollen Westmann Old Surehand aus den Händen feindlicher Indianer befreien. Später gesellt sich Winnetou zu ihnen. Im Llano Estacado kommt es dann zu einer schicksa-
- ePub + Mobi 71 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
71.91 zł
89.90 zł (-20%) -
Die dritte Jugenderzählung Karl Mays wurde erstmals Oktober 1888 bis September 1889 unter dem Titel Kong-Kheou, das Ehrenwort in der Zeitschrift Der Gute Kamerad veröffentlicht. 1892 wurde der Text dann bearbeitet unter dem Titel Der blaurote Methusalem als Buchausgabe der Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft veröffentlicht. Fritz Degenfeld, Meth-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Den Inhalt nachzuerzählen ist fast unmöglich, da sich eine verwirrende Fülle von Neben- und Randhandlungen sowie nach und nach entdeckten Vorgeschichten und Rückblenden auftut. Jedoch der Roman erzählt auf mehreren Handlungsebenenn die spannend-abenteuerliche Geschichte um Max Brandauer, den Sohn des königlichen Hofschmieds von Norland, und seine-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Wanda oder wilde Polka ist seit Kindertagen dem Baron Eginhardt von Säumen versprochen, den sie aber nicht liebt. Aber die örtlichen Schornsteinfeger und Feuerwehrmann Emil Winter findet heraus, dass der angebliche Baron ein Hochstapler und Erbschleicher ist. Ihm gelingt es zweimal, Wanda aus Lebensgefahr zu retten, und letztlich von Säumen alia-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Von Bagdad nach Stambul ist ein Abenteuerroman von Karl May. Von Bagdad nach Stambul zieht sich der Reiseweg unserer Helden. In der Nähe der persischen Grenze treffen die Gefährten auf einen Turkmenen-Stamm, welcher die Bebbeh-Kurden überfallen will, werden dann aber zuerst angegriffen. Kara Ben Nemsi mit seinen Freunden kann aber entkommen. Weni-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Und Friede auf Erden! ist Band 30 von Karl Mays Gesammelten Werken, ist eine Reiseerzählung. Das Buch entstand unter dem unmittelbaren Eindruck von Karl Mays großer Orientreise 1899 1900. Und Friede auf Erden! gehört zu den interessantesten Werken von Karl May und spielt in China. In Kairo lernt der Erzähler seinen zukünftigen Diener Sejjid, de-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Die Handlung der als Reiseerzählung abgefassten Geschichte ist teils in Deutschland, teils im Wilden Westen der USA angesiedelt und beschreibt Erlebnisse der Hauptfiguren Winnetou und Old Shatterhand, die im Zusammenhang mit Ereignissen stehen, die letzterer während seiner Studentenzeit in Europa erlebt hat. Durch Zufall stößt er dort auf Frau Hi-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Jeder im Wilden Westen kennt seinen Namen: Winnetou, der Häuptling der Apatschen, ist berühmt für seinen Mut. Old Shatterhand will mit ihm Freundschaft schließen. Anfangs aufgrund der Umstände Feinde werden sie nach einigen Querelen Blutsbrüder und Freunde. Winnetou aber misstraut den Bleichgesichtern bis Old Shatterhand ihm das Leben rettet. Wi-
- ePub + Mobi 71 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
71.91 zł
89.90 zł (-20%) -
Mehrere unabhängig voneinander eingeführte Handlungsstränge verbinden sich im Laufe des Romans, der zum allergrößten Teil in einem geografisch recht knapp gefassten Gebiet zwischen Bayern, Österreich und Böhmen spielt. Die voneinandern unabhängigen Episoden verweben sich immer wieder zu einem äußerst unterhaltsamen und interessanten Gesamtwerk. D-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Orangen und Datteln vereinigt in sich einige der Reiseerzählungen Karl Mays. Dies ist ein Sammelband mit Kurzerzählungen des berühmten Autors. Enthalten sind: Die Gum, Christus oder Muhammed, Der Krumir, Eine Ghasuah, Nr es Semâ Himmelslicht, Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit, Mater dolorosa, Der Verfluchte. Orangen und Datteln zählt zu dem Frühwer-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Kara Ben Nemsi und sein Gefährte Hadschi Halef jagen den Verbrechern nun in Osteuropa nach. Dabei begegnen sie einem alten Bekannten, den sie aber nicht erkennen. Unterwegs kommt es zu zahlreichen Begegnungen mit allerlei düsteren Gestalten, die die Schluchten des Balkan bevölkern und entweder Schmuggler sind oder zur Bande des Schut gehören. Abe-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Old Firehand ist ein Frühwerk Karl Mays. 1875 veröffentlicht der junge Schriftsteller Karl May seine ersten Abenteuer, die er im Wilden Westen ansiedelt. Die Erzählung Old Firehand ein klassisches Racheabenteuer a la May bietet schon alle klassischen Helden auf: den edlen Apachen Winnetou, die kauzigen Trapper Sam Hawkens, Dick Stone und Will P-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Felix Dahn (1834-1912) war ein deutscher Professor für Rechtswissenschaften, Schriftsteller und Historiker. Zwischen 1882 und 1901 verfaßte er die 13-bändige Serie Kleine Romane aus der Völkerwanderung, alle angesiedelt in den ersten Jahrhunderten nach Christus. Bissula ist der zweite Band der historischen Romane aus den Zeiten der Völkerwanderun-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Marlitts Erzählung Die zwölf Apostel wurde 1865 veröffentlicht. Der Schauplatz der Erzählung Die zwölf Apostel befindet sich in einem Kloster und in geheimnisvollen unterirdischen Gängen, wie es sie in Arnstadt tatsächlich gibt, wo Eugenie Marlitt