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In the early days of the 20th century, department store magnate JohnWanamaker famously said, "I know that half of my advertising doesn'twork. The problem is that I don't know which half." That remainedbasically true until Google transformed advertising with AdSense basedon new uses of data and analysis. The same might be said about healthcare and i
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What’s next for JavaScript? Its phenomenal rise from a simple client-side scripting tool to a versatile and flexible programming language exceeded everyone’s expectations. Now, hopes and expectations for JavaScript’s future are considerable.In this insightful report, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer explains how the combination of several tec
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Many features inspired by popular JavaScript libraries are now available as native JavaScript APIs in today’s powerful browsers. While that may seem convenient given all of the JavaScript you need to write, relying on these APIs will only make code maintenance more difficult in the long run.In this report, Nicholas Zakas—consultant and
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Open source is not only a catalyst for small business growth, but also a driver of future success for many startups today. Bringing together Bluehost anonymized customer data and trends with O’Reilly Media’s job market data, along with other sources of trend data, this report captures the current state of open source as it relates to sm
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Acclaimed data scientist DJ Patil details a new approach to solving problems in Data Jujitsu.Learn how to use a problem's "weight" against itself to:Break down seemingly complex data problems into simplified parts Use alternative data analysis techniques to examine them Use human input, such as Mechanical Turk, and design tricks that enlist the hel
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A decade ago, Ajax took the Web out of childhood, and now HTML5 and JavaScript are moving the Web into full adulthood. This insightful overview provides striking examples of how these technologies have teamed up to give the Web a truly open platform.Author Kyle Simpson (HTML5 Cookbook) shows you how JavaScript unlocks the power of all of the new fu
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So you're thinking of creating an open source community around your code? Here are some things you ought to know before you make your plans too firm.Community Types: There is no single "open source community." Rather, there are many groups of people gathered around many free software commons. Those gatherings are themselves of several different typ
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Have we entered the age of NoOps infrastructures? Hardly. Old-style system administrators may be disappearing in the face of automation and cloud computing, but operations have become more significant than ever. As this O’Reilly Radar Report explains, we’re moving into a more complex arrangement known as "DevOps."Mike Loukides, O’
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This annual report examines the key trends and developments -- most notably, the demise of Borders -- that shaped the 2011 computer book market.
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In the past few years, we’ve seen many data products based on predictive modeling. These products range from weather forecasting to recommendation engines like Amazon's. Prediction technology can be interesting and mathematically elegant, but we need to take the next step: going from recommendations to products that can produce optimal strate
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In an age where everything is measurable, understanding big data is an essential. From creating new data-driven products through to increasing operational efficiency, big data has the potential to make your organization both more competitive and more innovative.As this emerging field transitions from the bleeding edge to enterprise infrastructure,
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This short, free ebook from March 2012 describes the Dart language, libraries, and tools that help you develop structured, fast, and maintainable web apps that run in any modern browser.
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As we move into an era of unprecedented volumes of data and computing power, the benefits aren't for business alone. Data can help citizens access government, hold it accountable and build new services to help themselves. Simply making data available is not sufficient. The use of data for the public good is being driven by a distributed community o
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Although the digital revolution has made content available to more people than print books ever could, ebooks are still only as accessible as the foundation they’re built on—and all too often the foundation is weak. But that’s changing. With the introduction of EPUB 3, publishers now have the means to create a single rich data sou
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iBooks Author is the first tool of its kind. Never before have publishers, authors, and content creators had a tool for making dynamic, interactive ebooks in a WYSIWYG environment. This book is intended to get you up and writing in iBooks Author. You’ll learn what to expect from this new tool and what its strengths and limitations are. You
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The Best of TOC New York 2012The acceleration of change and innovation in the publishing industry today is dizzying, and the pace can be overwhelming. At O’Reilly’s TOC New York Conference in February 2012, practitioners and executives from the publishing and tech industries joined together to navigate the ongoing transformation. With t
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Starling is an ActionScript 3 2D framework developed on top of the Stage3D APIs (available on desktop in Flash Player 11 and Adobe AIR 3). Starling is mainly designed for game development, but could be used for many other use cases. Starling makes it possible to write fast GPU accelerated applications without having to touch the low-level Stage3D A
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Java 7 has a number of features that will please developers. Madhusudhan Konda provides an overview of these, including strings in switch statements, multi-catch exception handling, try-with-resource statements, the new File System API, extensions of the JVM, support for dynamically-typed languages, and the fork and join framework for task paralle
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This collection of articles and blog entries is representative of the full spectrum of commerce-related content we’ve published on PayPal’s Developer Network over the past year. You will find tutorials and quick reference pieces for developers. With the creation of x.commerce we have expanded our coverage to address the needs of eBay a
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This book discusses the exciting new format that is set to unleash a content revolution in the publishing world. Laden with features the printed page could never offer--such as embedded multimedia and scripted interactivity--EPUB 3 will forever change what a book can be. This article walks you through the format and puts it in its place in the digi
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As data science evolves to become a business necessity, the importance of assembling a strong and innovative data teams grows. In this in-depth report, data scientist DJ Patil explains the skills, perspectives, tools and processes that position data science teams for success.Topics include: What it means to be "data driven." The unique roles of dat
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This report examines the important shifts in data products. Drawing from diverse examples, including iTunes, Google's self-driving car, and patient monitoring, author Mike Loukides explores the "disappearance" of data, the power of combining data, and the difference between discovery and recommendation. Looking ahead, the analysis finds the real ch
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This collection represents the full spectrum of data-related content we’ve published on O’Reilly Radar over the last year. Mike Loukides kicked things off in June 2010 with “What is data science?” and from there we’ve pursued the various threads and themes that naturally emerged. Now, roughly a year later, we can look
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Node.js. It’s the latest in a long line of “Are you cool enough to use me?” programming languages, APIs, and toolkits. In that sense, it lands squarely in the tradition of Rails, and Ajax, and Hadoop, and even to some degree iPhone programming and HTML5.Dig a little deeper, and you’ll hear that Node.js (or, as it’s mor
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HTML5: Everyone’s using it, nobody knows what it is. I realize that sounds more like a line out of an existential movie — maybe Waiting for Godot or a screenplay by Sartre — than a statement about HTML5. But it’s really the truth: most of the people using HTML5 are treating it as HTML4+, or even worse, HTML4 (and some stuff
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We've all heard it: according to Hal Varian, statistics is the next sexy job. Five years ago, in What is Web 2.0, Tim O'Reilly said that "data is the next Intel Inside." But what does that statement mean? Why do we suddenly care about statistics and about data? This report examines the many sides of data science -- the technologies, the companies a
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Ever since we first introduced the term Web 2.0, people have been asking, What ™s next? Assuming that Web 2.0 was meant to be a kind of software version number (rather than a statement about the second coming of the Web after the dotcom bust), we ™re constantly asked about Web 3.0. Is it the semantic web? The sentien
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The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Dale Dougherty, web pioneer and O'Reilly VP, noted that far from having "crashed", the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity. What's more, the companies that
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Best of TOC is a collection of essential posts from the last 12 months, selected from the TOC blog and a number of external sources.One of the mantras at Tools of Change is "fail forward fast," which is an alliterative way of encouraging experimentation. That's why we felt it appropriate to use Best of TOC as a testing ground for a "Web-to-book" pr
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