M. - ebooki
Tytuły autora: M. dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
A solitary cabin stood far away in the backwoods of Canada, outside all tracks of civilization, in a region which only the native Indians and a few daring trappers cared to penetrate. Rudely built of pine logs, it was ill-calculated to withstand the piercing cold and frost which, for nine months out of the twelve, holds this region in an iron gri-
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The story of a gallant soldier who is dismissed his regiment, and disowned by his father, because he has been found guilty, on false evidence, of cowardice in the field. He changes his name, and later his son falls in love with the daughter of the man whose false evidence led to his ruin.-
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A novel written in 1912. These are good Victorian or Edward tales about representatives of the English upper class who are engaged in uncovering crimes, espionage, good deeds and shrouded by secrets. Some of these stories Oppenheim continued to develop in full novels. Others are short master classes with sketches, character and description. Unlik-
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Miss Sadie Loyes, the manageress of the Hotel Weltmore Typewriting and Secretarial Bureau, set down the receiver of the telephone which had its place upon her desk and looked thoughtfully around at the eleven young ladies who comprised her present staff. She stood there, an angular, untidy-looking person, tapping a pencil against her teeth, uncon-
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Detective Inspector John Dickins seated himself in silence. It was not the first of such conferences to which he had been summoned, but this time everyone knew that the situation was critical. He remained silent, waiting for his Chief to continue.-
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General, his companion pronounced, you are getting fat. Too many cocktails. General Besserley, late of the Secret Service at Washington and now a very popular member of Monaco society, glanced downwards at his slightly increasing outline. He was rather a fine figure of a man and his carriage was beyond reproach, but it was certainly true that the-
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General Besserley sat before his writing-table, drawn close up to the wide-flung windows of his summer-house, his pen clasped in his idle fingers, his eyes wandering though a tangle of drooping roses and clematis beyond the gardens below to where a car was crawling up the mountain road. He leaned a little sideways and touched a bell. In a few mom-
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The clamour of crushing boughs and howling wind sank every now and then into insignificance before the roaring of deep-throated guns, whose red fire flashed out across what seemed to be a bottomless abyss. Below, the army of the Turks decimated in numbers, yet still a host, within the walls of Crersa, the defenders of an oppressed and brave count-
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Harvey Garrard, as his limousine crawled over London Bridge and turned into the dingy streets beyond, leaned forward in his seat looking out of the window with the half-weary anticipation of one who revisits familiar but distasteful scenes. There was a faint air of disgust in his expression as the well-known odours of the neighbourhood assailed h-
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Havoc occurs when European countries are discussing covert alliances. The story revolves around the creation of a secret alliance between Germany, Russia, and Austria. The English hope to split Russia away by holding the Czar to his previous public commitments, but they need proof of what was done to create the pressure. All the pressures that le-
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Jacobs Ladder begins: Seated at breakfast on that memorable July morning, Jacob Pratt presented all the appearance of a disconsolate man. His little country sitting-room was as neat and tidy as the capable hands of the inimitable Mrs. Harris could make it. His coffee was hot and his eggs were perfectly boiled. Through the open windows stretched a-
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The Princess opened her eyes at the sound of her maids approach. She turned her head impatiently toward the door. Annette, she said coldly, did you misunderstand me? Did I not say that I was on no account to be disturbed this afternoon? Annette was the picture of despair. Eyebrows and hands betrayed alike both her agitation of mind and her natio-
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Impatient of the numerous checks which had held up his car all the way from Croydon, Gerald Jennerton let down the window and looked out. London, he realised at once, was swallowing him up. Not the London upon which he had gazed half an hour ago from his earthward-gliding aeroplanea huge, tumbled chaos of obscurity, with its far-spreading myriads-
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American Millionaire meets Ruritanean Princess, Jeremiah Vavasour Strole meets the Princess Marya of Pletz at a weekend party in the Hamptons on Long Island. The year is 1933. Much of the world has been plunged into economic ruin by the stock market crash. Maryas country, Jakovia, is ruled by a playboy monarch who would rather spend his nights wi-
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Though dated stylistically, this novel has the makings of a decent movie thriller. The story takes place between the Anschluss, the Nazi takeover of Austria, March 1938, and the invasion of Poland in September 1939. A wealthy Jewish banker, philanthropist, and art collector is forced to flee Vienna to avoid imprisonment by the Nazis. He disappear-