geboren wurde. Dieses Städtchen, welches im Herzen von Thüringen liegt, hat der Autorin zahlreiche A-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Eugenie Marlitt (1825-1887) war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin. Sie wird als erste Bestsellerautorin der Welt angesehen. Eugenie Marlitt arbeitete bis zu ihrem Tod im Jahr 1887 an ihrem Roman Das Eulenhaus den sie jedoch nicht mehr vollenden konnte. Diese Aufgabe übernahm dann Wilhelmine von Heimburg. In ihrem letzten Roman thematisiert Marlitt d-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Als die Spielersfrau Meta dOrlowska unter tragischen Um-ständen auf der Bühne stirbt, wird ihre vierjährige Tochter Felicitas von der wohlhabenden Familie Hellwig aufgenommen. Dort hat das Mädchen ein schweres Leben. Vater Hellwig beschützt das Mädchen so gut er kann, und lässt sie wie seine eigenen Kinder von Privatlehrern ausbilden. Doch bald s-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Eugenie Marlitt (05.12.1825 22.06.1887) war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin. Sie gilt als erste Bestsellerautorin der Welt, allerdings hat die Literaturkritik ihr Werk stets zwiespältig beurteilt. Marlitt wollte mit ihren Frauengestalten ein Vorbild für ihre Leserinnen geben. So sind wohl ihre Heldinnen die Verkörperung ihres Frauenideals. Im Mit-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Eine Geschichte im Stil der Zeit des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts von der ersten Bestseller-Autorin der Welt Eugenie Marlitt. Balduin Lamprecht, attraktiver und stolzer Chef der Firma Lamprecht und Sohn, hat früh seine Frau verloren. Er lebt mit seinen zwei Kindern und den konservativen Schwiegereltern zusammen in der imposanten Fabrikantenvilla-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Das Buch Reichsgräfin Gisela enthält alles, was man von einem Roman erwarten kann große Liebe, Verbrechen und Happy End -, aber auch Kritik an korrupter Politik und hochmütigem Adel. Die junge Gräfin Gisela leidet schwer unter den Verhältnissen, die das Leben bei ihren Stiefeltern prägen. Strenge Erziehung, Unterdrückung und Gängelung prägen die-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Im Schillingshof leben zwei Familien eine adlig, die andere bürgerlich. Eine bürgerliche und eine altadlige Familie geraten aneinander. Die Konflikte resultieren aus einem kriminellen Fall von Wirtschaftsspionage. Doch es geht auch um Gefühle wie Hass, Hochmut, Stolz, Liebe und Eifersucht... Der Bestseller Im Schillingshof zählt zu den wichtigte-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Elisabeth lebt mit ihrem Bruder und ihren Eltern zusammen bis ihr Onkel sie dazu auffordert mit ihrer Familie auf sein Schloss Gnadeck zu ziehen, das seit Jahrhunderten von der adeligen Familie Gnadewitz bewohnt wird. Wird sie dort ihr Glück finden? Elisabeth, liebevoll wegen ihres schönen blonden Haares auch Goldelse genannt, kann sich nicht vor-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Detailgetreu zeichnet die Autorin jede einzelne ihrer Figuren. Feinsinnig webt sie eine Geschichte in eine höfische Umgebung hinein, in der ernsthafte Kritik sowohl an den festgefügten Familien- und Lebensbedingungen des Adels als auch am überkommenen Ständesystem und an tradierten Hierarchien geschickt verpackt transportiert wird. Der reiche Bar-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Książka sprzedała się w nakładzie ponad 50 milionów egzemplarzy i została przetłumaczona na kilkadziesiąt języków. Elektryzująca historia młodego pastora małego, wiejskiego kościoła, w której pełne grozy wydarzenia sąsiadują z tchnącymi optymizmem opisami „nowego początku" w życiu członków nowojorskich- Audiobook MP3 23 pkt
(24,60 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.42 zł
29.90 zł (-22%) -
Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographieHistory of King Charles the First of England is a simple and sympathetic story of the life and reign of Charles I. Thanks to the simple writing, Abbott immerses us in historical times. This book is unique in that at one moment you can find answers to long-sta-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Jacob Abbott gave us the opportunity to plunge past. To step back in time a read about a man who had such an impact of the world. The author takes you into the tent of Alexander and you can see with his eyes that very way to the top. The author in detail show chronological events of Alexander, right from his birth to his death.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Charles the Second is the story of Prince Charles, who, after his fathers death, came to the throne. In a sense, this is a continuation of the book Charles the First. However, we watch the fate of the newly-made ruler, who is being pursued by his fathers misfortunes. Charles the Second had a difficult fate, he even had to flee the country.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The story mainly concerns the invasion of Xerxes in Greece and the burning of Athens, which was the main event in his career. The author emphasized how the war destroyed the population and productivity of the lands through which Xerxes had led his army, and also how it affected the prosperity of his own Median country. Most of the book is devoted-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a classic historical book about medieval life, in the time of William the Conqueror. This book will appeal to those who are delighted with the legends, knights and kings. As in all the stories of Jacob Abbott, he helps to know really interesting details. Jacob Abbott explain? how the geography and weather patterns of the English Channel i-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Fascinating short history of the life and legends of Romulus and the foundation of Rome and the Roman empire. There is political intrigue, social foundation and mystery/magic in this telling of this long distant time in history. It is a fitting way to encounter the stories of Romulus. This book will not leave indifferent those who love the histor-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
