Ebooki dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Autorzy publikacji omawiają nie tylko nowe regulacje, lecz także tzw. przepisy przejściowe. Wyjaśniają, od kiedy i w jaki sposób należy stosować zmienione przepisy. Przystępnie przedstawiają działania i decyzje, jakie należy podjąć, aby optymalnie dostosować się do nowych regulacji. Zakres zmian jest szeroki. W największym stopniu dotyczą one poda(77,22 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
78.40 zł
98.00 zł (-20%) -
Kotlet schabowy, kurczak z rożna, szyneczka na śniadanie - to prawie banał. Jest i już. A jak ludzie mają czegoś w nadmiarze, to zaczynają kombinować. A to, że niezdrowe, bo cholesterol, kalorie, choroba wściekłych krów i tym podobne. Jak ktoś coś przebada, to następny jajogłowy bierze na tapetę inny temat, i tak w kółko Macieju. A przecież patrząc(16,00 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
16.00 zł
20.00 zł (-20%) -
Ustalenie wysokości wynagrodzenia oraz innych świadczeń pracowniczych, a także sporządzanie listy płac często sprawiają kłopoty służbom kadrowo-płacowym. Te problemy spiętrzyły się jeszcze bardziej od 1 stycznia 2022 r. w związku z wejściem w życie tzw. Polskiego Ładu. Program ten wprowadził zmiany w zakresie naliczania podatku i składek ZUS m.in.(61,91 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
63.20 zł
79.00 zł (-20%) -
Moje białostockie powidoki Andrzeja Fiedoruka to obrazy minionego świata, malowane barwą jasną, przejrzystą i radosną, bo takie powidoki z lat sześćdziesiątych i siedemdziesiątych minionego wieku zapamiętał Autor. Oglądając, w trakcie czytania, zatrzymane w pamięci Pisarza powidokowe klisze, przywołujemy miejsca i zdarzenia a także postacie wrosłe(24,00 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.00 zł
30.00 zł (-20%) -
Międzynarodowe trybunały karne mają już wprawdzie dosyć długą historię, ale ich szczególny rozwój nastąpił w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku, a swoistym zwieńczeniem tego procesu było podpisanie Statutu Rzymskiego i powołanie Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego w Hadze. Jurysdykcja tego organu obejmuje cztery podstawowe typy zbrodni międzynarodo(60,80 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
60.80 zł
76.00 zł (-20%) -
Szanowny Czytelniku, oddajemy do Twoich rąk zbiór analiz i rozważań dotyczących stanowienia i stosowania przepisów współczesnego prawa wykroczeń. Ta dziedzina prawa, choć niejednokrotnie uznawana za niszową, od lat stanowi przedmiot ożywionej dyskusji prowadzonej zarówno w środowisku naukowym, jak i w gronie praktyków. W monografii zaprezentowano s(61,60 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
61.60 zł
77.00 zł (-20%) -
Sztuka publiczna funkcjonuje w zróżnicowanych formach i na styku różnorodnych dyscyplin. W zasadzie może przyjmować każdą postać wypowiedzi twórczej (może być pomnikiem lub antypomnikiem, rzeźbą społeczną, instalacją, akcją, interwencją itd.). Zwraca uwagę na podskórne i pomijane aspekty rzeczywistości społecznej. Kreuje miejsca. Generuje interakcj(39,20 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
39.20 zł
49.00 zł (-20%) -
Minęło 10 lat od śmierci pierwszego ministra spraw zagranicznych wolnej Polski, a zarazem zupełnie niedawno obchodziliśmy 30. rocznicę wielkiej zmiany. W 1989 roku zaczęło się odzyskiwanie przez Polskę wolności i suwerenności oraz budowanie demokratycznego państwa prawa. Istotną częścią tej transformacji była polityka zagraniczna, której ster w tym
"W związku z pandemią COVID-19 zostały wprowadzone szczególne regulacje prawne na czas trwania epidemii. Odwołanie stanu epidemii w Polsce z dniem 16 maja 2022 r. sprawiło, że podatnicy, pracodawcy, przedsiębiorcy oraz księgowi zastanawiają się, czy rozwiązania te nadal mają zastosowanie. Publikacja zawiera tabelaryczne zestawienie rozwiązań prawny(15,32 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
15.92 zł
19.90 zł (-20%) -
"Publikacja dotyczy istotnych zmian, które od 4 czerwca 2022 r. obowiązują w ustawie o pracowniczych planach kapitałowych. W przystępny sposób omawia najważniejsze aspekty wprowadzanej właśnie reformy systemu PPK, takie jak m.in.: zmiana terminów na zawarcie umowy o prowadzenie PPK, nowe regulacje dotyczące zwrotu nienależnych wpłat i dopłat PPK, n(10,32 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
10.32 zł
12.90 zł (-20%) -
To, w jaki sposób mówimy o świecie, ma olbrzymie znacznie. Przyjmująca postać debaty wymiana myśli scala wspólnoty, jeżeli jest prowadzona z zachowaniem szacunku dla różnic w postrzeganiu wartości i odbiorze rzeczywistości. Książka ta ma być inspiracją do prowadzenia gorących, lecz rzeczowych dysput (niezależnie od tego, czy znajdziecie się w kawia
13 kwietnia 2022 r. weszły w życie przepisy nowelizujące zasady ustalania podstawy wymiaru składki zdrowotnej przedsiębiorców. Zmiany zostały wprowadzone ustawą z 9 lutego 2022 r. o zmianie ustawy Kodeks spółek handlowych oraz niektórych innych ustaw (Dz. U. z 2022 r. poz. 807; dalej: ustawa nowelizująca z 9 lutego 2022 r.). Dotyczą one m.in. zasa(10,32 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
10.32 zł
12.90 zł (-20%) -
"Większość, a może nawet każdy podatnik prowadzący działalność spotkał się z umową najmu, którą musiał rozliczyć w VAT jako wynajmujący i jako najemca. Te rozliczenia niejednokrotnie stwarzają problemy ze względu na rozbieżne interpretacje. W publikacji omawiamy zasady rozliczeń VAT od wynajmu nieruchomości po stronie zarówno wynajmującego, jak i n(13,52 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
13.52 zł
16.90 zł (-20%) -
Rosnące oczekiwania klientów związane z nowymi technologiami wpływają na dynamikę zmian na rynku handlu elektronicznego. Coraz większe znaczenie zyskuje sprzedaż produktów przez internet oraz usług cyfrowych. Do przyspieszenia transformacji cyfrowej i wprowadzenia nowych modeli biznesowych na tym rynku przyczyniła się ponadto pandemia COVID-19. Un(46,41 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
47.20 zł
59.00 zł (-20%) -
Funkcjonowanie współczesnych organizacji w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy polega na nieustannym procesie generowania, dystrybucji oraz stosowania wiedzy i informacji. Sposób realizacji każdego z wyróżnionych etapów tego procesu oraz wzajemne ich powiązanie wpływa na finalny efekt działania organizacji - wymierną wartość dla klienta z tytułu użytkowan(19,95 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
20.16 zł
25.20 zł (-20%) -
Pandemia COVID-19 wywiera wpływ na każdą sferę życia gospodarczego. Rachunkowość cały czas ewoluuje, dostosowując się do zmian otoczenia, nowych regulacji prawnych i potrzeb użytkowników informacji. W tym okresie zmieniły się zarówno przepisy prawne, jak i formy komunikacji. Pojawiły są nowe potrzeby związane z zabezpieczeniem gromadzonych informac- ePub + Mobi 58 pkt
Problemy rachunkowości w dobie pandemii
Ewa Grabowska-Kaczmarczyk, Maciej Leszek Hyży, Elżbieta Jędruczyk, Dawid Obrzeżgiewicz
(54,48 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
58.32 zł
72.90 zł (-20%) -
Przewodnik, który otwiera drogę do bogactwa. Jakie strategie, narzędzia, nawyki i nastawienie mają ludzie, którzy sami doszli do wielkich majątków? – poznaj 100 reguł ludzi bogatych! To książka pełna wspaniałych, doskonale dobranych pomysłów na to, jak zdobyć majątek, bezpiecznie utrzymać status materialny or- ePub + Mobi 30 pkt
(29,06 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
30.40 zł
38.00 zł (-20%) -
Język pieniądza to pełne ciekawostek i humoru rozmowy ojca z synem o pieniądzach, zarabianiu i oszczędzaniu. Przekonują, jak ważne jest, aby naszym dzieciom pokazywać dobre nawyki związane z pieniędzmi, aby zabezpieczyć je przed przeciwnościami losu, takie jak brak pracy, pandemia, czy wojna. Książka skierowana jest nie tylko do dzieci między 7 a 1- ePub + Mobi 43 pkt
(43,73 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
43.49 zł
53.10 zł (-18%) -
Przegląd - tygodnik o profilu społecznym, politycznym, kulturalnym i reporterskim o poglądach lewicowych.(5,50 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
4.68 zł
5.50 zł (-15%) -
Książka zawiera zbiór prozy o różnej tematyce. Od wspomnień z końca drugiej wojny, obserwacji z lat PRL-u po kompilację przeżyć, przemyśleń i abstrakcyjnych metafor z ostatnich lat.- ePub + Mobi 17 pkt
(16,56 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
17.16 zł
20.19 zł (-15%) -
Jacob Herapat, wealthy real estate developer and Member of Parliament. found dead. With a gun at my side. But, it seems, an hour later the coachman brings him home. And what according to his will, what surprises she will open. Several people, including the police, are trying to solve the mystery.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a historical novel written in the 1900s but set in 1680s Jamestown, Virginia. The plot revolves around the anger of the colonists over the Navigation Act, which robbed them of their profits from the tobacco crop. At the center of this little rebellion is the romance between Harry Wingfield, a gentleman tutor, and Mary Cavendish, a headstron-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A well-written book by Marie Corelli detailing the life of millionaire David Helmsley, who gave up his wealth to live as a drifter and found his inner self in a small village in Somerset. The author shows that the acquisition of wealth does not bring satisfaction, and in a simple life you can get joy.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A love story written by someone who was touched by the beautiful scenery of Norway, as evidenced by the detailed descriptions of the place. Its very fast paced, and while youre afraid of a tragic end, its not like that at all. It folds magically and you put the book down with a sigh, thoughtful, as love stories always do.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The young French robber Raoul Ivar appeared with his ship in a small harbor in the city of Porto Ferraio. He introduced himself as Jack Smith, but he was exposed: the English officer Griffin recognized the bold robber Raul Ivar in Smith. The British decide to capture his ship. A desperate adventurer is waiting for new challenges, but he is full of-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The narrative comes from a young doctor who is approached by a strange baron. Why does the house and everyone in it have to be completely white? Who are its inhabitants? Are they really crazy? Who is the real madman among them is perhaps the most important question asked to the reader. This story makes you guess and think about what the outcome wil-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel Two Admirals tells about the events from the history of the naval war between England and France in the middle of the 18th century. At the center of the novel is a touching story of long-term friendship between two admirals, Jevers Oakes and Dick Bluewater. Their relationship is intertwined with another storyline the struggle for the inh-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Gertrude was a great astrologer and spoke in astrological terms. She told the protagonist (after the wedding) that when she discovered that Jimmys moon in the house of marriage was in a semi-sextile with her Venus, she knew from the very beginning that their union was inevitable. The stars are rarely wrong.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
In this collection of short stories, the reader learns the killers identity long before the brilliant medical detective takes the stage. These are brilliant early examples of open secrets where the question is not who, but how will they be caught?-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A slow paced story of love and self-sacrifice with thoughtful character development. In this novel, the heroine Sylvia is on the verge of receiving a large and unexpected inheritance. But soon an unexpected discovery leads to unexpected consequences as Sylvia dives deeper into family secrets.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Morgana Royal is a beautiful, rich female fairy, endowed with a powerful mind, has a personal flying ship, communicates wirelessly with representatives of a superior race and reveals the secret of eternal life. But the wild beauty Manella becomes her rival in the fight for the heart of a selfish scientist who dreams of subduing the whole world with-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a gripping maritime story about two whaling ships on a long and cold journey to the shores of Antarctica in search of dangerous goods. Two Sea Lions two ships, two captains, two crews! Will they become enemies or friends in the prickly ice that threatens to crush them all. And only the scarlet blood of whales, majestic animals, mixes with-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
There are eight unrelated shorts in this book. The author tells us about the cottage she lives in and the memorable experience she had during the war.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The unfolding struggle for land in North America prompted Cooper to write a series of novels about the life and fate of large landowners. The main character, American Hedges Littlepage, and his elderly uncle have been living in Europe for a long time. But suddenly events begin in America that force them to go on a long journey, to their homeland.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A gang of jewel thieves has come to the attention of the police. Will Dr. Thorndike be able to find the leader and the jewels? It would seem that the jewel merchant has a strong room with a puzzle lock where there are too many combinations to solve. But can it be done.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This novel is for those who are looking for a quick and easy read. The Flowers family lived in a small house in a wide grassy meadow that descended a few branches from the front door to a gentle silvery river. Directly across the river stood a lovely dark green mountain, and when a rainbow fell, as it often did, nothing could look more charming tha-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
In this book you will find a description of the life and way of life of the indigenous inhabitants of the country Indians and white settlers; numerous hunting scenes. The novel will not leave indifferent either those who appreciate the sharp, constantly in suspense plot, or those who are interested in the conditions under which the development of-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Father often asked Kirk Anthony to do a real job. But Anthony, despite almost idolizing his strong, successful father, just cant stop having a good time with his fathers money. He goes to fancy dinners, drives the latest cars, and treats his friends to sumptuous meals. Then a man steps in trying to get away from the law. At dinner, he persuades one-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Monikins is a serious and caustic satire on the social mores of England and America at that time. Cooper ridicules both the aristocratic monarchy and the bourgeois republic with equal vigor. The first part of Monikins depicts the early years of John Goldencalf. John Goldencalf, by coincidence, is one of the wealthiest people in Europe of the ninete-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Maries skill lies in her powers of observation. She sees how men behave with women, how the rich behave with the poor, how power is based on political machinations, how actors bow to virtuous people, how easily every person dissolves gossip and ruins lives. How easily a man turns into a murderer, how genius is diminished if a woman possesses it.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The Magic Casket Thorndike solves the mystery of the box in order to locate a jewel stolen from a client and get rid of the dastardly Japanese who are after them in every way.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This book focuses on the social exclusion and marginalization of respectable women in the context of their response to risk. Of the four stories included in the collection, three deal with crime, deviance, or both.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Beach is at his best as an action adventure writer. You can feel the chill of the northwest glaciers and shudder at the threats of nature and unscrupulous people. Along with the man vs. nature plot, theres a tender romance off the beaten path.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is an exciting detective story. A detective tracks down a suspect in an assault and rape at the Chinamans Flat gold mines in Australia, hoping to gather enough evidence to convict the man. A detective goes undercover as a prospector and observes strange behavior. Can this detective get to his man, or will the murder change everything?-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Thieves Wit is a detective story. Aspiring Confidential Agent in search of a pearl necklace. The villain sets up her lover, but the detective foils the evil plot. A story that keeps you in suspense until the end.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The action of the novel refers us to the events that took place on the eve of the struggle for the independence of the North American colonies. The heroes of the novel will have to face the distrust of their compatriots, survive their betrayal, withstand the pressure of a gang of Indians, courageously overcome all hardships.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Votes for Men by Mary Cholmondeley, a tribute to the famous suffragist play Votes for Women. It begins with in two hundred years, maybe less, which tells you everything you need to know about this suffrage era suffrage allegory.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Count Fabio Romani, whom everyone considers one of the victims of the cholera epidemic that raged in Naples at the end of the 19th century, rises from the dead... However, when he returns home, he realizes with horror: no one is waiting for him there... The beautiful wife Nina and Guidos best friend, who has been in a secret relationship for a long-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Cairo is a city where European aristocrats come in winter to relax and admire the monuments of a great ancient civilization. And in the new season, the fabulously rich and mysterious beauty Princess Ziska becomes the main topic of all conversations. She doesnt seem to have a past. Her eccentric antics shock society. Her knowledge of the history of-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Young Lucretia Raymond lives with her strict aunts Lucretia and Maria. During Christmas time, Lucretia is invited by other schoolchildren to cut the Christmas tree in the school building in preparation for the Christmas celebration.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Autorka tomiku powraca z porcją lekko obrazoburczych, trudnych w lekturze wierszy. Tym razem utwory dotyczą mrocznej strony miłości, przedstawiają jej przeróżne odcienie. Można jednak odszukać w tym tomiku nieco światła.- ePub + Mobi 5 pkt
(5,15 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
5.15 zł
6.06 zł (-15%) -
Pandemia COVID-19, podczas której nastąpiło gwałtowne zintensyfikowanie zmian w różnych sferach życia, unaoczniła, jak bardzo jesteśmy uzależnieni od technologii informacyjnych. W ten sposób w pewnym stopniu większości ludzi przybliżyła ideę czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej i koncepcję gospodarki 4.0. Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa jest kojarzona ze(24,00 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.00 zł
30.00 zł (-20%) -
Pismo poświęcone krytyce, dokumentacji, historii i teorii teatru lalek, będące kontynuacją miesięcznika "Bal u lal" wydawanego w okresie międzywojennym przez Jana Izydora Sztaudyngera.- ePub + Mobi 11 pkt
(11,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
11.90 zł
14.00 zł (-15%) -
Kraina Pisdzieli to synonim absolutnej władzy cynicznych hipokrytów, którzy pod maską obrony Boga, honoru, ojczyzny oraz troski o prosty lud -- chcą go okraść i wykorzystać, a przy tym pozostać bezkarni.- ePub + Mobi 17 pkt
(16,56 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
17.16 zł
20.19 zł (-15%) -
The plot takes place in England. Pastor John Walden, a forty-year-old man of worship, is presented as having a cheerful, optimistic personality, athletic build, and strong character. He owns one of the smallest living quarters in England, an old relic from a medieval church. The ending is unpredictable and keeps you in suspense until the last words-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Calvin Gray is a swindler who won immediate sympathy from readers. Its sleek, stylish, smart and full of life. However, the best thing about him is that he is sincere, noble and always on the right side of the law.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is the story of a young woman from England at the turn of the 20th century who learns the truth about her parents, and this knowledge sets her life on a path she is not ready for and those around her are powerless to stop.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a short story about a young English boy whose cousin is kidnapped by a Spanish nobleman. He ends up in Mexico and finds himself on a galley bound for Spain. Francis Drake raids a galley and rescues British slaves, bringing them back to England.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Most of the stories were written in a cottage in Suffolk. Everyone now has a so-called cottage. This is a story about how a seemingly simple cottage won the heart of the protagonist and it happened for a reason.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The storyline is centered around a sea voyage. The storys subtitle is The Chase and it picks up right away as the authorities try to get back a passenger who apparently owes money to the father of his new fiancée.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel is set in the fictional town of Templeton, modeled after the village of Cooperstown. In the novel, the Effingham family returns to Templeton from New York. The central theme is the state of American society. The novel clearly shows how the party almost always outperforms the country in American politics, and all of them remain in force to-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A mysterious story of a murder, which, by the name, makes it clear that in tension the plot will hold on to the end. A phrase that makes you immediately pay attention to a sharp plot: I could not be really happy with a husband whose hands were red with gore.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
She was a brave young woman, born in the desert, alone, lost in the suffocating heat of the South Texas desert, with a sore throat from the drought. Elair Austin staggered to a watering hole she knew existed. And with him, she will find Texas Ranger David Lowe. She had no idea that this chance encounter at the only watering hole in fifty square mil- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Four cowboys leaned over the barbed-wire fence that marked the dividing line between the Centipede Ranch and their own, gazing mournfully into a summer night that only distant southwestern countries know. The great yellow stars hung thick and low, so low that it seemed as if an outstretched hand might rip them off, and the silent air swept over the-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Dr. Thorndike is a physician and lawyer who lectures on medical jurisprudence. He is also a Grade A detective with a first-rate brain and excellent powers of observation, as well as a talent for scientific analysis. He aids the purposes of justice by reading out a completely unforeseen decision from a set of clues that the authorities have misinter-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Jaragu, a boy from the jungle, was surprised in his life when a giant bird, making a loud buzzing sound, descended on a beach in Central America and froze as if it had been killed, but something similar to a person crawled out of it..-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
At first glance, this may seem like a simple fairy tale, but Mary quickly and with lively sympathy brings the various characters and settings to life. The main question is: what will happen to Jane and her daughter?-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The novel takes place during the Mexican-American War. All main events take place on the ship. For Rose and her sweet aunt, this journey is meant to be rest, rejuvenation, and an escape from a world filled with worries. However, they soon learn that well-planned plans can go in unexpected directions.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
In this sprawling novel, American writer Mary E. Wilkins Freeman moves from the light subject of much of her early work to a larger issue: the impact of poverty. With the help of the character Jerome Freeman skillfully shows how impoverishment can affect several generations of families.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The idea behind this book is that before going to bed, Yorkshire farmer Mr. Poskitt liked to tell a little story or nightcap. Thus, J.S. Fletcher recorded and collected these stories in this book. There is a hilarious story, tales of robbing money and arguing over wills, orphan pigs running around the village causing havoc, broken hearts and jealou-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The author gives a satirical view of village life, which is so present in the work of her famous predecessors. The moral here may well be that swearing to keep someone elses secret safe is the best way to destroy your own future.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Fletchers understanding of human nature is evident in his writing, where his characters embody every facet of human existence in very well-written prose and dialogue. Mistress Spitfire is a simple account of some of the episodes in the history of Richard Coop, Ghent, and his cousin Mistress Alison French during the Revolution of 1642-1644.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
At the center of one of Coopers most striking nautical novels is the life of the captain of the Dawn ship, full of exciting adventures. Sea brotherhood, battles with pirates, friendship and betrayal, and finally, love that overcomes all obstacles.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The historical adventure novel by Fenimore Cooper tells in detail about the first expedition of Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America. Cooper draws his character as a person far superior to those around him. Columbus was not an adventurer; he relied on experience and knowledge, knew how not to succumb to superstition. He was not afraid-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A tale of the sinister afterlife of Sir Robert Depard, a local magnate who lived a dissolute life in Yorkshire. The story is told by an unnamed gentleman who travels around Holland with his brother-in-law (Mr Blake) to study architecture. The gentleman wonders why Mr. Blake never takes off his high collar around his neck.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Mr. William Hyde was released from Deer Lodge Jail by a different person. Of course, these results were balanced by the benefits of three years of corrective discipline at the expense of the state; the ability to talk through stone walls.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a story about a romantic triangle. Two cousins, Lot and Burr, are in love with the main character. Madelon loves Burr, but Burr is unable to confess his feelings and believes he loves Dorothy Fair. Events leave Burr unjustly imprisoned, Lot gravely wounded and in danger of death, and Madelon ready to doom herself to save Burr.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Joseph Smith Fletcher was an English journalist, writer and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He studied law before turning to journalism. This book opens with the first page of his experiences at the train station. If you love a story that sticks to the end, then this book is for you.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The heroine of this story accompanies a recovering man and his sick daughter on a yacht trip to Scotland, where she discovers her soul mate and changes her life forever. At the beginning of the story, she is full of life, but does not tolerate her limited and ignorant owners. A chance encounter with a mysterious man sailing on an even more mysterio-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This novel is an amazing mixture of adventure, romance and political intrigue. Roosevelts most trusted spy must flee for his life by escaping into the European countryside.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The story begins with Annette Georges choosing between two evil destinies. She is rescued by a kind woman who looks after her until she can live with her aunts in a village in little England along with a vicar and afternoon tea. There she meets and befriends various people, and her past seems to have some bearing on the lives of those she befriends-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Rex Beach is an American writer, playwright, and Olympic water polo champion. Big George was drinking and the little Arctic mining camp was paralyzed. He was central to the North Club.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Mary Helena Fortune is one of the first female authors who became famous for detectives. My Lodger is no exception. This work captivated readers with a tense plot, where the reader must think.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
On the same night, two brothers were killed at a distance of 400 miles from each other. Their bodies were apparently searched by the killers, but money and valuables were left on the corpses. What were the killers looking for? The author unravels the complex history associated with these two brothers.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The author wrote an adventure western about a time in the West when most young men who were old enough to ride went to East Texas to join Teddy Roosevelts Rough Riders to help during the invasion of Cuba. They will rise to glory and return as heroes.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
In this magnificent novel, love and death intertwine and dissolve into each other. But the characters are the perfect product of the best Victorian literature.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Precaution was written in the spirit of sentimental English novels on the theme of marriage. The author clearly holds the idea that the choice of a groom for her daughter is the moral duty of her parents. Initially, the novel was read aloud to several friends of the family, without revealing the authorship; the listeners decided that the author was-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Pembroke is a novel about the work and dynamics of a small town, in this case a small town in New England. Freeman treats each character individually and devotes a lot of time to their individuality, giving the events taking place in Pembroke a more authentic atmosphere. Through his characters, Freeman focuses on how a person can influence their ow-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Almost all old quotes need to be corrected, Joyce said in a tone that forbids arguing. For example, the guy who mentioned marriages being made in heaven was definitely wrong. He meant partnerships. The same jobs dont work for both, no more than you can build a stopwatch in a fraction of a second.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is the story of two friends Esther and Rachel who have known each other since childhood and see each other as a kindred spirit. They are both smart, moral and modern in the sense that they want their lives to have meaning. They communicate with each other and with a few good like-minded friends. They have to endure the stupidity and superficia-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Two surviving American sailors, Mark and Bob, found themselves on a bare volcanic rock in the middle of the ocean. Gradually, they manage to form a soil layer using silt, guano and algae. As a result of a storm, Bob is carried away on a boat to the ocean, but he manages to get to America, from where, after stories about adventures, a party of their-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is an excellent collection of softly written short stories set in early 20th century New England. In all the first stories of the collection, the main characters are children. Many of these stories are about ordinary peoples lives and the ways they find a way out of a difficult life.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a historical saga about the fate of three generations of the Littlepage family living in the New World. The novel tells about the people who heroically and bravely mastered the lands of the Wild West, as well as the tragic fate of the indigenous people of America the Indians. Under the onslaught of aliens and the advancing civilization, th-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A suburban train runs over a man lying on the rails. Passengers at the nearest station recognize the famous gem dealer Oscar Brodsky as the deceased. Was it an accident, suicide or murder? In less than half a day, Dr. Thorndike, known for his scientific method of solving crimes, solves the mystery.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
A Venetian story about deceptions and secrets, love and selflessness, cruelty and injustice that took place around the 18th century. This is a story about the adventures of the rich and the misadventures of the poor. Venice, this mysterious city, unlike any other, hides its true face under the mask, everything is here.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Many men were indebted to the trader in Flambeau, and many considered him a friend. The latter never explained why, other than that he did them a favor, and in the North that matters a lot.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Lorelei Knights parents want to get rich on her beauty. They send her to New York to be on a girl show. Bob Wharton, the dissolute son of a millionaire, falls in love with a girl. When Lorelei finds out her father is ill and needs money, she marries Bob even though she doesnt love him. Bobs father cuts his allowance and Bob is forced to go to work.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This book depicts the machinations and problems concerning the royal family and politicians in power in fictional England. A revolutionary conspiracy gathers momentum in an imaginary country ruled by an unpopular monarch, but it is eventually revealed that a surprising figure is the driving force behind the movement.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This book is meant to be read by young women at that tender age, when the feelings of their nature begin to act most insidiously on them, and when their minds are least prepared by reason and experience to fight their passions. This is a powerful, beautiful, heartbreaking story. Charlotte is one of the women who can really lead by example.-
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(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The writer shows us her society and shows that it doesnt matter what stage you are on; at each level there are decent, kind people and, on the contrary, stupid, cruel ones.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This novel combines nostalgic autobiographical memories and social philosophy. The author gives a comprehensive view of colonial life and society in the state of New York in the mid-eighteenth century, blending all these elements with storytelling skill.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The events of the novel take place not on the American continent, but in the very heart of Europe. Almost all the characters in the novel are forced in extreme circumstances to reveal themselves in a new light: some, with all their desire, cannot disguise their meanness, greed, inner readiness for betrayal, others show the highest nobility and puri-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This was the main characters first professional visit to the Robinsons. Arthur Robinson had a bronchial coryza. He seemed like most selfish people very much in need of a listener, and he poured out his views on art and the form his own message to the world was likely to take.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The large, sumptuous room, with its dim oriental rugs and subdued lighting, a fine set of Indian paintings, and two exquisite rose-red lacquered cabinets, had great charm. The main character has just returned from China. Huge packing boxes, stacked one above the other in the hall, were no doubt full of wonderful acquisitions, china, embroideries, c-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The author draws attention to the catastrophe of the future the destruction of the world as a result of careless and deliberate poisoning by human beings of the atmosphere, earth, seas and rivers, and, finally, the human race itself. This book depicts a terrible future in which poisonous chemicals contribute to the eventual death of humanity.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Banbridge is close enough to the great City that, after dark, the merging light of its many eyes of electric fire can be seen on the southern horizon. This book shows exactly how women were completely thrown into provincial resources. They perfected their minds and bodies, even having a physical education club and a teacher who came weekly from the-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The old man on the bed stirred uneasily, and his white beard twitched. His wide-open eyes looked at his son with a blank look, as Michael had looked at him all his life. With a slightly trembling hand, Serena poured a few drops into a spoon and pressed them into her half-open lips.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
This is a funny story told by a guy who returned from India and was entrusted with delivering jewelry to a family in England. This guy is not very smart, completely unaware and remains so throughout the story.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
The royal yacht dropped anchor to the roar of the cannons, and the king went ashore. The city was hung with flags; a thousand whistles sounded. Up the garlanded streets, His Majesty was led between long lines of blue-coated officers, followed by an impatient crowd for miles after miles.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
"Nowe Książki" popularyzują nowości polskiego rynku wydawniczego, publikując co miesiąc ponad siedemdziesiąt recenzji i not. Każdy numer otwiera obszerna rozmowa z autorem, a zamykają felietony, kronika i rejestry nowości.- ePub + Mobi 17 pkt
(17,00 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
17.00 zł
20.00 zł (-15%) -
Kortyńscy to bogata Warszawska rodzina. Krzysztof romansuje z asystentką Jagną Filiańską, i Lucyna zdradza męża z Waldemarem Komarem. Policja kryminalna odnajduje ciało Jagny. Prokuratura rozpoczyna śledztwo, wnikając coraz głębiej w sytuację rodziny ...- ePub + Mobi
- Audiobook MP3 27 pkt
(26,24 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.20 zł
32.00 zł (-15%) -
Iga Nowicka to bohaterka, którą z pewnością pokochacie! Za co? Za to, że nie jest idealna- ePub + Mobi 24 pkt
(23,18 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
24.03 zł
28.27 zł (-15%) -
Bezwzględny, wyrachowany, mordujący swe ofiary z zimną krwią -- po prostu ZŁY! Taki jest główny bohater nowej powieści Hugona Bettauera. Autor z ogromnym zacięciem opisuje brawurowe losy byłego żołnierza, który bez skrupułów dąży do swojego celu.- ePub + Mobi 25 pkt
(24,84 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
25.75 zł
30.29 zł (-15%) -
Historia o miłości, której nie można kupić.- ePub + Mobi 32 pkt
(31,47 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
32.62 zł
38.38 zł (-15%) -
Od wczesnego dzieciństwa Amber widzi przerażające stwory, które wchodząc w jej ciało, powodują niewyobrażalny ból. Dopiero jako nastolatka dowiaduje się, że podobnie skrzywdzonych dzieci są setki. Wkrótce rozpoczyna naukę w szkole dla osób takich jak ona.- ePub + Mobi 14 pkt
(13,94 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
14.45 zł
17.00 zł (-15%) -
Z mafii nie da się uciec. Juliette naiwnie wierzyła, że będzie to możliwe.- ePub + Mobi 28 pkt
(28,62 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
28.32 zł
33.90 zł (-16%) -
Jest rok 1916, środek pierwszej wojny światowej, trwa bitwa pod Verdun.- ePub + Mobi 27 pkt
(18,69 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
27.18 zł
31.99 zł (-15%) -
Giovanni Giacomo Casanova Od kobiety do kobiety Wyjątki ze słynnych pamiętników tłum. Czesław Jankowski ISBN 978-83-288-6686-7 Wybrał, ułożył i słowem wstępnym poprzedził Czesław Jankowski. J'ai toujours eu la faiblesse de composer les quatre-cinquime de mes jouissances dela somme de celle que je procurais ltre charmant qui me les fournis
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Stanisław Trembecki Zofiówka ISBN 978-83-288-6681-2 Wstęp Poezja opisowa na pierwszą uwagę zdaje się być łatwiejszą od innych rodzajów, bo główną część dzieła, rzecz jego, samo nastręcza przyrodzenie, zostawując tylko talentowi poetyckiemu rozkład przedmiotu i stosowne wydanie. Ale ta łatwość jest tylko pozorną, bo rzeczywiście niełatwe do
- PDF + ePub + Mobi 3 pkt
Theos Olwyn, a poet and a lost man, travels to a secluded monastery in search of a man who can take his soul. He finds him in Heliobas, a seer who has given up his parlor sessions for the sake of isolation and worship of God. A night of thinking and talking leads to Alwyn writing an epic poem for free, which he packages and mails to his publisher.-
- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -