Wydawnictwo KtoCzyta.pl - ebooki
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Noc listopadowa to trzeci utwór Stanisława Wyspiańskiego poruszający temat powstania listopadowego. Akcja dramatu rozgrywa się podczas pierwszych godzin powstania (noc z 29 na 30 listopada 1830 roku) w Łazienkach Królewskich w Warszawie. Wyspiański, zafascynowany powstaniem, bardzo wiernie odwzorowuje jego przebieg oraz umieszcza w dramacie posta- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Dramat Stanisława Wyspiańskiego porusza temat powstania listopadowego. Autor nawiązuje w nim do pieśni Kazimierza Delavignea pt. Warszawianka, której słowa Oto dziś dzień krwi i chwały [...] dziś twój triumf albo zgon odgrywają najważniejszą rolę w utworze, oddając nastrój panujący podczas powstania. Akcja rozgrywa się podczas bitwy o Olszynkę Gr- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
We wsi dzieje się tragedia czerwcowa susza niszczy wszelkie plony i nie pozwala na uprawę nowych roślin. Zdesperowani chłopi wznoszą modły ku Bogu, ale zauważają nie zostają wysłuchani. Zaczynają podejrzewać, że to nieczyste postępki ich plebana są powodem, dla którego Bóg zesłał plagę na ich pola. Zwracają się więc do wiejskiego pustelnika, któ- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Dramat Stanisława Wyspiańskiego przedstawiający teatr w teatrze. Akcja rozgrywa się na deskach sceny krakowskiej. Po wystawieniu Wesela Wyspiański dostał od publiczności wieniec z liczbą 44, która miała symbolizować czwartego wieszcza polskiego. Na tę cześć powstało Wyzwolenie, w którym głównym bohaterem jest postać z Dziadów Adama Mickiewicza K- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Wiele hałasu o nic to historia dwójki młodych zakochanych, którzy przeżywają swoją pierwszą miłość. Tytuł odnosi się do zachowania młodych kochanków, którzy w euforii potrafią śmiać się, płakać, krzyczeć i jęczeć na zmianę, ponieważ uczucie to jest dla nich tak ważne. Dla dojrzałej i doświadczonej osoby zachowanie kochanków może być właśnie wielk- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Dramat w dwóch częściach niemieckiego polityka, badacza i poety Johanna Wolfganga von Goethego, tworzony przez niego blisko 60 lat. Faust to uczony, który po latach, mimo ogromu swojej wiedzy, odkrywa, że ludzki umysł jest zbyt ograniczony, aby w pełni poznać sens istnienia. W jego pracowni pojawia się Mefistofeles, który założył się z Bogiem, że- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
(10,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
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Powieść oparta na prawdziwych wydarzeniach, inspirowana związkiem pisarza z kurtyzaną Marie Duplessis. Akcja powieści rozpoczyna się tuż po śmierci głównej bohaterki, słynnej paryskiej prostytutki Małgorzaty Gautier. Jej ukochany Armand Duval chce odkupić od narratora pamiątkową książkę po niej, którą ten nabył podczas licytacji majątku po zmarłe- ePub + Mobi 19 pkt
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24.90 zł (-20%) -
Once they started a new interesting game in pseudonyms, which led to funny and curious consequences. Each time he came to London, he was convicted of only marrying a man named Ernest. Upon learning of an advanced friend, Algerie decides to play him, for which he goes to Jacks country estate, where he impersonates his brother Ernest, who immediate-
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Тридцатипятилетняя Зоя открывает на своей кварти-
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Это одно из лучших литературных произведений, нап-
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24.90 zł (-20%) -
Она 2013 чайка. Она счастливо живет на берегу озера. Она �-
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Чехов 2013 признанный мастер 201eкороткой прозы201d, каждый р-
- ePub + Mobi 55 pkt
(31,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
55.92 zł
69.90 zł (-20%) -
Николай Гоголь 2013 великий русский писатель, который-
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55.92 zł
69.90 zł (-20%) -
Пьеса посвящена переломному моменту истории Росс-
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19.92 zł
24.90 zł (-20%) -
Pisfeter manages to convince the birds that their mission is to rule the world. According to his idea, the bird city of Tucekukuyshchyna is being built between heaven and earth; birds give wings to Pisfeter and Evelpid, Pisfeter becomes the ruler of the new city and puts into effect a plan whose goal is to take power from the Olympic gods. Birds in-
- ePub + Mobi 11 pkt
(6,90 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)
11.92 zł
14.90 zł (-20%) -
This bold statement by Euripides is an absurd premise on which the whole game depends. Women are outraged by the image of the female as crazy, murderous and sexually depraved, and they use the Thesmophoria festival as an opportunity to discuss a suitable choice of revenge, Fearing their abilities, Euripides seeks out his tragic friend Agathon in th-
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An elderly wine grower Trigay, tired of the war and strife between the Greek cities, on a giant dung beetle goes to heaven to talk with Zeus. Arriving there, Trigay learns from Hermes that Zeus and the other gods are away, and instead of them, Polemos settled in the house of the gods. Polemos threw the goddess of peace Eiren into the cave and stone-
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Old Philokleon was so addicted to attending court hearings that his son Bdelikleon locked him in the house and stretched a net around the house. He wants to ensure a quiet life for his father, but Philokleon does not at all want peace. Hes a cocky, like a choir made up of his old friends, judges, and he likes to convict. The choir appears on the st-
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This is the comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes, the earliest of his plays that have survived to this day. Together with Mir and Lysistrata refers to the anti-war comedies of the author. It refers to a citizen who was so tormented by the constant wars waged by his state that he made peace on his own behalf with all his neighbors, and-
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This is a comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes. First introduced in 408 BC e., was later redesigned and put on the scene in 388 BC. e. in a contest with four more poets. Competition results are unknown. Put on stage for the second time, in a complete rework. This was the last play staged on the stage by Aristophanes himself.-
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The game begins with Praxagora leaving the house on the Athenian street before dawn. She wears a fake beard and mens clothes, and she carries a cane and a lit lamp. A chorus of Athenian women enter one on one, all dressed in a similar costume. In order to be more convincingly courageous, some women developed tans and stopped shaving armpits. One wo-
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A woman named Lysistrata, determined to stop the senseless war, gathers women from all over Greece in the square in front of the Acropolis of Athens. She offers them until the men make peace do not sleep with them, do not give them, do not touch them! . With difficulty and after much debate and bickering, women agree. They take refuge in the Acrop-
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The old farmer Strepsiad is in debt because of his son Fidippida, squandering money for equestrian sports. Strepsiad seeks help from a neighbor the sage of Socrates; Having come to the thought room, where Socrates teaches young people, Strepsiad asks to teach him tricky speeches and evasions, which would allow not to repay debts. But Strepsiad tur-
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Aristophanes is revered as the father of comedy. He wrote over forty works, of which eleven reached us. Centuries have passed, but the comedies of Aristophanes continue to live. The political events that Aristophanes criticized in his works have long faded into the past, but the author enjoys the inexhaustible comic ingenuity of the author, his wit-
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Knighs are not just equestrians: the whole estate was called in Athens those who had enough money to keep a war horse. These were wealthy people, had small estates outside the city, lived on their income, and wanted Athens to be a peaceful, closed agricultural state. The poet Aristophanes wanted peace; therefore, he made the riders the chorus of h-
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The theme of the little man, which appeared in many of Chekhovs short stories, was also touched on in the novel My Life. The main character, Misail Poloznev, a nobleman by birth, becomes a simple worker. In order to live the way he wants, he breaks with his father. He is opposed to lies and hypocrisy, namely they, in his opinion, reign among the in-
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It can be seen from the book that at that time rhetoric was used to a greater extent in the courts, and Aristotle writes a lot about judicial speeches, how to convince judges and jurors, and sometimes goes into consideration of laws. Also, rhetoric was used in deliberative and laudatory speeches, in the modern century this is no longer so relevant.-
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Aristophanes, nicknamed the father of comedy, wrote in a different way than the first tragedies. He was troubled by everyday problems, rarely associated with the past. Gods also rarely appeared in his works, like the heroes of antiquity: the main role was given to contemporaries. If certain events of Aristophanes did not suit him, he made fun of th-
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The first part of this essay gives a general description of the term poetics. At first, Aristotle claims that any art is based on a mimesis, or imitation. Aristotle proves this by arguing that curiosity is peculiar to any person. In particular, the curiosity of observing all sorts of unpleasant things, for example, images of dead animals, and getti-
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The story of a boy Egor, who goes from his home to a gymnasium located in another city. This trip is the last event before the start of a new life away from mother and familiar places. Nothing unexpected happens on the way, but at the same time, there is a constant change of landscapes and moons of Egor, meetings with new people, both ordinary and-
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A short story about an unhappy involuntary marriage. Family quarrels, like bad weather in the Russian wilderness: there is nothing worse than becoming an involuntary captive of a blizzard of someone elses spousal abuse. The main character of the story is an ordinary woman with an unfortunate fate. All its features consist only in youth and attracti-
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Dead Souls is a unique novel that has become a unique standard of ironic prose for Russian literature. The story of the ingenious businessman Chichikov, buying up the dead souls of serfs in a remote province, still impresses with its modernity and subtle humor.-
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The book describes the events that took place in the first half of the 17th century, when the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks defended their rights. Taras Bulba is a grown man, a Cossack colonel meets his sons. She finished her studies and returned home, her mother is glad of their arrival, Taras makes fun of them and rejoices at how strong sons he grew up w-
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The novel Mother, one of Gorkys most popular works, was based on the mass demonstration of 1902 in the city of Sormovo. Hence, an exciting plot based on real events, with a sharp political struggle, secret gatherings, searches, arrests, and the selfless heroism of the main revolutionary hero Pavel Vlasov. However, the central image in the novel is-
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The play is about a petty official Khlestakov, who does not stand out for anything special. He is traveling from St. Petersburg on business with his servant, they stop in one county town, where there was a rumor that the inspector will visit the city soon. Khlestakov, by chance and human imprudence, is mistaken for an auditor who decided to remain-
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A collection of short stories by a popular and influential Russian author, the founder of the literary method of socialist realism and, possibly, the greatest Russian literary figure of the 20th century. He wrote short stories, plays, memoirs and novels that touched the imagination of the Russian people, and was the first Russian author to sympathi-
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The poem in prose Twenty-Six and One is based on the writers impressions related to life in Kazan and work in Semenovs bakery. Gorky considers the image of a tramp, revealing its negative qualities. The work tells about twenty-six bakers, attitude, feelings, the behavior of which is presented by the author as the attitude of one person. This is ach-
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The stories, united under the name Through Russia, were originally printed by M. Gorky in various periodicals and collections. In the series of short stories In Russia. M. Gorky refers to the image of the past in order to illuminate the paths to the future. The writer reflected the harsh truth of the life of little great people, life-giving and dec-
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Like Byrons passionate sayings sounding on the tones of a wild and completely unsophisticated melody, this is Gorkys crazy, unbridled, powerful voice when he sings about the madness of the brave, barefoot dreamers who are proud of their idleness, who have nothing and fear nothing who is cheerful in his suffering, but unhappy in his joy.-
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