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One of those stories that can drop you deep into your soul and feel the moments of the life of Mary Queen. Always considered a threat by the Protestants and the English throne. She didnt have any one to trust, not even her own people. This book explains well the ambiguous personal life of a great but extremely unfortunate woman.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Jacob Abbotts biography of Margaret of Anjou is written in simple manner, making it digestible for the reader who dislikes the stuffy story. Margaret of Anjou was remembered as one of the most unfortunate queens that I could not love the people. She was not afraid to do what it took to keep her throne. Surprisingly, the author is still trying to-
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Its a brief review of the life of King Alfred, but with very detailed events. A truly moving account of one of Englands greatest heroes. The author, in turn, was again able to passionately convey those events, that atmosphere of that time. Explains why he has been named and considered so "great." Alfred really deserved the title.-
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This is a story about a historical figure written by Abbott. The author describes in detail the youth of Caesar nd his role in the Sylla and Marius conflict. Readers learn a lot of interesting facts. One of which is revealed at the end of the book, namely the murder of Caesar on the day when he was going to be crowned King of the Roman Empire.-
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This story is about Hannibal Barca, who was compared to Julius Caesar. Virtually every family in Rome lost a family member because of Hannibal in the fifteen years he spent occupying Italy. He never lost a battle with the Romans in fifteen years of fighting them, and he was in the minority in each of their battles.This book is excellent to introd-
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The most amazing thing about this story is that we can feel the life story of Genghis Khan. Starting from being the son of a minor chieftain in Mongolia to becoming the ruler of arguably the largest empire in history. His name itself caused so much terror in the minds of the countries he invaded, that most of them just gave him the keys to their-
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Darius the Great has a historical background, like many other books by Jacob Abbott. The plot of the dramatic series of events in the ancient history of the Middle East. The main character, Darius, is the benchmark for half of humanity, having overcome with many difficulties, namely, the uprisings, he was able to win the trust of humanity. Fascin-
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This story provides background information about Cyrus, who is mentioned in the Bible. Cyrus is the king who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity. Abbotts talent lies in the fact that, thanks to some of the details of his story, he simply animates the characters. This book has been noted by everyone, even Abraham Lincoln.-
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This is not just a story, but a biography of Cleopatra, an evil woman who studies the effect of poison on her prisoners, and the lover of the art of seduction.Wars and conflicts are highlighted, making an intriguing story. Cleopatra should be included in the list of the most sinister people in the world. Because of it, two nations could be destro-
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What Jacob Abbott really appreciates is his ability to uncover and animate well-known characters. So, for example, he did with Peter the Great. Most of the story is dedicated to the achievements of the great leader. But at the same moment he can describe the cruelty that lives in Peter the Great. What was particularly interesting in this book was-
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This book takes you inside the life and times of one of the most notoriously monstrous emperors of history. This story helps to expand your knowledge of history. Easy-to-read story about an ominous leader. We all hear some of the horror stories about Nero, but this provided a better look in the situations around him at the time.-
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Richard 3 went down in history as a great king. He was the last king from the House of York. Jacob Abbott remembers historical events from an impartial point of view. His text not only covers Richard III, but details events of his brother Edward IVs life, plus various other major individuals involved with the War of the Roses.-
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This book covers the whole history of England after the death of Richard 1. Great emphasis is placed on the coming to power of Richard 2. His overthrow and death are also described in detail by the author. Jacob Abbott offers a more complete picture as is possible, within such limits, of the ideas and principles, the manners and customs.-
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This is another story about a famous person. Richard the Lionhearted as he is known such a large historical figure in Europe, especially in the period of the crusades. Ideal for those who begin to study the history and biography of Richard 1. For a short period of time you will be able to learn a lot of useful information.-
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What else can impress in the history of Queen Elizabeth? However, Jacob Abbott was able to show us the other secret aspects of the queens life. The author is doing a tremendous job describing the area in which she lived, as well as a thorough description of the people who formed her. She was a queen to be admired.-
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This book requires you to have a more detailed history.Pyrrhus is a defender of the city of Tarentum, protecting him from the Romans. Only by knowing the origins of the story can you feel this story. And if not, you will be interested in finding out.-
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Belshazzar is the latest novel by Henry Rider Haggard. He wrote it shortly before his death. All events revolve around Ramose, a descendant of the Egyptian pharaoh and the Greek. He decides to radically change his life and go on adventures. As a result, this decision leads to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus.-
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Historical novel during the reign of King Henry VII. The story of Peter Brom, who kills a soldier of the Spanish ambassador. The only thing Peter wants is to be with Margaret. This brings them into contact with the powerful Spanish marquis Aguilar, who falls in love with Margaret and plays conspiracies and secret kidnappings, and sends her to Spa-
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Queen of the Dawn is an ancient Egyptian fantasy. The beginning of the story is very rapidly developing, from the very beginning the pharaon dies. And the daughter of Pharaoh is forced to hide. She meets and falls in love with the usurpers disguised son. The end is full of adventures and bright battles.-
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Pearl Maiden is an intriguing and exciting story, especially for those who love historical fiction. The story of Miriam, who was born immediately after the first persecution of Christians soon after the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Although her parents do not survive, she becomes a Christian and is an observer of the fall of Jerusalem to Rome. H-
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Nada the Lily is a historical novel. It tells about the origins of Umslopogaas, the illegitimate son of the Zulu king in the 19th century. Parts of the story are inspired by the real historical events and fairy tales that Haggard heard during his time in South Africa. Haggard portrays the Zulus as real peoplepeople with hopes and dreams, as well-
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Haggard wrote the story Red Eve in six months. In it, we meet Sir Hugh de Cressi, the son of a merchant who is in love with Eve. She, too, is in love with him, but a traitor knight Sir Edmund Acour is caring for her. He realizes that he cannot conquer her feelings and gives her a potion. The result is that she did marry him. But how long will thi-
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This is another of Haggards eternal love stories. This novel tells of intersecting fates, the triangle: scholarly Morris Monk, inventor; his first cousin, Mary Porson; and the daughter of the new church rector, Stella Fregelius. The story at one point plays with the idea that love cannot exist between man and woman without lust, which implies a r-
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In this story, readers are introduced to Leonard Outram, a penniless British adventurer in his pocket who is seeking wealth in distant lands, having lost his family lands and estates. He is involved in the rescue of a young Portuguese woman from the largest slave camp in Africa. As a result, the main character discovered a lost race. He will not-
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British novelist William B. Maxwell (1866-1938), the son of novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon, wrote both plays and novels. He is well known for his drama The Last Man In (1910) and the satire The Naked Truth (1910). Maxwell wrote almost 40 novels which include Tudor Green (1935), The Ragged Messenger (1904) and The Devils Garden (1913). He also en-
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The romance story of a hearty well-known explorer, who finally, at the age of 62 crosses the Antarctic and the spinster who accompanies him on his journey to the Andes in 1895. Here we have a young Victorian womans unconventional romance with a man, who was already married, had various adventures, was disowned by her family, etc. So, what happene-
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1913. The Devils Garden is a popular classic work by W. B. Maxwell. The main character in this story is William Dale who is Postmaster of Rodhaven. He is introduced as an honest peasant of uncompromising temper, whose rough nature is ever softened by his pretty wife Mavis. Dales evening in London is transformed into a catastrophe when he learns a-
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Spirit of Old Essex draws together Arthur Morrisons lost treasure of a novel Cunning Murrell, a jocular tale of witchcraft, old salts, pugilists, smuggling and country life long lost, together with additional background information on Morrisons research and inspiration. Cunning Murrell is a fictionalized biography of James Murrell, also known as-
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Originally published in 1900, Linnet, A Romance is a classic romance novel by noted author Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen. Two young English tourists come to a little mountain village Tyrol where they find the Tyrolese in all their native simplicity; the young men, with the pride and aspirations of the hunter, who dance wildly and make love fier-
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In 1895, this scandalous book titled The Woman Who Did by Grant Allen promulgating certain startling views on marriage and kindred questions, became a bestseller. The book told the story of an independent, young, self-assured middle-class woman who has a child out of wedlock. Herminia Barton, Cambridge-educated daughter of the Dean of Dunwich, is-
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Confessions is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13 books, by St. Augustine of Hippo, written between AD 397 and AD 398. Heartfelt, incisive, and timeless, The Confessions of Saint Augustine has captivated readers for more than fifteen hundred years. The son of a pagan father and a Christian mother, Saint Augustine spent his ear-
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In a dark, narrow street in Paris lives an old widow and her pretty young daughter, sit by the window most days. They share a poor but contented existence, supporting themselves through embroidery work. They see a gentleman in a brown coat pass by in the mornings and return in the evenings. The mother always remarks that he appears either over-wo-
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An extremely collectible, sweet little book named for and written in honor of Balzacs mother. Comtesse Honorine de Bauvan was married to the Comte at nineteen. She leaves him and is later abandoned by her lover when she becomes pregnant. She lives simply and earns money by making artificial flowers. What she doesnt know is that her husband is pay-
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Domestic Peace, a short story by Honoré de Balzac, was originally published in 1831 under the French title of La Paix du Ménage and can be found in Scenes from private life (Scenes de la vie privee) in La Comedie Humaine. It takes place in November of 1809 at the height of Napoleons empire, a time of great splendor and decadence. Everyone whos an-
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Monsieur Guillaume is a draper in Paris. He owns his shop, La Maison du Chat-qui-pelote and took the business over from his master, also marrying the daughter. Guillaume is the very portrait of the successful bourgeois. He has three clerks apprenticed to him, the first of whom, Joseph, is an orphan he intends to marry to his elder daughter Virgin-
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The Girl with the Golden Eyes is the third part of a trilogy. Part one is entitled Ferragus and part two is The Duchesse de Langeais. The three stories are frequently combined under the title The Thirteen. It tells the story of a rich and ruthless young man in nineteenth century Paris caught up in an amorous entanglement with a mysterious beauty.-
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Ferragus is an 1833 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the Scenes de la vie parisienne section of his novel sequence La Comédie humaine. It is part of his trilogy Histoire des treize: Ferragus is the first part, the second is La Duchesse de Langeais and the third is The Girl with the Golden Eyes. A captivating story about hum-
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Depicting the fatal clash between material desires and the liberating power of human passions, Honoré de Balzacs Eugénie Grandet (1833) is one of the earliest and most famous novels in his Comedie humaine cycle, which portrays a society consumed by the struggle to amass wealth and achieve power. The Grandet household, oppressed by the exacting mi-
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Lady Eleanor: Lawbreaker is a love story pure and simple from a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist Robert Barr, born at Glasgow, Scotland but emigrated with his parents to Upper Canada at age four and was educated in Toronto at Toronto Normal School. Here, the heiress conceals the will so that her cousin, the disinherited son of the-
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Two works of 1829 brought Balzac to the brink of success. Les Chouans, the first novel he felt enough confidence about to have published under his own name, is a historical novel about the Breton peasants called Chouans who took part in a royalist insurrection against Revolutionary France in 1799 that occurred in the region between Brittany and N-
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In 1807 Colonel Chabert, Napoleons beloved commander, is severely wounded in the Battle of Eylau. Taken for dead and buried in a mass grave, he manages to escape and wanders in poverty through Europe for 10 years, torn between life and death, oblivion and consciousness. Finally recovering his memories, he sets out for Paris to search for his wife-
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The Country Doctor (Le Médecin de Campagne), by Honoré de Balzac, belongs to the series known as Scenes from Country Life; a part of his great cycle of fiction, The Comedy of Human Life. It is one of Balzacs noblest pieces of fiction, presenting beautiful traits of human nature with sympathy and power. The scene is laid in a village near Grenoble-
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Emilie de Fontaine is a spoiled and pround brat. She rejects all suitors her father proposes. Emilie has incredibly high standards for the man she will marry, and at the top of her unreasonable list of criteria is that he absolutely must be a peer of France. Leaving Paris for the summer, as all good families do, they go to Sceaux. At the local ba-
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This is the coming of age story of a young sculptor named Sarrasine and the choices he will face on his journey towards his destiny. We follow Sarrasine as he travels from France to Italy to search for his passion and find the love of his life. The story of Sarrasine is intertwined with that of the beautiful La Zambinella, and Italian singer with-
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Prior to the twentieth century, philosophy was the driving force behind all literature. Authors used the novel as a means to communicate their ideas on mans purpose and his place in the universe. With Louis Lambert, however, Balzac takes the idea of the philosophical novel a little too far in giving us this odd, chimerical mashup of philosophical-
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Immerse yourself in the inner workings of a quaint French village in this charming novel from Honoré de Balzac, an early master of literary realism. The work was dedicated to Balzacs brother in law, an engineer in the corps royal des ponts et chaussées, Eugene Midy de la Greneraye Surville. Brimming with finely observed details and Balzacs tradem-
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By the French author, who, along with Flaubert, is generally regarded as a founding-father of nineteenth-century realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled The Human Comedy (La Comedie Humaine), consists of 95 finished works and 48 unfinished works. The novel A Start in Life is part of the Scenes of Private Life-
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Originally published in 1830, here we have perhaps Balzacs best short work, named simply Gobseck. Gobseck is a marvelous sketch of a money-lender and miser in Paris during the early part of the nineteenth century who is a font of psychological insight when it comes to humankinds greed, vanity and other dark motives. His philosophy of never helpin-
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Cousin Pons is one of the last and greatest of Balzacs novels of French urban society: a cynical, pessimistic but never despairing consideration of human nature. The book tells the story of Sylvain Pons, a poor moderately successful musician who is swindled by his wealthy relatives when they learn that his collection of art and antiques is worth-
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Written in 1893, Tekla: A Romance of Love and War is a novel by Robert Barr. Great fun if you like a bit of chivalry and men in tights. Strongly recommended this book for every teenager who wants to discover the exciting world of reading medieval stories and for their parents! Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and-
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Over The Border: A Romance written by Robert Barr who was a Scottish-Canadian short story writer and novelist. This book was published in 1903. Robert Barr (16 September 1849 21 October 1912) wrote more than 20 novels. Among the more estimable are The victors (New York, 1901), about metropolitan politics, and The mutable many (New York and Londo-
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Robert Barr (18491912) was a Scottish-Canadian short story writer and novelist, born in Glasgow, Scotland who relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine The Idler in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. His famous detective character Eugéne Valmont, fa-
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The Chicago Princess is a historical novel with a romantic line, written by Robert Barr. Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs in 1892. A novel The Chicago Princess first published in 1904. After working several years in foreign affair-
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Fans of Romeo and Juliet will delight in the novella Vendetta, Honoré de Balzacs unique take on the timeless theme of star-crossed lovers. This short novel is a story of love and revenge, dealing with the vendetta between two families of Corsican origin, set in early 19th century Paris just after the fall of Napoleon. It relates the tragic fate o-
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Ursula novel is one of the pillars of the Scenes of Provincial Life section of Honoré de Balzacs story cycle The Human Comedy. Through a series of tragedies and coincidences, a kind and pious teenager named Ursula has been taken in by an octogenarian wealthy doctor, Denis Minoret. Inspired by Ursulas goodness, Minoret decides to make her his chie-
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Forget the erroneous title, the central figure of this particular slice of Balzacs lifelong gift to literature is a woman of character, Madame Veronique Graslin. Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 18 August 1850) is considered to be one of the fathers of realism in fiction and has crafted a vivid picture of Europe during the end of the Bourbon Monarc-
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Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan is a comic tale about a society woman, a Princess and a Duchess, who attempts to recycle her slightly seedy past by pursuing a minor literary figure of great probity and innocence. The Princess de Cadignan, aka the Duchesse de Maufrigneuse, has consorted with such notable Balzac rakes as Henri de Marsay, Maxim-
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Just a plain old story told by a superb story teller. A Marriage Contract (French: Le Contrat de marriage) is an 1835 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the Scenes de la vie privée section of his novel sequence La Comédie humaine. Set in Bordeaux, the marriage between an elegant but weak young Parisian gentleman, Paul de Mane-
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Autobiographical and exceptionally romantic, The Lily of the Valley is an 1835 novel about love and society by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (17991850) and is one of his personal favorites among his innumerable novels. The creator of the Human Comedy brings his creative insight to a portrait of a lady and a love affair set in th-
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This is one of the three novelettes that are grouped together as The History of the Thirteen, along with Ferragus: Chief of the Companions of Duty and The Girl with the Golden Eyes. The whole notion is that there is a secret society of wealthy gentlemen in Paris called The Thirteen which has powers approaching the supernatural. General Armand de-
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This novel opens in the old town of Guerande which still enclosed by mighty walls and possesses moats still full of water. The houses have not changed and the streets are as they were one hundred years in the past. It is the family seat of the de Guenics. The old society of the town gather here to play cards and gossip, often about the younger ge-
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Modeste Mignon, by Honoré de Balzac (1846). The heroine of this romance, a young woman of romantic temperament Modeste Mignon, lives in a small city in northwestern France. She has the religious faith of a child, while her mind is exceptionally well informed in many ways. The young girl, daring in her simplicity, enjoys the writings of the famous-
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Need an adventure story with plots and counterplots? Intrigue? A love interest? Politics? Murder? Follow our young American hero, Robert Harcliffe, as he goes on the adventure of his lifetime. A young man just out of college goes to Brazil as secretary of the prime mover in the revolution, and by so doing begins a series of adventures that run fr-
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If you have interest in finance, mining and sailing which is largely centered around those 3 topics in this novel, you are welcome! Young Lord Stranleigh is a thrilling tale of romance and suspense by Robert Barr. Some very sharp City of London operators think that rich Lord Stranleigh, a Bertie Woosterish West End fashion plate, is an easy mark-
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This greatest political novel of Robert Barrs most beloved books has been written in years. Barr was a Scottish-Canadian author who relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine The Idler in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. The Victors: A Romance Of Y-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
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First published in 1896 and considered one of Robert Barrs best works, this historical novel set in London at the beginning of the 20th century and centering on an industrial strike and a love triangle. The men in Monkton and Hopes factory strike. Sartwell, their manager, refuses to compromise with them, but discusses the situation with Marsten,-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
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