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The two men hesitated upon the tee, gazing down the glade towards the distant-green. Their caddies were still pointing in excitement to a motionless object stretched upon the smooth turf close to the flag. Look there! Its a man! He is dead! The players paused to consider the situation. They were oddly contrasted combatantsone, Mr. Edgar Franks-
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Victorian Socialist Romance. Enoch Strone is a book-loving rustic loner who lives in a remote hand-built cabin. He works as a mechanical engineer in the industrial town of Gascester. One evening he meets a poor factory girl, Milly, who has been abandoned by her friends during a walk in the woods. On the same day he is accosted by the Reverand Mar-
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In an interesting precursor to the later I Spy television series, the novel follows the activities of a young British tennis professional, Mervyn Amory, who is spending the season in Monte Carlo. While traveling from Paris on Le Train Bleu, he meets an Italian secret agent who is carrying documents which show the treachery of the dictator Matorni-
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Michaels Evil Deeds (and they are very evil at times) is a rather ingenious crime novel in more ways than one. Firstly the 11 chapters each represent a separate incident but overall they do link together, if on occasions somewhat loosely. And secondly the tale is told by various of the protagonists so there is often a different point of view with-
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This novel was written in 1926, almost ten years after the Russian revolution. The nature and tragedy of the Soviet revolution and the new regime are clearly described in this novel. The ruthless and deadly power of Soviet communism tries to extend its reach to the Trade Unions of the postwar United Kingdom. The activities of various secret agent-
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Mr. Samuel T. Billingham of New York, recently landed from the great liner anchored a few miles out, walked along the Terrace at Monte Carlo, serene, light-hearted, beatifically content. His yellow shoes and his variegated socks might be described as a trifle vivid, but the rest of his attirehis well-pressed grey suit, his irreproachable linen, a-
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At half-past eleven oclockMr. Billingham was a man of regular habitshe quitted the promenade, crossed the Place in front of the Casino, and selected a table outside the Café de Paris. He selected it simply because it happened to be the nearest empty one and without even a glance at his neighbours. It was nevertheless, without a doubt, by the dire-
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The man was awaiting the service of his dinner in the magnificent buffet of the Gare de Lyon. He sat at a table laid for three, on the right-hand side of the entrance and close to the window. From below came the turmoil of the trains. In appearance he was of somewhat less than medium height, of unathletic, almost frail, physique. His head was thr-
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This is another adventure Oppenheim thriller written in 1899. When Phillip Morton is eight years old, his father is pushed off the edge of a slate quarry. A servant from the local castle is suspected. Ten years later, by chance, Phillip meets the lord of the local castle, the scholar and adventurer Ravenor. On a whim, Ravenor offers to pay for Ph-
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Mr. Mirakel is the last novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim in 1943. Marquis Roderigo de Cordovina is leaving his Portuguese estates in Lisbon because he is being pressured to join the German military and command a mechanical battalion. He meets Miss Anne Strangeways in the seaplane terminal. The two board an airboat for London. Shortly therea-
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One of many great works by E. Phillips Oppenheim, who styled himself as the prince of storytellers, and is credited with creating the rogue male genre of adventure thrillers and was one of the earliest writers of spy fiction from the late 19th and early 20th Century England. The hero in this one is Roger Sloane, a well-off American bon vivant who-
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This connected series of stories chronicle the adventures of a young American graduate of Harvard college, M. Edmund Martin and the retired British soldier, Colonel Green on the Cote dAzur in the period just to World War 1. The two meet at a casino, and manage to avoid many of the classic traps which await the idle wealthy of the time. Seemingly-
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When Lord Wolfenden saw, in the supper-room of the Milan Restaurant, a beautiful woman and became acquainted with her by saving the life of her elderly companion, the mysterious Mr. Sabin, as they leave the restaurant, he little knew the web of intrigue into which he was entering. Twists and turns galore, enjoyable descriptions about the upper-cr-
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E. Phillips Oppenheim was a popular 20th century writer best known for penning suspenseful thriller novels like The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown. Many of his more than 100 novels are still read today. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. Nicholas G-
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It is strange to find Mr. Phillips Oppenheim choosing as his hero an earnest politician with a love for social reform. Nobodys Man starts out as a standard whodunit murder mystery then makes an abrupt lane-change into British politics of the mid-1920s. Brigadier general Andrew Tallente, late of Parliament, is implicated in the death of his male s-
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Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866 1946), an English novelist, was a major and successful writer of genre fiction, particularly thrillers. Among his books are The Betrayal, The Avenger, The Double Life of Mr. Alfred Burton, The Devils Paw, and The Evil Shepherd. Many of Oppenheims works appeared as newspaper or magazine serials before they were publ-
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The illicit gambling house in the Place Noire was raided by the police in Paris. Several of the gang were killed, one was caught and jailed, and one escaped by shambling off in the guise of a workman, accompanied by a young girl, a dwarf, and a monkey. Gilbert Hannaway, who was wounded as a bystander on the night of the raid, has been searching f-
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With the police hot on his tail, Peter Ruff decides to turn from a life of crime to the more lucrative life of a private investigator. With his ties to the underworld and his skill at disguise, Peter is the perfect sleuth. Along with his trusted and beautiful assistant, Violet Brown, Mr. Ruff is brilliantly successful in his new career. As his re-
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This is a connected collection of short stories about the leader of a secret society pledged to protect England and their German adversary. In The Double Four, Peter is called out of retirement by that organization, which, since his departure, has morphed into a sort of private diplomatic secret service. Peter acquires a title, some nice clothes,-
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He might be almost forgotten now, but Mr. Oppenheim wrote an amazing 116 novels, including many bestsellers. Several are set amid the glamour of Monte Carlo, including this 1920s romantic thriller. The novel has an intriguing start, as handsome and charming Sir Hargrave Wendever gets a nasty shock from the doctor. Wealthy, handsome, intelligent,-
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Another great spy novel from the british author E. Phillips Oppenheim who achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning international espionage and intrigue. This one is a connected collection of short stories about the leader of a secret society pledged to protect England and their German adversary. This novel is-
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Edward Phillips Oppenheim is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. This novel is one of E. Phillips Oppenheims best works and opens with a fantastic description of the boring life of Mr. Peter Cradd, leather merchant, husband, father, sl-
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This is another collection of interlinked short stories about the good life in Monte Carlo and Beausoleil after the first World War. Ten stories about Peter Hames, the former Inspector on the New York police department that got tossed off the force when he tried to stop an innocent man being railroaded by a corrupt police force. Disillusioned, bu-
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Scotland Yard unearths the mysterious disappearance of a wealthy, eccentric banker, the reason for a dead man in his bank, and the vanishing of the banks funds. The background shifts from the bank to the club, and the missing millionaires known habits give necessary leads to the unscrambling of the mystery. Oppenheim continues to hold up his end.-
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The Prince broke open a big box of choice Petroffs, selected one, lit it slowly, and walked pensively to the window. He was in a good mood that morning, for he had just got rid of a troublesome visitor.-
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See! Itsits in my kit-bag, over there! The thingthe Thing at which the whole world will stand aghast! The thin, white-faced, grey-bearded man lying on his back in bed roused himself with difficulty, and with skinny finger pointed at his strong but battered old leather bag lying in the corner of the small hotel bedroom.-
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We were standing together in the small shabby bedroom of the boarding-house wherein I lived in Granville Gardens, facing the recreation ground close to Shepherds Bush Railway Station. The stifling July day was at an end, and the narrow room was lit by the soft hazy glow of the fast-fading London sunset. Through the open window came the shouts of-
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We all got up from tea in the hall, made our way to the drawing-room, and thence into the morning-room, which opened out of it. There was plenty of daylight still. James came in after us, and went straight up to a framed panel portrait which stood with others on a small table in a remote corner. It showed a tall handsome, clean-shaved man of thre-
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The youth in the multi-coloured blazer laughed. Youd have to come and be a nurse, he suggested. Oh, Id go as a drummer-boy. Id look fine in uniform, wouldnt I? the waitress simpered in return. Dennis Burnham swallowed his liqueur in one savage gulp, pushed back his chair, and rose from the table.-
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
I am a Veiled Man. Openly, I confess myself a vagabond and a brigand. Living here, in the heart of the Great Desert, six moons march from Algiers, and a thousand miles beyond the French outposts, theft is, with my nomadic tribe, their natural industrya branch of education, in fact. We augment the meagreness of our herds by extorting ransoms from-
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Bohaterka tej powieści jest pochłonięta obsesją tworzenia lalek. Zupełnie innych niż zabawki dla dzieci. Za ich pomocą wyraża myśli i emocje. Definiuje siebie i świat. Stawia ważne pytania. Jest w tym absolutnie bezkompromisowa i niepowtarzalna.- PDF + ePub + Mobi 6 pkt
(6,79 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
6.79 zł
7.99 zł (-15%) -
Od dziewiętnastu lat płynie krew. Okrutny wielki książę Orso zaciekle zmaga się ze skłóconą Ligą Ośmiu, wykrwawiając kraj. Podczas gdy maszerują armie, spadają głowy i płoną miasta, bankierzy, kapłani oraz starsze, mroczniejsze potęgi toczą śmiertelną zakulisową rozgrywkę, usiłując wskazać, kto zostanie królem.- ePub + Mobi 36 pkt
(35,77 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
36.55 zł
43.00 zł (-15%) -
Poznajcie Harryego Dresdena, pierwszego (i jedynego) magicznego prywatnego detektywa działającego w Chicago. Okazuje się, że nasz zwyczajny świat jest pełen dziwacznych i zaczarowanych stworzeń, a większość z nich nie ma dobrych zamiarów wobec ludzi. Tutaj do akcji wkracza Harry.- ePub + Mobi 28 pkt
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28.19 zł
33.50 zł (-16%) -
Zestaw jest literackim kursem językowym i zawiera 3 ebooki: - „Wielkie nadzieje” Charles Dickens (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - podręcznik z ćwiczeniami:&n
To allow so young and delicate a girl to tramp England aimlessly in search of some vague and secret information which seemed to be her erratic fathers object, was, we decided, an utter impossibility; therefore, following that night of our first meeting at Helpstone, Burton and his daughter remained our guests for a week, and, after many consultat-
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24.90 zł (-20%) -
Warm, brilliant, and cloudless was the July noon. Beneath the summer sun the broad, shallow waters of the Meuse sparkled as they rippled swiftly onward through the deep, winding valley of grey rocks and cool woods on their way from the mountains of Lorraine, through peaceful, prosperous Belgium, towards the sea.-
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Of course the transaction is a purely private one. There is, I suppose, no chance of the truth leaking out? If so, it might be very awkward, you know. None whatever. Your Excellency may rely upon me to deal with these people cautiously. Besides, they have their own reputation to consideras well as ours. And how much do you say they offer? asked-
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Let me gaze down the vista of the tristful past. Ah! there are things that cannot be uttered; there are scenes that still entrance me, and incidents so unexpected and terrible that they cause me even now to hold my breath in horror. The prologue of this extraordinary drama of London life was enacted three years ago; its astounding dénouement occu-
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Kazimierz Orłoś o sobie samym Urzekająca autobiografia wybitnego prozaika Dzieje człowieka piszącego to kontynuacja ciepło przyjętej sagi rodzinnej Dzieje dwóch rodzin, Mackiewiczów z Litwy i Orłosiów z Ukrainy. Autor wspomina swoje dzieciństwo i młodość w Warszawie, które choć przypadły na lata stalinizmu były dla niego czasem beztroskim- ePub + Mobi 31 pkt
(19,95 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
31.12 zł
39.90 zł (-22%) -
Frank Burgoyne, newly rich through inheritance, falls madly and improbably in love with a beautiful but mysterious Russian and becomes unwittingly and unknowingly embroiled in an international plot punctuated by a series of murders. Burgoyne suffers several bewildering experiences, including incarcerations in Russia and England, and he is constan-
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The Ambassadors office was indeed a very thankless one, while my own position as second secretary of the Paris Embassy was a post not to be envied, even though it is popularly supposed to be one of the plums of the diplomatic service. With Paris full of spies endeavouring to discover our secrets and divine our instructions from Downing Street, an-
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A large, square wooden veranda covered by a red and white awning, above a wide silent sweep of flowing river, whose huge rocks, worn smooth through a thousand ages, raised their backs about the stream, a glimpse of green feathery palms and flaming scarlet poinsettias on the island opposite, and beyond the great drab desert, the illimitable waste-
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An interesting classic mystery, yes, I guess I could say enjoyable but to a certain extent... At first you are dragged to the edge of your seat wondering whats going to happen next or what the hell does this unusual introduction mean, then youre hit with a bunch of senarios that keep you wanting to just continue to the next chapter to see what wi-
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Then its an entire mystery? Yes, Phrida. But its astounding! It really seems so utterly impossible, declared my well-beloved, amazed at what I had just related. Ive simply stated hard facts. But theres been nothing about this affair in the papers. For certain reasons the authorities are not exactly anxious for any publicity. It is a very puzzling-
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So strange, indeed, were all the circumstances, and so startling the adventures that befell me in my search after truth, that until to-day I have hesitated to relate the narrative, which is as extraordinary as it is unique in the history of any living man. If it were not for the fact that a certain person actively associated with this curious dra-
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Yes! Im not mistaken at all! Its the same woman! whispered the tall, good-looking young Englishman in a well-cut navy suit as he stood with his friend, a man some ten years older than himself, at one of the roulette tables at Monte Carlo, the first on the right on entering the roomthat one known to habitual gamblers as The Suicides Table. Are yo-
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24.90 zł (-20%) -
Ailsa odeszła od męża, Vinna Gagliardiego, ponieważ zrozumiała, że nigdy jej nie kochał Czekając na rozwód, dowiaduje się, że Vinn zaproponował jej bratu sponsorowanie kariery sportowej. To oznacza, że małżonkowie będą musieli się czasem spotykać. Ailsa jedzie do Vinna do Mediolanu, by zapytać, dlaczego to zrobił. Lecz Vinn, zamiast się wyco- ePub + Mobi 8 pkt
(9,01 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
8.37 zł
10.99 zł (-24%) -
It is imperative that active steps must be taken to preserve Englands supremacy, and at the same time frustrate this aggressive policy towards us which is undoubtedly growing. I need not tell you that the outlook is far from reassuring. As a diplomatist you know that as well as I do. The war-cloud which rose over Europe at the end of the last Adm-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Nad mieszkańcami układu Epsilon Eridani gromadzą się czarne chmury.- ePub + Mobi 25 pkt
(25,42 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
25.42 zł
29.90 zł (-15%) -
Scenariusze do sezonu 4 serialu Skam w formie, w jakiej zostały napisane. Książka zawiera nigdy nienagrane sceny, komentarze i dialogi, które później wycięto. Seria SKAM to oryginalne scenariusze kultowego już serialu internetowego, który odniósł sukces na całym świecie. Każdy z czterech tomów zawiera scenariusz jednego z sezonów wyemitow- ePub + Mobi 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.32 zł
29.90 zł (-22%) -
Związek Spence’a i Abby zapowiadał się wspaniale. Pewnego dnia jednak Spence zastał Abby w biurze w niedwuznacznej jego zdaniem sytuacji. Oskarżył ją o zdradę, nie słuchał jej wyjaśnień i wyjechał. Gdy po jakimś czasie wrócił, Abby stara się go unikać. Trudno im się porozumieć, nie ufają sobie. Obecność Spence’a wywołuje w Abby z- ePub + Mobi 8 pkt
(9,01 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
8.47 zł
10.99 zł (-23%) -
Being some Curious Records concerning the Craft and Cunning of Theodore Drost, an enemy alien in London, together with certain Revelations regarding his daughter Ella The pair had been discussing certain schemes to the detriment of the English: schemes which, in the main, depended upon the crafty old Drosts expert knowledge of high-explosives.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
In this story I have dealt with an extraordinary phase of modern life in London, which to the majority will come as a startling revelation. Some will, perhaps, declare that no such amazing state of things exists in this, the most enlightened age the world has known. To such, I can only assert that in this decadent civilisation of ours the things-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
On this particular morning, about ten oclock, the seafront was already full of men in flannels and lounge-suits, and women in garments of muslin and other such flimsy materials usually affected at the seaside, for stifled and jaded Londoners had flocked down there, as usual, to enjoy the sea air and all the varied attractions which Southport neve-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
These strange facts would never have been placed on record, nor would this exciting chapter of an eventful life have been written, except for two reasons: first, because the discovery I made has been declared to be of considerable importance to scientists, bibliophiles, and the world at large; and, secondly, because it is my dear wifes wish that-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
When I was fourteen, we moved to London with my father. He became an agent on Wood Street, City, representing a large silk maker in Lyon. At the age of twenty, I worked in an office with dusty books and a large armchair that I did not really like. I was always interested in mechanics, but my father did not perceive her as a profession and wanted-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
I sometimes despair of the country ever becoming alive to the danger of the unpreparedness of our present position until too late to prevent some fatal catastrophe. This was the keynote of a solemn warning made in the House of Lords by Earl Roberts. His lordship, whilst drawing attention to our present inadequate forces, strongly urged that actio-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Strange is a good way to sum up the story. The refusal of our hero to get more help is, frankly, quite confusing, and hes darn lucky to survive. The ending is bad you just let the villain go? Really? Yeah, he gets his just desserts, but still, not a fan of that sort of conclusion by accident. Regardless, I do love the idea of falling love by pho-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The style ofThe Day of Temptationis very melodramatic and overwritten adjectives and adverbs abound to the confusion of the reader. The book is very much set in high society and sometimes reminds me of the immortal Daisy Ashford Im sure books like this were among her inspiration.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Some year and a half ago, my friend and erstwhile neighbour. Dr. Archibald More dEscombe, died suddenly, and shortly after his decease I received from his solicitors a sealed packet addressed to me in his handwriting, with instructions that it was not to be opened until after his death.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A grey, sunless morning on the Firth of Tay. Across a wide, sandy waste stretching away to the misty sea at Budden, four men were walking. Two wore uniformone an alert, grey-haired general, sharp and brusque in manner, with many war ribbons across his tunic; the other a tall, thin-faced staff captain, who wore the tartan of the Gordon Highlanders-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Thrice hath the Fast of Ramadan come and gone since the Granter of Requests last allowed my eyes to behold the well-remembered landscape, scarcely visible in the pale light of dawn. Hills, covered with tall feathery palms, rose abruptly from the barren, sun-scorched plain, and, at their foot, stood the dazzlingly-white city of Omdurman, the impre-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Michael Berrington is a bachelor leading a quiet life in London. Overhearing a conversation at his club one day, he becomes interested in a discussion regarding a man named Gastrell. Gastrell is somewhat of a mystery to the club members in spite of his renting a house from one of them. Berringtons interest in Gastrell intensifies as his fiancé, D-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
From a derelict shed adjoining a lonely road which stretched for miles across the Norfolk fens, a strange shape slid silently into the night mist. It was a motor-car of an unfamiliar design. The body, of gleaming aluminium, was of unusual width, and was lifted high above the delicate chassis and spidery bicycle wheels that seemed almost too fragi-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Imagine an organized gang of thieves, ruthless, working together like a modern machine, run by one man referred to only as Golden Face."This tale inexorably takes you step-by-step into the organization, as we follow the main characters fall into the underworld of crime.Takes place around the 1900s, but action packed and loaded with intrigue; even-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Ladybird will refuse to have anything to do with the affair, my dear fellow. It touches a womans honour, and I know her too well. Bah! Well compel her to help us. She must. She wouldnt risk it, declared Harry Kinder, shaking his head. Risk it! Well, well have to risk something! Were in a nice hole just now! Our traps at the Grand, with a bill-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Though it was a gay comic opera that was being performed for the first time, entertainers and entertained lost all interest in each other. They were amazed, dismayed, awestricken. Amusement was nauseating; War, with all its attendant horrors, was actually upon them! The popular tenor, one of the idols of the hour, blundered over his lines and san-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Our hero, Richard Scarsmere, befriends an individual (Omar) at an English boarding school who turns out to be an African prince from a kingdom called Mo. Omar receives a visit from one of his mothers trusted advisers. His mother, the Great White Queen, seeks him to return home immediately. Omar convinces Scarsmere to return to Africa with him sin-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
No second glance was needed to realise the pitiful truth. The man seated there in his fine library, with the summer sunset slanting across the red carpet from the open French windows, was blind. Since his daughter Gabrielle had been a pretty, prattling child of nine, nursing her dolly, he had never looked upon her fair face. But he was ever as de-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Up to that time, I remember, my big brass plate, with the legend Mr Hugh Glynn, Secret Investigator, had only succeeded in drawing a very average and ordinary amount of business. True, I had had several profitable cases in which wives wanted to know what happened to their husbands when they didnt come home at the usual hours, and employers were a-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Invasion of 1910 is a novel written mainly by William Le Queux (along with H. W. Wilson providing the naval chapters). It is centered on an invasion by the Germans, who have managed to land a sizable invasion force on the East Coast of England. They reach London and occupy half the city. A junior Member of Parliament organizes a resistance mo-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Pogłoski i mity, które narosły wokół szczepień ochronnych, krążą w przestrzeni publicznej od dekad. Anegdoty i przypuszczenia nie prowadzą jednak do poznania prawdy i nie mają szans w starciu z rzetelnymi badaniami. Odrzucenie wiedzy naukowej doprowadziło do powstania Towarzystwa Płaskiej Ziemi i odnowienia wiary w lecznicze skutki upuszczania krwi- ePub + Mobi 30 pkt
(21,95 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
30.72 zł
39.90 zł (-23%) -
An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945, which states that some Jews in Eastern Europe took revenge on their former captors while overseeing over 1,000 concentration camps in Poland for German civilians. The book provides details of the imprisonment of 200,000 Germans many of them starved, beaten and tortured-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Jak wygląda życie ludzi na niemal rzeczywistym końcu świata, gdzie nieokiełznana przyroda wciąż szykuje nowe wyzwania? Jak sobie radzą z ciągłym poczuciem zagrożenia katastrofami oraz brakiem zainteresowania i pomocy ze strony rządu? Jak na nich wpływa dominujące na chilijskim południu poczucie graniczności i odosobnienia? Reportersko-eseistyczn- ePub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23,87 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.93 zł
31.90 zł (-25%) -
Kiedy w sierpniu 2018 roku Greta Thunberg rozpoczęła samotny strajk szkolny dla klimatu, była nikomu nieznaną nastolatką ze Szwecji. Dziś nazwisko dziewczyny jest właściwie symbolem walki o naszą planetę. Sceny z życia rodzinnego. Strajk klimatyczny Grety to opowieść nie tylko o tej trudnej i nierównej walce, ale również historia o losach rodziny T- ePub + Mobi 26 pkt
Sceny z życia rodzinnego. Strajk klimatyczny Grety
Malena Ernman, Beata Ernman, Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg
(18,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
26.00 zł
32.50 zł (-20%) -
M., przygarnąwszy Psa, rozpoczyna ucieczkę przed światem i ludźmi. Nie jest to jednak ucieczka totalna. Samotności musi się dopiero nauczyć — na początku bowiem tęsknota za obecnością drugiego człowieka jest trudna do zniesienia. Z tym że w tej nauce nie ma smutku ani przygnębienia. Mijające pory roku i czas uczą M. życia w harmonii z samym s- PDF + ePub + Mobi
- Druk 14 pkt
(17,45 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
14.99 zł
34.90 zł (-57%) -
Prezentowana książka jest pierwszą w historiografii próbą całościowego przedstawienia stosunków polsko-włoskich w latach 19451989. Na podstawie szeroko przeprowadzonej kwerendy źródłowej, obejmującej archiwalia polskie i włoskie, oraz najnowszej literatury przedmiotu Autorzy w przystępny sposób omawiają kulisy politycznych kontaktów międzypaństwowy(31,99 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
31.99 zł
39.99 zł (-20%) -
XXI wiek stawia kobiety przed wieloma wyzwaniami. Jesteśmy już nie tylko matkami, córkami, żonami. Chcemy być kimś więcej. Zmagamy się z tak wieloma problemami. Jednym z największych jest zwątpienie w siebie i swoją wartość. Alfabet kobiecości to seria opowiadań, oparta na prawdziwych emocjach i doświadczeniach, która pokazuje nasze p
Historie i historyjki o ludziach z praskich nizin to mistrzowskie skrzyżowanie prozy Grzesiuka, Haszka i Hrabala. Green Scum zna ten świat z pierwszej ręki, bo sam żyje na Nuslach "na przemian pod dachem i na ulicy". Nusle to ciesząca się nie najlepszą sławą proletariacko-romska dzielnica w Pradze. To miejsce, w którym nic nie jest proporcjon- ePub + Mobi 24 pkt
(19,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.64 zł
32.00 zł (-23%) -
Egzotyczne wycieczki to niebezpieczne hobby. Co roku kilkuset spragnionych wrażeń Polaków ginie podczas wakacyjnych wojaży. Dlatego nikogo nie dziwi, że nieszczęścia dotykają również uczestników wyprawy do Irlandii z biurem podróży Hej Wakacje. Nikogo poza pilotem wycieczki, którego męczy przeczucie, że coś tu nie gra. Tomasz Waciak nie ma jednak c- ePub + Mobi 24 pkt
(21,63 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.36 zł
29.90 zł (-19%) -
Urodziłam się w Mieście Przypadkiem Znalezionym. Moi przodkowie znaleźli je, choć wcale nie szukali. Niechcący nadepnęli, a wtedy brudna maź z ognia i dymu wylała się spomiędzy ulic. Nie wiedzą, dlaczego je wybrali. Może z nudów, bo pociąg stał za długo? Nie znali celu podróży, więc wzięli, co było pod ręką. Miasto było towarem od wojennego pasera- ePub + Mobi 28 pkt
(28,00 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
28.00 zł
35.00 zł (-20%) -
Trzy wężowe łodzie pełne wojowników z mroźnej, niegościnnej północy suną przez nurty wielkich rzek, aby dotrzeć ku słonecznym, piaszczystym brzegom południa. Złote miasto, powtarzają wszyscy szeptem! To tam, nad wodami mitycznego morza po drugiej stronie świata, wznosi się potężny gród, w którym z pewnością mieszkają bogowie.- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 28 pkt
(27,56 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
28.63 zł
33.68 zł (-15%) -
Połącz hobby z nauką języków! Zestaw jest literackim kursem językowym i zawiera 3 ebooki: - „Wyspa skarbów” Robert Louis Stevenson (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydan(10,34 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
10.48 zł
15.90 zł (-34%) -
Intelektualne credo Umberta Eco! Niedościgniona erudycja i zmysł obserwacji czynią z Umberta Eco jednego z największych myślicieli naszych czasów. W tekstach, przygotowywanych w latach 2001-2015 jako wykłady inaugurujące jeden z największych włoskich festiwali kulturalnych, La Milanesiana, powraca ze swoimi ulubionymi tematami: początkami nasz- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 40 pkt
(19,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
40.80 zł
51.00 zł (-20%) -
Zainspirowana faktami, wciągająca i sprawnie napisana powieść obyczajowa, której bohaterką jest lekarka-pediatra z jednej z warszawskich przychodni. Jej życie upłynęło na samotnym opiekowaniu się chorą matką i pracy zawodowej. Nie spełniło się jej pragnienie założenia własnej rodziny. Wszystko nieoczekiwanie się jednak zmienia w chwili, gdy dowied- ePub + Mobi 13 pkt
(13,24 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
13.93 zł
16.50 zł (-16%) -
Nauczycielka matematyki Pia Vito porzuca życie w Stanach i jedzie do Mediolanu, gdzie odnalazła dziadka. Szczęśliwy Giovanni Vito zamierza uczynić z wnuczki swoją dziedziczkę i wydać ją za mąż. Jego plany chce pokrzyżować Raphael Mastantino, najbliższy współpracownik i chrześniak Giovanniego, który uważa Pię za oszustkę. Raphael nie d- ePub + Mobi 8 pkt
(9,01 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
8.24 zł
10.99 zł (-25%) -
Zaczyna się w tysiąc trzysta siedemdziesiątym dziewiątym roku od samotnej wędrówki przez kaszubską puszczę i mnicha pragnącego wybudować klasztor o najsurowszej na świecie regule. Zakonnik dotrze do miejsca, które wiele lat później zostanie nazwane Kartuzami, a wraz z jego przybyciem ten niewielki skrawek ziemi, wciśnięty pomiędzy kaszubskie jezior- ePub + Mobi 23 pkt
(22,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.32 zł
29.90 zł (-22%) -
Księgi w swojej formie przypominają przypowieści ewangeliczne, co jest celowym zabiegiem autora. Pod względem gatunku literackiego zalicza się je do literatury apokryficznej. Niemniej w swoim przesłaniu są utworem publicystycznym związanym z sytuacją Polaków u zarania Wielkiej Emigracji. Księgi były skierowane szczególnie do emigrant&
- ePub + Mobi 4 pkt
Tytuł Tomek na Czerwonej Wyspie nawiązuje do serii Alfreda Szklarskiego o przygodach Tomka Wilmowskiego. Ale nie jest to typowa książka podróżnicza ani reportaż. To opowieść o byciu na miejscu. Oto młody filolog i tłumacz jakimś zrządzeniem losu ląduje w katolickiej misji gdzieś w madagaskarskiej głuszy, gdzie ma uczyć języka francuskiego. Pracuje- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(27,21 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.84 zł
32.99 zł (-16%) -
Dąbrowa Tarnowska. Przed wojną połowę jej mieszkańców stanowili Żydzi. To tu, do pustego rodzinnego domu wraca dziennikarz po przejściach Sebastian Strzygoń, szukając równowagi. Ale nic z tego w sadzie jego dziadków budowlańcy odkopują szkielet.- ePub + Mobi 24 pkt
(19,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.90 zł
31.92 zł (-22%) -
Ocalony to wciągająca i sprawnie napisana powieść, której bohater-pisarz pewnego dnia dostaje nietypowe zlecenie. Ma napisać biografię tajemniczego nieznajomego, a opublikować ją może dopiero po jego śmierci. Początkowo wydaje się, że to historia, jakich tysiące: osierocenie, wojna, emigracja, miłość i w końcu wielka fortuna. Jednak z czasem okazu- ePub + Mobi 13 pkt
(13,36 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
13.36 zł
16.50 zł (-19%) -
Autorka z uwagą podchodzi do wydarzeń, baśni, ludzkich historii. Oswaja je, by podzieliły się swoją najgłębszą tajemnicą - że noszą ślad dłoni Stwórcy, że są Jego ulubionym sposobem komunikowania się z człowiekiem. Zaprzyjaźnione fakty i słowa oswajają z kolei nas i niepostrzeżenie prowadzą do Pana Boga.
- ePub + Mobi 18 pkt
Oswoić różę
Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg, Anna Maria Kolberg
Pan Tadeusz, czyli Ostatni zajazd na Litwie poemat epicki Adama Mickiewicza wydany w dwóch tomach w 1834 w Paryżu przez Aleksandra Jełowickiego. Ta epopeja narodowa z elementami gawędy szlacheckiej powstała w latach 1832-1834 w Paryżu. Składa się z dwunastu ksiąg pisanych wierszem, trzynastozgłoskowym aleksandrynem polskim. Czas akcji: pięć
- ePub + Mobi 4 pkt
Książka "Papież Jan. Święty" Marco Roncallego wprowadza Czytelnika w rzeczywistość Kościoła smaganego wydarzeniami, które wstrząsnęły całym ówczesnym światem. To zarazem historia dobrego papieża Jana, którego Bóg postawił w wielu miejscach i sytuacjach, gdzie należało bronić człowieka, wiary i Kościoła. Jego wyniesienie na ołtarze jest uznaniem te
- ePub + Mobi 21 pkt
Asgard cudem unika zniszczenia podczas ataku na Ziemię. Podczas lotu w nadprzestrzeni narusza horyzont zdarzeń potężnej czarnej dziury i przenosi się w czasie o ponad sto pięćdziesiąt lat. Załoga admirała Rutty pojawia się w normalnej przestrzeni długo po zakończeniu exodusu ludzkości, po którym w Galaktyce pozostały jedynie niezliczone pola przegr- ePub + Mobi 23 pkt
(13,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
23.32 zł
29.90 zł (-22%) -
Pierwsza książka na polskim rynku wydawniczym, która pokazuje, czym naprawdę jest kalabryjska mafia. To głos prawdy wydobywający się ze środka piekła. Prawdziwa historia młodej kobiety, która buntuje się przeciw ndranghecie najpotężniejszej organizacji przestępczej we Włoszech. Przejmująca opowieść Rosy Canale rzuca nowe światło na rzeczywistość,- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(26,30 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.07 zł
31.90 zł (-15%) -
Książka napisana "po kobiecemu" o zranionych kobietach "Uważam szczerze, że istnieje tylko jedna różnica między ludźmi, którzy codziennie odnajdują swoje znaczenie i wartość własnego życia i je budują, nigdy się nie poddając, oraz tymi, którzy się gubią i angażują zawzięcie w "sztukę" wyrządzania sobie krzywdy. Tą różnicą jest świadomość, że było
- ePub + Mobi 14 pkt
Książka Macieja Przybylskiego Zamek i skała to sprawne połączenie powieści historycznej i przygodowej. Akcja rozgrywa się przed wybuchem i w czasie powstania styczniowego, autor przedstawia historię nastoletniego Andrzeja rzuconego przez los w wir powstańczej zawieruchy. Wraz z nim czytelnik poznaje zwyczaje oraz codzienne obowiązki mieszkańców XI- ePub + Mobi 16 pkt
(15,73 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.05 zł
19.00 zł (-16%) -
Od kresów wschodnich po zachodnie, ale nieodmiennie w cieniu gałęzi czarnego bzu wciąż umierają i rodzą się miłość, zło, przebaczenie i zawiść. Czy o trudnej polskiej historii można pisać w duchu Hrabala? Z przewrotną niewinnością, czarnym humorem, a zarazem bystrością wnikliwego obserwatora rzeczywistości? W tej opowieści-balladzie z kresowym- ePub + Mobi 20 pkt
(9,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.80 zł
26.00 zł (-20%) -
W 1952 roku ostatni islandzcy osadnicy odpłynęli z Hornstrandir. Ślady ich życia powoli zaczęły znikać, a półwyspem znów zawładnęła natura. Mieszkańcy przeprowadzili się w przyjaźniejsze rejony, zostawiając za sobą ponadtysiącletnią historię ujarzmiania ziemi, będącej dziś jednym z najpiękniejszych rezerwatów przyrody na świecie. Wielu współczesn- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(19,75 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.64 zł
35.90 zł (-23%) -
Książka w trzech wersjach językowych: polskiej, francuskiej i angielskiej. Złoty trójkąt dwuczęściowa powieść autorstwa Mauricea Leblanca opisująca przygody Arsnea (Arseniusza) Lupin. Podobnie jak w powieści Wyspa trzydziestu trumien nie jest on w centrum opowieści, ale jest kimś w rodzaju deus ex machina (i pojawia się dopiero w 3 rozdziale-
- ePub + Mobi 9 pkt
(9,41 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
9.58 zł
14.00 zł (-32%) -
Zbliża się awaria świata. A z nią samozagłada.- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 25 pkt
(24,52 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
25.42 zł
29.90 zł (-15%) -
Hulbert Footner (1879 1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. That is why the-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
William Hulbert Footner was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. He was once described as one of the most charming men who was ever on earth. His love for his family, travelling and writing is reflected in his stories, many of which are in the crime fiction genre. At the same time Footner began to write detective fiction; his f-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
William Hulbert Footner was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His most successful creation was the beautiful and brilliant Madame Rosika Storey and her plain assistant who explains the evolving solutions to her boss cases. His Madame Storey mysteries fit the flapping 1920s like the long lizard gloves that graced her arms and-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -