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Spannungsgeladener und ereignisreicher Abenteuer-Roman von Karl May über die Abenteuer Kara Ben Nemsis; Hadschi Halef Omar und ihre Gefährten. Durch das Land der Skipetaren (das heutige Albanien) folgen sie den Spuren der Verbrecher. Sie sind auf den Spuren von Verbrechern und geraten in die Falle. Dabei begegnen sie unversehens den beiden gefürc- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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24.90 zł (-56%) -
Die Geschichte beginnt sehr unheimlich auf einem Friedhof: Hier schwört Ibrahim Pascha Rache an der Familie von Adlerhorst, deren Oberhaupt Alban er fälschlicherweise für den Mörder seines Vaters hält. Einige Jahre später ist Alban tot und die Familie auseinandergerissen. Über zweieinhalb Jahrzehnte danach kommt es in Istanbul zu einer schicksals- ePub + Mobi 31 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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69.90 zł (-54%) -
Eine Erzählung aus den Vereinigten Staaten ist eine frühe Abenteuergeschichte Karl Mays. Im Llano estakado treffen der Dichter Richard Forster und der Jäger Tim Summerland aufeinander. Sie können sich vor dem Tod retten, indem Forster Kojoten erschießt und beide das Blut trinken. Glücklich entronnen treffen sie am Rande der Wüste auf Stakemen. Na- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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In den Cordilleren ist der Fortsetzung des Südamerika-Romans Am Rio de la Plata. Die Reisegesellschaft ist nun auf dem Weg in die Pampa de Salinas. Unterwegs treffen sie auf Pena, der für eine Gruppe von Siedlern um Hilfe bittet, die auf dem Gebiet der Aripones in Gefahr geraten sind, und endlich auf den Sendador, der an der Gefahr für die Sied- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Während Karl Mays dreibändiger Roman Satan und Ischariot bei den Lesern ähnlich beliebt ist wie seine Trilogien Winnetou und Old Surehand, gilt er in der Forschung als sehr umstritten und wurde bisher nur selten hinreichend gewürdigt. Auch diese Aufsatzsammlung spiegelt ein uneinheitliches Meinungsbild vor allem aber zeigt sie, dass Satan und Is- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Die Trilogie Old Surehand ist ein paradigmatisches Werk des Übergangs und der Wandlung Karl Mays. Mit der Hilfe von Old Wabble, dem König der Cowboys, will Old Shatterhand den geheimnisvollen Westmann Old Surehand aus den Händen feindlicher Indianer befreien. Später gesellt sich Winnetou zu ihnen. Im Llano Estacado kommt es dann zu einer schicksa- ePub + Mobi 39 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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89.90 zł (-56%) -
Die dritte Jugenderzählung Karl Mays wurde erstmals Oktober 1888 bis September 1889 unter dem Titel Kong-Kheou, das Ehrenwort in der Zeitschrift Der Gute Kamerad veröffentlicht. 1892 wurde der Text dann bearbeitet unter dem Titel Der blaurote Methusalem als Buchausgabe der Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft veröffentlicht. Fritz Degenfeld, Meth- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Den Inhalt nachzuerzählen ist fast unmöglich, da sich eine verwirrende Fülle von Neben- und Randhandlungen sowie nach und nach entdeckten Vorgeschichten und Rückblenden auftut. Jedoch der Roman erzählt auf mehreren Handlungsebenenn die spannend-abenteuerliche Geschichte um Max Brandauer, den Sohn des königlichen Hofschmieds von Norland, und seine- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Wanda oder wilde Polka ist seit Kindertagen dem Baron Eginhardt von Säumen versprochen, den sie aber nicht liebt. Aber die örtlichen Schornsteinfeger und Feuerwehrmann Emil Winter findet heraus, dass der angebliche Baron ein Hochstapler und Erbschleicher ist. Ihm gelingt es zweimal, Wanda aus Lebensgefahr zu retten, und letztlich von Säumen alia- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Von Bagdad nach Stambul ist ein Abenteuerroman von Karl May. Von Bagdad nach Stambul zieht sich der Reiseweg unserer Helden. In der Nähe der persischen Grenze treffen die Gefährten auf einen Turkmenen-Stamm, welcher die Bebbeh-Kurden überfallen will, werden dann aber zuerst angegriffen. Kara Ben Nemsi mit seinen Freunden kann aber entkommen. Weni- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Und Friede auf Erden! ist Band 30 von Karl Mays Gesammelten Werken, ist eine Reiseerzählung. Das Buch entstand unter dem unmittelbaren Eindruck von Karl Mays großer Orientreise 1899 1900. Und Friede auf Erden! gehört zu den interessantesten Werken von Karl May und spielt in China. In Kairo lernt der Erzähler seinen zukünftigen Diener Sejjid, de- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen. Pfarre und Schule ist eine Dorfgeschicht- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Die Handlung der als Reiseerzählung abgefassten Geschichte ist teils in Deutschland, teils im Wilden Westen der USA angesiedelt und beschreibt Erlebnisse der Hauptfiguren Winnetou und Old Shatterhand, die im Zusammenhang mit Ereignissen stehen, die letzterer während seiner Studentenzeit in Europa erlebt hat. Durch Zufall stößt er dort auf Frau Hi- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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In seinem amerikanischen Stahlwerk stellt James William Roddington eine Vielzahl 100 Meter lange Rohre mit einem Innendurchmesser von einem Meter her. Er verkauft seine Fabriken an einen übermächtigen Konkurrenten, aber von seiner Stahlproduktion möchte er sich nicht trennen warum? Man munkelt von Riesenkanonen, die er in Auftrag hat. Roddington- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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24.90 zł (-56%) -
Professor Allgermissen löst das Problem der Gedankenübertragung. Forscher sind mit Hilfe von bestimmten Wellen in der Lage Gedanken zu lesen und zu beeinflussen. Politisch verfeindete Systeme machen sich die moderne Technik zu Nutze, um ihre Gegner auszuspionieren und gelangen somit an die unbeschränkte im geheimen geführte Macht. Professor wir- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Atomgewicht 500 ist ein Science-Fiction-Roman von Hans Dominik aus dem Jahre 1934. Vor knapp 100 Jahren waren die Phänomene der Kernkraft und Radioaktivität bekannt, aber noch nicht vollständig erforscht und wissenschaftlich endgültig erklärt. Die Hoffnung auf eine friedliche, gefahrlose Nutzung als schier unerschöpfliche Quelle von Energie war g- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Jeder im Wilden Westen kennt seinen Namen: Winnetou, der Häuptling der Apatschen, ist berühmt für seinen Mut. Old Shatterhand will mit ihm Freundschaft schließen. Anfangs aufgrund der Umstände Feinde werden sie nach einigen Querelen Blutsbrüder und Freunde. Winnetou aber misstraut den Bleichgesichtern bis Old Shatterhand ihm das Leben rettet. Wi- ePub + Mobi 39 pkt
(39,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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89.90 zł (-56%) -
Arsene Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created by French writer Maurice Leblanc. Arsene Lupin is a literary descendant of Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrails fictional character Rocambole. Like him, he is often a force for good, while operating on the wrong side of the law. Those whom Lupin defeats are worse villains than- ePub + Mobi 31 pkt
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69.90 zł (-54%) -
Arsene Lupin est un personnage de fiction français créé par Maurice Leblanc. Ce gentleman cambrioleur est particulierement connu pour son talent user de déguisements et changer didentité pour commettre ses délits. Le livre comprend les ouvrages suivants: Arsene Lupin gentleman-cambrioleur; Arsene Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes; LAiguille creuse; 8- ePub + Mobi 31 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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69.90 zł (-54%) -
Złoty trójkąt to dwuczęściowa powieść autorstwa Mauricea Leblanca opowiadająca o przygodach Arsenea Lupin. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w czasie I wojny światowej w Paryżu. Oficer armii francuskiej, weteran wojenny, kapitan Patrycjusz Belval leczy swoje rany w paryskim lazarecie. Poznaje tam Koralię młodą i piękną pielęgniarkę, w której się od ra- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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813 est plein de événements inattendus! Lugubre, parsemée de morts violentes, le roman afflue de la premiere la derniere page, le lecteur na pas du temps de prendre un peu de souffle. Il faut noter que Lupin a trouvé un adversaire sa taille: organisé et impitoyable. Que représente ce chiffre, 813, retrouvé dans la chambre de la victime? Arsene- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Han dislande est un roman fantastique de Victor Hugo ou mlent gothique et romantisme, le roman se ménage une place confortable. Caveaux funéraires, apprentis savants disséquant les morts, géant sanguinaire se jouant de la justice des hommes, ours polaire domestiqué... et Han, qui vit avec un ours et qui boit du sang humain. Un monstre, une révolt- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Das Buch entstand unter dem unmittelbaren Eindruck von Karl Mays großer Orientreise 1899/1900. In Kairo lernt Karl May die Hauptpersonen seiner Reise kennen: den stolzen Araber Sejjid Omar, der freiwillig in seine Dienste tritt, den religiösen Eiferer Waller mit seiner sanften Tochter Mary und zwei hochgebildete Chinesen, Vater und Sohn. Nach ers- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Cette histoire parle de méthodes déducation barbares. David est né a moitié orphelin. Au début, le garçon a grandi entouré de lamour de sa mere et de sa nourrice, mais avec lavenement de son beau-pere, un tyran tetu qui considere lenfant comme son fardeau, il a du oublier son ancienne vie. Beau-pere a décidé déduquer David par des méthodes grossi- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Drugi tom trylogii Stefana Żeromskiego Walka z szatanem , obejmującej panoramę życia polskiego w okresie przedwojennym i w latach pierwszej wojny światowej. Ciąg dalszy losów młodego architekta Ryszarda Nienaskiego, który podejmuje samotną walkę z szatanem o sprawiedliwszy świat. Nienaski otrzymuje ogromny spadek po krewniaku milionerze, niejaki- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Un drame en Livonie est un roman de Jules Verne dont le theme principal est la confrontation de deux partis au conseil municipal de Riga: le parti slave, soutenu principalement par les couches inférieures de la population le prolétariat et la paysannerie et le allemand, la noblesse et la grande bourgeoisie, et la lutte sociale et politique de l- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Leo Belmont to żyjący w latach 19851941 polski eseista, znawca i tłumacz literatury francuskiej i rosyjskiej oraz poeta. Pisywał liczne romanse w konwencji historycznej, które z dreszczykiem sensacji opisywały romanse koronowanych głów. W powieści Markiza Pompadour, miłośnica królewska opowiada o życiu jednej z najbardziej znanych i najbardziej k- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Stracone złudzenia to powieść Honoriusza Balzaca z cyklu Komedia ludzka. Opowiada ona o losach dwóch bohaterów: młodego, prowincjonalnego poety Lucjana Chardona de Rubempré, który wyjeżdża do Paryża, aby zrobić tam karierę dziennikarską, oraz Dawida Secharda, prowadzącego drukarnię. Obaj żyją w świecie ideałów, ale ich wielkie marzenia zostają sk- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Vicente Blasco Ibáez (18671928) był hiszpańskim publicystą, pisarzem oraz działaczem politycznym o poglądach lewicowych, autorem reportaży, powieści społeczno-obyczajowych oraz regionalnych. Tytułowe Mare Nostrum to starożytna rzymska nazwa Morza Śródziemnego, na którym toczy się akcja powieści. Pochodzący z Walencji Ulisses Ferragut jest kapitan- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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W jednym z londyńskich lombardów Andrew Lauriston znajduje zwłoki właściciela przybytku, starego Daniela Multeniusa. Podejrzenia policji od razu kierują się w stronę Lauristona początkującego, wybitnie nieśmiałego literata. Tylko czy byłby on zdolny dokonać tak makabrycznej zbrodni? Na miejscu znaleziono również pozostawiony manuskrypt oraz plat- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Norweski pisarz Sven Elvestad znany jest przede wszystkim z powieści detektywistycznych, których opublikował około stu. Wydane zostały pod jego prawdziwym nazwiskiem, a także pod pseudonimami: Kristian F. Biller, Knut Gribb, Asbjrn Krag oraz głównie Stein Riverton. W przedwojennej Polsce ukazało się tylko 15 jego powieści, w tym jedna z najpopula- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Akcja Nostromo. Opowieści z wybrzeża rozgrywa się w II poł. XIX wieku w portowym mieście Sulaco w fikcyjnym latynoskim państwie. Josepha Conrada, autora takich uznanych powieści jak Jądro ciemności czy Lord Jim, zainspirowały własne doświadczenia z podróży do Ameryki Środkowej i Południowej, a także oderwanie się w 1903 roku Panamy od Kolumbii.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Tajemnica doktora Hiwi to druga część trylogii skupionej wokół sekretów zaginionej walizki. Na scenę wkracza baronowa Luiza Teitelberg, żona zamordowanego w pierwszej części barona. Choć śmierć jej męża nie została dotąd rozwikłana, baronowa układa nowe życie z kochankiem. Berlin w tym czasie dziesiątkuje zagadkowa epidemia, a na ratunek mieszkań- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Powiastka filozoficzna jako gatunek literacki rozwinęła się w oświeceniu, m.in. za sprawą Voltairea i Diderota. Pod płaszczykiem lekkiej narracyjnej formy, wykorzystującej satyrę obyczajową i wątki awanturnicze czy romansowe, propagowała idee filozoficzne i stawiała kluczowe dla danego nurtu pytania. Pisane ciętym, błyskotliwym, pełnym humoru jęz- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Poezje najsławniejszej poetki starożytnej Grecji, żyjącej na przełomie VII i VI w. p.n.e., uznawane są za mistrzostwo kobiecej poezji miłosnej. Safona prowadziła dom spotkań dla młodych, niezamężnych dziewcząt z arystokratycznych rodów. Zajmowała się ich kształceniem w muzyce, poezji i tańcu aż do ich zamążpójścia. Obdarzała swe podopieczne gorąc- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Tekturowy człowiek, ostatni tom trylogii osnutej wokół sekretów zaginionej walizki, przynosi wreszcie upragnione odpowiedzi. Romans baronowej Teitelberg zostaje nagle przerwany za sprawą ujawnienia prawdziwej tożsamości jej kochanka. Ten uporczywie usiłuje odnaleźć ukochaną. Jednak na jego drodze staje zagadkowa i przerażająca postać tekturowego- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Nieznanym szlakiem to zbiór opowiadań inspirowanych licznymi podróżami Ferdynanda Antoniego Ossendowskiego (18781945). Autor odmalowywał w nich odległe, różnorodne krainy z Europy, Azji i Afryki. W centrum zainteresowania zawsze stawiał jednak spotkanie z człowiekiem doświadczonym przez los, odmiennym, a jednak tak bardzo podobnym. Ossendowski t- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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W matni stanowi kontynuację powieści Rozpruwaczy. Urke Nachalnik to pseudonim literacki Icka Borucha Farbarowicza (18971939), żydowsko-polskiego autora kryminałów. Człon Nachalnik pochodził od złodziejskiego pseudonimu Farbarowicza, który przez większość swojego życia był przestępcą. Twórczość literacką rozpoczął w więzieniu, namówiony przez Melc- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Urke Nachalnik to pseudonim literacki Icka Borucha Farbarowicza (18971939), żydowsko-polskiego autora kryminałów. Człon Nachalnik pochodził od złodziejskiego pseudonimu Farbarowicza, który przez większość swojego życia był przestępcą. Twórczość literacką rozpoczął w więzieniu. Sławę przyniosły mu powieści kryminalno-sensacyjne, które świetnie odd- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Aleksander Błażejowski (18901940) polski pisarz i dziennikarz, z zawodu prawnik. Sławę przyniosły mu cieszące się dużą popularnością powieści kryminalne. Walizka PZ to pierwsza część trylogii. Z tajemniczym morderstwem barona Teitelberga w willi na Grunewaldzie w Berlinie wiąże się zaginięcie nie mniej tajemniczej walizki z inicjałami PZ. Wkrótc- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The Collected Short Stories is a collection of short adventure stories from pioneering American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright OBrien (19181944). A nephew of Farnsworth Wright, editor of Weird Tales, OBrien was 22 years old when his first story Truth Is a Plague! appeared in the February 1940 issue of Amazing Stories. There were- ePub + Mobi 31 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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69.90 zł (-54%) -
In the collection New Arabian Nights, the descriptions of the adventures of the fantastic prince of Bohemia are replaced by the mysterious atmosphere of the Pavilion on the Hill, vivid pictures of medieval France give way to the real facts of the series of villainous murders that formed the basis of the horror story The Thief of Corpses. And, as- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The storybook On the Makaloa Mat tells the story of the lives of natives and whites in the Hawaiian Islands. The story, which gave the name to this brilliant collection, is considered one of the best works about love in world literature. Each story has common features: firstly, they all describe some side of life in the Hawaiian Islands, and seco- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Nothing could be more characteristic of these three children than their current occupation. Stephen usually watched the birds fly when he left the house, and the birds could be seen. And the only time his uncle Richard ever laid his hand on an orphan boy was when Stephen, three months after his arrival in the Dale Dale, opened his cage and lost E- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Written in 1923, this thrilling novel by the thrilling author of the Adventures of Jimmy Dale, teems with intrigue and unforgettable characters. The Four Stragglers is a war story with rockets flaring in the heavens, guns crashing, four men on the battlefield and they meet again afterwards amid mysteries and still greater thrills. In the beginnin- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Published in 1896 by a Canadian author of juvenile fiction James MacDonald Oxley (1855-1907), The Boy Tramps Or, Across Canada features adventures across Canada. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Oxley J. MacDonald attended Dalhousie University and Harvard. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1878. He ended up working for the Sun Life Assur- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Wealthy millionaire by day, at night Jimmie Dale put on a costume and becomes The Grey Seal, daredevil safe cracker and footpad he never takes a thing, but leaves behind his mark, a grey seal of paper to mark his conquest. He was just doing it for the sheer deviltry of it at first, but when a woman catches him she blackmails him to war on certai- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Uncle Toms Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Eliza, a slave who has a young child, pleads with Tom, another slave, to escape with her. Tom does not leave, but Eliza flees with her child. After getting some help to escape the slave traders who are looking for her, she then must try t- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The reader will meet with the wise caliph Prince Florisel, with the insignificant but important villain-Dynamite, with the new Scheherazade the charming clever Clara, and with listeners of her fairy tales three noble and trusting young gentlemen. And he learns that being a terrorist is not only bad, but just shameful and bad. And that love is- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Mark Twain bequeathed to publish his autobiography without cuts only a hundred years after his death, and she first saw the light in 2010. Now, finally, many readers can meet this amazingly witty book. Twains autobiography is very unusual: amusing episodes alternate with sad ones, sparkling jokes give way to serious reasoning and the large-scale- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The Benson Case is the first case, the first detective from the Philo Vens series. Again, we are dealing with an amateur detective who has his own Watson and Lestrade, a first-person narrator who is present at all events and a good acquaintance of Vance, the New York City Police Attorney Markham. In this book, he still does not particularly belie- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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One of the best novels by the little American detective writer Van Dyne, The Canary Killing Case, takes the reader to New York sixty years ago, where amateur detective Filo Vance, a literary relative of Sherlock Holmes, brilliantly uses the deductive method to find the killer of the star Broadway at night nicknamed Canary.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Gracie Allen in this case is not a famous artist, but a worker in a perfume factory. She involuntarily gives the enchanted Philo Vance all the important clues in this murder of a gangster, in those days when Riverdale in the Bronx was a rural paradise. Vance meets her when she interacts with nature, and then again in a trendy restaurant where her- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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New York is shocked by the series of murders that always accompany notes on the plot of famous childrens poems and a signature. It took a lot of effort to the prosecutor Markham to figure out the killer of the cabaret artist. The poker card game helped solve the problem...- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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This is the seventh book about the detective Filo Vance, in which, as always, he skillfully investigates an unusual case. One of the guests gathered in a comfortable estate for the weekend dives into the pool and does not leave it in front of several people. Neither the search for divers or the descent of water yields results: a person disappears- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Vance, an independently wealthy college educator, amateur detective, uses his deductive skills and psychological knowledge to help his friend New York County Attorney solve the murder of Archer Coe. At first he thought of suicide when Coes body was found in a room locked from the inside with all the windows closed. As usual, the action takes plac- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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All the action takes place within 36 hours, and during this time, Van Dyne collected many action games, red herring, suspects, humor and lessons from Egyptian history. He is joined by his friend John F. Markham, the New York County District Attorney, and his able assistant Sergeant Ernest Heath. Kyle was found dead in the private museum of the Eg- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Casper Kenting disappeared from the family home and a ransom note was found. Tips indicate Kentings involvement in his own abduction, but Vance sees this false trail. The abduction case is full of ordinary cliches: a ransom note consisting of words cut out from a newspaper and a demand to leave the ransom on an empty tree at midnight.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The book has a lot of scientific component from various fields: geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, physics. But everything is very accessible and understandable. The plot focuses on a exploratory journey to the center of the earth through a volcano crater. The starting button for him was an encrypted message on half-decayed parchment. By hap- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The characters are diverse and strong in these books. Walpole clearly believed in women with character, because the book is full of them. Not so outrageous to be incredible, but more women who will not be meek rugs for spouses or family members. History and famous characters sometimes slip in to add color and historical context. Vivid description- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The science fiction story describes the adventures of three friends: the founder of the Cannon Club, Impi Barbicane, captain Nicolas and the daredevil Michel Ardan. Travelers make a five-day flight around the satellite of our planet, spending time in scientific disputes and discussions and sharing important guesses and observations with each othe- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Judith Paris, now middle-aged, is returning to the Lakes to deal with the fierce feud between the two branches of the family. The feud ended with the construction of one branch of a huge house, known as the Fortress, which will dominate the land of others. But in this conflict, the children of two families play an important role.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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This is a terrible story about Harkness, a timid American who travels all over Europe with his etchings as his only friends. While in London, he meets a man at the club who recommends visiting a small town during his holidays. The next 24 hours completely change his life. He made friends with a frightened young woman who is unhappily married and- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Children come to this world with knowledge of the world that they left, and spiritual connection with him through the satellite, which they just call their Friend. Some adults can grow up without losing their friend, and some children repel him when they are young. The Golden Scarecrow needs a childs heart and willingness to believe in something- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Walpole wrote horror novels that tended to be more psychological than supernatural, with mysticism underlying thoughtfulness. The Inquisitor is a murder thriller set in a haunted village. This novel will leave a mark with horror lovers.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Mrs. Trenchards figure contains all the jealous stubbornness of a strong parent who does not want to let go of his child. Her strength lies mainly in her ability, as she is understood to be unsympathetic, to impose creative possibilities on those whom she loves, and singles out a caring Catherine as a person whose fate she wants to control. When- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Hugh Walpole skillfully weaves these plot threads and half a dozen others into this increasingly exciting saga. His characters leave the page in a living, breathing color; his descriptions are better than photographs, including sounds, smells, tastes and emotions, as well as vivid visual descriptions; he skillfully plays on our feelings, includin- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The book begins with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Judith, and we regret her death, as she was one of the most dominant and memorable characters in this series, starting with the second volume. During the conspiracy, Vanessas father dies in tragic circumstances and the love triangle between Vanessa, Ellis and Benji deepens. Two new- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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This is the story of a Cambridge student, Olva Dune, who commits murder. Ironically, the moment he commits his crime, he feels the presence of God. Perhaps a hundred years ago, March Square could boast of such excellent ignorance, but fashion is changing to prevent, perhaps, our own being too easily annoyed.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Precious Bane is also the story of Gideon, the doomed brother of Prue, no less decisive, but with different motives. Determined to defeat the poverty of their farm, he devotes all his strength to making money. The only thing that distracts him from these ambitions is that he abandons her for a stronger attraction to his money.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Its a little book composed of an unfinished novel written in a completely different style than other Mary Webb novels, and a collection of short stories and drafts that appeared in various publications. The style fit the story of a young boy who fell in love and leaves to fight in the Crusades. A pearl-like prose and a fairy tale, eerie in turn a- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The Young Changed Book is a book that takes the year 1920 and makes it seem like a disguise. London in 1920 and young people, standing in the center of the present, with extraordinary opportunities circling around her, ready and eager to take advantage of these opportunities, eager to draw conclusions in the world made.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Beautiful, but affordable spelling. The characters, especially Janet, were incredibly versatile. They are well-rounded and sympathetically written, and each has its own natural conclusion, making for a very satisfactory ending. If you like a well-written, historical, adult novel with a definitively optimistic ending, then try Wintersmoon.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The story of a boy who was deceived in his property. He is assisted in his trouble by a nobleman who, for various romantic reasons, accepted clothes without accepting the practice of a robber. After a series of exciting adventures, both of them succeeded not only in saving the betrothed nobleman from evil hands, but also in restoring the guys pro- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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A pleasant short story about Sir Arthur Savile, charming in her naivety and hypertrophied in her nobility. Ironic humor, a beautiful syllable, wise quotes, an English spirit and a non-standard prose of life. At the dinner party, the young and noble Sir Arthur Savile finds out that from now on he does not allow him to live in peace and marry his g- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Nicola is a very interesting and creepy character, you are never sure how much he will go and what evil he is really capable of. The main character is actually recruited and works together with Nicola as a partner, which shows Nicolaou a more personal side. He could still do evil supernatural acts, and the threat to the traitors was still faced w- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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There is an old saying that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives, but as far as this is true, very few of us really understand. In the East, indeed, it is almost amazing. There are people involved in trade, some of whom are very profitable, about whom the world as a whole has never heard of, and which an ordinary Englishma- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The city itself, climbing a hillside almost at the waters edge, was painted pale pink at sunset, and even the old Vesuvius, from the top of which a thin column of black smoke seemed a little less gloomy than usual. Because of heaven, the sky was a mass of golden and raspberry-colored, and this was reflected in the calm waters of the bay until the- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Guy Boothby, an Australian writer, became famous thanks to his famous character the mysterious Dr. Nicolas, who has truly terrible power over people, and a clever con man hiding under the guise of gentlemen. The author deliberately introduces us into the story through a generally outsider who accidentally gets involved in the ups and downs of th- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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South Seas Adventure Novel, written in 1925 by Gordon Ray Young (1886-1948) a journalist in Chicago and San Francisco, literary editor of the Los Angeles times, and author of over forty novels. During his time in Los Angeles, Young befriended the writer Paul Jordan-Smith and the painter Edward Middleton Manigault. As such, this book was dedicated- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The Man Who Fell Through the Earth is a traditional mystery novel by American author Carolyn Wells, set in 1920-s in New York. A lawyer is leaving his office on the top floor of an office building. He sees the shadows of two men fighting through the clouded glass of an office door followed by a shot from the office across the hall. He goes to inv- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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This is the last of Dr. Nicholas Boothbys novels staged in Venice, Italy. Nicola tells the story of her sad life, demonstrates her mystical ability to help people test themselves in another place and time, turns a man into a beast and leaves his palace in Venice, which has a bloody history, but it remains in the minds of those who met him.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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There was a Victorian / Edwardian fascination with evil geniuses. Professor Moriarty, Fu Manchu, Count Fosco, Dracula, Dr. Nicola they and many others were hiding in the shadows, using their magnetism to persuade others to their will and their significant mental gifts for evil purposes. This is an exciting story for those who like the somewhat p- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Dr. Nicola invited Douglas Ingleby to help him in a mysterious experiment. Unemployed and undoubtedly curious, Ingleby agrees to follow Nikola to a remote castle to help him take care of the old man on the verge of death, Nicola is trying to perform a miracle. But will Inglebys loyalty to Nicolau withstand the contrary to the requests of the old- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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A prolific Australian novelist, Guy Boothby was noted for sensational fiction in variety magazines around the end of the nineteenth century. In 1894 he published On the Wallaby; or, Through the East and Across Australia, an account of the travels of himself and his brother, including a description of their journey across Australia from Cooktown t- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The Marriage of Esther, surrounded by a messy community of settlers on a remote island off the coast of Australia, combines the best qualities of a classic action-adventure film with an ingeniously crafted riddle and right in the middle of all this is a heartbreaking novel.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Each person at some point in his life begins an adventure, after which he is destined to look back with a sensation very close to surprise. Someone said that adventure is for adventure. The vocation of a sailor in these times of giant steamboats is so much different from what it was in the old days of sailing ships and long voyages, that with the- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Located in the imaginary country of Pannonia, the irresistible novel by Guy Newell Boothby Long Live the King gives readers a place in the front row of the hectic life of royalty. From decisions on the battlefield of life or death, which must be made in seconds, with thousands of soldiers hanging in the balance, to intense political negotiations- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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It was almost night when this melancholy little party appeared at the main station. Dick, with great foresight, sent the food cart several miles to meet them, so my mother was relieved of pain when her husbands body was brought to his horse. Rude and rude, Dick was a thoughtful guy, and I firmly believe that he would go through fire and water to- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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It was raining a little before noon, and now, standing on the veranda of my station, looking at the blue lagoon with the edge of a boiling surf, I was lucky not only to have one of the best paintings in the South Pacific, but to clearly smell the sweet aroma of flowers jasmine and wild lime in the jungle that covered the hillside behind me. I wen- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Many changes, hesitations, lives at stake... It is not easy to put this story aside. It is unpredictable and full of action. When the presidents are fighting for a share of power, our hero can do everything to keep his honor and not get caught in the crossfire.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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This book begins in Australia with a man and two adult children. They decide to return to England, but before leaving, an old enemy of his father appears. Son and daughter are surprised about him. In any case, they all move to England and buy a house, which is supposed to be inhabited by ghosts. All its owners saw them, and some were killed when- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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No writer of cowboy stories can equal B. M. Bower. Ever since Chip of immortal memory Bower has been easily first among the writers who stage their dramas in the wide spaces of the cattle country. There is something new about this novel. The old legend about the Spook Hills comes to life when the Sunbeams newest hand, a young tenderfoot named She- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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This novel, filled with lots of action and romance, talks about the exploits of an attractive criminal mastermind who steals the heart of the main character of a fairy tale. The heroine is a first class woman. She is smart, beautiful, commanding and respected. She is all that a leader should be, demonstrates courage in the face of danger, and has- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The story of the liberation of a Russian prisoner from an island in eastern Siberia. A young English millionaire thinks he is saving the father of his beloved, famous nihilist; but when a person is safe, he discovers that he really shot down the most notorious diamond robber in the world. The story is full of sensations, and people who like such- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Australia-born writer Guy Newell Boothby burst onto the literary scene with a series of best-selling adventure action movies, but The Mystery of Clasped Hands discovers that Boothby is trying to try his hand at classic detective fiction. Fans of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle will love this exciting mystery.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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At Guy Booths Strange Company, Australian writer Guy Boothby put his passion for travel to work as food for his fiction. Although his first publication was a popular science story about traveling around his home country, he soon turned to fiction as an outlet for his work, focusing mainly on adventure adventures, secrets, and discovery stories. I- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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A novel about a trio that robs some jewels, one of them escapes with them. This is followed by a whirlwind trip in Europe and Asia in pursuit of blood feud. Writing and plot points (despite the fact that they are more than a hundred years old) dont feel obsolete.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Birds of Prey is the first part of the story of Charlotte and her family and friends. At first, the birds of prey are a little confusing, since each of the first few chapters is a separate vignette about one of the characters, without any visible links to the others. The main plot theme revolves around the hunt for the legitimate descendant of a- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Aurora, the spoiled daughter of a banker, receives an offer to get married. But almost before the wedding, the groom finds out about some secret. Aurora cannot open it and the lovers part. But the girl did not suffer for long, after a few months she marries another of her fans. But the secret has not gone away. She hangs over a married couple, sp- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Edward, a handsome young soldier, considers Mary a charming child. John, the widow, is sick and poor, and asks Edward to keep an eye on Mary after his imminent death, whenever that happens. John stands in line, behind several other relatives, to inherit a huge mansion and income, and he warns Edward if he ever happens before his own death, beware- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Women are forced to marry and forced to marry for money, not love. As in all her books, the basis is a mystery, and, like everything I read, for the reader, the screaming is obvious what is actually happening. But this does not detract from the expectations of history. The characters are well drawn, each with a distinctive style.- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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A wonderful life story, with secrets and romance, where the strongest human feelings and impulses win in a difficult moral struggle. The author has beautifully written the image of Elinor, first an impressionable teenager, and after a sensible, kind, loving girl. A lot of interesting, unexpected moments and turns, a secret investigation, secrets- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Dunbar is the heir to a large English banking firm, but makes a serious mistake in his youth. His father and uncle expel him to India for his sins. Of course, everything is not so serious, since its isolation includes the leadership of their Indian branch. Then, after the death of his father, he returns to England. All this happens in the first f- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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This is a story about a knight who lost his wife during childbirth and his two daughters. The eldest daughter Hyacinth with a family monastery in Paris and Angela in a Flemish monastery with an aunt. The cloisters and surroundings were like night and day. The story of the reunion of the sisters after several years apart. The sisters have differen- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Events unfold in England. Two friends who lived a wild life in their youth meet a rich but innocent heiress. Everyone plans to marry her, but for various reasons one for her wealth, another for true love. Who will win her hand?- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Milly Darrell isnt the narrator, but the story is based around her. Mary Crofton is a new governess who meets her in school, and agrees to spend her vacation with Milly. She soon has to deal with the intrigues of Millys evil stepmother Augusta and possessive cousin Julian. Fortunately, Mary figures out that Milly is being poisoned thanks to notic- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The main theme of the plot revolves around hunting for the legitimate descendant of a rich man whose great legacy was expected to be bestowed. And in this context, there are several more or less unscrupulous people who trace this genealogy, some of which turn into the best people who are deeply immersed in betrayal and continue to remain evil unt- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The heroes of this novel became victims of intrigue with the tuned arms of a golden-haired beauty who knew how good she wanted only luxury and honors. The reader after the first chapter understands what the heroine is hiding for the secret, although the villain will be more accurate, because throughout the novel she brings the rest only evil, the- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Two different riddles, three villains, one of which was really the darkest paint, three murders, one suicide, the abduction of a child, three strong Victorian women one of them is unusually tragic, the other is quite a deceiver, like Becky Sharp, and divine retribution. Suffice it to say that one of the main characters is a young woman who lives- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Isabelle Sliford is a young girl who dreams of the books she reads and lives to read them. She sees life through the eyes of Brion, Shelley, Shakespeare and Dickens. George Gilbert, a handsome young doctor, sees that she and she are so different from the girls he knows, falling in love with her. He is pragmatic, and she is a dreamer of all that i- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The plot of the book contrasts with the life of two ladies Hazelden, named Maria and Lesbia. Lady Mary Hazelden is much more meek and stereotypically feminine than other heroes of sensational novels such as Alicia Audley, Marian Halcomb and Magdalen Vanstone. She falls in love with a poor man named Mr. Hammond and is trying to learn how to work t- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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This book is romance, mystery, murder, Christian and the best part of lost love. The main character listened to the often told story, kneeling in the firelight, at her aunts knee, a ruddy glow gently touched her light soft hair and a brighter forehead, her large blue eyes looked with love on Mrs. Tregonells face. And he was a widower, Aunt Diana,- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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The novel has two stories that at first glance seem unconnected, but most readers will be able to find out the connection. The first is about the situation of artificial inheritance. John Treverton must marry Laura Malcolm within a year or lose his inheritance. In another story, French ballerina Zaire Chico lives an absent-minded life in Parisian- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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The plot tells the story of Ida Pallizer, the daughter of a poor Anglican pastor. Miss Pughs teacher and a wealthier student named Urania Pallizer often taunts and makes silly remarks about her poverty. The best line from this part of the book is when Ida is excluded. Miss Pugh says: You can stay here as long as you need to pack your bags. Not th- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Ernest Brammah Smith is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. This collection of eight Kai Lung stories came out in 1940, two years be- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Wyllards Weird is a little-known sensational novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The story mainly concerns the riddle of a young girl who dies as a result of a fall from a train in motion. Was it a murder? Or was it suicide? Amateur detective makes his mission to solve the mystery at the request of old love. The discoveries he makes lead him to a do- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
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Violet Tempest grows up in a happy home, the beloved only child of friendly and generous parents. She and her father spend days riding and hunting in the old forest that surrounds their house, and Violet is strong in heart and body, not smart, but very intelligent. The only possible flaw is that the mother of her best friend Rory, the ambitious l- ePub + Mobi 10 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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