James Fenimore Cooper - ebooki
Tytuły autora: James Fenimore Cooper dostępne w księgarni Ebookpoint
Monikins is a serious and caustic satire on the social mores of England and America at that time. Cooper ridicules both the aristocratic monarchy and the bourgeois republic with equal vigor. The first part of Monikins depicts the early years of John Goldencalf. John Goldencalf, by coincidence, is one of the wealthiest people in Europe of the ninete-
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In this book you will find a description of the life and way of life of the indigenous inhabitants of the country Indians and white settlers; numerous hunting scenes. The novel will not leave indifferent either those who appreciate the sharp, constantly in suspense plot, or those who are interested in the conditions under which the development of-
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The unfolding struggle for land in North America prompted Cooper to write a series of novels about the life and fate of large landowners. The main character, American Hedges Littlepage, and his elderly uncle have been living in Europe for a long time. But suddenly events begin in America that force them to go on a long journey, to their homeland.-
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This is a gripping maritime story about two whaling ships on a long and cold journey to the shores of Antarctica in search of dangerous goods. Two Sea Lions two ships, two captains, two crews! Will they become enemies or friends in the prickly ice that threatens to crush them all. And only the scarlet blood of whales, majestic animals, mixes with-
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The novel Two Admirals tells about the events from the history of the naval war between England and France in the middle of the 18th century. At the center of the novel is a touching story of long-term friendship between two admirals, Jevers Oakes and Dick Bluewater. Their relationship is intertwined with another storyline the struggle for the inh-
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The young French robber Raoul Ivar appeared with his ship in a small harbor in the city of Porto Ferraio. He introduced himself as Jack Smith, but he was exposed: the English officer Griffin recognized the bold robber Raul Ivar in Smith. The British decide to capture his ship. A desperate adventurer is waiting for new challenges, but he is full of-
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The action of the novel refers us to the events that took place on the eve of the struggle for the independence of the North American colonies. The heroes of the novel will have to face the distrust of their compatriots, survive their betrayal, withstand the pressure of a gang of Indians, courageously overcome all hardships.-
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19.92 zł
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The novel is set in the fictional town of Templeton, modeled after the village of Cooperstown. In the novel, the Effingham family returns to Templeton from New York. The central theme is the state of American society. The novel clearly shows how the party almost always outperforms the country in American politics, and all of them remain in force to-
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The storyline is centered around a sea voyage. The storys subtitle is The Chase and it picks up right away as the authorities try to get back a passenger who apparently owes money to the father of his new fiancée.-
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The novel takes place during the Mexican-American War. All main events take place on the ship. For Rose and her sweet aunt, this journey is meant to be rest, rejuvenation, and an escape from a world filled with worries. However, they soon learn that well-planned plans can go in unexpected directions.-
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The historical adventure novel by Fenimore Cooper tells in detail about the first expedition of Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America. Cooper draws his character as a person far superior to those around him. Columbus was not an adventurer; he relied on experience and knowledge, knew how not to succumb to superstition. He was not afraid-
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At the center of one of Coopers most striking nautical novels is the life of the captain of the Dawn ship, full of exciting adventures. Sea brotherhood, battles with pirates, friendship and betrayal, and finally, love that overcomes all obstacles.-
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Precaution was written in the spirit of sentimental English novels on the theme of marriage. The author clearly holds the idea that the choice of a groom for her daughter is the moral duty of her parents. Initially, the novel was read aloud to several friends of the family, without revealing the authorship; the listeners decided that the author was-
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This novel combines nostalgic autobiographical memories and social philosophy. The author gives a comprehensive view of colonial life and society in the state of New York in the mid-eighteenth century, blending all these elements with storytelling skill.-
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This book is meant to be read by young women at that tender age, when the feelings of their nature begin to act most insidiously on them, and when their minds are least prepared by reason and experience to fight their passions. This is a powerful, beautiful, heartbreaking story. Charlotte is one of the women who can really lead by example.-
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A Venetian story about deceptions and secrets, love and selflessness, cruelty and injustice that took place around the 18th century. This is a story about the adventures of the rich and the misadventures of the poor. Venice, this mysterious city, unlike any other, hides its true face under the mask, everything is here.-
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This is a historical saga about the fate of three generations of the Littlepage family living in the New World. The novel tells about the people who heroically and bravely mastered the lands of the Wild West, as well as the tragic fate of the indigenous people of America the Indians. Under the onslaught of aliens and the advancing civilization, th-
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Two surviving American sailors, Mark and Bob, found themselves on a bare volcanic rock in the middle of the ocean. Gradually, they manage to form a soil layer using silt, guano and algae. As a result of a storm, Bob is carried away on a boat to the ocean, but he manages to get to America, from where, after stories about adventures, a party of their-
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The events of the novel take place not on the American continent, but in the very heart of Europe. Almost all the characters in the novel are forced in extreme circumstances to reveal themselves in a new light: some, with all their desire, cannot disguise their meanness, greed, inner readiness for betrayal, others show the highest nobility and puri-
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In the center of the book is the life of a young man, Miles, who lives in America. He wants to become a sailor like his father. This is an exciting adventure story of the life of a ship captain. Sea brotherhood, battles with pirates, friendship and betrayal, and finally, love that overcomes all obstacles.-
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“Ostatni Mohikanin” to powieść Jamesa Fenimore’a Coopera, amerykańskiego powieściopisarz, jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców powieści rozgrywających się na dzikim zachodzie. Po poddaniu fortu bronionego przez Brytyjczyków i amerykańskich osadników, dochodzi do masakry jego obrońców
- ePub + Mobi 7 pkt
“Krzysztof Kolumb” to powieść Jamesa Fenimore’a Coopera, amerykańskiego powieściopisarz, jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców powieści rozgrywających się na dzikim zachodzie. Luis de Bobadilla stara się o rękę, ulubienicy królowej Isabelli. Dziewczyna przysięgła, że odda swą rękę tylko temu, kogo z
- ePub + Mobi 9 pkt
“Na dalekim zachodzie” to utwór Jamesa Fenimore’a Coopera, amerykańskiego powieściopisarz, jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców powieści rozgrywających się na dzikim zachodzie. “Na dalekim zachodzie - Przygody w puszczach amerykańskich” składa się z trzech części: Sokole oko, Kamienne s
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The Deerslayer - a novel by James Fenimore Cooper, an American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances depicting frontier and Native American life created a unique form of American literature. This novel introduces Natty Bumppo as "Deerslayer": a young frontiersman in early 18th-century New York,-
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10.94 zł
12.99 zł (-16%) -
The Last of the Mohicans - a novel by James Fenimore Cooper, an American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances depicting frontier and Native American life created a unique form of American literature. The novel is set primarily in the area of Lake George, New York, detailing the transport of the two daug-
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10.84 zł
12.99 zł (-17%) -
Młody orzeł to powieść dla dzieci opowiadająca o losach znanych bohaterów książek Jamesa F. Coopera: Zwierzobójcy, zwanego też Sokolim Okiem, Nataniela Bumpo, Czyngaszguka. Porusza ona temat konfliktu rdzennych Amerykanów z kolonistami, próbującymi podbić nowe tereny, roszcząc sobie prawo do ziem tubylców. James Fenimore Cooper był amerykańskim p- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Zestaw zawiera 3 ebooki: - „Ostatni Mohikanin” James Fenimore Cooper (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - podręcznik z ćwiczeniami: „Nauka języka angielskiego z książką dwujęzyczn
Gauchos Wituh, to jedna z powieści przygodowo-historycznych amerykańskiego pisarza Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera. Ich akcja rozgrywa się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku w Ameryce Północnej, wśród pionierów i Indian. Ich głównym bohaterem jest traper i myśliwy zwany Sokolim Okiem, biały człowiek wychowany przez Indian. Utwory te
- ePub + Mobi 2 pkt
Kamienne Serce, to jedna z powieści przygodowo-historycznych amerykańskiego pisarza Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera. Ich akcja rozgrywa się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku w Ameryce Północnej, wśród pionierów i Indian. Ich głównym bohaterem jest traper i myśliwy zwany Sokolim Okiem, biały człowiek wychowany przez Indian. Utwory t
- ePub + Mobi 13 pkt
Krzysztof Kolumb to powieść historyczna Jamesa Fenimore Coopera z 1840 roku. Powieść rozgrywa się w XV-wiecznej Europie i śledzi przygotowania i wyprawę Krzysztofa Kolumba na Zachód, do Nowego Świata. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) był amerykańskim powieściopisarzem, znanym ze swoich pełnych akcji fabuł i żywego, choć nieco wyidealizowane-
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9.81 zł
14.00 zł (-30%) -
Ostatni Mohikanin, to jedna z powieści przygodowo-historycznych amerykańskiego pisarza Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera. Ich akcja rozgrywa się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku w Ameryce Północnej, wśród pionierów i Indian. Ich głównym bohaterem jest traper i myśliwy zwany Sokolim Okiem, biały człowiek wychowany przez Indian. Utwor
- ePub + Mobi 8 pkt
Sokole Oko, to jedna z powieści przygodowo-historycznych amerykańskiego pisarza Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera. Ich akcja rozgrywa się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku w Ameryce Północnej, wśród pionierów i Indian. Ich głównym bohaterem jest traper i myśliwy zwany Sokolim Okiem, biały człowiek wychowany przez Indian. Utwory te to
- ePub + Mobi 5 pkt
Ostatni Mohikanin to druga powieść z cyklu Pięcioksiąg przygód Sokolego Oka. Porywająca, pełna przygód książka oczaruje każdego czytelnika. Osadzona w osiemnastowiecznej brytyjskiej kolonii akcja skupia się wokół konfliktu Indian i amerykańskich osadników. Nie sposób podejść obojętnie do losów bohater&oacut
In The Pilot (1824), James Fenimore Cooper invented a new literary genre: the sea novel. Bold, vigorous, original, it is a tale of high adventure that vividly captures the majesty and power of the seafaring life. Cooper drew on his direct knowledge of ships and sailors to present a truer picture of life on the sea than had ever before achieved in-
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27.92 zł
34.90 zł (-20%) -
The fourth of the Leatherstocking novels, we find Leatherstocking (Natty Bumppo) entering the last stages of his life. He has lost a great deal of his effectiveness with his musket and now relies a great deal on his dog to help him hunting. The main focus is one two things: 1. the reinstatement of Nattys old commander in his properties and wealth-
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Inspired by accusations of venality leveled at the men who captured Major Andre (Benedict Arnolds co-conspirator, executed for espionage in 1780), Coopers novel centers on Harry Birch, a common man wrongly suspected by well-born Patriots of being a spy for the British. Even George Washington, who supports Birch, misreads the man, and when Washing-
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The Deerslayer is an exciting story about the adventures of the woodsman known as Deerslayer and his Delaware Indian friend, Chingachgook. The novel presents the violence and unpredictability of life in a place where only a few white hunters and hunting parties of Indians have ever set foot. The interface between the wilderness and civilization,-
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In the third installment of the Leatherstocking Tales, Cooper takes his main character, here called the Pathfinder (Natty Bumppo) and examines his role as an explorer for British/Colonial forces in the forests and islands around the Great Lakes. The story is a classic historical adventure/romance and Bumppo falls in love, for the first and only t-
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Krzysztof Kolumb to barwna opowieść o pierwszej wyprawie Kolumba w 1492 roku pod banderą korony hiszpańskiej. Izabela Kastylijska, namówiona przez dworzanina Lisa de Santangela, zezwoliła podróżnikowi zorganizować wyprawę. Na początku sierpnia 1492 roku trzy statki Santa Maria, Pinta oraz Nina podniosły kotwice w andaluzyjskim porcie Palos de l- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
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Wspaniała powieść klasyka amerykańskiej literatury.- Audiobook MP3 14 pkt
(13,93 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
14.44 zł
16.99 zł (-15%) -
Jest rok 1776. Amerykańskie kolonie walczą z Brytyjczykami o niepodległość. Harvey Birch, domniemany lojalista, zgadza się na propozycję Georga Washingtona, by informować go o działaniach jego przeciwników- Audiobook MP3 14 pkt
(13,93 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
14.44 zł
16.99 zł (-15%)