Ventigo Media - ebooki
Tytuły książek(ebooki, audiobooki) wydawnictwa: Ventigo Media
Po przeżyciu wielkiego zawodu miłosnego, Iza, absolwentka skandynawistyki, wychodzi za mąż za Szweda i wyjeżdża z kraju. Po czterech latach upokarzającego ją związku ucieka w dramatycznych okolicznośc...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Książka opowiada o barwnym i burzliwym życiu Hallmanów i Sarnowskich w niełatwych czasach odbudowy Polski i panującego w niej zamętu politycznego. Bohaterowie powieści próbują uwolnić się od koszmaru ...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Kontynuacja powieści W cudzym domu. Historyczno-obyczajowa opowieść o burzliwych losach Joachima von Eistettena, Louise de Sokolowski i Dmitrija Szuszkina. Wartka akcja przenosi się z Warszawy do Pary...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Pierwsza część trylogii opowiadającej o burzliwym życiu uczuciowym Zosi Knyszewskiej. Stanowi opowieść o miłosnych perypetiach młodej dziewczyny, rozdartej uczuciowo między dwoma mężczyznami jej wiel...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Kwiecień 1939 roku. Napięta sytuacja w Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku zmusza Helen Hallmann do wyjazdu do Anglii z całą rodziną. Włodek, jej pasierb, marzy o przygodach i podróżach, nie chce jednak opuszczać ...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Trzy młode kobiety, szukając w życiu szczęścia, dokonują ważnych wyborów. Olga musi zwalczyć w sobie bolesne wspomnienia i uważniej przyjrzeć się teraźniejszości. Klaudia próbuje zapanować nad swoim t...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Złodziejki czasu to opowieść o czterech pisarkach: Marii Teresie, Elwirze, Kindze i Annie autorkach romansu, kryminału, horroru, biografii. Każda z nich jest inna. Różnią się wiekiem, charakterem, sy...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Początek nowego milenium ma oznaczać dla Zosi i Witka Halmanów nowe życie. Marzenia o spokoju i stabilizacji wkrótce okazują się nierealne. Trzeba stawić czoło nowym wyzwaniom, które przynosi codzienn...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Druga część trylogii o życiu uczuciowym Zosi Knyszewskiej. Bohaterka po burzliwej miłości do Marcina postanawia ułożyć sobie życie na nowo. Z powodów politycznych sytuacja jednak się komplikuje....
- Epub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Życie Leny obfituje w nagłe zwroty, toczy się pomiędzy skrajnościami. Wszelkie przyjemności hiszpańskiej riwiery, a potem smętna rzeczywistość prowincjonalnego Gniewu. Beztroska i luksusy zapewniane p...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Minęły cztery lata. Julia i jej mąż, znużeni intensywnym życiem zawodowym, decydują się na wypoczynek w ciszy i spokoju znajomego miasteczka K***. Ale miasteczko nie jest już takie ciche, bo na tereny...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Rok 2006. 42-letnia Marta Wenta, mocno poraniona przez życie, staje wreszcie na nogi wyjeżdża z Gdańska do Warszawy i obejmuje stanowisko wiceprezesa państwowej agencji. Jest twórcza, oddana pracy i ...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Ostatnia część trylogii o Zosi Knyszewskiej. Życie głównej bohaterki staje się tak sensacyjne jak otaczająca ją rzeczywistość. Świat rozwijającego się drapieżnie kapitalizmu, którego reguł niełatwo si...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Julia, znana architekt, przyjeżdżając po dziewięciu latach z Chicago do miasta swego urodzenia. Czy rzeczywiście chodzi jej tylko o rekonstrukcję starego pałacyku Hemmerlingów? A może chce odszukać sw...
- Epub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Weronika, Aldona i Miśka dwie malarki i dziennikarka z działu kultury gdańskiej gazety są bliskimi przyjaciółkami i wspierają się w codziennych sprawach. Nagle jednak ich ustabilizowane relacje zacz...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Matylda Halman stawia wszystko na jedną kartę i wraz z osieroconymi przez brata dziećmi emigruje za ocean. Trafia do Winony w Ameryce, gdzie już wcześniej osiedliło się wielu Kaszubów. Zderzenie z now...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Ludzie są na tyle szczęśliwi, na ile sobie pozwolą, powiedział kiedyś Abraham Lincoln. A Ty? Na ile sobie dzisiaj pozwolisz? Poznaj siedem barwnych opowieści i ich bohaterów czasem odważnych, czasem ...
- Epub + Mobi 19 pkt
(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
Z pamiętnika masażysty - nic, co ludzkie nie jest mi już obce to dziennik codzienny fizjoterapeuty Marcina, który choć ma stopień doktora i tak nazywany jest przez pacjentów masażystą. Względnie panem...
- Epub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Z pamiętnika masażysty człowiek zawsze kicha dwa razy to druga część przygód dr Marcina, zwanego masażystą lub panem Marcinkiem. Nasz ulubieniec wraca z długich wakacji, by ponownie zmierzyć się z rz...
- Epub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
O Wojtku z planety Uran to kosmiczna opowieść dla dzieci małych i dużych, od lat 4 do 100+. Jej siła i moc leży w prostocie i autentyczności, bo ta historia naprawdę się wydarzyła! Wszystko zaczęło si...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
O Antku, który poleciał na Uran to kosmiczna opowieść dla dzieci małych i dużych! Nasza międzyplanetarna przygoda zaczyna się pewnego deszczowego dnia, gdy Antek, lat 9, wyrusza w swoją pierwszą podró...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
One of the best classic novels in world literature. Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavrosh the names of the heroes of the novel have long become common nouns, the number of its readers for a century and a ha...
- Epub + Mobi 27 pkt
(27.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)27.92 zł
34.90 zł(-20%) -
In Calling Dr. Kildare, Dr. Kildare has left his family home to work in a metropolitan hospital with the brilliant Dr. Gillespie who is slowly dying. Kildare has been chosen to work under the irascibl...
- Epub + Mobi 11 pkt
(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Another great Western by Max Brand aka Frederick Faust, Clung is one his most memorable and intriguing characters. As a Western author, Brand did not shrink from controversial topics such as race rela...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
One of Max Brands worth reading as an alternative to his western stories. Michael Clovelly might not have been the greatest swordsman ever to come to London town during the reign of the Merry Monarch,...
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(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
Lucky Bill has the reputation of a natural battler, but he is not a cold-blooded killer. Then Bill finds himself on the wrong side of the law when he is accused of a crime he did not commit, and plent...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
A power more than human, a will to absolute evil such was he. All who had tried to save her from him perished... Must her true love also die? Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incred...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, youll like Happy Jack (1936) by Max Brand. One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy i...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Bad News for Bad Men is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Maxs leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. M...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
After 8 years in prison for murder, Jimmy Geary returns to his town Yellow Creek, and his past, and an ambush. Jimmy was very happy to see town again. But there are three men who arent happy to see Ji...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
No matter what name Frederick Schiller Faust was writing under, its sure to be a tightly written action packed book and Outlaws Code is no exception. Lawrence Grey is called El Diablo the devil thou...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
First published in 1932, Lucky Larribee is another great read by Max Brand. Alfred Larribee likes drinking, not working. He likes gambling, too. Maybe thats what drives him to risk his easy-going life...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
This great book by Max Brand tells the story of honest, hard working Phil Slader, the son of a notorious murdering outlaw, who had sworn not to follow the footsteps of his father, a feared and hated g...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
After ten years of wandering, during which he has lived the life of a gambler and learned the ways of devious men, Tom Keene returns home, only to find his father alone and dying. Old John Keenes sole...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
This collection includes three short novels from one of the top three Western novelists of all time Max Brand (Frederick Faust). The stories here are character studies of outlaws, the lives they lead ...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under th...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
Larramees Ranch is another great and entertaining Max Brand novel! This is quite a change of pace for Max Brand. His hero Tom Holden is a bookish young man with a bad leg, no money, and no experience ...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Max Brand is generally regarded as the author of superior westerns like his Destry Rides Again, but Brand also wrote the Dr. Kildare series and numerous detective stories as well. Never before publish...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
Another great tale by Frederick Schiller Faust who was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand! The Kid was a lawmans worst nightmare. ...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
The name Max Brand is synonymous with great adventure and quality. Good men gone bad fill the pages of this Western trio, with stories of outlaws, horse thieves and a rowdy ranch hand who turns to sta...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel Six Golden Angels. Max Brands action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Max Brand (Frederick Schiller Faust) is one of the greatest early Western writers who has been labeled one of the top three Western novelists of all time and Speedys Bargain is one of 9 Speedy stories...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Another Sleeper story, featuring Sleeper, a gunslinger turned horse-thief, from the collection More Tales of the Wild West. Six action-packed stories of the Old West, filled with unforgettable charact...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
A collection of three short exciting stories by Max Brand aka Federick Faust. Brand has been labeled one of the top three Western novelists of all time so western fans will be in for a treat. It inclu...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
They called him Speedy because he could outsmart bankers, outfox barkeeps, and outwit bounty hunters faster than any man alive. He arrived on an iron horse. The day he rode into Durfee, he was more th...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. Als...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Something natural or supernatural enters the soul of Andrew Creel, a commonplace and disaffected young man, and drives him into a swift game where death is a probability on the one side and love only ...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
The Face and the Doctor is another short story by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) who was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand....
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. His...
- Epub + Mobi 11 pkt
(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Gra na cztery to współczesna powieść obyczajowa o dwóch skrzypaczkach z gdańskiej filharmonii, menadżerce kwartetu smyczkowego oraz dziennikarce kulturalnej. Każda z kobiet pragnie odnieść sukces i zd...
- Epub + Mobi 23 pkt
(23.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)23.92 zł
29.90 zł(-20%) -
His name was Jim Silver, but they called him Silvertip. Jim Silver, the man with tufts of silver hair over each temple, the man who sometimes looked like a horned devil in the moonlight, hungered for ...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Accused, tried, and convicted of robbery and murder that he did not commit, Jim Seton rotted in jail for five long years. Although the townspeople said he was lucky not to hang, that wasnt how Jim saw...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
One of the most prolific writers of all time, he wrote more than 500 novels and nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. Alongside Zane Grey, the western section o...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Young Larry Lynmouth had been the most fabulous outlaw of them all. Now he was determined to go straight. But going straight wasnt that easy-not with ugly leeches like Jay Cress around, who couldnt be...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
A good classic western by Max Brand (Frederick Faust) about the famous outlaw King Bird. The King Bird, a young, reckless and mystery bandit, whose definition of happiness is freedom, the best horse, ...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Superstar pulpsmith Max Brand was best known for his Westerns, but his historical adventures rank among the best stories he ever wrote. He wrote somewhere around 12 or 13 historical swashbucklers not ...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
An exciting saga of danger, adventure, and romance on the Western frontier. Bill Lancaster was a dangerous man that no one dared mess with. He was fast with a gun, deadly with his fists, and a bully w...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Les Burchard owned the local gambling palace, half the town, and most of the surrounding territory, and Walt Devons thousand-acre ranch would make him king of the land. The trouble was, Devon didnt wa...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Staying alive is worth a thousand dollars a day to Oliver Wilton. Thats what hes paying Lew Sherry and Pete Long as hired guns to keep him healthy. And after riding the range, the money looks more tha...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
He was smiling continually, with such an air of removal above the concerns of ordinary mortals, with such an upward lifting of the head, that his fellows in the boat had called him, from the first day...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
If you like classic animal stories you will like this one for sure. Tucker Crosden bred his dogs to be champions. Yet even by frontiersmans brutal standards, bull terrier White Wolf was special. Tucke...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
A pair of seventeen-year-old boys leaves the house to make their way to fate in the Far Eastern seas. It must be my hands that are at fault, then, replied Clive. Ive been trying everywhere for the pas...
- Epub + Mobi 19 pkt
(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
At the Bar-Tor farm in Dartmoor, owned by young Robert Hamlin. Downstairs, on the red land of Devon, a porcelain clay deposit was found, the value of which, although not fantastic, was large enough to...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
Doctor Kildare approached just in time to hear Meg say to the officer, "I heard a shot outside my apartment, then a crash. When I ran out, this man was lying on the landing... "Whiskey Sour" (1938) i...
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14.90 zł(-20%) -
You dont get a much more evocative opening than that for a Western novella called Werewolf, and the story lives up to both its title and that opening in ways you wont expect from Max Brand who did wri...
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(11.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)11.92 zł
14.90 zł(-20%) -
Keith Marlowe, who had just been trained at the Mounted Police Barracks, Regina, is heading to the country of Kuchin and the Rockies to gather white drug dealers. Keith has a long, painful journey, an...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
A few minutes passed, and Martin, lazily tapping his pencil on paper, seemed to have little interest in sounds. Then suddenly his attitude changed, his back straightened, and a look of passionate inte...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
The TEA at the Wasperton School was nothing more than thick slices of bread and margarine and an ominous black mixture served in huge metal teapots. The food was so bad that the boys could hardly eat ...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
The long table was filled with guys from Overtons school, everyone was busy with breakfast and talked from sixteen to a dozen. Only two days remained until the end of the summer semester, and everyone...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
Dick traveled halfway around the world to get to this particular house, and despite his pinkish-white appearance, the boy had a lot of courage. Dick saw a heavy, bloated-looking man, with a fat, flabb...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
Jim was a tall boy, taller than Bart and probably a year older, and would have looked nice if not for his conceited expression. His hair was black as ink, he had very dark eyes, and his skin was darke...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
This spring was the most treasured possession of Kurt, since without him there could not have been a trout farm that gave him life. There was never a day when he did not inspect it, and it was very fa...
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24.90 zł(-20%) -
The boy knew all too well that his father was fighting to preserve the farm. The land was poor and they had three bad seasons. Unable to even pay for the labor, the farmer Holt and his seventeen-year-...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
Fat Mr. Horner might have changed his mind if he could have watched Gilberts face as he drove his rattling old motorcycle over the bridge and climbed the steep slope beyond. The young mans lips were c...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
The roar of the pampero rattling above the chimneys of the solidly built Estancia drowned the rumble, but the sound was loud enough for Jock and Ned Burnie to jump from their chairs by the fire and ru...
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(19.92 zł najniższa cena z 30 dni)19.92 zł
24.90 zł(-20%) -
Four years of hard work under the tropical sun, a young American invested in this place. He, Dick, had been on it for a whole year. He knew how Dudley liked it, and knew perfectly well that it would b...
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24.90 zł(-20%) -
Winter closed early over the great desert of the Northwest, and the first dense snow lay on the banks and covered dark trees with a white mantle. Ice formed under the river banks, and its huge layers ...
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The early summer morning was warm and very quiet, and the only sound in the bare, barn-like room was the slow sucking of waves at the foot of the granite cliff on which it was built. On the table in t...
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The cold drizzle made Plymouth unhappy, and it was with a sigh of relief that Bruce Carey exchanged the greasy, dirty platform of North Road Station for the warm, well-lit comfort of a first-class nig...
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As the great plane roared through the upper air, young Monty Vince sat with his eyes glued to the thick glass window of her enclosed body, and watched the sea of clouds lying like a pearly floor far b...
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Peter slowly rose to the top. He was in a blue twill suit, his brown shoes were old but well polished, and his soft gray hat looked like a hundred others. If someone tried to watch him, they would tak...
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The bottom of the gorge was filled with old lava, black and fragile, like bottle glass, but the rocks that endlessly rose on both sides on an African night were made of limestone. Everything was still...
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Short and stout as he was, Pip could handle a boat with any man, and the speed with which he got the sail up and tied down the reef points was worth watching. As he finished, the great arch of cloud s...
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Peter Carr, with his usual skills, scattered flies through blazing puddles. And yet not a single fish moved, nor did the slightest rise reward him for all his efforts. Peter walked many miles that day...
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This old science fiction novel, Bridges, describes the Earth, largely devastated and devastated by terrible unrest in the solar system. The story tells about the adventures of seven people sailing in ...
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Set against a Florida background, this story tells of the adventures of Bill Picton and his young companions who trail a gang of moonshiners through the steaming, sluggish swamp-lands. Fitzgordon had ...
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Pisfeter manages to convince the birds that their mission is to rule the world. According to his idea, the bird city of Tucekukuyshchyna is being built between heaven and earth; birds give wings to Pi...
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This bold statement by Euripides is an absurd premise on which the whole game depends. Women are outraged by the image of the female as crazy, murderous and sexually depraved, and they use the Thesmop...
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An elderly wine grower Trigay, tired of the war and strife between the Greek cities, on a giant dung beetle goes to heaven to talk with Zeus. Arriving there, Trigay learns from Hermes that Zeus and th...
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Old Philokleon was so addicted to attending court hearings that his son Bdelikleon locked him in the house and stretched a net around the house. He wants to ensure a quiet life for his father, but Phi...
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This is the comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes, the earliest of his plays that have survived to this day. Together with Mir and Lysistrata refers to the anti-war comedies of the author....
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This is a comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes. First introduced in 408 BC e., was later redesigned and put on the scene in 388 BC. e. in a contest with four more poets. Competition resul...
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The game begins with Praxagora leaving the house on the Athenian street before dawn. She wears a fake beard and mens clothes, and she carries a cane and a lit lamp. A chorus of Athenian women enter on...
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A woman named Lysistrata, determined to stop the senseless war, gathers women from all over Greece in the square in front of the Acropolis of Athens. She offers them until the men make peace do not s...
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The old farmer Strepsiad is in debt because of his son Fidippida, squandering money for equestrian sports. Strepsiad seeks help from a neighbor the sage of Socrates; Having come to the thought room, ...
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Aristophanes is revered as the father of comedy. He wrote over forty works, of which eleven reached us. Centuries have passed, but the comedies of Aristophanes continue to live. The political events t...
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Knighs are not just equestrians: the whole estate was called in Athens those who had enough money to keep a war horse. These were wealthy people, had small estates outside the city, lived on their in...
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The theme of the little man, which appeared in many of Chekhovs short stories, was also touched on in the novel My Life. The main character, Misail Poloznev, a nobleman by birth, becomes a simple work...
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Correspondence with Knipper is interesting not only as a chronicle of the last years of Chekhovs life, not only as a valuable source of information about the first years of the Art Theater. Knipper to...
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The treatise is divided into 8 chapters (books), each of which is devoted to a particular topic. First of all, in the first book, Aristotle begins his concept with the very concept of state, since wit...
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It can be seen from the book that at that time rhetoric was used to a greater extent in the courts, and Aristotle writes a lot about judicial speeches, how to convince judges and jurors, and sometimes...
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The book, which at one time produced the most ambitious scandal in the history of British literature of the XIX century. This is a book that was desperately admired and equally desperately outraged. T...
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This story is about a girl whose family has lost everything. Despite his young age, Agnes makes an important decision for himself and his family to go to work as a governess. Those close, at first dis...
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Aristophanes, nicknamed the father of comedy, wrote in a different way than the first tragedies. He was troubled by everyday problems, rarely associated with the past. Gods also rarely appeared in his...
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The first part of this essay gives a general description of the term poetics. At first, Aristotle claims that any art is based on a mimesis, or imitation. Aristotle proves this by arguing that curiosi...
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The story of a boy Egor, who goes from his home to a gymnasium located in another city. This trip is the last event before the start of a new life away from mother and familiar places. Nothing unexpec...
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This is a collection of judgments. In The Analects the mystical layer is completely absent, as well as the natural-philosophical problems. Outwardly unsystematically arranged aphorisms are united by t...
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A Personal Record is the story of the design and manuscript of Caprice Olmeyer, Conrads first novel, as well as the story of his dream about the sea, and the story of his cousin who ate a dog, and the...
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A short story about an unhappy involuntary marriage. Family quarrels, like bad weather in the Russian wilderness: there is nothing worse than becoming an involuntary captive of a blizzard of someone e...
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The Doctrine of the Mean is a text rich in symbolism and a guide to cultivation. The goal of the doctorine meaning is to maintain balance and harmony from the direction of the mind to a state of const...
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This is an exciting saga located in the Indian Ocean basin, against the stormy backdrop of barely suppressed military operations between the Dutch and British merchant fleets, told by one of Conrads c...
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A Smile of Fortune is located on a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean, on which the narrator, captain docked; ship suppliers are supposedly brothers who have not talked to each other for 18 years. ...
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This book is a collection of some of Konrads reviews and writings. The collection is divided into two parts, primarily the sections Letters, its reviews. The second section is called Life, but this is...
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Self-deception regarding his wife, inflicted on the good-natured captain of the ship and the like. the willingness to succumb to base men on the part of the painted woman. It truly demonstrates how ev...
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The tale begins, like many books about Konrad, with a group of travelers gathered together and exchanging maritime stories. Falk is subtle and minimalistic, and perhaps only the writer of the great Co...
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This is both mystery and romance; the latter creates one of the recurring difficulties in Conrad: it preserves the Victorian histrionic element, which sometimes may seem a little attractive. But overa...
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Joseph Conrads Mirror of the Sea was a compelling read. From love to death, Conrad explains all this, using his life in the sea to match the human condition. The Mirror of the Sea is mainly about the ...
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A unique poetic work, about which historians and critics, philosophers and even adherents of various mystical and esoteric teachings are desperately arguing about. Hell is a colossal funnel of concent...
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Since this is not a very famous story, and most of the pleasure that it provides depends on the surprise that the highlight in the story will present to the reader. Winston Bunter, who registered as F...
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This is a story of less than 100 pages, but in it Conrad demonstrates how many great writers do it, the simple and elegant power of short work. Here, a writer can briefly convey a compelling message i...
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